cover of episode 10/08 TOP OF THE DAY 中美苏黎世会晤/神舟十三号“出差”在即/全球首款疟疾疫苗

10/08 TOP OF THE DAY 中美苏黎世会晤/神舟十三号“出差”在即/全球首款疟疾疫苗

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NEWS ON 10/08 **1. *SENIOR CHINESE OFFICIALMEETS U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR 杨洁篪会晤美国总统国家安全事务助理沙利文 **2. *CHINA PREPARES TO SEND 3MORE ASTRONAUTS TO ITS SPACE STATION *神舟十三号就位!三名航天员即将“出差”6个月* **3. WHO BACKS ROLLOUT OF MALARIAVACCINE 世卫组织建议部分地区广泛接种首款疟疾疫苗 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. SENIOR CHINESE OFFICIALMEETS U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR 杨洁篪会晤美国总统国家安全事务助理沙利文 Yang Jiechi, a member of the PoliticalBureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has met with U.S.National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in Zurich, Switzerland. 中共中央政治局委员杨洁篪同美国总统国家安全事务助理沙利文在瑞士苏黎世举行会晤。 The two sides exchanged views onChina-US relations as well as international and regional issues of commonconcern. Yang said whether both countries handle their relations well bear onthe fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples, as well as thefuture of the world. Yang noted that China attaches importance to the positiveremarks on China-US relations made recently by US President Joe Biden, andChina has noticed that the Biden administration said it has no intention目的 to contain China’s development, and isnot seeking a “new Cold War”. China hopes the US side adopts a rational andpragmatic China policy, and, together with China, follows a path of mutualrespect, peaceful co-existence and win-win cooperation, with respect for eachother’s core interests. 双方就中美关系和共同关心的国际与地区问题全面、坦诚、深入交换意见。杨洁篪指出,中美能否处理好彼此关系,事关两国和两国人民根本利益,攸关世界前途命运。杨洁篪表示,中方重视拜登总统近期关于中美关系的积极表态,注意到美方表示无意遏制中国发展,不搞“新冷战”,希望美方采取理性务实的对华政策,同中方一道尊重彼此核心利益和重大关切,走中美相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢之路。 *2. CHINA PREPARES TO SEND 3MORE ASTRONAUTS TO ITS SPACE STATION *神舟十三号就位!三名航天员即将“出差”6个月* The China Manned Space Agency ispreparing the country’s next mission as the Shenzhou 13 spacecraft and a LongMarch-2F carrier rocket have been transferred to the launch pad at JiuquanSatellite Launch Center. 神舟十三号载人飞船与长征二号F遥十三运载火箭组合体已转运至酒泉发射区,中国载人航天今年第二批航天员即将出征太空。 The agency said today the spaceshipwill be launched in the near future at an appropriate适当的* time. TheShenzhou-13 will carry 3 astronauts to the country’s space station, where theywill stay for six months. Numerous pre-launch checks will be carried out. Themission is part of a series of launches to complete the assembly of the new spacestation by next year. 国家航天局今日(10月7日)表示,神舟十三号计划近期择机实施发射,将有三名航天员搭乘神舟十三号载人飞船,前往空间站,展开为期6个月的太空生活。后续将按计划开展发射前的各项功能检查、联合测试等工作,此次发射任务为天宫空间站建设任务之一,按计划,中国空间站将于2022年前后完成建造。 3. WHO BACKS ROLLOUT OF MALARIAVACCINE 世卫组织建议部分地区广泛接种首款疟疾疫苗 The World Health Organization isbacking the rollout首次展示 of theonly approved vaccine against malaria to children in Africa, marking apotential advance against a disease that kills hundreds of thousands of peopleannually. 世界卫生组织批准全球首款疟疾疫苗,并建议为非洲及其他高危地区的儿童进行广泛接种,这是人类对抗这个每年导致数十万人死亡的疾病的“一大进步”。 Since2019, 2.3 million doses of Mosquirix, developed by British pharmaceuticalcompany GlaxoSmithKline, have been administered to infants in Ghana, Kenya andMalawi in a large-scale pilot program coordinated by the WHO. The disease iscaused by parasites and transmitted to people through infected mosquitoes.Symptoms include fever, vomiting and shivering. The vaccine's effectivenessagainst severe cases of malaria in children is only around 30 percent, but isthe only approved vaccine against the disease that kills one child in Africaevery minute. 2019年以来,在世卫组织协调的一项大规模试点项目中,英国制药公司葛兰素史克为加纳、肯尼亚和马拉维的儿童接种了230万剂疫苗。疟疾由寄生虫引起,通过受感染的蚊子传播给人类,患病症状包括发烧、呕吐和颤抖。在非洲,每分钟就有一名儿童因这种疾病而死亡。该疫苗预防儿童疟疾重症病例的效力为30%左右,但却是非洲唯一获批的疟疾疫苗。 #热词加油站 intention, n. [ɪnˈtenʃn]**【目的 appropriate, adj. [əˈproʊpriət]适当的* rollout, n. [ˈroʊˌlaʊt]首次展示* 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~