NEWS ON 9/301.CHINA’S FOREIGN INVESTMENT RANKS NO.1 IN THE WORLD全球第一!2020年中国对外直接投资达1537亿美元**2.PREMATURE GIANT ANTEATER PUP MEETS THE PUBLIC AT SH WILD ANIMAL PARK“巨兽节”上线!浦东动物园喊你来看大食蚁兽宝宝啦3.FUMIO KISHIDA WINS JAPAN’S RULING PARTY PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION岸田文雄即将出任日本第100任首相**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA’S FOREIGN INVESTMENT RANKS NO.1 IN THE WORLD****全球第一!2020年中国对外直接投资达1537亿美元China’s direct investment in other countries increased nearly 154 billion US dollars in 2020, marking the first time the country ranked No. 1 in foreign investment globally. Some 70 percent of the investments went to four major industries, leasing【租赁】 and commercial services, finance, manufacturing, plus wholesale【批发】 and retail【零售】. That came from a report released today by the Ministry of Commerce, the statistics bureau and the foreign exchange administrator.今天(29日),商务部、国家统计局、国家外汇管理局联合发布公报显示,去年,中国对外直接投资达1537亿美元,流量规模首次位居全球第一。近七成投资流向租赁和商务服务、金融、制造与批发和零售这四大领域。The report said outbound【出境的】direct investment rose 12 percent year on year in 2020, after a contraction【收缩】 of 4.3 percent in 2019. China’s total foreign investments came to almost 2.6 trillion US dollars at the end of 2020, ranking third after the United States and the Netherlands. 公报显示,在2019年收缩4.3%后,2020年中国对外直接投资同比增长12.3%。到2020年末,中国对外直接投资存量达2.58万亿美元,次于美国和荷兰。2.PREMATURE GIANT ANTEATER PUP MEETS THE PUBLIC AT SH WILD ANIMAL PARK“巨兽节”上线!浦东动物园喊你来看大食蚁兽宝宝啦China’s first artificially-bred premature【早产的】 giant anteater【食蚁兽】 pup got to meet the public today at Shanghai Wild Animal Park in Pudong. The pup is now under the careful eyes of zoo keepers in the park’s nursing room. Sun Siqi takes a look.在上海浦东野生动物园,国内首例人工育幼成活大食蚁兽宝宝经过保育员的精心照料,今起(29日)正式和游客见面。At lunch time, zoo keepers were preparing a special meal for the giant anteater pup.动物园的工作人员正精心为这只大食蚁兽宝宝准备专属午餐。INTERVIEWShen Jianping, StaffShanghai Wild Animal Park沈建平,上海野生动物园工作人员We have added beef, eggs, various fruits, tomatoes and dried ants into the meals. The pup prefers to eat something sour and dried ants are just sour enough to add to the flavor.里面有牛肉,鸡蛋,各种水果,西红柿,苹果,香蕉,还有蚂蚁干,它比较喜欢吃酸的,蚂蚁干也比较酸,增加它的口味。After a nice meal, the pup was brought outdoors for a variety of games. The zoo keeper said the mother was originally expected to give birth at the end of June. However, the pup was delivered prematurely.饱餐一顿后,大食蚁兽宝宝就被带到在小动物乐园的户外草坪活动。据保育员介绍,这只大食蚁兽幼崽今本应6月底出生,但却早产近一个月。INTERVIEWShen Jianping, StaffShanghai Wild Animal Park沈建平,上海野生动物园工作人员The pup was too weak to climb onto its mother’s back, making it difficult for her to take care of it. It was actually the first time we’ve had to care for a premature giant ant-eater pup. We fed it dehydrated【脱水的】 animal milk to begin with, then moved onto solid food.主要是因为早产,就比较弱,正常的话,幼崽应该要爬到母亲的背上,但是它没有这个能力,所以爬不上去,爬不上去(母亲)就没法带它了。我们这边全人工喂养我们也是第一次,我们人工配乳,我们用犬奶粉、猫奶粉,人工配置,然后让它慢慢适应。The male pup was hypothermic【体温低的】 and almost unconscious【昏迷的】 when it was first brought to the zoo. It weighed less than 1 kilogram. He was eventually nursed【照料】 to health by the zoo keepers, and now weighs 10 kilograms. The zoo keepers say the pup will be staying in the nursery for another two months before being sent to live with the other giant anteaters in the park.刚被送到动物园时,这只雄性幼兽体重不足1000克,体温低并已进入半昏迷的状态。最终经过保育员的抢救和精心照料,小家伙目前的体重已有约10公斤。接下来,它还将在育婴苑生活两个月,之后将被送去与其他大食蚁兽一同生活。3.FUMIO KISHIDA WINS JAPAN’S RULING PARTY PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION****岸田文雄即将出任日本第100任首相Japan’s former Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida won the presidential election for Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party today. Lei Shuran has more.今天(29日)下午,日本前外务大臣、64岁的岸田文雄当选执政党自民党总裁。In the first round, Kishida won 256 votes while his contender, vaccination minister Taro Kono secured 255 votes, another two candidates【候选人】, both female received 188 and 63. None of the four candidates secured a majority in the first round of voting. In the runoff vote, Kishida secured 257 votes to Kono’s 170. After his victory, the 64-year-old politician delivered a speech saying that he will lead a transformed party in the general election which is scheduled to occur within weeks.自民党总裁选举在岸田文雄、疫苗大臣河野太郎、前总务大臣高市早苗以及自民党代理干事长野田圣子四人中展开角逐。在首轮投票中,岸田文雄获得256票,河野太郎获得255票,另外两位候选者分获188和63票。四人中,无一得票超过半数。根据选举规则,票数最高的岸田与河野进入第二轮对决。最终,岸田以87票的优势战胜河野,拿下选举。之后岸田文雄登台讲话,表示会在几周后的大选上带领自民党展现全新的面貌。Fumio KishidaNewly Elected LDP President岸田文雄,日本自民党新任总裁From today, I will, with all of my energy, get straight to work. At present, Japan’s national crisis will continue. We must continue our efforts with measures against COVID-19 with utmost【最大的】 determination. In addition, economic measures on the scale of tens of trillions of yen must be firmly established by the end of the year. 从今天起我将竭尽全力,立马投入工作。目前,日本的国家危机仍将持续,我们必须以最大的决心,继续努力采取针对新冠疫情的措施。此外,须在年底前果断出台数十万亿日元规模的经济措施。As the LDP-led coalition constitutes a majority in both chambers of the Japanese parliament, the new party president is almost certain to succeed Yoshihide Suga, and be elected prime minister in the extraordinary Diet session scheduled to be held on October 4. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying today said that China is willing to work with Japan’s new government in accordance with the principles established in the four political documents between the two Asian countries, and promote bilateral ties.由于自民党在议会中占据多数,新总裁岸田文雄将在10月4号召集的临时国会上,接替菅义伟出任日本第100任首相。外交部新闻发言人华春莹今日(29日)表示,中方愿同日本新一届执政团队一道,恪守中日四个政治文件确定的各项原则和精神,深化各领域务实合作,推动中日关系沿着正确轨道健康稳定发展。#热词加油站leasing n. /ˈliːsɪŋ/【租赁】 wholesale n. /ˈhəʊlseɪl/ 【批发】retail n. /ˈriːteɪl/【零售】outbound adj. /ˈaʊtbaʊnd/【出境的】contraction n. /kənˈtrækʃn/【收缩】premature adj. /ˌpriːməˈtʃʊr/【早产的】anteater n. /ˈæntiːtə/【食蚁兽】 dehydrated adj. /ˌdiːhaɪˈdreɪtɪd/【脱水的】 hypothermic adj. /,haipəu'θə:mik/【体温低的】unconscious adj. /ʌnˈkɒnʃəs/【昏迷的】 nurse /nɜːs/【照料】 candidate /ˈkændɪdeɪt/【候选人】utmost /ˈʌtməʊst/【最大的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~