NEWS ON 9/281.2021 WORLD INTERNET CONFERENCE ZEROES IN ON DATA, CYBERSECURITY世界互联网大会开幕,全球目光聚焦中国乌镇2. FIRST CIIE EXHIBIT ARRIVES IN SHANGHAI进博会首票展品抵沪通关,氢能源赛车静待亚洲首秀3. WORLD'S FIRST RAILWAY LOOP LINE CIRCLING A DESERT COMPLETED“大国工程”再创奇迹,世界首条沙漠环线铁路新疆竣工-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. 2021 WORLD INTERNET CONFERENCE ZEROES IN ON DATA, CYBERSECURITY世界互联网大会开幕,全球目光聚焦中国乌镇 The 2021 World Internet Conference started yesterday in the water town of Wuzhen in Zhejiang Province. About 2,000 delegates【代表】 from over 80 countries and regions joined the conference either online or in-person, discussing issues including new development trends and global management of cyber-space. Zhang Hong tells us more.2021年世界互联网大会昨日(26日)在浙江省的水城乌镇开幕。共有来自80多个国家和地区的近2000名代表以线下或线上的形式参会,讨论了全球网络前沿技术发展新趋势、网络空间治理新态势等议题。Data and cybersecurity are two of the focal points at the conference. Tesla CEO Elon Musk joined one meeting online and said data security is essential for smart vehicles.数据和网络安全是大会的两大重点议题。特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克远程参加了会议,并表示数据安全对于智能汽车至关重要。 Elon Musk, CEOTesla 埃隆·马斯克,特斯拉首席执行官 Tesla has set up a data center in China to localize all data generated from our business here, including production,sales, service and charging. All personally identifiable【可识别的】 information is securely stored in China without being transferred overseas.特斯拉已经在中国建立了数据中心,包括生产数据、销售数据、服务数据和充电数据等所有个人身份信息都安全地储存在中国国内,不会转移到海外。Zhou Hongyi, founder and chairman of Qihoo360 Technology, said that more work is needed to deal with cybersecurity challenges, and companies need a new system to ensure the safety of their data.360集团创始人、董事长周鸿祎表示,解决数字化复杂安全问题需要新的解决方案,应以安全新体系筑牢数字安全屏障。Zhou Hongyi, Founder & CEO Qihoo 360 Technology****周鸿祎,360集团创始人、首席执行官In the past, cybersecurity companies were like someone selling medicines. Now I want to compare our work to building a hospital for clients. We help them during the whole process, including their operation modes and equipment, so as to enhance their overall capability to deal with security issues. We want to empower our clients, companies and the government.网络安全公司原来像卖药。现在我们的模式把它改成帮你建医院。医院的各种流程,各种运营方式,再加上各种药和医疗设备,这样才能形成强大的医疗能力。要把能力真正赋能给客户、赋能给政府、赋能给企业The World Internet Conference will end tomorrow. 本次大会将于明日(28日)闭幕。2. FIRST CIIE EXHIBIT ARRIVES IN SHANGHAI****进博会首票展品抵沪通关,氢能源赛车静待亚洲首秀The first exhibit -- a hydrogen【氢】 powered race car flown-in from Luxembourg, for this year's China International Import Expo cleared customs today due to improved procedures. SunSiqi has more.第四届中国国际进口博览会的首单展品——一台从卢森堡空运至上海的氢动力赛车样车,得益于海关绿色通道的开辟,今日(27日)已顺利完成通关手续。Click, and approve. Shipping Order Number One just got through customs this morning, a hydrogen energy race car worth 70,000 euros. At previous CIIEs, a company would need to send an employee to customs to fill in the forms.轻点鼠标,即可快速通关。首单展品,这台价值7万欧元的氢能源赛车在早上就已通过了海关审核。而在此之前,是需要企业关务人员到海关现场提交单证资料的。Jiang Kaiyuan, CommissionerExhibition division, Shanghai Customs姜开源 上海会展中心海关关长This demonstrates customs approval truly takes just seconds. This wouldn't happen without big data support at Shanghai Customs.今天首票通关的这票展品,全程都是通过我们上海海关的跨境贸易大数据平台“进博模块”,达到了"秒放"的级别。46 percent of the race car's tires are recycled. With the help of the CIIE, Michelin hopes to bring these tires to mass produced cars in the near future.这台赛车轮胎中46%的材料是可循环再利用的,在进博会的帮助下,今后有望实现从赛道推广到"街道"的演绎。Kamran Vossoughi, CEOMichelin China伟书杰,米其林中国区总裁、首席执行官Shanghai is providing the full ecosystem to make our company easy to do business in Shanghai and in China.上海提供了良好的营商环境 让企业能更方便地在上海乃至在中国开展商务活动。This shipment of goods arrived at 7pm yesterday and disinfection was done overnight courtesy of a green channel for CIIE goods. The CIIE will take place from November 5th to 10th at the National Exhibition and Convention Center. The majority of goods will arrive in October. Luxury items, surgical【外科】robots and autonomous loaders will be among the products exhibited.这批展品在昨晚(26日晚)7点运抵上海,海关连夜进行了消杀,使其顺利通过进博会绿色通道。本届进博会将于今年11月5日至10日在国家会展中心举办,参会展品的入境将在10月迎来高峰,包括无人电动装载机、外科手术机器人等先进技术装备和高端消费品。3. WORLD'S FIRST RAILWAY LOOP LINE CIRCLING A DESERT COMPLETED****大国工程”再创奇迹,世界首条沙漠环线铁路新疆竣工The world's first desert-railway loop route was completed today in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The 825-kilometer-longrailway links Hotan City with Ruoqiang County in the Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture. Track-laying was completed at around 11am. A total of 50million square meters of sod【草地】 was laid and 13million seedlings were planted to reduce the risk of sandstorms along the route.和若铁路今日(27日)在新疆维吾尔自治区竣工,标志着世界上第一条沙漠环线铁路——环塔克拉玛干沙漠铁路正式闭合。和若铁路全长约825公里,连接了和田市以及巴音郭勒蒙古自治区的若羌县。铺轨作业在上午11时左右完成。为防范风沙,和若铁路沿线目前共修建草方格近5000万平方米,种植树苗近1300万株。The railway is expected to open in June 2022. Five counties in southern Xinjiang and certain towns of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps will be connected to the provincial rail network, promoting economic and social development in the region.和若铁路预计2022年6月实现开通运营。它的建成结束了南疆地区5个县以及新疆建设兵团3个兵团团场不通火车的历史,将大力推动当地经济社会发展。 #热词加油站delegate [ˈdelɪɡət , ˈdelɪɡeɪt]【代表】identifiable [aɪˌdentɪˈfaɪəbl]【可识别的】hydrogen [ˈhaɪdrədʒən]【氢气,氢】surgical [ˈsɜːrdʒɪkl]【外科,外科的】sod [sɑːd]【草地】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~