NEWS ON 09/18 1.TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGH HELPS WITH SAFE RETURN OF SHENZHOU-12 神舟十二号归家几道难,多重科技保驾护航 2.TOURISM FESTIVAL OPENS WITH FORCUS ON CLASSIC ARCHITECTURES 建筑可阅读!在上海旅游节共赏魔都十二时辰 3.PUTIN TO ATTEND BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS “一起向未来”!冬奥会口号揭晓,普京总统确定出席 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGH HELPS WITH SAFE RETURN OF SHENZHOU-12 神舟十二号归家几道难,多重科技保驾护航 TheShenzhou-12’s return had four phases—speed reduction, free-gliding, re-enteringthe Earth’s atmosphere, and deploying the parachute【降落伞】 before landing. Here’s Wang Yin with more details. 神舟十二号返回过程分为四个阶段,即制动减速、自由滑行、再入大气层、开伞着陆。 Ofcourse, Chen Xuan...When a spacecraft leaves orbit and re-enters the atmosphereit temporarily loses communication with mission control. An expert said a newpredictive control plan greatly enhanced the safety of the astronauts duringthis black-out period. 当载人飞船脱离轨道、穿越大气层时,通信暂时中断,地面和航天员完全失联。一旦出现问题,只能靠航天员和飞船自主处置。专家表示,这次返回任务首次采用"预测制导"方案,大幅提升了穿越大气层"黑障"阶段的安全性和可控性。 INTERVIEW: Sun Jun, Deputy Director, BeijingAerospace Control Center 孙军,北京航天飞行控制中心副主任 We used a new self-adaptive method that allowed the spacecraft to identify its surroundings during the black-out period when returning to Earth. The predictive control ensured the accuracy of the landing location and guaranteed the crew’s safety. It is a major technological breakthrough in controlling the spacecraft’s return to Earth. 采用了新的自适应方案,能够在飞船返回在“黑障”过程中辨识空间环境对它的影响,能够实时制定出新的升力控制的策略。应该说通过预测制导的方案,一个是保证人员着陆的精度,另外保证了整个的安全性。应该说是我们返回控制方面的一个重大的技术突破。 There turn capsule【太空舱】 landed at the Dongfeng site for the first time rather than Siziwang Banner, both inInner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The Dongfeng site is about 20,000 square kilometers, 10 times larger than Siziwang Banner, creating a need for better communication. 神舟十二号载人飞船返回舱着陆场从内蒙古四子王旗调整到东风着陆场,最终成功着陆。这也是东风着陆场首次执行载人飞船搜索回收任务。东风着陆场的搜救范围可达2万平方公里,比四子王旗着陆场大了10倍,其搜索、导航、通信能力得到保障。 INTERVIEW: Zhou Bin, GroundCommunication Operator, Shenzhou-12 Search and Rescue Ground Unit 周斌,神舟十二号搜救回收地面分队通信操作手 The communication distance between vehicles, and between vehicles and base stations increased from 20 to 50 kilometers to ensure the smooth operation of ground communication. 车与车之间、车与基站之间通信距离由(原来的)20公里增加至50公里,确保了地面通信的畅通。 During their 90-day space stay, the crew carried out two spacewalks, as well as a series of experiments. They tested key technologies for the construction【建设】 and operation【操作】 of the space station, long-term stays for astronauts, and in-orbit maintenance【维护】. They also set a new record for the longest space stay by Chinese astronauts. 神舟十二号航天员乘组在空间站组合体工作生活了90天,圆满完成了两次出舱任务及一系列航天医学领域的实验项目,对核心舱组合体的各种设备进行日常管理、调试,定期监测、维持和评估自身健康状态,并执行天和核心舱在轨测试。“太空出差三人组”刷新了中国航天员单次飞行任务太空驻留时间的纪录。 **2.**TOURISM FESTIVAL OPENS WITH FORCUS ON CLASSIC ARCHITECTURES 建筑可阅读!在上海旅游节共赏魔都十二时辰 The annual Shanghai Tourism Festival began today with officials saying the biggest highlight is "Stories of Shanghai Architecture【建筑】". Zhang Yue tells us more. 9月17日,第32届上海旅游节迈过“而立之年”,终于拉开帷幕。今年,上海旅游节特别推出“建筑可阅读、城市微旅行”这一年度主题。 A24-hour livestream【直播】 called"Stories of Shanghai Architecture" started at 9pm last night. Over 40anchors from Shanghai Media Group and social media influencers visited more than 150 buildings in the city. The livestream was aired on various channels including Dragon TV, STV, Shanghai News Radio and 9月16日21点,第32届上海旅游节特别节目——“建筑可阅读”十二时辰全媒体大直播亮相荧幕,来自上海广播电视台(SMG)及知名媒体的40余位主持人成为城市“代言人”,与观众一起“阅读”上海150余处建筑的历史记忆与文化变迁。观众可以在东方卫视、上视新闻综合频道、上海新闻广播FM93.4、哔哩哔哩等平台观看直播。 Officials said a large number of offline activities will be replaced by online events amid the pandemic. Information, some of which will be in English, new and old pictures, audio and virtual tours will all be online by scanning a QR code【二维码】. 在疫情防控的新常态、新要求下,今年上海旅游节上海旅游节取消了室外活动,改为线上活动为主。今年首次推出“建筑可阅读”官方微信小程序,集合建筑信息、建筑导览、建筑打卡等功能,游客只需扫码就能享受“阅读建筑”的更多智慧化体验。 INTERVIEW: Chu Xiaobo, Deputy Director,Shanghai Admin. of Culture & Tourism 褚晓波,上海市文化和旅游局副局长 "Stories of Shanghai Architecture" has already became a signature of Shanghai tourism, and we are going to promote the campaign at this year’s festival. More residents and visitors will be able to enjoy the charm of old and new buildings in Shanghai, and read stories about these structures. 借“建筑可阅读”,我们已经形成了一个品牌。那么通过这次旅游节把它做进一步的宣传推广 让更多的市民游客到上海来打卡我们的建筑,领略我们的建筑,来阅读我们的上海。 This year’s festival will be shorter to prevent large gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic. The festival ends October 6th. 疫情期间,未避免大型线下聚集活动,上海旅游节将缩短办节时间,于10月6日结束。 **3.**PUTIN TO ATTEND BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS “一起向未来”!冬奥会口号揭晓,普京总统确定出席 Invitations were sent out worldwide for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics with the unveiling of its motto, "Together for a Shared Future". 9月17日,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会主题口号揭晓——"一起向未来"!在全球应对新冠肺炎疫情的大背景下,北京冬奥通过口号向世界发出了象征汇聚、共享和未来的邀请。 Selected from 79 proposals【提案】submitted since May 2020, organizers explained that "together"represents how mankind stays strong when facing adversity and is the solution to overcoming those difficulties and creating a better future. "For a shared future" embodies a vision for a better life and conveys hope and confidence. 去年5月以来,奥组委共征集到79句冬奥会、残奥会口号,最终“一起向未来”脱颖而出。它不仅表达了全人类需要携手共创未来的信念,还与新加入的奥林匹克格言"更团结"高度契合。“一起向未来”"体现出人们对美好生活的憧憬,传达了希望和信念。 TheWinter Games will run between February 4th and 20th, with the Winter Paralymics taking place between March 4th and 13th. 本届冬奥会将于2022年2月4日-20日举行,残奥会则将于3月4日-13日举行。 RussianPresident Vladimir Putin has accepted China’s invitation to attend the BeijingWinter Olympic Games in February 2022, according to Russian Foreign MinisterSergei Lavrov. 9月16日,俄罗斯外交部长拉夫罗夫表示,俄罗斯总统普京接受中方邀请,将出席2022年北京冬奥会。 The announcement was made yesterday in the Tajik capital of Dushanbe. Lavrov saidRussia supports China in hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics and hopes that the two leaders will be able to meet face to face during the games. He also said that Chinese and Russian athletes will be a perfect example of friendly competition and perform to the best of their abilities. 当地时间9月16日,俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫在塔吉克斯坦首都杜尚别会见中国国务委员兼外长王毅。他表示,俄方支持中方举办北京冬奥会,希望举行面对面峰会,并预祝俄中运动员赛出水平,赛出风格,赛出成绩。 #热词加油站 parachute/ˈpærəʃuːt/【降落伞】 capsule /ˈkæpsjuːl/【太空舱】 construction/kənˈstrʌkʃn/【建设】 operation/ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn/【操作】 maintenance/ˈmeɪntənəns/【维护】 architecture/ˈɑːkɪtektʃə(r)/【建筑】 livestream/ˈlaɪvstriːm/【直播】 QR code /kjuːɑː(r) kəʊd/【二维码】 proposal/prəˈpəʊzl/【提案】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”