NEWS ON 09/16 1. 14th NATIONAL GAMES OPEN 比赛精彩继续!第14届全运会在西安正式开幕 2. 50EXPATS WIN 2021 SHANGHAI MAGNOLIA SILVER AWARD *为这些歪果仁鼓掌!*2021“白玉兰纪念奖” 颁授仪式在上海举行 3. 76th UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY BEGINS 第76*届联合国大会在纽约正式开幕* -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. 14th NATIONAL GAMES OPEN 比赛精彩继续!第14届全运会在西安正式开幕 Chinese President Xi Jinping is at the opening ceremony of the 14th National Games, which opened today and run through September 27th in Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province. 中华人民共和国第十四届运动会开幕式于今晚(15日)8点在陕西西安举行。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席开幕式并宣布运动会开幕,本届全运会将于27日闭幕。 More than 12,000 athletes will compete in 595 disciplines across 54 sports. The majority of the action is taking place in 13 cities in Shaanxi. Another six events including sailing【帆船】, canoe slalom【皮划艇激流回旋】, surfing【冲浪】, fencing and breaking, a competitive form of break-dancing【霹雳舞】, will be held in seven provinces including Zhejiang, Shandong and Sichuan. 共有1万2千多名运动员参加本届全运会决赛阶段54个大项、595个小项的赛事。陕西省13个市区承办绝大多数竞技项目比赛。帆船、皮划艇激流回旋、冲浪、霹雳舞、击剑、场地自行车等项目,则被安排在浙江、山东、四川等7个省市举办。 2. 50 EXPATS WIN 2021 SHANGHAI MAGNOLIA SILVER AWARD *为这些歪果仁鼓掌!*2021“白玉兰纪念奖” 颁授仪式在上海举行 Fifty expats【外籍人士】 from 15 countries and regions were given the Magnolia Silver Award this afternoon in acknowledgment【承认、认可】 of their contributions【贡献】 to Shanghai’s development in business, culture, health-care, education and technology. Zhang Yue was at the ceremony and brings us more. 昨日(15日)下午,2021年上海市“白玉兰纪念奖”颁授仪式在上海举行,以感谢杰出外籍人士对上海市商业、文化、医疗、教育及科技领域的突出贡献,共有来自15个国家的50位杰出外籍人士获此殊荣。 The city’s foreign affairs office said these expats brought excellence and innovation to help build Shanghai into an international hub. Some are senior executives of companies, including Decathlon, Deloitte, and BMW, as well as educators from Tongji University and Shanghai Ocean University. The recipients【获奖者】 also include scientists, engineers, and artists. Maciej Lepicki, Managing Director of Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Company was granted the award for his contribution of ensuring goods continue to be transported around the world during the pandemic. The company was the first joint venture【合资企业】 in China founded in 1951. 上海市人民政府外事办公室表示,这些外籍人士为上海的国际化发展添砖加瓦、贡献力量,注入了新的活力。他们中有迪卡侬、德勤及宝马等公司的高管,有同济大学及上海海洋大学的教授,还有科学家、工程师及艺术家等。Maciej Lepicki是中波轮船股份公司波方总经理,因疫情期间在国际货运领域所作出的突出贡献被授予“白玉兰纪念奖”。中波轮船股份公司成立于1951年,是中国第一家中外合资企业。 INTERVIEW Maciej Lepicki, Managing Director Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Company Maciej Lepicki,波方总经理 中波轮船股份公司 It was 1962 when we moved from Tianjin to Shanghai, so we are very happy and we are grateful, and the environment in Shanghai is really excellent, I guess not only for Polish because we are a Chinese-Polish company but also all foreigners great not only for Polish but for all foreigners getting in China. The cooperation between local government is excellent. 1962年我们将公司从天津迁到上海,我们很感激的是整个营商环境对所有外资企业都很友好,不仅是我们这种中国波兰合资企业。而且,企业与当地政府也保持着良好的合作关系。 Pius Hornstein, the Country Lead of Sanofi China is another recipient for his dedication 【奉献】and contribution to the local health care industry. The Switzerland native describes Shanghai as the door to the world, and the city is home to the headquarters【总部】, RD center, as well as Asia-Pacific RD hub of Sanofi China. 来自瑞士的赛诺菲中国区总裁Pius Hornstein因对中国医疗行业作出的突出贡献荣获“白玉兰纪念奖”,他形容上海为通往世界的大门。目前,赛诺菲中国的公司总部、研发中心总部及亚太研发总部均设在上海。 INTERVIEW Pius Hornstein, Country Lead Sanofi China Pius Hornstein,中国区总裁 赛诺菲中国 Today China is our second largest market in the world. We want to continue to really foster【培养】 that collaboration. We want to bring even more innovation to China. We want even more localization in certain areas. 如今,中国已经是我们在全球的第二大市场。我们将继续深化合作,推动中国创新发展,并在一些领域继续推进本地化进程。 Other recipients also include Stephen Rancourt, copy editor of SMG’s ICS News. The Canadian says the award is the city’s way of showing appreciation for the contribution that foreign nationals bring to Shanghai, and every little contribution helps in pushing the city’s development forward. 获奖的还有上海广播电视台外语频道的加拿大外籍专家Stephen Rancourt。Stephen表示“白玉兰纪念奖”是上海对外籍人士所做贡献的表彰与鼓励,任何一点一滴的贡献都将推动上海不断向前发展。 INTERVIEW Stephen Rancourt, Copy Editor International Channel Shanghai Stephen Rancourt,外籍专家 上海广播电视台外语频道 The city has grown so much in the 17 years that I have been here. Now we are in the new era of technological advancement and consolidation of different technologies and sciences. It’s a great thing to see. 我在这里生活了17年,这期间上海经历了飞速发展,实现了科技进步、科技融合的巨大飞跃。 More than 1,316 people have won the award over the past 32 years, since the award was established in 1989. 自1989年“白玉兰纪念奖”成立以来,共有超过1316名外籍人士获此殊荣。 3. 76th UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY BEGINS 第76*届联合国大会在纽约正式开幕* The 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly【大会】 opened in New York, yesterday, beginning nearly three weeks of meetings and conferences including the high-level General Debate. 当地时间14日,第76届联合国大会在纽约联合国总部开幕,随后各国领导人将参加为期近三周的会议,包括一般性辩论。 Former Moldavian Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid took office as the President of the 76th UN General Assembly session. He said he intended to send a message of hope to a world troubled by the pandemic, climate change and instability. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said the Assembly has proven the value of multilateralism【多边主义】 and a rule-based international system. During the session, leaders from more than 80 countries will speak in-person at the Assembly while the other world leaders will participate via video link. 前马尔代夫外长阿卜杜拉·沙希德(Abdulla Shahid)宣誓就职,正式成为第76届联合国大会主席。沙希德呼吁世界拥抱希望,积极应对新冠疫情、气候变化和多重不稳定因素。联合国秘书长古特雷斯表示,联大证明了多边主义和基于规则的国际体系的价值。今年将有超过80个国家的领导人和政要在疫情中聚集纽约,同远程参与的领导人一道参加第76届联大高级别会议周。 #热词加油站 sailing /ˈseɪlɪŋ/【帆船】 canoe slalom /kəˈnuː ˈslɑːləm /【皮划艇激流回旋】 surfing /ˈsɜːfɪŋ /【冲浪】 break-dancing /breɪk ˈdɑːnsɪŋ /【霹雳舞】 expat /ˌeksˈpæt /【外籍人士】 contribution /ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn /【贡献】 recipient /rɪˈsɪpiənt /【获奖者】 joint venture /ˌdʒɔɪnt ˈventʃə/【合资企业】 dedication /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn /【奉献】 headquarter /ˌhedˈkwɔːtə/【总部】 foster /ˈfɒstə/【培养】 assembly /əˈsembli/【大会】 multilateralism /ˌmʌltiˈlætərəlɪzəm/【多边主义】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~