NEWS ON 09/08 1.5 PLA OFFICERS PROMOTED TO RANK OF GENERAL 中央军委举行晋升上将军衔仪式,习近平颁发命令状! 2.CITY GOVERNMENT RELEASES 14TH FIVE-YEAR PLAN FOR HONGQIAO CBD 虹桥商务区“十四五”规划出炉,架起“彩虹桥”,促进双循环 3.ELIZABETH TOWER GETS THE BLUES AS CLOCK HANDS RETURN 大本钟修复即将完工,“普鲁士蓝”再现伦敦上空 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.5 PLA OFFICERS PROMOTED TO RANK OF GENERAL 中央军委举行晋升上将军衔仪式,习近平颁发命令状! Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented certificates of order at a ceremony yesterday to promote five senior military officers to the rank of general. General is the highest rank for officers in active service in China. 9月6日,中央军委主席习近平向晋升上将军衔的军官颁发命令状。上将是中国人民解放军现行军衔制度中最高的军衔等级。 The promoted officers are Commander of the Western Theater Command of the People’s Liberation Army Wang Haijiang汪海江, Commander of the PLA Central Theater Command Lin Xiangyang林向阳, Commander of the PLA Navy Dong Jun董军, Commander of the PLA Air Force Chang Dingqiu常丁求, and President of the PLA National Defense University Xu Xueqiang许学强. Xi extended his congratulations to the officers, who saluted himand the audience. Later, Xi and other leaders posed for group photos with the generals. 这次晋升上将军衔的军官是:西部战区司令员汪海江、中部战区司令员林向阳、海军司令员董军、空军司令员常丁求、国防大学校长许学强。习近平向他们颁发命令状,表示祝贺。随后,习近平等领导同志同晋升上将军衔的军官合影。 2.CITY GOVERNMENT RELEASES 14TH FIVE-YEAR PLAN FOR HONGQIAO CBD 虹桥商务区“十四五”规划出炉,架起“彩虹桥”,促进双循环 The Shanghai government released its 14th Five-Year Plan for the Central Business District of Hongqiao International Hub for Opening Up today. The plan notes that the CBD will be included in the integration of the Yangtze Delta and leverage the benefits brought by the China International Import Expo. 上海市政府今天(7日)发布《虹桥国际开放枢纽中央商务区“十四五”规划》,在发展定位上,服务长三角一体化和中国国际进口博览会两大国家战略。 The Central Business District, as a core area of Hongqiao International Hub for Opening Up, covers more than 151 square kilometers and is set to be completed by 2025. Its annual regional GDP grow this expected to be 2 percentage points higher than Shanghai, with commodity【商品】sales reaching about 500 billion yuan. 作为虹桥国际开放枢纽核心承载区,商务区规划面积超过151平方公里,到2025年基本建成。届时,地区生产总值年均增幅较上海全市将高出至少2个百分点;商品销售额达到5千亿元左右。 An official said the area will help enhance the growth of regions to its north and south in areas such as international trade. 相关负责人表示,虹桥国际中央商务区将在国际贸易等方面辐射带动南北拓展带。 SPEAKER: Bao Bingzhang, Party Secretary Administrative Committee, Hongqiao CBD 鲍炳章 虹桥商务区管委会党组书记、常务副主任 “The CBD will be the driving force of an integrated【综合的】cross-regional development with strengths in trade, exhibitions and transportation. It will also enhance cooperation and resource sharing among companies in the Yangtze Delta, and serve as a hub for China’s ‘dual-circulation’.” 强商务、强会展、强交通,真正形成动力级,才能更好构建引领区域协同发展新引擎。同时我们也提出,要架起“彩虹桥”,努力成为长三角区域畅通国内循环、促进国内国际双循环的枢纽节点。 According to the plan, the Hongqiao CBD is also expected to be a base for exhibitions and trade in global commodities. The National Exhibition and Convention Center, where the CIIE is held, is located within the area. 根据规划,商务区将集聚一批顶级会展和活动,打造开放共享的国际贸易中心新平台。承办中国国际进口博览会的国家会展中心(上海)就位于商务区之中。 SPEAKER: Bao Bingzhang, Party Secretary Administrative Committee, Hongqiao CBD 鲍炳章 虹桥商务区管委会党组书记、常务副主任 “In the next five years, the Hongqiao CBD will hold international exhibitions with high-end services and attract businesses to set up their headquarters. It will be a place gathering import and export commodities for the Yangtze Delta**【长三角】**and even the Asia-Pacific region. It will promote international trade, communication and the upgrading of trade and consumption. It will be a place where people can see the benefits brought by the CIIE.” 十四五期间,商务区将以国际会展、高端服务、总部经济为战略支点,打造联动长三角、服务全国、辐射亚太的进出口商品集散地,创新发展新型国际贸易,集聚高能级贸易平台和主体,推动商务区贸易功能向国际交流、平台展示、贸易消费功能升级,从而成为进博会成果的集中展示地。 3.ELIZABETH TOWER GETS THE BLUES AS CLOCK HANDS RETURN 大本钟修复即将完工,“普鲁士蓝”再现伦敦上空 The restoration【恢复】of Britain’s iconic Elizabeth tower at the Houses of Parliament hasmoved closer to completion with the return of the hands on its famous clock,now restored to their original Prussian【普鲁士的】bluecolor. 英国国会大厦的标志性建筑伊丽莎白塔(大本钟)的修复工作即将完成,钟上的指针已回归普鲁士蓝。 The 177-year-old tower has been swathed【包裹】in scaffolding【脚手架】since 2017 when craftsmen began refurbishing【整修】the stonework, reglazing the four clock dials, and repainting the ironwork. The clock tower that houses Big Ben was renamed the Elizabeth Tower in 2012 to mark the 60th year of her reign. During work on the 96-meter-tall Elizabeth Tower, restorers discovered that the clock hands were originally painted blue rather than black. 自2017年以来,这座拥有177年历史的塔楼一直被脚手架包裹着。修复人员为4面钟盘重新上釉,铸铁部分重新油漆,精细石雕部分则进行清洁与修缮。为纪念现任英国女王伊丽莎白登基60年,大本钟所在的钟楼于2012年更名为伊丽莎白塔。在修复这座96米高的伊丽莎白塔时,修复人员发现钟上的“原装”指针是蓝色而不是黑色。 INTERVIEW: Ian Westworth, Clock Mechanic 韦斯特沃斯 钟表机械师 “Working on this clock would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. To actually to have taken it all to pieces, putting it back together again, and then carry on looking after it for a few more years, that’s just going to be fantastic.” 维修大本钟是一生只有一次的机会,能够把它拆开再重新组装,(完成后)再继续维护它几年。这都是非常了不起的事情。 The now 80 million pound restoration project is due to be completed next year. By that time, the famous 13-tonne BigBen bell, which has been largely silenced while the work has been carried out, will chime once again. 大本钟整建工程耗资8000万英镑,预计2022年完工。完成整修后,13吨重的大本钟将再度鸣响。 #热词加油站 commodity [kəˈmɒdəti]【商品】 integrated [ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd]【综合的】 the Yangtze Delta【长三角】 restoration [ˌrestəˈreɪʃn]【恢复】 Prussian [ˈprʌʃən]【普鲁士的】 swathe [sweɪð]【包裹】 scaffolding [ˈskæfəldɪŋ]【脚手架】 refurbish [ˌriːˈfɜːbɪʃ]【整修】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~