NEWS ON 08/30 1. EDUCATION MINISTRY ASKS SCHOOLS TO OPEN SAFELY 开学倒计时!校园防疫有哪些新要求? 2. CHINESE STUDENTS GO ABROAD WITH HOPE AND APPREHENSION 疫情之下:留学之路道阻且长 3. DEATH TOLL RISES TO 103 IN KABUL ATTACKS 突发!喀布尔机场爆炸致百人死亡,“伊斯兰国”宣称负责 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. EDUCATION MINISTRY ASKS SCHOOLS TO OPEN SAFELY 开学倒计时!校园防疫有哪些新要求? The Ministry of Education said today that local governments and school officials should monitor the pandemic closely, and exercise caution when deciding to open schools. The ministry also said schools that do not meet the standard for reopening should remain closed. Zhang Yue tells us more. 8月27日,教育部召开发布会,要求各地和学校要根据疫情形势变化和学校、师生分布情况,严格执行秋季开学返校标准,逐校评估开学返校条件,不满足要求不能开学。 The ministry said local governments and schools are required to thoroughly check the health status and travel history of students and all employees ahead of their return. 发布会介绍,各地和学校要精确掌握师生返校前,连续14天健康状况和行程轨迹。 INTERVIEW: He Qinghua, Inspector, National Health Commission 贺青华,国家卫生健康委疾控局一级巡视员 Students and university faculty members are required to provide a negative nucleic acid test within 48 hours, and take another test according to local government requirements. Students and teachers of middle schools, primary schools, and kindergartens【幼儿园】 who have traveled to medium and high risk areas or have been overseas during the summer vacation need to test negative for the coronavirus within 48 hours of going back to school. 高校师生员工返校前要提供48小时内核酸检测阴性证明,返校后按照当地要求进行核酸检测。中小学校和托幼机构师生员工,暑期有出境、到过中高风险地区或有其他异常情况的,返校前提供48小时内核酸检测的阴性证明。 The ministry also said cities should stop banning unvaccinated students from attending school. 针对近期个别地方把学生甚至家长是否注射疫苗作为能否返校的条件,教育部在发布会上回应,要坚决叫停。 INTERVIEW Wang Dengfeng, Director, PE, Health & Art Dept., Ministry of Education 王登峰,教育部应对新冠肺炎疫情工作领导小组办公室主任、体育卫生与艺术教育司司长 Receiving a COVID-19 vaccine should be voluntary, whether it is for students aged 12 to 17, or adults. Inoculation【接种】 should not be the only condition used to determine whether a student is allowed to return school or not. 不管是12-17岁的,还是成年人,(接种)都遵守一个共同的原则,就是知情、自愿的前提。既然是知情、既然是自愿,就不应该把是否接种疫苗,不管是本人还是共同生活的人,作为开学返校、入校的一个标准. The ministry added that international students and teachers need permission from school officials to return for the new semester. 此外,教育部提醒,境外师生未接到学校通知一律不返校。 2. CHINESE STUDENTS GO ABROAD WITH HOPE AND APPREHENSION 疫情之下:留学之路道阻且长 Chinese students with the intention of studying abroad have finally accepted that the pandemic is just a reality they have to deal with as taking another gap year or doing online courses simply is not the way to go. Reporter Sun Siqi brings us the story of one student about to embark on a journey to an American university, the first time she’ll be on campus as the coronavirus case count swells. 当广大中国留学生意识到继续休学一年或是接受网课并非良策时,他们不得不选择直面新冠肺炎疫情带来的挑战。在其与ICS记者孙思奇的交流中,我们将共同见证全球新冠肺炎疫情背景下,留美学生Hannah的求学与求索。 After wrapping up her internship【实习】 at a Shanghai news outlet, Hannah Jiang, a sophmore【二年级生】 at Northwestern University, is at her home in Suzhou to prepare for the new school year in the suburbs of Chicago. Having spent her first year at the university’s journalism school online and paying more than 56,000 US dollars in tuition, her odyssey to the United States is finally about to begin. After coronavirus cases had been brought down to less than 100,000 a week in June and July, infections have spiked to one million a week. 随着上海的新闻实习告一段落,西北大学大二学生蒋至菡回到苏州家中,为新学年的芝加哥郊区生活做准备。完成一年的线上学习,并支付56,000多美元学费后,她的美国之行终将启程。新冠确诊每周新增保持在10万例以下的6月、7月一去不返,目前美国感染率已飙升至每周100万例。 Sun Siqi, ICS Reporter 孙思奇,记者 Going to the US at this point, what are your biggest worries? 此刻只身前往美国读书,你最担心什么? Hannah Jiang, Sophomore at Northwestern Univerisity 蒋至菡,西北大学大二学生 First of all, definitely the coronavirus, I don’t know how it’s really going to play out in the next couple of months, we’ve seen an** uptick**【小幅增加】 in cases in the US. But I don’t think they will change my decision to go abroad at this point. It’s just weighing online classes have another year versus the health ... Everyone around me, they’re also going back, that really pushes me to feel like, I don’t want to be left out, I don’t want to be the only one in China and be on the big screen. 首先,当然是新冠疫情。最近美国疫情有所加重,但未来几个月疫情会如何发展,我无法预料。以上这些并不会影响我的决定。我只需要在继续上网课和个人健康间判断孰轻孰重,做个抉择。我的同学和伙伴们都陆续回到校园,他们的行动也牵动着我——我不想落后于人,不想独自一人留在中国,不想守着电脑屏幕上网课。 Fortunately, her parents take comfort knowing Jiang’s been vaccinated and she’s studied abroad in the past. 幸运的是,蒋至菡已完成新冠疫苗接种,并曾出国留学,这为她的父母上了“双重保险”。 Dong Lei,Hannah Jiang’s Mother I can’t say I can be totally relaxed, I still worry. I can only ask her to protect herself. I’d say our future for a long time is living with the virus, and everybody just has to learn to take care of themselves. 很放心肯定不可能的,其实我还是挺担心。我只能让她保护好自己。未来很长一段时间内,新冠疫情都不会消失,每个人都需要懂得如何防护。 ICS: If one day, you’re in the US, and then you were to call home, and tell your parents that you got sick, what would you think they will tell you or do? 如果有一天你打电话给家里,说你生病了。你觉得你父母会怎么说?怎么做? Jiang: I do think they’ll be worried, definitely, but I don’t think there’s anything they can do. 他们肯定会担心我,但我也知道他们会无能为力。 ICS: It’s basically your parents trusting that you would be independent and take care of yourself on this adventure. 意思是,你父母相信你可以独当一面,并照顾好自己。 Jiang: Exactly, yes. 没错。 Still, the level of unease many parents experience is palpable. At Pudong airport, long snaking lines of departing students form around the check-in counters. Some have two or three family members bidding them farewell, as many are going to a foreign country for the first time. In a photo circulating on the Internet, a man who appears to be a father is crouching on the floor as he seems to be checking on his child from underneath the departure partition. 不难想象,还有许多家长忧心忡忡。在浦东机场,离境学生在登机柜台前排起长龙。有些人身侧站着两三亲友为其送行,因为他们大多是第一次离开祖国。在互联网上流传的一张照片中,一名男子蹲在地上,透过离境隔板望向孩子,他应该是孩子的父亲。 Some universities in the United States, like Johns Hopkins, require students to get a USFDA approved vaccine upon arrival, and be tested for coronavirus once a week. Unvaccinated students will be tested twice a week. 包括约翰霍普金斯大学在内的部分美国学校,要求抵美前注射经美国食品药品监督管理局(USFDA)批准的疫苗,并每周进行一次核酸检测。如学生未进行疫苗接种,则核酸检测每周两次。 Most parents are still worried, though many of them already have a rough idea how their child will be treated should they get infected. Almost every school has set up protocols【协议】that are linked with the state’s hospitals should a student get infected. When you’re at school, protect yourself and engage actively in both your studies and social life. There’s no need to be hiding the whole time. 大多数家长还是放心不下,尽管有些人已经对孩子感染新冠后的治疗有了大致设想。几乎每所学校都制定了相关协议,一旦有学生感染新冠,就会与州立医院联系。在学校时,学生要保护好自己,也要积极参加学习和社会活动,没必要畏手畏脚。 The United States has issued more than 85,000 visas to Chinese students since May. Education consultancies suggest students take the vaccines as required by their schools as soon as possible, wear masks, report immediately to the school’s health center and get tested if symptoms arise, and also check with the school on medical insurance that covers a coronavirus infection. As the pandemic shows no signs of abating, those choosing to study abroad fly with both expectation and trepidation【忧虑】. 自5月以来,美国已向中国学生发放超过85,000份签证。留学机构建议学生尽快按照学校要求接种疫苗、佩戴口罩,如果出现感染症状,立即向学校保健中心报告并接受检测,同时向学校了解承保新冠病毒感染的医疗保险。新冠疫情目前并无减弱迹象,毅然选择出国的留学生们怀揣着期望与不安,飞越云层,到达大洋彼岸。 3. DEATH TOLL RISES TO 103 IN KABUL ATTACKS 突发!喀布尔机场爆炸致百人死亡,“伊斯兰国”宣称负责 Two blasts and gunfire rocked the area outside Kabul international airport on Thursday evening. The attacks killed at least 103 people, and injured more than 105 including 13 US service members. China today condemned【谴责】 Islamic State, who has claimed responsibility for the carnage【杀戮】. Lei Shuran has more. 8月26日晚,阿富汗首都喀布尔机场外发生两起自杀式炸弹袭击,造成至少103人死亡,其中包括13名美军士兵,另有至少105人受伤。“伊斯兰国”宣布对爆炸事件负责。8月27日,中方对喀布尔机场附近发生爆炸造成重大人员伤亡感到震惊,并予以强烈谴责。 According to the Pentagon, one blast occurred near the airport’s Abbey Gate and the other close to the nearby Baron Hotel. Two U.S. officials said at least one of the explosions appeared to be a suicide bombing. 美国国防部消息称,两起爆炸分别发生在喀布尔机场阿贝门附近及其不远处的男爵酒店周围。两名美国官员表示,其中一起爆炸或为自杀式炸弹袭击。 INTERVIEW: Unidentified Eyewitness to Explosion 目击者 The explosion was really powerful. Half were hurled into the water, others on the ground outside. 爆炸的威力真的很大,一半的人被甩进水里,另一半人倒在地面上。 The Islamic State group’s affiliate in Afghanistan has claimed responsibility for the attack outside the Kabul airport. The IS branch, known as The Islamic State-Khorasan Province named after the ancient name of the region, said that it had targeted American troops and their Afghan allies. 极端组织"伊斯兰国"阿富汗分支已宣称对发生在喀布尔机场附近的袭击事件负责)。“伊斯兰国”分支机构“呼罗珊省”(ISIS-K)表示,自杀式炸弹袭击者的目标是美国军队及其阿富汗盟友。 Taliban Official, Abdul Qahar Balkhi 巴尔希****阿富汗塔利班官员 And as soon as the airport situation is figured out, and foreign forces leave, we will not have such attacks anymore. 一旦机场局势得到解决,外国军队撤离,阿富汗就不会再发生这样的袭击。 IS also said the bomber managed to get past Taliban security checkpoints to come within 5 meters of a gathering of U.S. soldiers, translators and collaborators before detonating his explosives. US President Joe Biden later vowed to complete the evacuation of American citizens and others from Afghanistan. He also promised to avenge【复仇】 the deaths. 极端组织发布的声明中称,袭击者当时设法越过塔利班的安全检查站,到达了距美国士兵、翻译及合作者聚集处约5米范围内,然后引爆了炸药。美国总统拜登后来承诺将继续完成美国公民和其他人从阿富汗的撤离计划,并为死者报仇。 U.S. President, Joe Biden 拜登,美国总统 Been a tough day. We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay. 这是艰难的一天,我们不会原谅,我们不会忘记,我们会追捕你们,让你们付出代价。 Biden had pledged to get every American who wished to leave out of Afghanistan. As of Thursday, the State Department estimated there were as many as 1,000 Americans in Afghanistan who may want help getting out. 此前,拜登表示,将撤离所有想离开阿富汗的美国人。截至8月26日,美国国务院预测仍有一千余名美国公民滞留阿富汗,需要撤离。 However, according to a new poll by U.S. media, Biden’s approval ratings have fallen to their lowest point in his seven-month presidency, amid the rise in COVID-19 cases and the chaotic military withdrawal from Afghanistan. The poll, conducted from Aug 14 to 17, found 49 percent of respondents approve of Biden’s job performance, sliding below 50 percent for the first time. 但美国媒体的最新民调显示,在新冠肺炎疫情反弹和阿富汗混乱撤军的双重压力下,拜登的支持率突破其7个月执政期以来的历史新低。这项于8月14日至17日进行的民调显示,仅有49%的美国受访者对拜登的工作表现表示认可。这也是自拜登就任总统以来,其工作表现民调支持率首次低于50%。 #热词加油站 kindergarten【幼儿园】 inoculation【接种】 internship【实习】 sophmore【二年级生】 uptick【小幅增加】 protocol【协议】 trepidation【忧虑】 condemn【谴责】 carnage【杀戮】 avenge【复仇】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”