cover of episode 08/23 TOP OF THE DAY 神州十二“出差组”再出舱/塔利班国际合作意愿/浦东商事改革

08/23 TOP OF THE DAY 神州十二“出差组”再出舱/塔利班国际合作意愿/浦东商事改革

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NEWS ON 08/23 1. CHINESE ASTRONAUTS COMPLETE 2ND SPACEWALK 神舟十二号“出差组”再出舱太空之旅已近尾声** 2. TALIBAN CALLS FOR GOOD INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 塔利班发言人:愿与国际社会对话合作 3. PUDONG ISSUES BUSINESS LICENSES AFTER IMPROVING APPROVAL PROCESS 营业执照**“瘦身成功”****!浦东引领区首批改革举措落地 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. CHINESE ASTRONAUTS COMPLETE 2ND SPACEWALK 神舟十二号“出差组”再出舱****太空之旅已近尾声 The China Manned Space Agency said today that Chinese astronauts have completed a second spacewalk【航天舱外活动,太空漫步】, with all scheduled tasks accomplished. This came after the three astronauts cooperated to complete the first spacewalk on July 4. Song Wenjing has more. 2021年8月20日,据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,神舟十二号航天员乘组密切协同,再次圆满完成出舱活动期间全部既定任务。此前,三位航天员曾于7月4日完成第一次出舱活动。 Astronaut Nie Haisheng opened the hatch at 8:38am. At 10:12am, Nie and Liu Boming exited the space station and worked to install thermal【热量的】 control equipment and elevate a panoramic camera with the aid of a robotic arm【机械臂】. 8时38分,航天员聂海胜成功开启天和核心舱节点舱出舱舱门。10时12分,航天员聂海胜、刘伯明先后从天和核心舱节点舱成功出舱。随后,在机械臂支持下,他们相互配合开展空间站舱外有关设备安装等作业,包括热控扩展泵组、抬升舱外全景摄像机等。 Tang Hongbo monitored their progress from inside the space station. Nie and Liu returned to the space station at 2:33pm, one hour earlier than scheduled. 舱内,汤红波进行机械臂操控,协助出舱者完成任务。下午2点33分,航天员聂海胜和刘伯明安全返回天和核心舱,比原计划提前了约1小时。 The scheduled tasks were accomplished with close coordination【协调】 between space and mission control on the ground. The spacewalk further tested the capabilities of the agency’s latest spacewalk suits, equipment and robotic arm. 此次出舱活动,天地间大力协同、舱内外密切配合,进一步检验了我国新一代舱外航天服的功能性能,检验了航天员与机械臂协同工作能力及出舱活动相关支持设备的可靠性与安全性。 The astronauts blasted off【发射升空】 into space onboard the Shenzhou-12 spaceship and docked with the space station on June 17th. They will continue doing a variety of experiments on the station before their scheduled return in the middle of September. Before return, the Shenzhou-12 spaceship will conduct circumnavigation and radial rendezvous tests. 今年6月17日,神舟十二号发射升空,并与天河一号核心舱对接。后续航天员乘组将继续开展空间科学实验和技术试验,计划9月中旬返回东风着陆场。返回前,神舟飞船还将进行绕飞及径向交会试验。 2. TALIBAN CALLS FOR GOOD INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 塔利班发言人:愿与国际社会对话合作 A Taliban spokesman on Thursday reaffirmed that the group wants good relations with other countries, and called on the international community to help Afghanistan establish good foreign relations and strengthen its economy. Lei Shuran has the details. 塔利班发言人穆贾希德8月19日表示,希望与国际社会建立更良好的关系,也期待国际社会帮助阿富汗进行重建。 In a gathering in Kabul to celebrate Afghan Independence Day, a Taliban spokesperson said that the Taliban would not tolerate any threat to its "principles" and "independence", but also wants good relations with other countries. 在当天的独立日纪念活动上,塔利班发言人穆贾希德强调,阿富汗人不容许来自外国的军事侵略,但塔利班愿与其他国家展开友好交流。 Zabihullah Mujahid, Taliban Spokesman 穆贾希德,阿富汗塔利班发言人 We want interaction with all countries of the world based on diplomatic【外交的】 principles and respect. We want good relations, we want a good economy, we want good trading, we want good diplomacy, but in return we want our values to be respected. 我们要向全世界传达一个信息:我们愿意基于外交准则和互相间的尊重,与所有国家展开互动。我们希望建设良好的外交、经济、贸易,但我方的价值观必须得到尊重。 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said yesterday that he was ready to speak to the Taliban directly, adding that UN officials in Kabul have been in close contact with the Taliban. 联合国秘书长古特雷斯8月19日表示,联合国在阿富汗的人员与塔利班有着密切沟通,他本人也已准备好与塔利班领导人直接对话。 On the same day, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi exchanged views with British First Secretary of State and Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab on the situation in Afghanistan in a phone conversation. 同一天,中国国务委员兼外长王毅,应约同英国首席大臣兼外交发展大臣拉布通电话。 Wang noted that the situation in Afghanistan has changed from one of military action, to one of political dialogue, and that the situation is still unstable and uncertain. The international community should encourage and guide political dialogue in a positive direction, instead of exerting excessive pressure. Wang also said China is willing to continue to play a constructive role in the Afghan issue without interfering its internal affairs. 王毅表示,阿富汗问题已从军事解决进入政治解决的关键阶段,下一步的阿富汗局势仍存在不稳定性、不确定性。国际社会应朝积极方向加以鼓励和引导,而不是施加更多压力。中方愿在不干涉内政的前提下,继续在阿富汗问题上发挥建设性作用。 At a press conference earlier today, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said the immediate task in Afghanistan for the international community is working together to help the relevant parties in the country engage in dialogue. 当日例行记者会上,中国外交部发言人华春莹表示,中方鼓励并希望阿塔将其积极表态落到实处,同阿各党派、各民族团结起来,尽快通过对话协商建立符合阿富汗自身国情、得到人民支持、广泛包容的政治架构。 3. PUDONG ISSUES BUSINESS LICENSES AFTER IMPROVING APPROVAL PROCESS 营业执照瘦身成功”****!浦东引领区首批改革举措落地 Pudong New Area issued its first business licenses after changes were made to make the application process easier. The changes came after the State Council last month released a guideline calling on Shanghai to make Pudong a role model of socialist modernization. Zhang Hong tells us more. 8月20日,浦东新区向企业发出全市首张简化经营范围登记的《营业执照》,以及首张通过告知承诺核准的《药品经营许可证》,在降低企业市场准入门槛上,再迈出一步。此前,浦东《引领区意见》中明确提出建立"商事登记确认制"和"市场准营承诺即入制",以打造社会主义现代化建设引领区。 On the first business license, less items were listed in its business scope. In the past, a company usually included many items as it would be troublesome if the company wanted to add something in the future. 浦东发出改革后的首张营业执照,其"经营范围"一栏大幅缩减。以往,企业的“经营范围”可谓“包罗万象”,因为每一次增加经营内容都需要变更登记,费时费力。 INTERVIEW: Xue Yongshen, Vice President, Shanghai Construction Group 薛永申,上海建工副总裁 We’d rather apply for a larger business scope. We may not run some of the businesses, but we want to save the trouble of applying for a change in the future. 宁愿写得大而全,今后不一定做。为了防止万一有什么遗漏,今后再办手续。 Now a company only needs to register【登记】 its major business and is allowed to run other businesses without further approval being required. A new registration process has been created to make this possible. 改革后,执照上的“经营范围”,只要登记主营业务,以后企业要增加从事非许可一般项目的,直接可以经营。这是引领区"商事登记确认制"探索的一小步。 INTERVIEW: Shi Wenying, Pudong Market Supervision Administration 施文英,上海浦东市场监管局注册许可分局注册一科科长 The new mechanism【机制】 enables a more convenient registration of a company’s name, address and business scope. Companies can get a business license more efficiently. 涉及到名称、住所,包括我们说的经营范围,还包括我们的便利化登记,是为了让企业更加便捷地能够取得我们的营业执照。 Pudong also allows chain stores to apply for a permit to sell over-the-counter非处方的 medicines. They can get a permit as long as they make a written commitment saying that it has the qualification documents required by law without actually providing those documents. Tramy Group got this new permit. 而在许可领域,浦东率先试点乙类非处方药告知承诺审批制度改革。今后,浦东的连锁商业企业申请零售乙类非处方药的,告知承诺即可发证,取消现场核查,当场即可办结。8月20日,清美集团取得了全市首张告知承诺的《药品经营许可证》。 INTERVIEW Shen Jianhua, Chairman, Tramy Group 沈建华,清美集团董事长 All of our 680 stores will apply for this permit. It will be more convenient for people to get medicine and it benefits our company. 接下来我们680家门店都会去申请这样的(许可)证照,一个为了百姓购买(药品)方便,另一方面企业也有实实在在的好处。 INTERVIEW Wu Ming, Pudong Market Supervision Administration 吴明,上海浦东市场监管局注册许可分局副局长 Although we’re expanding market access, we will be checking each store with the new permit within two months. 我们在合理"放"的同时,对于如何管的安全,我们会在核发这个许可证的两个月内,由属地市场监管所对企业的实际经营情况开展监管。 Chain stores of a qualified food company in Pudong will also be able to get a permit for selling food through the same process. 8月20日起,浦东符合规定条件的连锁食品经营企业总部,经评审合格后,其直营门店也采取告知承诺方式,取得《食品经营许可证》。 #热词加油站 spacewalk【航天舱外活动,太空漫步】 thermal【热量的】 robotic arm【机械臂】 coordination【协调】 blast off【发射升空】 diplomatic【外交的】 register【登记】 mechanism【机制】 over-the-counter【非处方的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”