NEWS ON 8/17 1.ECONOMIC GROWTH SLOWED IN JULY DUE TO COVID, NATURAL DISASTERS 直面汛情疫情冲击,7月经济继续稳定恢复! 2.NEW MASK WEARING GUIDELINES SPECIFY STRONGER SELF-PROTECTION 你的口罩佩戴对了吗?新版戴口罩指引发布! 3.AFGHAN PRESIDENT LEAVES COUNTRY, TALIBAN CONTROLS CAPITAL KABUL 阿富汗局势重大变化:塔利班控制首都,前总统逃亡国外! -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.ECONOMIC GROWTH SLOWED IN JULY DUE TO COVID, NATURAL DISASTERS 直面汛情疫情冲击,7月经济继续稳定恢复! The National Bureau of Statistics said the country’s economy continued to recover in July, but industrial output and retail sales growth slowed due to new coronavirus outbreaks and natural disasters in some regions, as well as uncertainties abroad. Song Wenjing has more. 国家统计局表示,7月份国民经济继续稳定恢复。但由于国内疫情多点散发,部分地区受到自然灾害,外部不确定性加大,工业和零售增长速度有所放缓。 China’s value-added industrial output, an important economic indicator, went up 6.4 percent year on year in July as production demand continued to recover. The figure was down by 1.9 percentage points than that of June, and higher than that of the same period in 2019 and 2020. 7月份,随着生产需求持续复苏,作为重要经济指标的全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长6.4%,比6月份回落1.9个百分点,高于2019年、2020年同期增速。 In terms of consumption, the consumer price index last month rose 1 percent year-on-year, down from 1.1 percent in June. The bureau said with an increasingly complex and severe external environment, the economic recovery will be unstable and uneven【不均衡的】, but economic growth was in line with expectations. 在消费方面,上个月的全国居民消费价格指数同比上涨1.0%,比起6月份的1.1%有所回落。统计局表示,在外部环境更趋复杂严峻的背景下,经济恢复仍然不稳固、不均衡,但经济增长水平符合预期。 Fu Linghui, Spokesperson National Bureau of Statistics 付凌晖,国家统计局新闻发言人 In the first half of this year, the economy grew by an average of 5.3 percent in two years, 0.3 percentage points faster than in the first quarter, which indicates that the economy as a whole has maintained a recovery trend. 今年上半年,经济两年平均增长5.3%,比一季度加快了0.3个百分点,说明经济总体保持恢复态势。 Fu said commodity【(大宗)商品】 prices remain an issue, adding that they are expected to remain relatively expensive due to the overall recovery of the global economy, increased market demand, and a tight supply from major raw material producers. 付凌晖表示,大宗商品价格仍将是一个问题。他补充说,由于全球经济整体复苏,市场需求增加以及主要原材料生产国供给偏紧,国际大宗商品价格高位运行还会持续一段时间。 The country’s housing market continued to be stable in July, with increases in home prices in 70 major cities slowing down. New home prices in four first-tier cities—Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou—rose 0.4 percent month-on-month, 0.3 percentage points slower compared to June. Second-tier cities saw a month-on-month increase of 0.4 percent in new home prices, slowing 0.1 percentage point from June. 7月份,全国房地产市场继续保持稳定,70个大中城市商品住宅销售价格涨幅总体回落。北京、上海、深圳和广州四个一线城市新建商品住宅销售价格环比上涨0.4%,涨幅比上月回落0.3个百分点。二线城市新建商品住宅销售价格环比上涨0.4%,涨幅比上月回落0.1个百分点。 2.NEW MASK WEARING GUIDELINES SPECIFY STRONGER SELF-PROTECTION 你的口罩佩戴对了吗?新版戴口罩指引发布! The National Health Commission modified its guidelines on mask wearing for the public after the Delta variant of the coronavirus triggered several infection clusters across the country. Reporter Sun Siqi tells us what remains the same and what has changed. 国家卫健委发布最新版戴口罩指引。德尔塔变异株境外输入引发本土聚集性疫情已先后波及多个省份。跟随ICS记者了解一下,公众戴口罩有哪些最新要求? The new guidelines stressed again that you should not just be wearing a mask in enclosed public spaces like in a mall, you should also be wearing it in open air, like on a street or in a park. Remember, you should be wearing a mask even if you have been fully vaccinated. 对普通公众来说,除了在商场等密闭场所需要戴口罩外,当处于人员密集的露天广场、剧场和公园等室外场所时,也需要佩戴口罩。提醒一下,接种新冠疫苗以后,仍需坚持佩戴口罩。 There’s a difference between a disposable medical mask and a "surgical" mask. The latter has to meet higher standards in its level of protection against droplets. Look for the words "waike" or "surgical" on the packaging when you’re purchasing the latter. 一次性使用医用口罩和医用外科口罩有所区别。医用外科口罩对飞沫的防护力度更大。购买时,认准“外科”字样。 The new guidelines also specify three professional groups, personnel involved with imported goods, those in hospitals and clinics and those working in areas with frequent interpersonal exchanges, like police officers or delivery workers. The third group is now asked to wear at least a surgical mask during their shifts. 新版戴口罩指引中,重点职业人群主要涉及境外输入和污染传播高风险岗位、医疗机构工作人员和公共场所服务人员比如警察、快递员等三类人群。公共场所服务人员现要求工作期间全程佩戴医用外科口罩或更高防护级别口罩。 If you’re going to a hospital or use any form of public transportation that goes out of town, you should be wearing a surgical mask or higher. Replace the mask after you leave. Remember, whatever kind of mask you wear, you have to discard it and replace it after a total of eight hours of wear. 到医院就诊时,或在跨地区公共交通工具上,佩戴医用外科口罩或更高防护级别口罩。离开以上环境后,及时更换口罩。无论使用哪种口罩,每个口罩累计佩戴时间不超过8小时。 The guidelines add that you should hang masks in a clean, dry and ventilated【通风的】 area, and keep a spare on hand. In case of breathing difficulties, take the mask off in a well-ventilated place. 需重复使用的口罩在不使用时宜悬挂于清洁、干燥、通风处。外出要携带备用口罩。戴口罩期间如出现憋闷、气短等不适,应立即前往空旷通风处摘除口罩。 3.AFGHAN PRESIDENT LEAVES COUNTRY, TALIBAN CONTROLS CAPITAL KABUL 阿富汗局势重大变化:塔利班控制首都,前总统逃亡国外! Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani left the country last night as Taliban forces entered the capital city of Kabul and took control of the presidential palace. Sun Siqi has the details. 昨晚(8月15日晚),塔利班部队进入阿富汗首都喀布尔并控制了总统府,(前)总统穆罕默德·阿什拉夫·加尼离开了阿富汗。 Ghani confirmed on his Facebook late yesterday that he has left the country, saying the move was to prevent bloodshed. But he did not mention his current location. 加尼随后在他的Facebook上确认他已经离开该国,并表示此举是为了避免流血冲突。但他并没有透露自己目前身在何处。 Taliban forces entered Kabul city and took control of the presidential palace. The Taliban said they would offer amnesty to those worked with the Afghan government or foreign forces. A Taliban spokesperson said he could confirm there were talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban about a peaceful transfer of power. 塔利班武装力量已经进入了喀布尔市并控制了总统府。塔利班方面表示,他们将赦免那些与阿富汗政府或外国军队合作的人。塔利班发言人证实该组织已和阿富汗政府就“和平移交权力”进行了商讨。 Mullah Baradar Akhund, Taliban Deputy Leader 巴拉达尔,阿富汗塔利班分管政治事务的领导人 The way we have come through was unexpected as we have reached the position which was never expected. We should not be arrogant. Now it is time to work, we will provide services to our nation, we will give serenity【安宁】 to the whole nation and go as far as possible for the betterment of our people’s lives. 我们获得的胜利、取得的地位出乎意料。但我们不应狂妄自大,真正的考验才刚刚开始。我们将服务这个国家,让它获得安宁,尽可能让国民获得幸福。 On the same day, former Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced a coordinating council has been formed for a smooth transition of the power to Taliban. So far, the Taliban have gained control of more than two-thirds of the country’s 34 provincial capitals. 同一天,阿富汗前总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊宣布组建协调委员会,负责相关权力交接事宜。截至8月15日,该国34个省会城市中,已有超过三分之二被塔利班控制。 Amid the Taliban’s takeover, the US said it would deploy as many as 6,000 of its troops to Kabul airport to ensure the safe departure of its citizens and allies from the country. Meanwhile, several European countries have decided to evacuate their diplomats and citizens from Afghanistan. Britain has deployed 600 troops to help evacuate British nationals. Military aircraft from Germany have arrived in Kabul to pull Germans out. France also announced it would be relocating French nationals to a base in the United Arab Emirates. 在塔利班接管期间,美国表示将向喀布尔机场部署多达6000名美国士兵,以确保其公民和盟友安全撤离该国。与此同时,欧洲多国已决定从阿富汗撤出其外交官和公民。英国已经派遣了600名士兵帮助英国公民撤离该国。德国军用飞机已抵达喀布尔,将当地德国公民撤出。法国还宣布将把法国公民从喀布尔转移到位于阿联酋的军事基地。 Inside the city of Kabul, flights were suspended at Kabul International Airport as crowds of people waited anxiously at the gates in hopes of leaving the country. But most of the locals chose to stay. 喀布尔国际机场的航班已暂停,大批民众焦急地等待在门口,希望离开该国。但大多数当地人选择留下来。 Resident of Kabul 喀布尔民众 Everyone is tired of war, explosions and suicide attacks. Now things have changed. I hope there will be peace and stability so that people can live a peaceful life. 所有人都厌倦了战争、爆炸和自杀式袭击。现在情况发生了改变。我希望以后能迎来和平与稳定,这样人们才能平和地生活下去。 The Taliban has given assurances that none of the diplomatic missions or foreign citizens in Kabul are in danger. A Taliban spokesperson said they are committed to ensuring security in the city. 塔利班保证,在喀布尔的外交使团和外国公民不会有危险。塔利班发言人称,他们将致力于维护这座城市的安全。 #热词加油站 uneven【不均匀的,不均衡的】 commodity【(大宗)商品】 ventilated【通风的】 serenity【平静,安宁】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~