cover of episode 08/14 TOP NEWS | 河北强降雨致29人遇难/台风“卡努”登陆辽宁/夏威夷大火致55人死亡

08/14 TOP NEWS | 河北强降雨致29人遇难/台风“卡努”登陆辽宁/夏威夷大火致55人死亡

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**NEWS ON 08/11 1.29 DEAD, 16 MISSING IN HEBEI FLOODS 河北省强降雨致29人遇难16人失踪 2.TROPICAL STORM KHANUN TO MAKE LANDFALL IN LIAONING TONIGHT 台风蓝色预警:“卡努”或于今天夜间进入我国辽宁 3.DEATH TOLL FROM MAUIWILDFIRES RISES TO 55** 夏威夷毛伊岛大火已致55人死亡 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------  1**.*29 DEAD, 16 MISSING IN HEBEI FLOODS 河北省强降雨致29人遇难16人失踪 Hebei officials said today 29 people had died and 16 were still missing in Hebei after the worst flooding in decades. Close to 3.9 million people across 110 cities, counties and districts suffered damage to their homes. Sun Siqi hasmore. 河北省委、省政府今天(08/11)表示,在经历了几十年来最严重的洪灾后,河北29人遇难,16人失踪,110个市(县、区)有近390万人的房屋受损。记者孙思奇带来详细报道。 Provincial officials observed a moment of silence at the press conference today. 今天(08/11),河北省委、省政府在新闻发布会上默哀。 They say direct economic losses from the floods are estimated at close to96 billion yuan and that post-flood reconstruction will likely take 2 years. Close to 1 million emergency workers participated in rescue missions. 洪灾造成的直接经济损失约为960亿元,灾后重建可能需要2年时间。近100万抢险人员参与了救援任务。 Zhang Chengzhong, Vice Governor Hebei Provincial Government 张成中 *河北省常务副省长 “(特大暴雨到来前)提前转移群众,扩大人员转移范围,组织山洪地质灾害危险区、蓄滞洪区和次生灾害影响区群众避险转移,全省累计转移群众175.74万人,其中蓄滞洪区97.84万人。” “We relocated people in advance in areas with different levels of flood and*landslide*【滑坡 risks. More than 1.7 million people were relocated. Close to 980,000 of them were in the flood discharge areas.” Currently, more than 90 percent of blocked roads, damaged power lines, and cellular service stations have been restored. 目前,90%以上受阻的道路、受损的电力线路和移动服务站已经恢复。 The provincial government says it'll ensure all displaced people can either return home or move into a new one before this winter. 省政府表示,将确保所有受灾群众在今年冬天之前返回家园或搬入新居。 In Tianjin, warnings have been issued about potential dam breaches for days as 75 percent of the flood water in the Haihe watershed eventually flows to the ocean through the city. A red flooding alert is still in effect for two rivers. Work teams are checking dams and water levels. 在天津,由于海河流域75%的洪水最终从天津入海,因此连日来一直在发布可能决堤的警告。两条河流仍处于洪水红色预警状态,工作小组正在检查堤坝和水位。 *S***urveyor 测量人员 “对这个水位进行一个观测,它在上升的时候,把数据上报给有关部门。第二方面是实时对坝体进行变形观测,在变形较大的时候,上报有关部门进行有效处置。” “We record water levels and report to authorities when they rise. We also monitor**deformations变形】**in the dams, and file a report when they reach a certain threshold.” Forecasters say more heavy rain is coming to Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in the next 24 hours, and advise everyone to take precautions. 天气预报显示,未来24小时内,北京、天津和河北将迎来更多暴雨,建议大家做好预防措施。 2.TROPICAL STORM KHANUN TO MAKE LANDFALL IN LIAONING TONIGHT 台风蓝色预警:“卡努”或于今天夜间进入我国辽宁 Tropical Storm Khanun will make landfall in Liaoning Province tonight.All 3 provinces of Northeastern China are bracing for its impact. Sun Siqi has the story. 强热带风暴“卡努”将于今晚(08/11)登陆辽宁省,中国东北三省严阵以待。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。 Tropical Storm Khanun weakened after making landfall on the Korean Peninsula yesterday, but the storm center is now back out over the water east of the Liaodong peninsula, and its outer rings are dumping rain into northeastern China. 热带风暴“卡努”昨天(08/10)在朝鲜半岛登陆后强度减弱,目前风暴中心正向辽东半岛以东海域转移,其外围环流给中国东北地区带来强降雨。 Parts of southern Heilongjiang have already been hit with very intense rainfall, leading to damaged roads and downed communications. 黑龙江南部部分地区已遭受强降雨,导致道路受损、通讯中断。 The mountainous area of Jilin near the border with the DPRK has been dealing with moderate to heavy rainfall for 2 days. The city of Shulan, which had just been battered with floods, relocated 23,000 people from 20 towns and villages. 靠近朝鲜边境的吉林山区连续2天出现中到强降雨。刚刚遭受洪水袭击的舒兰市从20个乡镇转移了2.3万人。 Multiple cities in Liaoning have been busy relocating people and resources, the local authorities have also stepped up waterway and power line inspections. 辽宁多个城市一直在进行人员和资源转移工作,当地政府还加强了水路和电力线路的检查。 Du Ke State Grid Benxi Company 杜科 国网本溪供电公司安监部主任  “我们对涉及水库供电的19座66千伏变电站、23条10千伏线路及所属设备开展隐患缺陷排查治理。” “We're running inspections on nineteen 66-thousand-volt transformers and 23 ten-thousand-volt power lines.” And here in Shanghai, temperatures made it back up over the 35 degree mark to 36.2 in the early afternoon. The local weather office says Khanun is partly to blame. 下午早些时候,上海气温又回升到35度以上,达到36.2度。当地气象局称部分原因是受到了强热带风暴“卡努”的影响。 Wu Rui, Chief Meteorologist Shanghai Meteorological Bureau 邬锐 上海中心气象台首席服务官 “这两天副热带高压边缘的影响,包括卡努台风外围的下沉气流,也使得我们这两天最高气温要达到36度左右,周日气温也是在35度。” “We're under the influence of downward moving air on the outermost rings of Khanun. Hence, the highs for the weekend will still hover between 35 and 36 degrees.” Forecasters expect showers for the beginning of next week, which will bring daytime highs down to the low side of the mid-30s, and then into the low 30s by next weekend. 天气预报员预计,下周初将有阵雨,白天最高气温将降至35度左右,下周末将降至30度左右。 *3.DEATH TOLL FROM MAUIWILDFIRES RISES TO 55* 夏威夷毛伊岛大火已致55人死亡 The death toll from wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui rose to 55 on Thursday, as U.S. President Joe Biden approved a major disaster declaration for the state. Stephen Rancourt has more. 周四(08/10),夏威夷州毛伊岛野火已造成至少55人死亡,美国总统拜登已宣布该州出现重大灾难。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。 According to the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, the wildfire has burned through more than 2,000 acres and destroyed at least 1,700 buildings. It has become the deadliest U.S. wildfire since the 2018 Camp Fire in California. 据夏威夷紧急事务管理部门,野火的过火面积已超过2000英亩,导致1700多座建筑受损或被焚毁,成为自2018年加州野火以来美国死亡人数最多的野火。 Survivor 幸存游客 “We found a floating board that we hung onto. We were out there floating. The news was so surreal and everything was burning around, explosions, cars blowing up,embers火苗 just flying. We couldn't breathe.” “我们抓住了一块漂浮的木板,挂在上面一直漂着,一切都不像现实中的场景,所有东西都在燃烧,有爆炸发生,汽车爆炸了,火苗到处飞舞,我们几乎无法呼吸。” U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday approved a major disaster declaration for Hawaii. The Pentagon announced that it has sent a number of troops and military helicopters to Hawaii to assist in rescue-and-recovery efforts. 美国总统拜登周四(08/10)批准了夏威夷州的重大灾难声明。五角大楼宣布已向夏威夷派遣部队和军用直升机,以协助救援和恢复工作。 Maui reported on the most damaging of the three blazes.,The one in Lahaina on the western part of the island was 80% contained by Thursday morning, and another in Kula in central Maui was 70% contained. There was no assessment yet about the fire that continues to burn in the mountains. 茂宜岛报告表示,截至周四上午,三场大火中破坏力最大的一处,即位于该岛西部拉海纳的大火已有80%得到了控制,另一处位于茂宜岛中部的库拉大火也有70%得到了控制。目前还没有对继续在山区燃烧的大火进行评估。 Tourists were advised to stay away, and about 11,000 flew out of Maui on Wednesday. 游客被建议远离茂宜岛,周三(08/09)约有1.1万名游客飞离茂宜岛。 Evacuate Tourist 撤离游客 “We were up on Front Street the night before the fire started. So to see from one day to the next how it was, and then after that, was justsurreal不真实的.” “野火发生的前一晚,我和妻子还去了‘前街’游览,我们亲眼看到了火灾前后的对比,这太不真实了。” The governor of Hawaii estimated that it will take billions of dollars and many years to rebuild Lahaina. 夏威夷州长估计,重建拉海纳镇需要数十亿美元和数年时间。 #热词加油站 landslide/ˈlændslaɪd/【滑坡】 Deformation/ˌdiːfɔːrˈmeɪʃn/【变形】 ember/ˈembər/【火苗】 surreal/səˈriːəl/【不真实的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~