cover of episode 08/11 TOP OF THE DAY 奥运健儿获五四奖章/离线版健康码/希腊山火肆虐

08/11 TOP OF THE DAY 奥运健儿获五四奖章/离线版健康码/希腊山火肆虐

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NEWS ON 08/11 1.CHINA HONORS OLYMPIC ATHLETES 奥运健儿荣获“五四奖章”,向优秀青年学习! 2.SENIORS PROVIDED WITH OFF-LINE HEALTH CODES 离线版“随申码”上线,老人出行不再愁! 3.FIREFIGHTERS CONTINUE TO BATTLE BLAZES IN GREECE 希腊山火持续肆虐,总理向国民道歉 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHINA HONORS OLYMPIC ATHLETES 奥运健儿荣获“五四奖章”,向优秀青年学习! The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China and the All-China Youth Federation yesterday awarded May Fourth Medals to young athletes who participated in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games in recognition of【为表彰】their outstanding performances. They included shooter Yang Qian, swimmer Zhang Yufei and diver Quan Hongchan. 为表彰我国青少年运动员在东京奥运会的突出贡献,共青团中央、全国青联昨日(9日)决定,授予杨倩、张雨霏、全红婵等奥运健儿“中国青年五四奖章”。 Among those honored were the women’s and men’s table tennis teams, and 39 young athletes. 213 athletes arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport yesterday afternoon after their fine performances at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. They were later driven to hotels to complete quarantine. 共青团中央、全国青联决定授予中国女子乒乓球队、中国男子乒乓球队2个青年集体“中国青年五四奖章集体”,授予39名奥运健儿“中国青年五四奖章”。昨天(9日)下午,参加东京奥运会的最后一批中国体育代表团成员共213人抵达北京首都国际机场,他们将在隔离酒店直至隔离期结束。 INTERVEW: Chen Lijun Men’s 67kg Weightlifting Gold Medalist 谌利军 东京奥运会举重男子67公斤级冠军 “I feel so proud and lucky that I got the opportunity to win glory for my country after years of hard training.” 感觉运动员这种这么多年的刻苦,能去为祖国尽一份力,感觉很荣幸、很光荣。 Most athletes and coaches are expected to be at the 14th National Games of the People’s Republic of China, which are next month in Shaanxi Province. One athlete said she is looking forward to future events, including the 2024 Paris Olympics. 从东京奥运会回国的大部分运动员、教练员都将参加下个月在陕西举行的全运会。运动员表示,期待参加全运会,并积极备战2024巴黎奥运会。 INTERVEW: Yang Shuyu Women’s 3x3 Basketball Bronze Medalist 杨舒予 东京奥运会女子三人篮球铜牌获得者 “I have learned a lot during the Tokyo trip, both mentally and skills-wise. I will keep practicing to perform my best in the future.” 无论是技术还是心态都在(东京)奥运之旅得到了不小的磨练和收获。自己也会将收获和出现的问题尽快打磨,努力将之后的比赛赛出水平、赛出风格。 The youth organizations called on young people across the country to learn from athletes and improve their skills through hard work. 共青团中央、全国青联号召全国广大青少年向中国体育健儿学习。 2.SENIORS PROVIDED WITH OFF-LINE HEALTH CODES 离线版“随申码”上线,老人出行不再愁! An off-line code function was introduced for seniors in Shanghai who are not familiar with online applications. Seniors can go to administrative service centers, community affairs service centers and telecom operator’s business halls across the city to apply for the off-line health code【健康码】. 近日,上海为不熟悉线上操作的老年人提供了随申码离线服务。老年人可前往全市多个行政服务中心、社区事务受理中心以及通信运营商的营业厅申请随申码离线服务。 At 9 o’clock in the morning, Ms. Liu went to her local community affairs service center in Minhang District’s Wujing Town. She managed to print the code from a machine in two minutes. 上午9点,刘阿姨来到位于闵行区吴泾镇的社区事务受理中心。仅两分钟时间,刘阿姨就成功从机器上打印出了随申码。 INTERVEW: Shanghai Resident 上海市民 “I think it’s convenient for us seniors, so I came here to apply.” 看到新闻说了,觉得这个很好,所以我们今天就迫不及待地过来办了,方便我们老年人。 At a China Unicom business hall in Changning District, some seniors were also printing their off-line health codes with the help of employees there. 在位于长宁区的中国联通营业厅,工作人员也在引导老人打印离线码。 INTERVEW: Shanghai Resident 上海市民 “Previously I seldom went out, because I didn’t know how to get a health QR code. But now it’s very convenient for me to get things done using the off-line health code.” 以前我不太敢出门,因为出门要看随申码,我又不会弄。现在有了这个离线码方便多了,我就可以自己行动。 The off-line health code is only offered to those over the age of 60, and its period of validity is 180 days. After 180 days, users are required to reapply. If users lose the paper-printed code, they can report the loss and reapply at the machine. Only one application can be submitted by an individual per day. 目前,离线码的申领只针对60周岁及以上老年人。一旦过了180天的有效期,则需要重新申领。如果纸质离线码不慎遗失,可以在线下的自主终端机报告遗失,并在机器上重新申领。每人每天只能补领一次。 INTERVIEW: Zhang Chun, Deputy Director Wujing Town Community Affairs Service Center 张淳 上海市闵行区吴泾镇社区事务受理服务中心副主任 “You can take a photo of the code and save it in your cellphone. A clear photo can also be used for daily scanning.” 只要将二维码拍照,留存清晰就可以了,也是同样可以进行扫描确认的。 If seniors don’t know how to use mobile applications to detail their travel history, they can send a short message to designated telecom operators, and their travel history code will be sent back to them by SMS. 老年人如果不知道如何使用手机端应用程序来展示行程,也可以向指定的通信运营商发送短信。行程卡将通过短信及时发回给老人。 3.FIREFIGHTERS CONTINUE TO BATTLE BLAZES IN GREECE 希腊山火持续肆虐,总理向国民道歉 Firefighters and residents continued to tackle【应付】fires on Greece’s second-largest island for an eighth day on Tuesday as the country endured what the prime minister described as "a natural disaster of unprecedented proportions." 到本周二,希腊第二大岛埃维亚岛的山火已持续8天,当地消防队员和居民仍在努力扑救。希腊总理称此次大火为“前所未有的自然灾害”。 Smoke and ash from Evia, a rugged island of forests and coves close to the Greek mainland, blocked out the sun and turned the sky orange. The massive fire, which began on August 3, is the most severe of the hundreds of fires Greece has been enduring throughout the past week, destroying pristine【原始状态的】pine forests as well as homes and businesses and forcing the evacuation of hundreds of people by sea. Greece has been hit by its worst heat wave in three decades, which sent temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius and turned its prized pine forests into tinderboxes【火药桶】. 埃维亚岛邻近希腊大陆,岛上森林、水湾遍布。如今,烟雾和火山灰遮住了太阳,将天空染成橙色。希腊在过去一周中经历了数百场大火,而这场始于8月3日的大火无疑是其中最严重的一场。原始松树林、房屋、厂房被摧毁,数百人被迫从海上撤离。希腊遭受了30年来最强热浪的侵袭,气温高达45摄氏度,珍贵的松树林成了一点就燃的火药桶。 INTERVIEW: Mina, Resident 米娜 当地居民 “Terrible. I cannot explain to you, like a horror movie.” (山火)太可怕了,没法用言语来形容,就像是一场恐怖电影。 Hundreds of protesters gathered outside parliament in Athens on Monday over the government’s handling of the wildfires. The Prime Minister of Greece apologized on Monday for failures in tackling the devastating event. 周一,数百名示威者聚集在希腊议会大厦外举行抗议活动,表达对政府应对火灾反应迟缓的不满。当天,希腊总理就未能应对各地火灾道歉。 INTERVIEW: Kyriakos Mitsotakis 米佐塔基斯 希腊总理 “I will be the first to apologize for any weaknesses. I fully understand the pain of those who watched their homes and properties burn, and the frustration of those who were evacuated from their hometowns.” 对灭火工作中的任何纰漏,我是第一责任人,应该向国民道歉。我完全理解那些目睹房屋和财产被毁的灾民内心的痛苦,被迫疏散的居民的沮丧。 Mitsotakis announced that a supplementary support package of 500 million euros will made available to people who have lost homes and property in the fire-stricken areas of Attica and Evia island. During the last two weeks, fires also have burned tens of thousands of hectares of forest in Turkey’s Mediterranean and Aegean provinces, killing eight people and forcing thousands to flee to safety. In neighboring Italy, Venice’s St. Mark’s Square flooded twice over the weekend, which is unusual and out of season in the month of August. The Venice municipality【市】said water levels rose to 1 meter on Saturday evening. The floods are caused by a combination of factors exacerbated【使恶化】by climate change, including rising sea levels and unusually high tides, as well as land subsidence【地面下沉】. 米佐塔基斯表示,政府将从国家预算中拨款5亿欧元,用于资助雅典所在阿提卡大区和埃维亚岛火灾中失去家园的民众。过去两周,大火还烧毁了土耳其南部地中海和爱琴海地区数万公顷的森林,造成8人死亡,数千人紧急撤离至安全地带。近日,意大利也遭遇反常天气,威尼斯的圣马可广场在周末两次遭水淹。威尼斯市政当局表示,周六晚水位已上升至1米。此次洪水是由气候变化加剧等多种因素造成的,包括海平面上升、潮汐异常以及地面沉降等。 #热词加油站 in recognition of【为表彰...】 health code【健康码】 tackle【应付】 pristine【原始状态的】 tinderbox【火药桶】 municipality【市】 exacerbate【使恶化】 land subsidence【地面下沉】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~