cover of episode 08/04 TOP NEWS | 抢险救援持续开展/上海连续八年命案全破/泰国远进党被排除组阁联盟

08/04 TOP NEWS | 抢险救援持续开展/上海连续八年命案全破/泰国远进党被排除组阁联盟

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NEWS ON 08/03 1.RESCUE EFFORTS CONTINUE****AS FLOOD WATERS RECEDE 海河流域降雨基本结束水位平稳回落,抢险救援继续  2.SHANGHAI POLICE SAY ALL MURDER****CASES SOLVED IN PAST 8 YRS 上海警方严打各类违法犯罪:命案8年全破 抢案5年全破 3. THAILAND’S PHEU THAI PARTY BREAKSAWAY FROM MOVE FORWARD 胜选却难上台泰国远进党被排除出组阁联盟 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------  1.RESCUE EFFORTS CONTINUEAS FLOOD WATERS RECEDE 海河流域降雨基本结束水位平稳回落,抢险救援继续  As rescue efforts continue in Hebei Province, China’s Ministry of Emergency Management has upgraded the national disaster response to level three. The National Development and Reform Commission has earmarked划拨(款项)】100 million yuan for reconstruction costs. Here’s Chen Xuan with a look at all the latest. 河北省抢险救援工作持续,国家应急管理部已将全国防汛应急响应提升至三级。国家发展和改革委员会已拨款1亿元人民币用于灾后重建。陈璇带来最新情况。 Onehourafter nearly 6 days of torrential【(水)奔流的】rainfall in Hebei, the amount of accumulated water is more than twice the amount contained in all of the province’s major reservoirs【水库】. 河北省持续近6天的暴雨后,仅一小时,积水量就已经超过全省各大水库容量的两倍。 Rescue and relocation work continues today in the city of Zhuozhou 80 kilometers southwest of Beijing. Multiple rivers run through the city, which is also one of Hebei’s 7 flood discharge areas, the additional nearly 400 millimeters of rainfall resulted in an extraordinary level of flooding. 今天(08/03),在位于北京西南80公里处的涿州市,救援和转移工作仍在继续。涿州市有多条河流流经,也是河北省7处蓄滞洪区之一,近400毫米的超常降雨导致了这场特大洪水。 Across Hebei, more than 1.2 million people have been relocated, with close to 860,000 of them moved from flood discharge zones. Official say that, though rain has stopped, the city will still have to manage the massive amount of upstream flood waters in the coming weeks. 整个河北省已经有超过120万人被紧急转移,其中近86万人来自蓄滞洪区。官方表示,虽然降雨基本结束,但在未来几周内,该市仍需应对来自上游的洪水过境。 Li Na, Deputy DirectorofHebei Dept. of Water Resources 李娜河北省水利厅副厅长 “对涿州来说,还有3亿到4亿立方米的水要过境。如果没有这两个蓄滞洪区,那么下游雄安新区和天津的防洪压力将是非常大的” “There’re still between 300 and 400 million cubic meters of water that’ll pass through the city. If we don’t discharge this floodwater, both Xiong’an New Area and the city of Tianjin will be under significant pressure.”   More than 100,000 rescue workers in over 4,700 teams have been activated in Hebei. The area around Yongji永济Park was heavily flooded, andthe entrance to a school was completely submerged, and the entire area is still without water, power or gas. 河北已有超过100,000名救援人员组成4,700多个救援队伍投入抗洪救援工作。永济公园周围地区受灾严重,一所学校的入口完全被淹没,整个地区仍处于断水、断电、断气状态。 Feng Qingdong, Zhangjiakou Red Cross Emergency Rescue Team 冯庆东河北省张家口市红十字应急救援队副队长 “里边的暗流比较多,对于冲锋舟的操作困难性很大,潜在的危险比较多一点。现在水位陆续都在往下降,从昨天到现在,从岸边往后都退了150米左右,接下来就是把灾区里面没有转移的继续都转移完毕。” “There’re strong undercurrents in some of the flooded areas, and it’d be dangerous for us to approach. Between yesterday and today, the water has receded about 150 meters from both shores. We’re working to get the rest of the people out.” A school has been turned into the city’s largest temporary shelter, it’s also serving as a headquarters of the rescue teams and a temporary clinic. Thousands of people are now taking shelter there. 一所学校被改建为该市最大的临时避难所,同时也是救援队伍的总部和临时诊所。目前有数千人在此避难。 Back in Beijing, the rain has stopped, and flood alerts have been canceled in the downtown districts. 6 suburban districts have downgraded their alert level to yellow. Now people in the hard-hit villages are being relocated to temporary shelters. 北京地区降雨已结束,中心城区的洪水预警已解除。6个周边区域已降级至橙色预警。目前,受灾最严重的村庄的居民正在被转移到临时避难所。 A rental apartment building was turned into a shelter. However, water started to come in and power was cut shortly after. As of last night, more than 4,300 people there have been transferred to other locations. 一幢出租公寓楼被改造成了避难所。然而不久,洪水涌入切断了电力。截至昨晚,已有超过4,300人被转移到其他地点。 Also, early this morning, all passengers on board the 3 stranded trains were transported to safety. People in nearby villages have been providing food to the stranded passengers. 此外,今日(08/03)清晨,3辆因暴雨被困列车上的乘客都已被送往安全地带。附近村庄的居民为受困乘客提供了食物。 Passanger 旅客 “其实很多居民家里已经没有粮食了,水都没有,但是大家给我们去摘黄瓜,去摘茄子这些拿咸菜。” “Some of the locals gave out all their food, and they went into their own vegetable patches and harvested some cucumbers and eggplants.” The storm system has moved north, and is now causing heavy downpours【倾盆大雨】 in Northeastern China. A basic flood emergency response has been activated. 目前暴雨带已北移,导致东北地区出现强降雨。当地已启动了基本的防洪应急响应。 Meteorologists say the amount of rain in the past few days has exceeded three of the most extreme storms ever recorded in northern China. 气象专家表示,过去几天的降雨量已经超过了中国北方有记录以来三次最强暴雨。 Zhang Hengde, Deputy Director of National Meteorological Center 张恒德国家气象中心副主任 “仅用两天的时间,邢台就下了相当于正常年份两年的雨。北京地区也有两站累计降水量超过700毫米,远超2012年北京"7·21"特大暴雨极值541毫米。” “Xingtai City received 2 years’ worth of rain in 2 days. 2 monitoring stations in Beijing recorded 700 millimeters, which is significantly more than the 541 millimeters that fell in the powerful storm of July of 2012.” 2.SHANGHAI POLICE SAY ALL MURDER****CASES SOLVED IN PAST 8 YRS 上海警方严打各类违法犯罪:命案8年全破 抢案5年全破 Shanghai Police said today they have solved all homicide cases for 8 consecutive years and all robbery cases for 5 straight years. Zhang Hong tells us more about two recently solved cases.     上海警方今天(08/03)表示,上海已连续8年实现命案全破、连续五年抢案全破。记者张泓向我们介绍最近侦破的两起案件详情。 A suspect surnamed Yu was arrested on June 13th after being on the run for 21 years. In February 2002, Mr. Yang was killed in his taxi. Police speculated that there were two murderers, but they were not able to find the suspects due to technology restrictions. In May, police learned 50-year-old Mr. Yu was in Jiangmen, Guangdong. He was arrested and charged with killing the cab driver. 今年6月13日,潜逃21年之久的嫌疑人余某被捕。2002年2月,杨某在出租车内遇害。警方推测有两名凶手,但受限于当时技术条件,警方未能找到嫌疑人。今年5月,警方得知嫌疑人50岁男子余某位于广东江门,随后成功将其抓获并以谋杀出租车司机对余某提起诉讼。 Lu Qing, Major Crime Team Leader of Huangpu Criminal Police 陆庆上海市公安局黄浦分局刑侦支队重案队队长 “该名男子与我们当时的案件当中走访(掌握)的人员同名同姓,我们将其列为重要犯罪嫌疑人。经生物痕迹比对,该犯罪嫌疑人就是我们(案件)的犯罪嫌疑人。” “The man has the same name as our suspected murderer when we were investigating the case back then. He is listed as a major suspect. Through a comparison of bio-markers, we confirmed he is the man we’ve been looking for.” After being arrested, Yu confessed that he killed the taxi driver and robbed him with Mr. Ling. They are both from Pingjiang in Hunan Province. On June 20th, Ling was arrested in Changsha, Hunan. 于某被捕后供认了与凌某共同实施杀人劫财的犯罪事实。他们都是湖南平江人。今年6月20日,凌某在湖南长沙被捕。 Xie Yangang, Deputy Chief****of Shanghai Criminal Police 谢燕刚 上海市公安局刑侦总队副总队长 “以‘常态推进+专案攻坚’模式,全面梳理案卷线索,寻找突破口,先后成功侦破命案积案14起。其中侦破20年以上命案积案11起,30年以上1起。” “While solving new cases, we’ve also been taking a fresh look at old cases and looking for new breakthroughs. We solved 14 long-pending murder cases. 11 of them occurred over 20 years ago and 1 case couldn’t be solved for more than 30 years.” In late April, Shanghai police received a call from a company’s accountants saying that they had been defrauded【欺骗】 of several million yuan by someone pretending to be their boss. Police found that they had opened an email with a virus, which allowed a hacker to control their computers. 今年4月下旬,上海警方接到一家公司会计的电话,称有人冒充其公司老板诈骗了数百万元。警方发现他们打开了一封带有病毒的电子邮件,黑客由此控制了他们的电脑。 Xu Haitao, Deputy Chief****of Cyber Security, Pudong Police 徐海涛 上海市公安局浦东分局网安支队副支队长 “(黑客)是把被害人登在她办公电脑上的微信,包括截取了她老板或财务总监的头像,获取这个头像以后,他用自己的微信替换成老板的微信,然后再实施诈骗。” “The hacker took screenshots of the profile photos of their boss’ and chief financial officer’s WeChat accounts and forged**【伪造】a WeChat account to pretend to be their boss.” Police analyzed the virus and arrested Mr. Zhang on May 10th. Another 29 fraud suspects were arrested in multiple cities nationwide after police looked into his list of contacts. 警方对病毒进行了分析,并于5月10日逮捕了男子张某。警方调查了他的联系人名单后,又在全国多个城市逮捕了其它29名诈骗嫌疑人。 3.THAILAND’S PHEU THAI PARTY BREAKSAWAY FROM MOVE FORWARD 胜选却难上台泰国远进党被排除出组阁联盟 The political party that won the most seats in Thailand’s general election in May is out of the coalition to form the next government. The announcement comes amid strong opposition from conservative lawmakers over its proposed reform of laws surrounding Thailand’s monarchy. Sun Siqi has more. 在五月份的泰国大选中获得最多席位的远进党被排除出下届政府组阁联盟。此举是因为该政党提议对涉及泰国王室的法律进行改革,遭到了保守派议员的强烈反对。本台记者孙思奇带来报道。 Thailand’s election-winning Move Forward Party is no longer part of an eight-party alliance that was formed after a May general election in an attempt to form the country’s next government. 在泰国大选中胜出的远进党已被排除出五月全国大选后组成的八党联盟,该联盟旨在组建下一届政府。 Move Forward emerged as the largest party in the May polls, followed by Pheu Thai. Pheu Thai Party leader, Chonlanan Srikaew, told a news conference in Bangkok his party had little choice but to break with its ally in the face of insurmountable conservative opposition to it. 在五月的选举中,前进党成为最大的政党,其次是为泰党。为泰党领袖冲拉南·西胶在曼谷的新闻发布会上表示,在面对不可逾越的保守派反对时,他的党派别无选择,只能与盟友决裂。 Chonlanan Srikaew, Pheu Thai Party Leader 冲拉南·西胶 为泰党党首 “The Pheu Thai Party and Srettha Thavisin would like to clearly reiterate that we will not support the amendment of Article 112, the royal insult law, and the formation of a new government will not include Move Forward Party in the alliance.” “为泰党和赛塔希望明确重申,我们不会支持修改第112条(‘亵渎君主罪’),组建新政府也不会将远进党纳入联盟。” The Pheu Thai Party said it would nominate a real estate tycoon for prime minister. This has upset some protesters who gathered in front of party headquarters on Wednesday, saying that they were disappointed by the decision. 为泰党表示将提名一位房地产大亨作为总理候选人。一些对此不满的抗议者在本周三聚集在为泰党总部前,表达了对这一决定的失望。 Jiraporn Butsapakit, **Protester 抗议者 “I’m boiling. I never imagined they would break their promises.” “我很愤怒,我从没想过他们(为泰党)会违背承诺。” Also, a parliamentary vote to select Thailand’s new prime minister on Friday was delayed again, after a court put off a decision in a case involving the progressive party that won May’s election, adding to growing uncertainty about when a new government will take office. 此外,周五选举泰国新总理的议会投票再次被推迟,因为法院推迟了对一宗涉及赢得五月大选的进步党的案件的裁决,这增加了新政府何时就职的不确定性。 #热词加油站 earmark/ˈɪəmɑːk/【划拨(款项)】 reservoir/ˈrezəvwɑː(r)/【水库】 downpour/ˈdaʊnpɔː(r)/【倾盆大雨】 defraud/dɪˈfrɔːd/【欺骗】 forge/fɔːdʒ/【伪造】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~