cover of episode 07/06 TOP OF THE DAY 滴滴下架/全球最大天文馆魔都面世/ 中国科技公司美国上市

07/06 TOP OF THE DAY 滴滴下架/全球最大天文馆魔都面世/ 中国科技公司美国上市

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NEWSON 0**7/06 1.RIDE-HAILING GIANT DIDI REMOVED FROM APP STORES 下架!“滴滴出行”暂停新用户注册 2.SHANGHAI ASTRONOMY MUSEUM OPENS FOR TEST RUN 全球最大天文馆!上海天文馆启动压力测试 3.CHINESE TECH IPOS ON US MARKETS REVIVE AFTER LULL 登陆纳斯达克!中国科技公司赴美上市 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.RIDE-HAILING GIANT DIDI REMOVED FROM APP STORES The Chinese internet watchdog announced yesterday that it has notified app stores to remove Chinese ride-hailing platform Didi Chuxing due to "serious" violations of laws and regulations regarding the collection and use of personal information. That came after regulators’ cybersecurity review into the company last Friday. 昨晚(4日),国家网信办发布消息,根据举报,经检测核实,“滴滴出行”APP存在严重违法违规收集使用个人信息问题。此前,网络安全审查办公室于上周五(2日)宣布,对“滴滴出行”启动网络安全审查。 The Beijing-based firm was told to strictly follow legal requirements and correct existing problems so as to effectively protect users’ information.  国家互联网信息办公室依据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》相关规定,要求滴滴出行科技有限公司严格按照法律要求,参照国家有关标准,认真整改存在的问题,切实保障广大用户个人信息安全。 Regulators today also initiated cybersecurity investigations into online truck logistics platforms Huochebang and Yunmanman, and job recruiting【招收】 platform Boss Zhipin to review them on the grounds of national data security, national security, and public interest concerns.  今天(5日),国家网信办再发公告,为防范国家数据安全风险,维护国家安全,保障公共利益,网络安全审查办公室按照《网络安全审查办法》,对“运满满”、“货车帮”、“BOSS直聘”实施网络安全审查。 New user registrations for the three platforms as well as for Didi Chuxing will be stopped temporarily during the review, and that was according to the latest announcements. 审查期间,“运满满”、“货车帮”、“BOSS直聘”暂停新用户注册。 2.SHANGHAI ASTRONOMY MUSEUM OPENS FOR TEST RUN Shanghai Astronomy Museum opened for a test today. Officials say it’s one of the most advanced of its kind worldwide after close to five years of construction. The museum is in Lingang New Area and is a branch of Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. 上海天文馆(上海科技馆分馆)今日启动压力测试。有官员表示,历时近五年,上海天文馆从全球4000多座天文馆脱颖而出,一跃成为全球最大、最先进的天文馆。这一上海乃至长三角地区全新的天文科普教育和文化旅游地标坐落于中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区。 Under the dome-shaped【穹顶】 ceiling meant to mimic【模仿】 the sky, the planetarium 【天文馆】 presents constellations【星座】 as you’d observe them. Designers say they’d like to turn their exhibits into a star-gazing experience. 从空中俯瞰,天文馆主建筑以优美的螺旋形态构成“天体运行轨道”,独具特色的圆洞天窗、球幕影院和倒转穹顶,诠释天体运行的基本规律。倒转穹顶的碗型设计重造了一个观天的地平线,“屏蔽”城市的喧嚣和周遭的一切,使置身其中的人们得以静观天空,思考宇宙,设计师将其称为“与天对话的地方”。 INTERVIEW: Zhang Yao, Staff 张瑶,工作人员 You’ll see the celestial bodies’【天体】 real positions in the sky. Our instructors will help you find your favorite stars. 你可以看到天体在天空中的真实位置。我们的讲解员也会帮你找到你最喜欢的星星 More abstract concepts like time and space, light and gravity are presented in a way aspiring young astronomers will find easy to comprehend【理解】. 我们很创新地做了一个真人实时天象演示模式。我们希望打造一个大家在野外真实观星的场景。 INTERVIEW: Du Zhimao, Staff 杜芝茂,工作人员 The grid lines become denser the closer you get to a black hole. This shows how time and space is distorted【扭曲】 by gravity. 离黑洞越近,网格线就越密集。它展示了时间和空间是如何被重力扭曲的。 Also discover 70 meteorite samples as well as a 1729 copy of Sir Isaac Newton’s "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy". The space exploration section includes models of Chang’e-5, Zhurong Martian rover and the core module of China’s space station. 上海天文馆征集了总计约70件著名陨石、超过120件/套文物藏品,以及世界科学发展的著名科学家的原版著作,其中包括牛顿的《自然哲学的数学原理》英文版第一版(1729年)。同时,“征程”展区内,观众还可以观摩嫦娥五号和玉兔号在月球上工作的动态场景;以及祝融号火星车、天和号核心舱仿真模型。 INTERVIEW: Du Zhimao, Staff 杜芝茂,工作人员 In here, you’ll find what astronauts eat, how they heat and preserve their food and where they sleep. 这是我们关注的区域:我们宇航员吃什么,以及怎么打开餐具。 The museum will open on July 18th. It will host special events from time to time on the latest astronomical findings. 上海天文馆7月18日起对公众开放。随着上海天文馆开馆在即,由上海科技馆、上海自然博物馆、上海天文馆构成的上海科学技术博物馆集群也逐步形成。 馆内将不时举办关于最新天文发现的特别活动。 3.CHINESE TECH IPOS ON US MARKETS REVIVE AFTER LULL For a while it seemed as though Chinese tech IPOs in the US market had slowed from a flood to a trickle【细流】. But the momentum has been returning, and investors there so far have been warming up to the Chinese tech companies once again. Ying Junyi has more. 在过去的一段时间里,中国科技公司赴美上市的趋势有所放缓,但是近期这种势头再次回升。可以看到,不少投资者重拾对这些科技公司的热情。请听应俊一带来的报道。 Chinese technology companies are flocking【蜂拥】to the US for IPOs once again. More than 30 Chinese tech companies raised more than 10 billion dollars on Wall Street in the first half of the year, and another 30 or more are expected in the next six months. 中国科技公司再次掀起赴美上市热。截止到2021年上半年,共计有超过30家中国科技公司在美上市,其市值共计达100亿美元。预计今年下半年另有30多家中国科技公司还将赴美上市。 INTERVIEW: Theodore Shou, Chief Investment Officer, Skybound Capital 寿祺,首席投资官,时机资本 Many of these companies received early funding in the early stages from US dollars investors or from the US dollars private equity funds. These private equity funds are seeking an exit, and that exit would be better expressed if these companies go public in the US. 其中许多企业曾接受来自投资者或私募基金的美元早期投资。这些私募基金正在寻找出场机会,如果这些公司公开上市,那么这些机会将会更好兑现。 The boom of Chinese tech IPOs in the US is driven by a desire to tap【利用】 the deep pools of liquidity available there. Shou says many Chinese tech firms have managed to secure relatively elevated valuations in the US market. The IPO regulations there are also resulting in the current cluster of floatations on the US exchanges. 中国科技公司希望能够利用美国市场的强流动性,而这也激发了中国科技企业赴美上市的热潮。寿祺表示,许多赴美上市的中国科技公司都获得了相对较高的估值。此外,中国有关部门的上市监管也是激发该热潮的另一个因素。 INTERVIEW: Theodore Shou, Chief Investment Officer, Skybound Capital 寿祺,首席投资官,时机资本 Obviously, many of them are relying on their 2020 annual reports to be included in theirprospectus. And they have a grace period of roughly nine months meaning they need to submit the IPO within nine months otherwise they would have to prepare the semi-annual report in order to supplement the prospectus. 显然,在这些公司中,有不少公司都将其2020年年报纳入了招股说明书。它们有约9个月的宽限期,这意味着他们需要在9个月内提交IPO,否则它们就必须额外准备半年度报告以补充招股说明书。 As for the onshore market, the registration-based IPO reform has also pushed up the number of IPOs by 70 percent and the amount of money they raised increased by nearly 60 percent. And the revised Securities Law better protects investors’ rights. 就在岸市场而言,股票发行注册制改革使IPO数量增加了70%,其市值也增长了近60%。同时,修订后的《证券法》更好地保护了投资者的权益。 INTERVIEW: Ryan Tang, Senior Partner, AllBright Law Offices 汤奕隽,高级合伙人,锦天城律师事务所上海总部 Regulators are paying more attention to IPO applications and requiring stricter information disclosure. They are also spot-checking【抽查】 some of the IPO candidates. The revised Securities Law has an increased emphasis on protecting the interests of small and individual investors. 监管部门开始对整个申报流程开始越来越严格,对文件的要求和信息披露会审查的更仔细,还有些会到现场抽查访谈。这些都是新的证券法修改后的体现。新的证券法更趋向于保护型投资者和个体投资者的权益。 The number and scrutiny of listing hearings in China have increased, and the new law levies tougher penalties for any market violations. 中国上市审核听证会的数量和审查力度都有所增加。根据修订后的《证券法》,任何市场违规行为都将面临更为严厉的处罚。 #热词加油站 recruiting【招收】 dome【穹顶】 mimic【模仿】 planetarium 【天文馆】 constellation【星座】 celestial bodies’【天体】 comprehend【理解】 distort【扭曲】 trickle【细流】 flock【蜂拥】 tap【利用】 spot-check【抽查】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~