cover of episode 06/23 TOP OF THE DAY浦江光影秀为党庆生/上海特警亲授自卫大招/疫苗没到,美国怪流

06/23 TOP OF THE DAY浦江光影秀为党庆生/上海特警亲授自卫大招/疫苗没到,美国怪流

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NEWS ON 06/22  ****1.     NEW BUND LIGHT SHOW CELEBRATES 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF CPC 浦江两岸光影绚烂,欢庆中国共产党百年诞辰 **2.     **POLICE SWAT TEAM GIVES STUDENTS SELF-DEFENSE LESSONS 特警亲授!危急关头,孩子们如何自卫 **3.     **VAST DIFFERENCES IN VACCINATION PACE WORLDWIDE 中美领跑,非洲告急!全球新冠疫苗接种情况大不同 --------------*记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------ 1.NEW BUND LIGHT SHOW CELEBRATES 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF CPC 浦江两岸光影绚烂,欢庆中国共产党百年诞辰 Starting June 30th, a new light show in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China will light up the Bund skyline. Sun Siqi brings us a preview of the spectacle①. 为庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,黄浦江两岸将展演以“永远跟党走”为主题的全新主题光影秀,本月30日晚上起将正式亮相。这就跟随我们,一起来先睹为快。 The six-minute show begins with a red beam of light from the Monument② to the People’s Heroes. Light installations③ on more than 300 buildings on both banks of Huangpu River will surround a massive light installation in the shape of the CPC 100th anniversary logo. 整场光影秀共6分钟。殷红的光束照亮人民英雄纪念碑,拉开了整场光影秀的序幕。浦江两岸,300多栋建筑依次点亮,将建党百年巨型灯光标识,烘托得更加熠熠生辉。 Images and text will be displayed on skyscrapers, telling the story of the CPC’s journey and important events in leading the country, from the revolution④ to guiding China into modernization. 楼宇大屏上,用各种光影图案,持续呈现中国共产党领导中国革命历史上的重要标志性事件,展现了从石库门到天安门,中国共产党波澜壮阔的百年征程。 Ding Qinhua, Head of Landscape Management SH Landscaping & City Appearance Bureau The light installation for the celebration logo is more than 20 meters tall and 30 meters wide, it is the largest of its kind in the country. We used a lot of new technology. 第一次创新地做了庆祝中国共产党成立100周年的灯光艺术标识。20多米高,30多米宽,是国内最大的。我们采用了很多新的技术。 Background music for the show will incorporate⑤ many iconic revolutionary songs. 光影秀的背景音乐以不同历史时期、人民群众耳熟能详的经典乐曲为基础,进行了重新编排和创作。 Luo Wei, Composer⑥ You will hear iconic red-themed music in this show -- essentially, we need to condense⑦ 100 years into a six-minute brilliant⑧ spectacle. 贯穿了大量红色经典(音乐),用浓缩的一个时长,去回顾了一场百年的历史,凝聚成一个非常 绚烂和华丽的光影秀。 The show will run every thirty minutes from 7:30 to 10:30 pm between June 30th and July 4th. “永远跟党走”黄浦江主题光影秀,从6月30日到7月4日,每晚七点半到十点半,逢半点、整点展演一次。 ①spectacle n. 壮观的场面或景象 ②monument n. 纪念碑 ③installation n. 安装 ④revolution n. 革命、重大变革 ⑤incorporate v. 包含 ⑥composer n. 作曲家 ⑦condense v. 浓缩 ⑧brilliant a. 明亮的、辉煌的 2.POLICE SWAT TEAM GIVES STUDENTS SELF-DEFENSE LESSONS 特警亲授)危急关头,孩子们如何自卫 A Shanghai police SWAT team visited more than 20 students in Shanghai) today to teach them how to protect themselves. Zhang Yue has more.  6月22日,来自上海市公安特警队的警官们向20余名初中学生亲身传授,如何在危险情况下自卫。 20 students were separated into red and blue teams. They competed with each other as they experienced some daily training routines including combat training, shooting practice, and climbing.) 20名学生们被分为红、蓝两队,以竞赛的形式体验搏斗、射击、攀岩等特警的日常训练项目。 Lang Yuxiang, Student, Lansheng Fudan Middle School 郎昱翔 兰生复旦七年级学生 “以前从来没有见过,这次亲身体验可以见到特警平时是怎么训练的,也知道他们平时那些勇武的行动是怎么做出来的,感觉他们的汗水是非常值得人敬佩的。” This is my first time to see how SWAT police officers train. They are so brave and their gestures are so cool. It is admirable how hard they work to protect us. SWAT team officers taught the students about security and said the most vital thing to do is stall for time as, in most cases, police are on the way. 特警队员们对学生进行了安全教育,并强调当危险发生时,争取时间是重中之重。因为在大多数情况下,警察都正在赶来救援的路上。 Ma Junfeng,SH Police SWAT Team 马俊峰 市公安局特警总队战训支队政委 那么为什么把"抗"放在最后呢?最主要是"跑""喊",这是示警的作用,我们不太强调也不太鼓励小朋友去和犯罪分子作对抗,最主要是要保护好自己,保护好同学们。 Yelling, running for help and hiding are what students should do. We don’t encourage students to confront and fight a suspect. Self-protection is most important. The event was livestreamed on the police Weibo account. Police said more educational events will be organized for students in the near future.) 警方将本活动在微博全程直播,并称未来将为学生规划更多教育类活动。 3.VAST DIFFERENCES IN VACCINATION PACE WORLDWIDE 中美领跑,非洲告急!全球新冠疫苗接种情况大不同 Over 2.5 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines have been administered worldwide. But there are vast differences in the pace of progress in different parts of the world. Zhang Hong tells us more.) 全球接种新冠疫苗人数已超25亿,但不同地区的疫苗接种进度存在显著差异。 Data shows that China and the US have administered the highest number of doses. Most of the other countries among the top 10 are mostly high-income countries in the Middle East, Europe and North America. In Africa, less than 10 doses per 100 people is the norm. South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa said Africa only had about 40 million doses of vaccines, which is not even enough for 2% of total population of the continent. )The U.S. laid out a plan to share 55 million COVID-19 vaccines globally earlier but there have been delays in sharing the vaccines. 数据显示,中国和美国的疫苗接种数量最多。每100人所拥有的疫苗数量排名前十位的国家,多数为中东、欧洲和北美地区的高收入国家。在非洲,每100人中,仅有不到10人能够分配到疫苗。南非总统西里尔·拉马福萨(Cyril Ramaphosa)表示,非洲目前分到的疫苗大约只有4000万剂,覆盖面不足非洲人口的2%。此前,美国曾计划向全球分发5500万支新冠疫苗,但在交付过程中出现了延误。 Psaki, White House Spokesperson 珍·普萨基 美国白宫新闻发言人 “This is a Herculean logistical challenge and we’ve seen that as we’ve begun to implement. Teams need to ensure that there are proper temperature storage, prevent breakage and ensure the vaccine immediately clears customs.”我们在物流运输上面临巨大挑战。(延迟交付)是因为物流团队要确保疫苗有合适的储存温度,要防止它们破损还要保证它们能及时清关。 Many poorer countries are relying on deliveries from COVAX, a WHO scheme that is trying to ensure everyone in the world has access to vaccines. The plan is to deliver 2 billion doses by the end of the year.) 许多欠发达国家将获取疫苗的希望寄托于“新冠疫苗实施计划”(COVAX)。该计划由世界卫生组织主导,旨在保证世界上所有人都能接种新冠疫苗。该计划的目标是在2021年年底前提供20亿剂疫苗。 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~