NEWS ON 05/30** 1.SHANGHAI GOVERNMENT ISSUES NOTICE FORCITY REOPENING** 上海:恢复出入公共交通恢复运营机动车** 2.SHANGHAI REPORTS 6 CASES, 61ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS** 5月30日上海疫情发布会:上海新增新冠确诊病例6例,无症状感染者61例** 3.LONG MARCH-5 ROCKET ARRIVES AT LAUNCHBASE** 长征五号B遥三运载火箭运抵文昌发射场** -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------** 1.SHANGHAI GOVERNMENT ISSUES NOTICE FORCITY REOPENING** 上海:恢复出入公共交通恢复运营机动车** The Shanghai government issued notice todayfor the city's reopening beginning June 1st.** 上海市疫情防控工作领导小组办公室今天下午(2022年5月30日)发布《关于6月1日起全市住宅小区恢复出入公共交通恢复运营机动车恢复通行的通告》** People in low risk areas will be allowed toenter and leave their residential compound starting from Wednesday. However,those living in medium and high risk areas, as well as in closed and controlledareas cannot leave their compound. Almost all buses, metro lines and ferrieswill be up and running, and taxis and online car-hailing【网约车】 will resume operation. Private cars will be allowed to drive inlow-risk areas. The government reminded residents to continue to keep theirmasks on, maintain social distance and avoid large gatherings. COVID-19vaccination is also recommended. People must continue to follow pandemiccontrol measures, such as taking PCR tests as required, and scan** venue codes****【场所码】. 从周三(6月1日)开始,除高风险地区和封控区、管控区外,有序恢复低风险地区住宅小区出入。市域内地面公交、轨道交通全网恢复基本运行,对江轮渡(含三岛客运)有序恢复运行。机动车方面,巡游出租车、网约车恢复正常运行;除中高风险地区和封控区、管控区外,私家车和单位用车正常出行。通报同时提醒,希望广大市民继续做好个人防护,牢记"三件套""五还要",规范佩戴口罩,保持社交距离,不聚集、不扎堆,加强自我健康监测,出现不适及时就医,同时,主动接种新冠病毒疫苗,自觉遵守核酸检测、扫"场所码"等各项防疫规定,合力筑牢疫情防控的坚固屏障。** 2.SHANGHAI REPORTS 6 CASES, 61ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS** 5月30日上海疫情发布会:上海新增新冠确诊病例6例,无症状感染者61例** Shanghai reported 6 newly confirmed casesand 61 asymptomatic carriers【无症状感染者】 yesterday. One of the confirmed cases was found outside isolated and controlledarea.** 上海昨天(5月29日)新增6例新冠肺炎本土确诊病例和61例本土无症状感染者。其中1例在相关风险人群筛查中发现,其余新增阳性感染者,均在闭环隔离管控中发现。** The 22-year-old patient lives in thedormitory building at 165 Jianchuan Road in Minhang and had not left thecompound in the past 14 days. Close contacts and secondary contacts have beenidentified. The latest update to the city's risk areas shows approximately 22 millionpeople living in precautionary areas. The Shanghai Health Commission said thecity's PCR sample testing capacity is now in excess of 8.5 million tubes perday, which is enough to cope with the PCR testing requirements after peoplereturn to work. So far, 15,000 PCR testing sites have been set up in the city.About 5,000 of them are open for public use, approximately 4,000 are reservedfor nearby residential compounds【居民区】 andabout 6,000 are inside companies, schools and construction sites.** 闵行区在社区筛查中发现的阳性感染者,女性、22岁,居住于吴泾镇剑川路165号大院宿舍楼,该阳性感染者14天内未离开过剑川路165号大院,其活动轨迹仅限于该大院中,已排查所有的密接和次密接。目前防范区总人数达到2200万以上,全市单日最大检测能力达到850万管以上,可以满足全市复工复产后的核酸检测需求。截至目前,全市已经设置完成了约1.5万个点位,其中面向社会公众的约5000个,面向所在小区居民的约4000个,设置在企业、学校、工地等内部场所的对内点位约6000个。** Zhao Dandan, Deputy Director/ShanghaiHealth Commission** 赵丹丹 上海市卫生健康委副主任** People can find the address, the openinghours and estimated waiting time of a nearby PCR testing site using theSuishenban App. There's also a map feature within the App to help them find thesite. This will make it easier for people find the nearest place to get their sample【样本】 taken. 大家可以在"随申办"APP的首页的"核酸采样点"页面中查询到这些采样点的具体的地址、服务时间和忙闲情况,页面中也提供地图导航服务,便于大家能够就近接受核酸采样服务。** 3.LONG MARCH-5 ROCKET ARRIVES AT LAUNCHBASE** 长征五号B遥三运载火箭运抵文昌发射场** A Long March-5B Y3 rocket arrived at theWenchang launch site【发射场】 in HainanProvince on Sunday. The rocket will be used to launch the Wentian lab module,which will connect to the Tiangong space station.** 长征五号B遥三运载火箭周日(2022年5月29日)运抵海南省文昌航天发射场。这枚火箭将与先期运抵的问天实验舱执行发射任务,与天宫空间站的天和核心舱对接。** The lab module will be attached to therocket during on-site final assembly. Preparation work for a full systems checkis currently underway. The Wentian** lab module****【实验舱】** is scheduled to launch and dock with the Tianhe** core module****【核心舱】** of the Tiangong space station in July, followed by the Mengtian labmodule in October. Once these two lab modules are in place, construction of thespace station will be complete.** 长征五号B遥三运载火箭随后会与先期运抵的问天实验舱一起进行发射场区总装和测试工作,并将在7月执行发射任务,与天宫空间站的天和核心舱对接,随后将在10月发射梦天实验舱与核心舱对接。空间站两舱就位后,中国空间站在轨建造即将完成。** #热词加油站** online car-hailing【网约车】** venue code【场所码】** asymptomatic carrier【无症状感染者】** residential compound【居民区】** sample [ˈsɑːmpl]【样本】** launch site【发射场】** lab module【实验舱】** core module【核心舱】** 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!** 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”** 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~**