cover of episode 05/26 TOP NEWS 丨 住房公积金支持政策发布 / 上汽”新车出海“ / 餐饮企业复商复市

05/26 TOP NEWS 丨 住房公积金支持政策发布 / 上汽”新车出海“ / 餐饮企业复商复市

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*NEWS ON 05/251. CHINA ALLOWS DEFERRED HOUSING PROVIDENT FUND PAYMENTS三部门联合发布通知 实施住房公积金阶段性支持政策2.SAIC MOTOR SHIPS MORE THAN 1,000 VEHICLES TO AUSTRALIA复工复产有序推进 上汽又一批“新车出海”3.RESTAURANTS STRUGGLE TO STAY IN BUSINESS复商复市进行时:餐饮企业准备好了吗?**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA ALLOWS DEFERRED HOUSING PROVIDENT FUND PAYMENTS三部门联合发布通知 实施住房公积金阶段性支持政策**Multiple government departments yesterday rolled out【正式推出】 a phased supportive policy on deferring* housing provident fund【住房公积金】** payments, in an aim to help COVID-hit enterprises and individuals. 为帮助受疫情影响的企业和个人渡过难关,昨日(5/24)多部门联合发布通知,决定实施住房公积金阶段性支持政策。Jointly released by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Finance, and the People's Bank of China, the policy states that enterprises affected by the pandemic can apply to postpone contributions to the housing provident fund. Regular withdrawals and loan applications of the fund by employees will not be affected during the postponement. Late payments will not be treated as loan delinquency【违法行为】, nor logged in their credit reports should an individual fail to make payments in time due to impact of the pandemic. The statement also urged local authorities to raise the withdrawal quota of the fund for rental payments, and support depositors who need to draw from the fund as needed. The supportive measures will be tentatively valid until the end of this year. 住建部、财政部、央行日前联合发布通知。通知明确,受新冠肺炎疫情影响的企业,可按规定申请缓缴住房公积金,到期后补缴。在此期间,缴存职工正常提取和申请住房公积金贷款不受缓缴影响。受新冠肺炎疫情影响的缴存人,不能正常偿还住房公积金贷款的,不作逾期处理,不作为逾期记录报送征信部门。此外,各地还可根据当地房租水平和合理租住面积,提高住房公积金租房提取额度,支持缴存人按需提取,更好地满足缴存人支付房租的实际需要。这些支持政策暂定实施到今年年底。2.SAIC MOTOR SHIPS MORE THAN 1,000 VEHICLES TO AUSTRALIA*复工复产有序推进 上汽又一批“新车出海”*SAIC Motor, China's largest automaker, exported over 1,000 new vehicles to Australia today. 中国最大的汽车制造商上汽集团今日向澳大利亚出口超1000辆新车。It's estimated that the company will sell more than 70,000 vehicles in overseas markets in May, representing a year-on-year growth of 60 percent. SAIC Motor is running toward an overall annual【年度的】 sales target of 6 million vehicles which was proposed at the beginning of the year, and is striving to achieve an annual sales growth that outpaces the general market. The company's longer term goal in the overseas market, is to sell 1.5 million vehicles by 2025, the vast majority of these sales, -over 1 million units are expected to be MG vehicles. 今年五月,上汽集团预计海外市场汽车销售量将超过7万辆,较去年同比增长60%。上汽在今年年初提出年销售量达到600万辆汽车的目标,目前正在稳步向这一目标迈进,并力争超过一般市场的年销售增长。该公司在海外市场的长期目标,是在2025年达到150万辆的销售量。其中大部分售出汽车预计为上汽名爵(MG),数量将超过100万辆。3.RESTAURANTS STRUGGLE TO STAY IN BUSINESS*复商复市进行时:餐饮企业准备好了吗?The Shanghai government is promoting the resumption【恢复】* of business in stages with pandemic controls in place. According to online food delivery firms, more than 1,000 local chain restaurant brands have already reopened for online orders. However, many small and medium-sized companies in the food and beverage industry are struggling to stay in business with little or no revenue. Zhang Yue has the story.目前,上海正分阶段推进复商复市,根据外卖平台统计,已经有超过1000家本地餐饮连锁品牌恢复线上营业。但许多中小型餐饮企业生存艰难,收入微薄,有的甚至毫无营业收入。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。Cantonese restaurant Tong Fat Tou employees are busy delivering thousands of meals a day. The eatery【餐馆】 applied to join the city's food and beverage preservation team on April 20th after a month-long shutdown. 21 employees have been living in the restaurant.东发道茶餐厅的员工正在紧张地工作中,他们每天为上海全城送出上千份餐品。这家餐馆在经历了为期一个月的停业后,于4月20日申请加入了餐饮保供团队,21名员工闭环工作,居住在餐馆内。Luo Renhong, Chef/Tong Fat Tou, People's Square Branch罗人红 东发道人广店厨师I am very happy to go to work.除了高兴还是高兴,开心呀,可以上班了呀。Employees returning to work must meet COVID-19 controls. The store originally had 60 employees, but only a third have returned to work. Each person takes up 2 to 3 times the workload.餐饮企业员工返岗,首先必须满足防疫要求。店内原有60名员工,如今复工人手只剩三分之一,每个人承担起2-3倍的工作量。Three people in the kitchen prepare food, and six others handle the cooking. Pre-cooked dishes need to be ready by 10am, with the cooking finished around 10:20am. The dishes come out every 10 minutes after online delivery platforms open for orders at 11am. 厨房切配3人,炒菜6人,预制品需要10点前完成,10:20左右完成出餐,11点外卖平台开放点餐后,十分钟出一次餐,压力不小。Liu Xue, Head Chef/Tong Fat Tou, People's Square Branch****刘学 东发道人广店 厨师长Some of our employees are still locked down. But having fewer people is better to manage since we eat and live in the restaurant.有些小区出不来,市场监管局只需要这么多人。人少比较好管理,因为我们吃住都在店里。Sourcing ingredients【原料】 has been a constant headache, so for now, only about ten dishes are available. The first meals sold out within 10 minutes.原材料的供应也尚未畅通,门店仅提供十多种菜品供顾客选择。首批餐品上线十多分钟就售罄。The manager said employees are overworked, but all of them are willing to do so to ensure they have income.店长告诉记者,闭环的员工每天都超负荷工作,但只要能出来的员工,都想干活,因为这意味着这个月收入有了保障。Ou Xueyan, Baker/Tong Fat Tou, People's Square Branch****欧雪燕 东发道人广店 烘焙师Employees who work the first shift start at 4am and finish at 2pm. They make almost 1,500 pastries【油酥糕点】 per day. 早上四点的班次,每天差不多1500个吧,做到(下午)两点。Zhao Man, Restaurant Manager/Tong Fat Tou, People's Square Branch***赵曼 东发道人广店 店长  *The accommodation in the store is very basic, but we are satisfied because there are many people who want to work but can't. At least we have a chance to work. We still get paid.条件艰苦了些,但是对我们复工人员算是心里比较满意的了。因为还有很多人员想上班也没有工作。最起码我们有工作的机会,我们不用在家饿着肚子,我们还有工资拿。The manager also said it's the only one of five Tong Fat Tou restaurants in the city to reopen. Its daily sales are 80,000 yuan, while rent and property expenses are 160,000 yuan a month. Employees living at the restaurant are each paid 7,000 to 8,000 per month, while those at home receive 50 yuan a day for living expenses. While the restaurant is earning 900,000 yuan a month in profit, this barely covers the rent and labor costs of its four other locations.赵曼说,这家连锁餐饮品牌在上海有五家门店,只有这家门店能够恢复运营,已属不易。现在,门店每天的营业额为8万元,房租加物业一个月16万,返岗的工作人员一人月薪七八千,在家封控的人员一人每天50元生活费。这家门店目前每月可盈利约90万,勉强可以维持其他四家门店的租金和人力成本。Employees at this restaurant on Weifang Road in Pudong have been camped out there since March 20th. The owner said he applied to provide takeaway orders as soon as he heard it was possible. The store now receives between 300 and 500 orders a day, which barely keeps the business afloat.这家位于浦东潍坊路的本帮菜餐馆,员工在3月20号左右就提前进入闭环,至今已经吃住在店里两个月。店主说,一开放线上外卖,他立刻就申请了,现在每天三五百个订单,勉强维系着生意。Mr. Wei, Restaurant Owner*魏先生 弄堂菜老板**My store lost more than 300,000 yuan in March. I think between 20 and 30 percent of the restaurants across the city have gone bankrupt.三月份一个月就亏了三十多万吧。最起码百分之二三十的(餐饮)企业要死掉了。Most of the small restaurants on Weifang Road in Pudong are still closed, but two chain restaurants have opened. 在浦东潍坊路上,一整条街的小餐饮店都仍在停业中。只有两家连锁餐饮店恢复经营。Restaurant Employee*"二爷家宴"工作人员This is a difficult time for everyone.都难,大家都难。Mr. Deng, Deliveryman****邓先生 外卖骑手I used to deliver more than a dozen orders at noon, but now I only get five or six. Few restaurants are open.以前中午十几单,现在中午就五六单、四五单,餐饮店很少。Restaurant owners hope things change soon as many say they are close to going bankrupt.   餐饮店店主都希望情况能够尽快好转,他们中的许多人已接近破产。#热词加油站roll out 【正式推出】housing provident fund 【住房公积金】delinquency /dɪˈlɪŋkwənsi/ 【违法行为】annual /ˈænjuəl/ 【年度的】resumption  /rɪˈzʌmpʃn/  【恢复】eatery /ˈiːtəri/ 【餐馆】ingredient /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ 【原料】pastry /ˈpeɪstri/ 【油酥糕点】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~