cover of episode 05/24 TOP NEWS | 中国科考队登顶珠峰/中方反对日管制半导体出口/钧瓷作品展亮相上海

05/24 TOP NEWS | 中国科考队登顶珠峰/中方反对日管制半导体出口/钧瓷作品展亮相上海

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NEWS ON 05/23 *1.CHINESE SCIENCE TEAM REACHES SUMMIT OF MOUNT QOMOLANGMA 中国科考队登顶珠穆朗玛峰* 2.CHINA OPPOSES JAPAN'S PLAN FOR SEMICONDUCTOR EXPORT RESTRICTIONS 中方坚决反对日本出台半导体制造设备出口管制措施** 3.JUN PROCELAIN EXHIBITION HELDAT SHANGHAI MASS ART MUSEUM** 钧瓷作品展在上海群艺馆开幕 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHINESE SCIENCE TEAM REACHES SUMMIT OF MOUNT QOMOLANGMA 中国科考队登顶珠穆朗玛峰** Around 12:30pm today, a team of 13 scientists and climbers reached the peak of Mount Qomolangma, making it the second time since last year they had reached the summit. Lei Shuran has more. 今日(05/23)中午12时30分许,一支由13名科考登山队员组成的队伍成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰。这是继2022年之后,我国珠峰科考队再次登顶珠峰。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 The team departed from an altitude of 8,300 meters at around 3 am today. It took them more than 8 hours of arduous climbing to ascend**【攀登 another 530 meters and reach the weather station they built near the top of the mountain in 2021. 当日凌晨3时,科考队从海拔8300米的突击营地出发。历经8个小时艰苦攀登,抵达海拔8830米的气象观测站。该站位于峰顶附近,于2021年由科考队建立。 They spent around 1 hour completing upgrades to the weather station, affixing使固定 steel ropes, replacing batteries and installing wind speed and direction sensors. The new batteries can work for 45 days without sunlight. 经过约1个小时紧张工作,气象站零部件升级工作全部完成:固定钢筋绳索,更换蓄电池,安装风速风向传感器……新电池可以在没有阳光的情况下工作45天。 The team then continued the final 18.86 meters to the summit, which is 8,848.86 meters above sea level. Once there, they collected ice and snow samples to find out more about air pollution in the Himalayan Mountains. 随后,科考队继续攀登最后的18.86米,到达了海拔8848.86米的顶峰。一到达山顶,他们便采集了冰雪样本,以了解更多关于喜马拉雅山脉空气污染的情况。 Yao Tandong, Commander Qomolangma Expedition 姚檀栋 珠峰科考总指挥 “今年要在去年的基础上提高工作效率和可靠性。我们升级了设施,以确保能在更长的时间内记录气象数据。此外,我们需要监测变化,看看全球变暖是否对珠穆朗玛峰产生了影响。” “This year is about improving our work efficiency and reliability based on last year's results. We upgraded the facilities to ensure we can record meteorological data for a longer period of time. Also, we need to monitor changes to see whether global warming is having an impact on Mount Qomolangma.” On Mt. Qomolangma's Rongbuk glacier at an altitude of over 5,300 meters, another part of the team melted some ice samples to determine the water quality. 在珠穆朗玛峰海拔5300多米的绒布冰川上,部分科考队员融化了一些冰样本,以确定水质。 Wu Guangjian, Researcher Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences 邬光剑 中国科学院青藏高原研究所研究员 “我们想测量一下湖水的脱气过程。当罩桶的气抽到一个程度,并达到平衡时,我们就可以看到二氧化碳交换速率。” “We want to measure the de-airing process of the lake water. When the air in the bucket is pumped to a certain extent and reaches a balance, we can get measure the carbon dioxide in the water.” And at Qomolangma Station, which is 4,276 meters above sea level, scientists with the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, used drones to collect atmospheric samples at different heights on the mountain for the first time. The team collected 60 air samples and sent them to the institute's laboratory in Beijing for analysis. 在海拔4276米的珠峰站,青藏高原研究所和大气物理研究所的科学家们首次使用无人机收集了不同高度的大气样本。科考队共采集了60份空气样本,并将其送往研究所位于北京的实验室进行分析。 2.CHINA OPPOSES JAPAN'S PLAN FOR SEMICONDUCTOR EXPORT RESTRICTIONS 商务部:坚决反对日本出台半导体制造设备出口管制措施 China firmly opposes Japan's expressed plans to put export controls on 23 types of semiconductor半导体 manufacturing equipment and urges it to rectify its actions, the Ministry of Commerce said today. 针对日本出台23种半导体制造设备的出口管制措施,中国商务部新闻发言人今日表示,中方对此坚决反对,日方应立即纠正错误做法。 A ministry spokesperson said such a move would gravely deviate from free trade and international trade rules as well as being an abuse of export control measures,he addedthat China reserves the right to takeaction to safeguard its** legitimate合法的 rights and interests. The Tokyo government has said it would impose the export limits beginning in July. The spokesman in Beijing today said such an action would showJapan was not responding to the reasonable demands of the industry,noting it would harm the interests of Chinese and Japanese companies as well as trade cooperation betweenthe two countries. The ministry said the action would disrupt global semiconductor industry patterns, and affect the security and stability of industrial and supply chains. 发言人指出,日本此举是对出口管制措施的滥用,是对自由贸易和国际经贸规则的严重背离,中方将保留采取措施的权利,坚决维护自身合法权益。日本政府称出口限制将于7月起施行。中国商务部发言人今日(05/23)在北京表示,日方公布的措施没有回应业界合理诉求,将严重损害中日两国企业利益,严重损害中日经贸合作关系,破坏全球半导体产业格局,冲击产业链供应链安全和稳定。 3.JUN PROCELAIN EXHIBITION HELDAT SHANGHAI MASS ART MUSEUM** 钧瓷作品展在上海群艺馆开幕 An exhibition of Jun** porcelain瓷器】**, a type of Chinese ceramics, opened at Shanghai Mass Art Museum over the weekend. The skills required to make these rare ceramic wares originated in the Song Dynasty, and the craft is now under government protection as a state-level intangible cultural heritage. Stephen Rancourt has the story. 周末(05/20),一场钧瓷(中国名瓷之一)作品展在上海市群众艺术馆开幕。钧瓷的制作工艺起源于宋代,现已被列为国家级非物质文化遗产并受到政府保护。记者Stephen Rancourt报道。 The exhibition presents nearlyahundred pieces made by representatives of the Jun porcelain artisans from Henan Province. This type of porcelain is famed for the unpredictability of its colors when it is fired. Their patterns seldom repeat. Among these pieces, one of them, titled "Sun and Moon with Radiance" is getting a lot attention. 本次展出的近百件作品均出自河南省钧瓷烧制技艺代表性传承人之手。钧瓷有“入窑一色,出窑万彩”之美誉,其纹样也很少重复。在这些作品中,一幅名为“日月同辉”的作品吸引了不少人的眼球。 “它整个作品就是,红色代表的是火红的太阳,热烈奔放;月白色代表的皓月当空,冷凝静怡。整个作品有一种包容、和谐、永恒久远、幸福美满、蒸蒸日上的美好思想。” “In this piece, the red part represents hot sun, which is fervent and unrestrained. And the white part represents the bright moon, calm and quiet. The whole work has a beautiful thought of tolerance, harmony, eternal longevity, happiness and prosperity.” This porcelain ware was fired on both sides, but with different patterns, showing the exquisite firing skill of its creators. 作品“日月同辉”虽为两面烧制,但使用了不同纹样,展现了创作者精湛的烧制技术。 Visitor 参观者 “我觉得这些造型都非常美,而且它的色彩对我来说都很颠覆。对瓷器的印象,我之前都觉得是比较白的素的,然后今天看到它们都是这种很漂亮的蓝色,还有红色。” “I think all shapes of these porcelain pieces are very beautiful, and the colors shocked me. The porcelain in my memories used to be white or have the light color, but today I saw them in beautiful blue and red.” Visitor 参观者 “(这个展)挺好的,让我们这些年轻一辈了解上一辈的一些智慧。” “The exhibition is quite good. It can allow the younger generation to understand some of the wisdom of the previous generation.” The exhibition runs until June 19th. It is also part a week-long event to promote Chinese art and culture at the Shanghai Mass Art Museum and cultural centers across the city. 作为群艺馆和全市各文化馆为期一周的中国艺术文化推广活动的一部分,该展览将持续到6月19日。 Wu Penghong, Director Shanghai Mass Art Museum 吴鹏宏 上海市群众艺术馆馆长 “我们把全市的文化馆系统在9天的时间内,为广大市民朋友们提供上万场的文化活动,而且涵盖的内容非常广,包括展览展演、线下的一些导赏活动、学才艺的艺术培训,以及我们线上的数字服务,还有非遗体验。” “During nine days, cultural centers in Shanghai are providing thousands of cultural activities for the public, including exhibitions, performances, art tours, heritage experiences as well as online activities.” People can get more information and book activities through Shanghai Mass Art Museum's official Wechat account. 关注上海市群众艺术馆的官方微信公众号可获取更多信息并进行相关活动预约。 #热词加油站 ascend /əˈsend/【攀登】  affix/əˈfɪks/【使固定】 semiconductor/ˈsemikəndʌktər/【半导体】 legitimate/lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/【合法的】 porcelain /ˈpɔːrsəlɪn/【瓷器】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~