NEWS ON 05/23 1.SHANGHAI TO CONTINUE VACCINATION DRIVE 上海疫苗接种继续推进 2.NEW POLICY TO HELP MANAGE OVERDUE LOANPAYMENTS 新政策实施 帮助修复征信记录 3.HEALTH CHIEFS GATHER FOR 75TH WORLD HEALTHASSEMBLY 瑞士:第75届世界卫生大会召开 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.SHANGHAI TO CONTINUE VACCINATION DRIVE 上海疫苗接种继续推进 Shanghai will maintain its efforts tovaccinate the population and enhance measures in old neighborhoods, where lessthan favorable living conditions pose greater challenges to pandemic managementand control efforts. Lei Shuran has more. 上海将继续推进群众疫苗接种工作,并加强对设施老旧、防疫困难的老旧社区的管理。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 Lin Jingjun, vice-governor of downtownHuangpu district, said the district has 330 old residential neighborhoods thathave communal【公共的】 kitchens and lack** flush toilets****【冲水马桶】. The district governmenthas taken measures to enhance pandemic management and control in these areas toachieve zero community transmission. 黄浦区副区长林竞君表示,像恒安坊这样的老旧小区共有330个,大部分人家厨卫共用,没有冲水马桶。区政府已采取措施加强这些地区的疫情管理和控制,以实现社区面清零。 The district government has dispatchedportable toilets to around 18,000 households without independent bathrooms andarranged a waste removal schedule for residents to prevent gatherings. 区政府已经向约18000个没有独立卫生间的家庭发放了便携式马桶,并为居民安排了垃圾清理时间表,防止聚集。 Lin Jingjun, Vice-governor/HuangpuDistrict 林竞君 上海市黄浦区副区长 First, each person must have theirtemperature taken, show their health code, and scan the "venue code"at the entrance of each community before entering. Delivery personnel need toshow their "electronic pass" and disinfect their packages. Theneighborhood committee must also keep an eye on the "group rent" or"daily rent" apartments in different buildings. And for those whodon't have an individual kitchen and bathroom, the committee staff will providethem with a portable【便携式的】** toilet to helpreduce the spread of the virus. 黄浦区将重点守好三个门。一是小区门,即进门人员必测温、必查健康码、必扫场所码、快递人员必验"电子通行证"、快递外包装必消毒。二是楼栋门,以楼栋为单位,加强对老旧小区内群租、民宿、日租房、"三合一"(住宿、经营和仓储在一起)等人员密集场所的排查与治理。三是居民家门,落实各类居家隔离人员管控措施,对不具备独立厨卫的居民,通过发放简易马桶等,做到"足不出户、服务上门"。 The hundred year-old Heng'an community inHuangpu's Yuyuan subdistrict achieved zero community transmission status inearly May. There are 346 households in this** compound****【复合物】** and one-third of the residents are over the age of 60. Since March,the neighborhood committee has provided a portable toilets to residents whoshare communal facilities. 位于黄浦区豫园街道的恒安坊在五月初已经连续14天无新增阳性感染者,正在申报黄浦区第三批无疫小区。弄堂里346户人家,其中近三分之一是60岁以上的老年人。 今年三月以来,街道为共用社区公卫设施的居民提供了一批便携式马桶。 Wang Lu/Local Resident 王露 恒安坊居民 We put a bag of flocculant into the toiletafter using it and it'll become dry waste that can be directly thrown into thetrash bin. It's clean and safe, and helps to curb the spread of the virus. 上好之后,我们把一包固凝剂倒进去,等一会儿就成了垃圾了,可以倒在这个垃圾袋,这样一弄就安全了,也不要出去聚集,也不要出去倒马桶。 Residents in the community are also takingturns using the communal kitchens to avoid gatherings. 居民们轮流错峰使用公共厨房,避免聚集在一起。 Ma Renjie /Local Resident 马仁杰 恒安坊居民 Once I'm done cooking, I go directly to myapartment. My neighbors will know that immediately and they'll take turns touse the kitchen. We won't run into each other. 我说我烧好了哦,我进(屋)去了,他们就知道了,他们就下来,我们不会接触的。 Also, the local health authority said todaythat Shanghai will speed up efforts to vaccinate its elderly population. As ofMay 22, around 3.75 million residents aged 60 and above in the city havereceived at least one dose of vaccine. 另外,市卫健委今天(5月23日)表示,上海将加快老年人疫苗接种。截至5月22日,该市约375万名60岁及以上的居民已经接受了至少一剂疫苗。 Zhao Dandan, Deputy Director/ShanghaiHealth Commission 赵丹丹 上海市卫生健康委 副主任 We suggest those who haven't beenvaccinated on schedule, whether it's a COVID shot or another vaccine, to get itdone as soon as possible. Delayed vaccination won't affect our body's responseto the vaccines. 在这段时间未能按期接种疫苗的市民朋友,不管是新冠疫苗还是常规疫苗,尽可能地请进行补种和接种,推迟接种疫苗并不会降低人体对疫苗的应答效果。 Zhao pointed out that 163 vaccinationclinics, or 40 percent of the city's total, have also resumed regularvaccination programs for children. Parents will need to make appointments onthe Health Cloud app in advance before going to the vaccination sites. 赵丹丹指出,目前,全市163家接种门诊,已陆续恢复儿童常规疫苗接种服务,约占常规接种门诊的40%,家长可通过健康云APP进行线上预约。 2.NEW POLICY TO HELP MANAGE OVERDUE LOANPAYMENTS 新政策实施 帮助修复征信记录 Due to the recent resurgence and subsequentlockdown, many companies and individuals are finding it hard to keep up ontheir finances. Late loan payments are logged【记录】 in their credit records, resulting in possible negative impacts ontheir future. A new policy has been issued by the central bank to encouragefinancial institutions in Shanghai to look into clients with difficulties, andhelp them recover credit records. Lei Shuran has more. 疫情对的反复和持续的封锁,给不少企业和个人都带来了财政困难,如果无力按时偿还贷款,征信记录上就会记录一笔"逾期",这对于企业或者个人未来的发展,会产生不少负面影响。中国人民银行总行以及上海总部相继出台相关政策,督促在沪金融机构积极作为,主动排摸受影响客户,为其办理征信修复。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 Mr Zhang owns an instant food company. Ithad a working capital loan of 22 million yuan due by the end of April, but dueto the outbreak, he was 8 million short. In his 30 years as an entrepreneur【企业家】, this is the first time he has missed a payment. 张顺君,是一家方便速食生产企业的负责人,2200万的流动贷款在四月底到期,受疫情影响,下游的800万回款无法到账,就这样,创业近30年,征信记录第一次产生逾期。 Zhang Shunjun, General Manager/ShanghaiXincheng Food 张顺君上海新成食品有限公司总经理 I was worried, very upset. Especiallybecause that some of our customers are in railway and aviation industry, and anormal credit record is an** indispensable****【必不可少的】** qualification to do business with them. 着急,非常着急。特别是我们现在做的一些铁路、航空客户,征信(正常)这方面是一个必不可少的(资质)项目。 However, just recently, the bank called toinquire about the reason for the delay, and offered to repair his credit recordand change the 'overdue' status to 'normal'. This is the result of a new policyaimed at repairing bad credit ratings when an otherwise profitable and properlyrun business is impacted by the pandemic. 好在近期,两人相继接到了银行电话,询问欠款原因,并主动提出为两人进行征信纠错,把"逾期"状态改为"正常"。原来,他们都是疫情之下,特殊征信政策的覆盖群体。 Gu Qinlin, Deputy Division Chief/No.2Finance Service Dept., PBOC Shanghai HQ 顾琴琳 中国人民银行上海总部金融服务二部征信管理处副处长 In order to avoid the negative impact ofthe pandemic on people's credit records, financial institutions have beenrequired to proactively use their business systems to check overdue paymentslogged in credit records since the latest outbreak in Shanghai, so as toeffectively protect people's rights and interests. 为避免疫情对大家征信的负面影响,要求金融机构主动作为利用自身业务系排查上海疫情发生以来的逾期征信记录,切实做好疫情期间征信权益保障工作。 In 2020, clients would need to apply forsuch services by themselves, and institutions would need to confirm thesituation was true before making adjustments to credit records. The new policyhas institutions pro-actively investigate and get in tough with clients. The policy isn't only for business loans, mortgageand credit card payments due between March and June can also enjoy extensionsto their due dates, as well as credit record adjustments. There are alsosupportive loan elements to the new policy. For example, Mr Zhang's company wasassigned with task of providing meals for communities and makeshift hospitalsduring the outbreak. While repairing its credit records, the bank also returneda 3 million yuan payment, and extended its due date to September. 不同于2020年,客户需要主动向金融机构提出征信修复需求,机构方面进行核查,确认属实后,才可以调整。这一次,金融机构主动作为,自行排查后与客户沟通。该政策并不仅只适用于经济贷款,3到6月份之间到期的房贷以及信用卡客户也可享受享受延长还款日期或调整逾期征信记录。征信修复,从来不是单独存在的业务,往往要和信贷政策进行匹配发力。以张顺君生产方便速食的那家小微企业为例,疫情期间,他们接到了保供任务,为社区、方舱医院提供餐食,但是资金周转不过来,于是在信用修复的同时,银行主动退回此前企业缴纳的300万元还款用于周转,并将还款日延期至9月。 Zhang Shunjun, General Manager/ShanghaiXincheng Food 张顺君 上海新成食品有限公司总经理 It is indeed a huge relief for me. Now wehave enough time to repay and renew the loan by September, and there's alsoenough left over to further develop and expand our business. 确实是心里的一块石头落地了等于是,因为9月份的话我们有足够的时间来准备还贷,包括续贷,包括也有足够的资金去进行进一步的业务开展和市场开拓。 Official data shows that in April, financialinstitutions in Shanghai adjusted repayment arrangements or repaired creditrecords for more than 85,000 individual clients. Nearly 2,400 companiesbenefited from the policy as well, 70 percent of of them were small and microsized enterprises. 数据显示,今年4月,上海地区的金融机构累计为超过85000名个人客户调整还款安排或征信记录,近2400家企业也享受到了同样的政策,这其中70%是小微企业。 3.HEALTH CHIEFS GATHER FOR 75TH WORLD HEALTHASSEMBLY 瑞士:第75届世界卫生大会召开 The 75th World Health Assembly kicked offin Switzerland yesterday, with public health leaders worldwide convening todiscuss global health issues. It's the first in-person World Health Assemblysince the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the assembly will last for sevendays. 5月22日,第75届世界卫生大会在瑞士日内瓦开幕,讨论全球性公共卫生事件的应对等议题。这是新冠疫情以来大会首次回归线下,大会为期7天。 The head of the World Health Organizationsaid in his opening address that now is not time for the world to lower itsguard against COVID-19, calling on countries to work together to reach 70percent of vaccination coverage. The WHO also held emergency meetings over theoutbreak of monkeypox before the assembly. It said that there are about 92confirmed cases from 12 countries that normally don't see the disease. Belgiumis the first country in the world to introduce a mandatory【强制性的】 three-week quarantine for anyone infected with monkeypox. 世卫组织总干事在开幕致辞中表示,现在还不是世界降低对新冠病毒警惕的时候,他敦促各国共同努力,尽快实现70%疫苗接种覆盖率目标。世卫组织还在大会召开前就猴痘的暴发举行了紧急会议,称已有12国报告92例确诊病例,均不是猴痘病毒的流行国。比利时已要求猴痘确诊患者进行为期21天的强制性隔离,成为首个对猴痘病毒感染者进行隔离的国家。 #热词加油站 communal [kəˈmjuːnl]【公共的】 flush toilet【冲水马桶】 portable [ˈpɔːtəbl]【便携式的】 compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd]【复合物】 log [lɒɡ]【记录】 entrepreneur [ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː(r)]【企业家】 indispensable [ˌɪndɪˈspensəbl]【必不可少的】 mandatory [ˈmændətəri]【强制性的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~