NEWS ON 05/181. TOUGH WAY HOME AMID COVID-19 PANDEMIC疫情中的漫漫回家路2.CONSTRUCTION WORKERS VOLUNTEER DURING LOCKDOWN封控小区内装修工变身志愿者3.CASES OF ACUTE HEPATITIS IN CHILDREN POSSIBLY LINKED TO CORONAVIRUS不明原因儿童肝炎或与新冠有关**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.TOUGH WAY HOME AMID COVID-19 PANDEMIC漫漫回家路More than 150,000 passengers use Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station per day on average during normal times. During peak times, that number may double. However, the station is only scheduling four or five trains a day during the lockdown. This leaves many travelers stranded as they struggle to return home. Zhang Hong tells us more details.作为华东地区最重要、规模最大的铁路客运枢纽,上海虹桥火车站日均客流超过15万人次,最高峰时,一日发送近30万人。然而,上海封控以来,这里每天的列车骤减到四、五个班次,许多想要回家的旅客因此滞留。张泓带来更多详细报道。Hundreds of people are staying beneath a bridge outside Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station. Some of the lucky ones have managed to buy railway tickets, and will be allowed to enter the station on their departure【起程】** day.上海虹桥火车站外的高架桥下有数百名旅客。他们中,有人幸运地抢到了车票,到了发车日就可以进入站内。Mr. Deng, Traveler****小邓 旅客I'm from Chengdu. I have tried to buy tickets every day, and was finally lucky enough to get one. 我是成都的。我就每天蹲点守着,结果运气比较好就抢到了(车票)。Mrs. Cui, Traveler****崔女士 旅客I rode a bicycle for eight hours to get here. 我骑自行车来的,骑了8个小时才到的。Others haven't been as fortunate【幸运的】. Mr. Qi was eager to see his mother in Gansu, Lanzhou Province. He returned to China from the United Arab Emirates and completed 14 days of quarantine in Shanghai.其他旅客没有这么幸运。祁先生迫切想回老家甘肃兰州看望老母亲。他从阿联酋回国后已经在上海隔离了14天。Mr. Qi, Traveler****祁先生 旅客My mother is over 80 years old and fell ill. I need to go home, but haven't been able to buy a railway ticket. I have been trying to buy a ticket for the past 4 or 5 days. 我母亲80多岁了,生病了。急着回去,火车票买不到。抢票连着抢了四、五天了。Mr. Xie arrived in Shanghai at the end of March and planned to get a job here. But once the lockdown started, he was trapped in the city.3月下旬来上海找工作的小谢,碰到疫情,工作没找到,却因封控滞留在了上海。Mr. Xie, Traveler****小谢,旅客I lived in a hotel several days ago, but then I ran out of money. Now I have been living beneath the bridge. I managed to buy a ticket, but the train was** canceled【取消】**. 之前住了一个酒店要花钱,钱都花完了。5月9日开始住在桥下。(本来)买的是15号的票,然后今天取消了。People who are eager to leave like Qi or Xi, or don't have a place to live, have been living under the bridge outside the station, and continue trying to buy a ticket out of town.像祁先生这样着急回家的旅客,或是像小谢这样,在上海没有住所的旅客,最终都来到火车站附近的高架桥下,继续碰运气,买票离开上海。Police officers from the nearby Xinhong Police Office have tried to help.虹桥站附近的新虹派出所民警尽最大可能为他们提供帮助Travelers who have tickets for the next day and a negative PCR test result within 48 hours can stay at a temporary indoor settlement in the railway station's parking lot. People can also get a PCR test there.有第二天的火车票,同时持有48小时核酸阴性证明的,可以住在火车站停车场内的一个临时室内安置点,那里也可以进行核酸检测。Deng Yangang, Police Officer/Xinhong Police Office, Minhang District****邓演刚 闵行公安分局新虹派出所民警Each morning police officers will come here to check their tickets, health code and PCR test result. Everyone who passes all the checks will then be escorted to the departure floor. 每天早上大概9点钟左右,铁路会安排民警过来对接,查完票、查完核酸、看完绿码,都没问题的就带进站里然后直接到出发层。For people who failed to get a railway ticket, police officers also help arrange hotel accommodation. However, only a limited number of rooms are available, so police suggested they seek help from homeless shelters if they don't have a train ticket or place to stay.对于没有买到火车票的旅客,民警也帮忙安排旅馆住宿。但由于房间数量有限,民警建议没有买到票也没有落脚点的旅客,可以寻求救助站的帮助。2.CONSTRUCTION WORKERS VOLUNTEER DURING LOCKDOWN****封控小区内装修工变身志愿者The lockdown has posed great challenges to migrant workers as some have been stuck at their places of work for more than a month. Some have chosen to pitch in【帮忙出力】 and volunteer their time. Zhang Yue has more.疫情封控给外来打工人带来了巨大挑战,他们中的一部分人被滞留在工地超过一个月。一些工人主动投入了志愿工作。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。Worker Tao Xiangguo has been living in this roughcast house for more than 40 days in Changning District. Tao says he struggled at the beginning of the lockdown, but things have improved since community workers found him and offered him food and home appliances.装修工陶香国在长宁区的这个毛坯房已经住了四十多天。陶香国说封控刚开始的时候比较辛苦,但后来情况慢慢好转,社区工作者发现他被滞留在此后,给他提供了食物和家电。Tao Xiangguo, Worker/SH Whole Package Solution Home****陶香国 尚海装修有限公司装修工人I can now prepare noodles for breakfast, and have boxed meals【盒饭】 for lunch and dinner. Previously, I was just eating raw carrots. 每天早上下点面条吃吃,中午晚上吃盒饭。当时政府发了一批菜、胡萝卜,我都生吃掉了,没办法。To return the kindness, Tao joined a volunteer team in the neighborhood. He helps with disinfections, sorting supplies and making deliveries. And residents there have vouched for his work.为了回馈小区里的热心居民,他主动请缨加入小区志愿者队伍。他帮忙消杀、分发物资、拿外卖,小区居民对他的工作都十分信任。Zhang Yuanyuan, Volunteer/Jinyuan Residential Compound****张圆圆 锦苑公寓居民志愿者He's always willing to help. I arrived here at 8:30 this morning. And he was already doing disinfection work. Also, we have many supplies here. He helps us sort them by building number. It's easier for residents to get their supplies. 他很主动的, (今天)我是八点半到的,这个时候陶师傅已经在外面消杀了。东西那么多,我们就有点乱,陶师傅很聪明,就想我们按照门牌号码,居民来找的时候,我们就看上面的牌子,这样找起来就比较快了。Ms. Bao, Resident****包阿婆 居民He looks familiar even with a mask on. He has been working hard, and I really appreciate that. 眼熟眼熟,戴着口罩认不出庐山真面目,但是我们的志愿者真的很忙的。谢谢,真的非常感谢。At another neighborhood nearby, six elevator technicians face the same problems as Tao. They are also working voluntarily as security guards in the neighborhood.在附近的另一个小区,六名电梯工遇到了和陶师傅一样的问题。在被滞留的小区中,他们主动承担了安保工作。Su Jianlong, Elevator Technician/3Map Elevator****苏建龙 斯迈普电梯有限公司工人The full-time security guards are locked down, so we decided to help out. 他们在那边隔离了出不来,我们闲着做个志愿者,为他们分担分担。Resident****居民They also help with deliveries and disinfections. And they have done a great job. 封控期他们都送到每栋楼门口,这两天还是坚持在门口消毒,分发物资。这六个工人真不错,帮我们解决了大问题。The six workers say their biggest wish is for the lockdown to be lifted as soon as possible so they can resume work. And to help them, the neighborhood's property management company has arranged food and accommodation for them. 六位工人都表示他们最大的心愿是封控能尽早结束,能让他们回到工作岗位。小区物业为他们提供帮助,安排了食物和住宿。3.CASES OF ACUTE HEPATITIS IN CHILDREN POSSIBLY LINKED TO CORONAVIRUS****不明原因儿童肝炎或与新冠有关According to the latest study published in "The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology" journal, more than 300 cases of acute【急性的】 hepatitis in children of unknown cause in more than 20 countries and regions around the world may be associated with the super antigen of the Coronavirus. 针对多国报告的不明原因儿童肝炎病例,医学期刊《柳叶刀》的子刊日前刊发了一种假说,称这可能与新冠病毒导致的超级抗原有关。Researchers suggest that the recent cases of acute hepatitis【肝炎】 in children were probably the result of a coronavirus infection, followed by an adenovirus infection after the emergence of a viral reservoir in the intestinal tract【肠道】. The persistence of Coronavirus in the gastrointestinal tract of children results in repeated release of viral proteins in intestinal epithelial cells, leading to immune activation. If evidence of a Coronavirus superantigen-mediated immune activation is found, immunomodulatory therapy should be considered. The WHO Regional Office for Europe reported on May 13 that unexplained acute hepatitis cases in children aged 16 and under showed that more than 70% had been infected with the Coronavirus. 研究人员指出,近来数例儿童急性肝炎可能由于在感染新冠病毒,患儿在肠道中出现了病毒库后又继而感染腺病毒所致。新冠病毒在儿童胃肠道中的持续存在,使得病毒蛋白反复释放,引发免疫激活,导致儿童多系统炎症。如这一假说得到证实,可考虑对重症急性肝炎患儿使用免疫调节治疗。而据世卫组织欧洲区办事处报告,截至本月13号,欧洲16岁及以下儿童肝炎病例中,有七成患者曾感染新冠。#热词加油站departure /dɪˈpɑːtʃə(r)/ 【起程】fortunate /ˈfɔːtʃənət/ 【幸运的】canceled /ˈkænsl/ 【取消】pitch in【帮忙出力】boxed meals【盒饭】 acute /əˈkjuːt/ 【急性的】hepatitis /ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs/【肝炎】intestinal tract【肠道】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~