cover of episode 05/10 TOP NEWS | 天舟六号发射准备就绪/我国外贸形势稳中向好/梅西荣膺最佳男运动员

05/10 TOP NEWS | 天舟六号发射准备就绪/我国外贸形势稳中向好/梅西荣膺最佳男运动员

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NEWS ON 0**5/09 *1.CARGO CRAFT TIANZHOU-6READY FOR LAUNCH* 天舟六号任务:完成发射前全区合练各系统准备就绪 2.CHINA'S FOREIGN TRADE UP 5.8% IN FIRST FOUR MONTHS 海关总署:今年前4个月我国外贸进出口同比增长5.8% *3.LIONEL MESSI WINS LAUREUSWORLD SPORTSMAN PRIZE AGAIN* 梅西荣膺劳伦斯年度最佳男运动员,谷爱凌获评最佳极限运动员 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.CARGO CRAFT TIANZHOU-6READY FOR LAUNCH* 天舟六号任务:完成发射前全区合练各系统准备就绪 The Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site says the cargo【货物】spacecraft Tianzhou-6 is ready for launch. The site carried out a final rehearsal for the launch this morning. Zhang Hong brings us the details. 文昌航天发射场称天舟六号货运飞船已做好发射准备。今天(05/09)上午,文昌航天发射场组织了发射前的最后一次合练。记者张泓带来详细报道。 Under the command of the Beijing Aerospace Control Center, Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site, Xi'an Satellite Control Center and other control centers conducted a joint rehearsal for the launch and operation of Tianzhou-6. 在北京飞控中心的统一调度下,文昌航天发射场、西安卫星测控中心以及其他测控中心,对天舟六号发射运行进行了合练。 Jiang Zhou,China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation 姜周 航天科技集团一院长征七号运载火箭结构系统指挥 “充分验证了分系统的可靠性以及各系统间的协调性。各个系统之间我们也做了充足的故障预案来满足直到发射前的最后一秒钟。我们有相应的措施来解决一些突发情况,从而确保火箭发射取得一个过程圆满和结果圆满的‘双圆满’目的。” “The rehearsal proved each system is reliable and coordination smooth. We have enough back-up plans in case an error occurs to ensure the spacecraft will be launched successfully.” The combination of the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft and a Long March-7 Y7 carrier rocket was transferred to the launch pad on Sunday. The Tianzhou-6 cargo craft is the first of its series to have a load capacity of 7.4 tons, up from 6.9 tons. It's launch will mark the country's first spaceflight since the space station entered its application and development stage. It will be carrying supplies including clothes, food and water to Shenzhou-15 crew members who are currently in orbit****【轨道】 and the Shenzhou-16 crew that will enter the space station soon. 周日(05/07),天舟六号货运飞船与长征七号遥七运载火箭组合体垂直转运至发射区。天舟六号货运飞船是该系列中的第一艘,其载重能力由原来的6.9吨提升到了7.4吨。它的发射标志着我国自空间站进入应用和发展阶段以来的首次太空飞行。此次运送任务,天舟六号将携带包括服装、食品、饮用水等物资,为正在中国空间站的神舟十五号乘组,以及将要进入空间站的神舟十六号航天员乘组提供保障。 2.CHINA'S FOREIGN TRADE UP 5.8% IN FIRST FOUR MONTHS 海关总署:今年前4个月我国外贸进出口同比增长5.8% China's total goods imports and exports surged 5.8 percent year-on-year to exceed 13 trillion yuan in the first four months of this year, the General Administration of Customs reported today. In US dollar terms, the total foreign trade came in at 1.94 trillion【万亿】** yuan during the period, down 1.9 percent. 海关总署今天(05/09)对外公布,今年前4个月,我国外贸进出口总额同比增长5.8%,超13万亿元人民币。以美元计算,总对外贸易额为1.94万亿元,同比下降1.9%。 China's exports in the four months jumped 10.6 percent from a year earlier to 7.67 trillion yuan while imports stayed largely stable at 5.65 trillion yuan. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations remained China's largest trading partner in the four-month period, followed by the European Union. China's trade with the Belt and Road countries climbed 16 percent year-on-year during the period. Customs officials also reported that in April alone China's foreign trade went up by 8.9 percent year-on-year in RMB terms,with exports surging 16.8 percent in RMB terms and 8.5 percent in US dollar terms. April's figure for imports was down 0.8 percent in RMB terms and 7.9 percent in US dollar terms.   4个月内,中国出口额同比增长10.6%,达到7.67万亿元,进口额则基本稳定在5.65万亿元。东盟仍是中国前四个月中最大的贸易伙伴,其次是欧盟。期间,中国与“一带一路”沿线国家的贸易同比增长16%。海关官员还表示,仅在4月份,中国的对外贸易人民币同比增长8.9%,出口额人民币同比增长16.8%,美元同比增长8.5%;进口额人民币同比下降0.8%,美元同比下降7.9%。 3.LIONEL MESSI WINS LAUREUSWORLD SPORTSMAN PRIZE AGAIN** 梅西荣膺劳伦斯年度最佳男运动员,谷爱凌获评最佳极限运动员 Paris Saint-Germain footballer Lionel Messi of Argentina added two prestigious**【著名的】awards to his already illustrious list of achievements, winning the Laureus World Sportsman of the year, andanother as a member of the team of the year. Stephen Rancourt has the story. 周一(05/08),巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部的阿根廷球员利昂内尔·梅西在劳伦斯国际体育奖颁奖礼上分别获得了两项著名奖项——劳伦斯年度最佳男子运动员奖和年度最佳团队奖。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。 Lionel Messi, the man who led Argentina to a World Cup victory last year in Qatar became the first-ever athlete to sweep both awards in the same year. The Argentine men's football team was also given a team award. 去年,利昂内尔·梅西率领阿根廷队在卡塔尔世界杯上夺冠,由此得到劳伦斯奖的认可,成为首位同年包揽这两个奖项的运动员。阿根廷男足国家队也获得了年度最佳团队奖。 Lionel Messi, Footballer of****Laureus World Sportsman of the Year 梅西 劳伦斯年度最佳男运动员 “It is nice to receive this kind of recognition. And in team sports, this year I was lucky to fulfill my greatest dream: to be a world champion with my national team.” “我真的非常高兴能获得这样的认可。我从事的是一项团队运动,如今我实现了个人的最高梦想,和我的国家队队友一起拿到了世界冠军。” This is the second time Messi has won the World Sportman of the year award, he shared the men's prize with Lewis Hamilton in 2020. Other nominees Messi defeated to claim the prize this year, include 21-time tennis Grand Slam winner Rafael Nadal, and current Formula One world champion Max Verstappen. Jamaican sprinter Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, who clinched a fifth world title for the 100-meter at Eugene last August, won the women's individual award. 这是梅西第二次获得年度最佳男运动员奖项。2020年,梅西曾与刘易斯·汉密尔顿共享该奖项。今年梅西击败的其他提名者包括21次网球大满贯得主拉菲尔·纳达尔和世界一级方程式锦标赛冠军马克斯·维斯塔潘。年度最佳女运动员奖则属于牙买加短跑名将谢莉-安·弗雷泽-普莱斯,她在去年8月的尤金田径世锦赛上拿下个人第五枚世锦赛百米金牌。 Chinese freeskier Gu Ailing, a two-time gold medal winner at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games last year, picked up the Action Sportsperson of the Year award. 去年在北京冬奥会上两次斩获金牌的自由式滑雪运动员谷爱凌获得最佳极限运动员奖。 Gu Ailing,Chinese Freeskier 谷爱凌 中国自由式滑雪运动员 “Sport is a very unique avenue【渠道】 for people to connect, to learn about one another, to build up society, break human limits and develop as a whole, so, thank you so much for this award. It is such an honor to be here.” “体育以一种特殊的方式促进人与人之间的交流与互相学习,团结一致,打破人类极限。感谢你们颁给我这个奖,十分荣幸。” This is the fifth time that a Chinese athlete has won the Laureus Award. The Award was founded in the year 2000 to celebrate sporting excellence during the past year. 这是中国选手第五次获得劳伦斯奖。该奖项成立于2000年,旨在表彰过去一年中表现突出的体育运动员。 #热词加油站 cargo/ˈkɑːrɡoʊ/【货物】 orbit/ˈɔːrbɪt/【轨道】trillion/ˈtrɪljən/【万亿】 prestigious/preˈstiːdʒəs/【著名的】 avenue/ˈævənuː/【渠道】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~