cover of episode 04/27 TOP NEWS | 上海新冠多为奥密克戎/“小糖人”的移动冰箱/日本现不明原因肝炎

04/27 TOP NEWS | 上海新冠多为奥密克戎/“小糖人”的移动冰箱/日本现不明原因肝炎

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NEWS ON 04/261.OMICRON'S SHORTER INCUBATION PERIOD LEADS TO FASTER SPREAD导致上海本轮本土疫情新冠病毒绝大部分为奥密克戎BA.2型和BA.2. 2.EFFORTS MADE TO HELP PATIENTS WITH DIABETES“小糖人”们的移动冰箱 3.JAPAN REPORTS FIRST CASE OF UNKNOWN HEPATITIS IN MINOR亚洲首例!日本发现疑似不明原因儿童肝炎病例****-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.OMICRON'S SHORTER INCUBATION PERIOD LEADS TO FASTER SPREAD导致上海本轮本土疫情新冠病毒绝大部分为奥密克戎BA.2型和BA.2.The latest outbreak in Shanghai began at the end of February. Since then, more than half a million infections have been reported. A CDC expert said that most of them were infected with the Omicron BA 2 and BA 2.2 variant, which were difficult to detect during the initial stages of the spread. Lei Shuran has more.上海本轮疫情自2月底开始,到目前累计感染者已超过50万。上海市疾控中心专家指出,截至目前,导致本轮疫情的新冠病毒,绝大部分为奥密克戎 BA.2型和BA.2.2型,其传播速度快、隐匿性强,在传播初期很难检测出来。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。The rapid spread during this outbreak is closely related to the short incubation period【潜伏期】of the Omicron variant, which is 3 to 4 days in average. The total number of infections reached 1,000 in mid March, just 10 days later the number exceeded 10,000, by the beginning of April the total number of reported infections surpassed 100,000.本轮疫情,传播速度快,和奥密克戎变异株所导致感染的潜伏期短有密切关系,平均潜伏期3到4天。这次上海的疫情到3月中旬累计到达1000例; 10天之后,累计超过10000例,到4月上旬累计超过100000例。Sun Xiaodong, Deputy Director/Shanghai Municipal CDC****孙晓冬 上海市疾控中心副主任Concerning the developing speed of the outbreak, the number of infections has been increasing geometrically【成几何级数地】, exceeding 500,000 as of now. Domestic and foreign studies have shown that without any protective measures, a covid positive patient infected with the Omicron variant can infect nine to ten people. The situation was further compounded in clustered outbreaks that occurred in workplaces and places with a high population density. 从疫情进展的速度和进程来看,疫情的发展几乎是几何级数量的增长,直至目前超过50万例。国内外的研究表明,如果在没有采取任何防护措施的情况下,(奥密克戎变异株)一个人阳性感染者可以传给九到十个人左右,这个特点在本市人口密度大、人群容易密集的一些集体单位、企业中呈现的聚集性疫情,显示特征比较明显。Also, asymtomatic cases account for about 90 percent of infections during the latest outbreak. And those with symptoms were rather mild, mainly a runny nose【流鼻涕】, some sneezing and a sore throat. Those who were infected often mistook it for common cold or seasonal flu, and did not seek medical attention in time. Therefore, when positive cases were found during the first days of the outbreak, the virus had actually spread covertly in a certain range, and caused rapid infections through wholesale markets, wet markets, workplaces and other crowd gathering places.此外,本轮疫情中,无症状感染者占比90%左右,而即便是有症状的病例,症状也相对较轻,主要是流鼻涕、打喷嚏、喉咙痛等,患者往往会误以为这是普通感冒,或者是季节性流感,导致未及时就医。因此,在早期发现阳性感染者时,疫情其实已经在一定范围内发生了隐匿性传播,然后又进一步通过批发市场、菜市场、集体单位等人群聚集场所,快速扩散。Sun Xiaodong, Deputy Director/Shanghai Municipal CDC****孙晓冬 上海市疾控中心副主任Although the recent number of infections is still high, it is showing a downward trend. According to the figures released today, the absolute number has dropped by more than 2,000 compared to yesterday, accounting for about 13 percent of the total, it's the largest decrease since the number of infections began to decline. 虽然近期疫情仍在高位运行状态,但已经呈现下降趋势,从今天公布的数字来看,绝对数已经比昨天下降了两千多,占比达到13%左右,这也是自疫情近期开始呈现下降趋势以来,下降幅度比较大的一次In addition, more than 90 percent of the cases reported in this outbreak were found in communities after the city locked down or centralized quarantine zones. However, the number of infections is still fluctuating at a high level, which is caused by the city's high population density and older communities in the city center, urban villages, and large scale enterprises. 而且90%以上的阳性感染者是在封控期间和集中隔离点发现的。但是疫情还在高位处于波动状态,这跟当前中心城区中的旧居民小区、城乡结合部的城中村和大型企业,由于人口密度大、管控难度较大,由这些原因可能造成的。Municipal departments have initiated targeted actions to curb【遏制】 the spread, including accelerating the transfer of close contacts, strengthening screening of risky personnel and more thorough disinfection of environments.        目前,相关部门已开展针对性的攻坚行动,通过采取加快密接人员转运、强化风险人员筛查、环境清洁消毒等措施,多管齐下,全力遏制疫情传播。2.EFFORTS MADE TO HELP PATIENTS WITH DIABETES“小糖人”们的移动冰箱More pharmacies across Shanghai are gradually reopening. People in need can now order medications online, or ask for a special pass from their neighborhood committee to go to a nearby** pharmacy【药店】**. Help is being offered to those suffering from certain diseases like type one diabetes, since getting prescription medicines and supplies can be difficult. Zhang Hong has the story. 上海各连锁药店逐步恢复运营,市民可依托电商平台、跑腿代送,或开具出门单、线下购药。不过,一些特殊疾病的药品,需要到医院挂号开方,治疗1型糖尿病的胰岛素,就是其中之一。为了给患有1型糖尿病等特殊疾病的患者们送上救命药,各方全力奔走。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。Since the COVID-19 resurgence in March, 33-year-old Jin Sheng has been busing filling prescriptions and making deliveries to help children who have type one diabetes. It affects two people per 10,000 on average, but is most common in children. Since the storage temperature for the insulin【胰岛素】 is between 2 and 8 degrees, Jin has a car fridge in his vehicle.自3月疫情暴发以来,33岁的金晟一直在为患有1型糖尿病的孩子配药、送药。每1万人中就有两人患有1型糖尿病,且多见于儿童。由于胰岛素必须在2到8度的冷链中保存,金晟在车上装了一个车载冰箱。Jin Sheng, Director/Shanghai Xiaotangren Youth Service Center****金晟 上海市静安区小糖人青少年儿童服务中心 理事长I needed a bigger car fridge to store insulin. Luckily, my neighbor lent me a brand new one. 我要给孩子们送胰岛素,缺一个大一点的车载冰箱,我们邻居就借了个给我,是全新的。Jin has juvenile onset diabetes and says there are few hospitals in the city offering the right insulin for the young patients, so it's difficult for their parents to order from delivery platforms. 金晟患有幼年型糖尿病,他表示,儿童使用的胰岛素,只有个别儿童专科医院能配到。当前,请电商平台骑手帮忙配送,并非易事。Jin Sheng, Director/Shanghai Xiaotangren Youth Service Center****金晟 上海市静安区小糖人青少年儿童服务中心 理事长Deliverymen can only make deliveries in their own district. And not every hospital has insulin for children. 美团小哥只能在本区活动,本区医院也不一定有儿童用的胰岛素。Father of Diabetic Child****患儿爸爸I am so happy as my child needs the insulin to survive. I really appreciate the volunteer's work. He was still making deliveries at nine o'clock last night. 非常开心!因为是救命的药,昨天我看到群里面,他在整个上海兜了一圈到晚上八九点钟,很辛苦的。Also, to get the medications and make deliveries on time, Jin is taking more PCR tests as many places require visitors to show a negative nucleic acid test report within 48 hours. Local governments have been helping as well.如今,进出医院、小区,都需要48小时内的核酸阴性报告。为了不耽误配送,金晟逮住机会就做核酸检测。团区委也为他提供了帮助。Wu Jiani, Secretary/Youth League Committee, Jing'an District****吴佳妮 静安区团区委书记We managed to issue passes for him and his vehicle with help from other government departments. 我们想办法协调市里面,来帮他办理,一个是出门证,一个是汽车通行证。Jin Sheng, Director//Shanghai Xiaotangren Youth Service Center****金晟 上海市静安区小糖人青少年儿童服务中心 理事长The pass saves me a great deal of time and hassle. 现在有这张证,我不太会碰到困难。Jin says he now drives about 400 kilometers a day. He has already delivered medication to 46 young patients. 金晟平均每天跑400公里,为46位“小糖人”送上了救命药。3.JAPAN REPORTS FIRST CASE OF UNKNOWN HEPATITIS IN MINOR****亚洲首例!日本发现疑似不明原因儿童肝炎病例Japan's health ministry yesterday reported a child has been hospitalized for contracting hepatitis【肝炎】 "without a known cause". 日本厚生劳动省(Health Ministry)昨日(4/25)报告了首例疑似不明原因儿童急性肝炎病例。It's the first patient in Japan who appears to have the same type of hepatitis as overseas cases. The World Health Organization says hepatitis cases of unknown causes in children have been reported mainly in Britain. At least 169 similar cases have been reported in 12 countries, including the United States and Spain. The WHO says one child has died, and 17 have had liver transplants. It also says none of the common hepatitis viruses A through E have been detected. Japan says its patient tested negative for the coronavirus and the adenovirus【腺病毒】, which causes sore throats. The adenovirus was detected in more than 40 percent of the overseas cases.日本首例病例与其他海外病例症状相同。世界卫生组织表示,由不明原因引起的儿童急性肝炎病例之前主要发现于英国。在美国和西班牙等12个国家已发现至少169例类似病例,包括至少17例进行了肝移植,有1例死亡病例。世界卫生组织还表示,那些过往病毒性肝炎的典型原因已被排除——均未检测出甲、乙、丙、丁、戊这五种常见肝炎病毒。尽管全球40%以上这一不明原因儿童肝炎病例的患者体内都检测出了腺病毒,日本这名患者的新冠病毒和腺病毒检测结果均为阴性。#热词加油站 incubation period【潜伏期】geometrically [ˌdʒiə'metrɪklɪ]【成几何级数地】runny nose【流鼻涕】curb [kɜːb]【遏制】pharmacy [ˈfɑːməsi]【药店】insulin [ˈɪnsjəlɪn]【胰岛素】hepatitis [ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs]【肝炎】adenovirus [əˌdi:nəʊ'vaɪrəs]【腺病毒】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~