*NEWS ON 04/221.DELIVERY NETWORK IMPROVED上海物资运输网络升级2.NEW GOVERNMENT WHITELIST GIVES SUPPORT TO PRODUCTION RESTART上海建立重点企业“白名单”制度助推复工复产 3.FOREIGN FIRMS IN SHANGHAI MAKE DONATIONS TO SUPPORT COVID-19 FIGHT在沪外企全力支持上海抗疫**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.DELIVERY NETWORK IMPROVED上海物资运输网络升级**More retailers across Shanghai are gradually restoring operations as work continues to support the supply chain【供应链】. Sun Siqi has more.物资供应链畅通不中断,上海零售店逐步复工复产。记者孙思奇将带来更多详细情况。At 10 am this morning, a truck carrying goods from Zhejiang Province arrived at this retailer's warehouse in Huangpu District. After being unloaded, the truck will return to a transfer station outside the city.上午10点,从浙江嘉善大仓运输过来的一车保供物资,被送达华润万家河南南路店。完成卸货后,货车立即返回当地,全程不下车。 Mr. Shao / Trucker司机 邵师傅装货的时候,我们也不下车,装好货我们就直接开出来。I only deliver the goods. I don't get out of the truck when staff load and unload it.Previously, truckers returning to other regions were required to quarantine. But local governments in neighboring provinces have introduced work-arounds to facilitate deliveries to Shanghai while reducing the risk of omicron spreading.此前,来沪返程的司机,需要采取7+7的隔离措施。而现在,上海周边省市想方设法,在降低病毒的传播几率的同时保障物资运送到上海。Wang Xinyi, SH Chief Representative / China Resources华润集团上海区域首席代表 王昕轶*政府帮我们开了司机的通行证,司机回去不用隔离14天。他们回到嘉善的基地之后,就地隔离,与外界完全不接触。Officials issue special passes for truckers. And now, they don't need to be quarantined for 14 days after they return. They will stay in the transfer station in Jiashan and will have no contact with anyone in Shanghai. Mr. Shao/Trucker司机 邵师傅*现在有时来沪一天一次,有时一天两次。“I make one or two trips a day to Shanghai.” Retailers like CR Vanguard have already benefited. The company now receives 30 truckloads a day carrying a total of around 200 tons of goods.跨省物流通道逐步打通,对华润万家这样的零售商来说无疑是一项利好。目前,每天从外省市到华润万家的运输车辆达到30辆,物资量近200吨。Yang Jinlin, Manager / South Henan Road Branch, CR Vanguard华润万家河南南路店店长 杨进林*拿收到的米来说,种类至少增加了50%,方便面至少比以前增加了100%,生鲜也在逐步恢复。We now receive 50 percent more rice products, and 100 percent more instant noodles. We're now working to restore the supply of fresh foods.The company also says 28 of its stores in the city have reopened, and customers can order online. About 600 of its 2,000 employees are back to work in stores. Helping more locked down staff return to work while complying with pandemic protocols remains a priority【优先】, says the manager.目前,华润万家的28家门店,恢复了线上运营,顾客可在网上点单。王昕轶表示,整个2000多人的团队中,现在大概有600个员工坚持在一线,而且是吃住在店里。结合防疫要求,包括核酸检查的结果,帮助仍然封控在家的员工返岗, 仍然是现阶段需要重点考虑的事情。2.NEW GOVERNMENT WHITELIST GIVES SUPPORT TO PRODUCTION RESTART****上海建立重点企业“白名单”制度助推复工复产To get businesses back on track while still implementing【实施】 strict epidemic prevention measures, Shanghai has launched a whitelist prioritizing the first companies to resume production and operation. Shanghai's lockdown has been going on for weeks now, and that has brought plenty of challenges to manufacturing companies, like those that make automobiles. Zhang Shixuan has more. 根据当前的疫情防控形势,上海建立重点企业“白名单”,以确保在严格遵守防疫政策的情况下,推进重点企业复工复产。上海封控已持续数周,给制造业带来诸多挑战,其中也包括汽车制造业。记者张诗璇带来详细报道。Thoroughly disinfected【给…消毒】, the production line started stress test for resumption of work and production at SAIC Motor on April 18th. The first vehicle from the auto manufacturing giant since the Shanghai lockdown rolled off the production line just a day after that. Currently, the plant in Shanghai's Lingang New Area is working only one shift a day, but it expects to bring the work schedule back to what it was before the lockdown soon. One of the main problems is getting the parts they need.在经过全面消杀后,上汽集团生产线于4月18日开始进行复工复产压力测试。翌日,这家汽车制造巨头自上海封控以来的首台车正式下线。目前,位于上海临港新区的工厂采取单班工作制,但预计很快就能将工作安排恢复到封控前的状态。 目前上汽集团面临的主要问题是如何获得制造汽车所需的零部件。Chen Peifeng, Director / SAIC Motor Lingang Plant****上汽集团临港工厂 整车厂总监 陈培锋目前包括供应链和物流保障上存在的挑战和不确定性,可能还会面临不少难点和堵点,我们将最大程度协助资源,疏通堵点,力争项目不延期。There are now challenges and uncertainties in supply chains and logistics. We are trying our best to coordinate our resources to get the channels operating smoothly, so as to get things going without delay. So far, the company has contacted almost 400 suppliers, and gotten a full picture of their capacity, storage, and raw materials situation. The auto industry can't get back into reliable production without their support. With clients all over China, this automotive glazing plant belonging to industrial materials manufacturing giant Saint-Gobain has kept up production in Shanghai's Minhang District despite the outbreak. More than 650 workers have been at the factory for more than a month now.目前上汽集团已排摸了近400家供应商,并对供应商产能、库存、原材料等进行了全面摸底。没有这些供应商的支持,汽车行业就无法恢复可靠的生产。这家隶属于工业材料制造巨头圣戈班的汽车玻璃厂坐落在上海市闵行区,它的客户遍布中国各地。自上海爆发疫情以来,工厂一直坚持成产。到目前为止,650余名工人已经在工厂里坚持工作了一个多月。Eloi Guenet, General ManagerSekurit China, Saint-Gobain圣戈班安全玻璃(上海)有限公司 总经理 Eloi GuenetWe've been locked down from the middle of March, And the strict restrictions on the logistics only started in Shanghai 3 weeks ago or so. So it means, we had at least 2 weeks to anticipate as much as we could, bringing some raw materials, and also shipping out all the products we could to our customers. Our customers were increasing their orders as well to stock our products. Especially from the second half of March, and the beginning of April, most of our customers were still running. 我们从3月中旬就被封锁了,3周后上海才开始严格限制物流。也就是说,我们至少有2周的时间来准备,进货原材料,将所有的产品运送给我们的客户。我们的客户也在增加订货量,储备我们的产品。特别是从3月下旬开始到4月初,大多数客户都有和我们进行交易。The plant was running at almost full capacity until a week ago, when their clients' orders started to decline resulting from the lockdown. And then it started having problems with its own supply chain logistics. So the Shanghai's government's business resumption plans came as a welcome recovery signal. The company is on the whitelist released by the Shanghai government over the weekend.此前,这家汽车玻璃工厂几乎是在满负荷运转,直到一周前,客户的订单开始因疫情封控而减少。紧接着,他们的供应链物流方面开始出现了问题。因此,上海市政府出台“工业企业复工复产疫情防控指引”对企业来说是一个非常积极的信号。上海市政府周末发布的白名单上,这家企业也名列其中。Eloi Guenet, General Manager****Sekurit China, Saint-Gobain圣戈班安全玻璃(上海)有限公司 总经理 Eloi Guenet*For us, for the moment, we do not plan any reduction or modification of our plans. We rather prepare ourselves to be ready for the restart and ready for the rebound. Our customers are informing us what would be the exact pickup on daily basis. Now we can see, in the coming days, progressively【逐渐地】, the orders are going from zero, to sometimes 60 or 70% of the normal orders. 对我们来说,就目前而言,我们不打算减少或修改我们的计划。我们宁可为自己做好准备,为重启和反弹做好准备。我们的客户每天都在通知我们具体的提货情况。以后订单数量会从零逐渐升高到正常订单的60%或70%,我们翘首以盼。Zhang Shixuan, Reporter****记者 张诗璇On the whitelist, auto manufacturers and suppliers account for more than a third of the first 666 companies prioritized to resume operations following Shanghai's Covid-19 lockdown. But experts warn that more companies should be allowed and encouraged to get back to work soon, and that industry requires coordinated【协调的】 support to fix supply chain problem.根据白名单,上海疫情封锁后首批优先恢复运营的企业共666家。其中,超过三分之一是汽车制造商和汽车供应商。但专家指出,应该允许和鼓励更多的公司尽快复工复产,且制造业需要协调支持,解决供应链问题。Zhang Junyi, Partener*Oliver wyman奥纬咨询董事合伙人 张君毅A lot of suppliers are still under water, like tier-2 or tier-3 suppliers. And their OEMs do not know their existence. So this will still impact the production. The entire nation not just Shanghai government need collaboration to secure logistics. We need to have mechanism to ensure all the plants big and small, can come back to work.很多二三线供应商没有被注意到。整车厂甚至不知道他们的存在,这也导致生产受到严重影响。不仅仅是上海政府,全国都需要加强合作,确保物流通常。我们需要建立机制,确保所有的大型或小型工厂都能复工复产。 Zhang points out that if the small companies can't get back into production, then the big companies can't either, and that all local governments should be doing their best to restore confidence among businesses and investors. 张君毅指出,如果小公司不能恢复生产,那么大公司也不能,所有地方政府都应该通力合作,恢复企业和投资者的信心。3.FOREIGN FIRMS IN SHANGHAI MAKE****DONATIONS TO SUPPORT COVID-19 FIGHT在沪外企全力支持上海抗疫**In order to help Shanghai in its battle against COVID-19, some foreign companies with operations in Shanghai, such as GE Healthcare, Mitsubishi Coporation, Mitsui Sumi-tomo Insurance, NX Group and many more have been donating money and goods. Lei Shuran tells us more. 为支持上海抗疫,通用电气医疗、三菱商事、三井住友保险、NX集团等在沪外企纷纷捐赠资金和物品。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。Items and other forms of assistance have been donated by foreign firms in Shanghai. HSBC Group donated more than 49,000 pieces of personal protection equipment and nearly 1,900 boxes of daily necessities to community workers and medical staff in 7 districts and 5 quarantine hospitals, benefiting more than 100,000 individuals. HSBC's Shanghai subsidiaries also donated a total of 2-million-yuan, part of which has been used to purchase 20 oximeters for hospitals. 来自沪上外企捐赠的物资以及其他形式的援助纷至沓来。汇丰集团向上海7个区12个街镇、5个定点隔离医院的社区工作者和医护人员捐赠超过4.9万余件防护物资和近1,900箱生活物资,受益人次超过10万人次。此外,汇丰集团还召集旗下在沪的机构,共同捐款200万元。其中部分善款用于定向采购20台血氧饱和仪援助上海医疗机构。To care for the elderly and children, Manulife-Sinochem Insurance donated 1 million yuan to the Shanghai Charity Foundation. Some of the money has been used to purchase more than 200 air sterilizers【消毒剂】, which were immediately distributed to hospitals and nursing homes around the city. 关爱城市中的老人与儿童,中宏保险向上海市慈善基金会捐款100万元。部分善款已用于采购200余台空气消毒机,紧急向上海相关医疗机构和养老机构发放。Many foreign firms are also offering support to residents during the lockdown. Swire Coca-Cola's Shanghai subsidiary donated 240,000 bottles of beverages to communities, colleges and hospitals citywide, as well as 2 million yuan to support frontline medical staff. CP Group donated 1 million eggs worth 2.5 million yuan to college students and frontline medical staff in Pudong New Area. And Danone's subsidiary Nutricia transported more than 600 boxes of baby formula into the city to support pediatric hospitals【儿童医院】. 不少外资企业在封控期间为市民捐赠生活物资。太古可口可乐旗下上海申美,累计向上海各区、社区、高校和医院捐赠24万瓶饮品,为一线的医护工作者捐款200万元。正大集团无偿捐赠价值250万元的100万枚爱心鸡蛋给上海高校学生以及浦东新区的一线医务工作者。达能集团旗下达能纽迪希亚生命早期营养公司调配共600余箱婴幼儿配方奶粉和儿童奶粉,捐赠给上海市的儿童医院。 #热词加油站 supply chain【供应链】priority [praɪˈɒrəti]【优先】implement [ˈɪmplɪment]【实施】disinfect [.dɪsɪn'fekt]【给…消毒】progressively [prəˈɡresɪvli]【逐渐地】coordinated [kəuˈɔ:dineitid]【协调的】sterilizer [s'terɪlaɪzəz]【消毒剂】pediatric hospitals【儿童医院】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~