cover of episode 04/20 TOP NEWS | 上海3700多万次核酸检测/上汽今迎首台下线车/世行下调经济增长预期

04/20 TOP NEWS | 上海3700多万次核酸检测/上汽今迎首台下线车/世行下调经济增长预期

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NEWSON 04/19 1. MORE THAN 37 MLN PCR TESTSCONDUCTED IN SHANGHAI 上海进行3700多万次核酸检测 2. AUTOMAKERS IN SHANGHAI RESUME PRODUCTION 上汽集团复工复产压力测试今迎首台下线车特斯拉超级工厂复工 3. WORLD BANK DOWNGRADES GLOBALGROWTH FORECAST FOR 2022 TO 3.2% 世行下调2022年全球经济增长预期至3.2% -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.MORE THAN 37 MLN PCR TESTSCONDUCTED IN SHANGHAI 上海进行3700多万次核酸检测 More than 37million PCR tests have been conducted across the city since last Friday. Masstesting will continue in locked down areas until Thursday and in controlledareas until tomorrow. Stephen Rancourt has more. 自上周五,上海市已进行了3700多万次核酸检测。从今天起,全市还将连续三天在封控区开展核酸筛查,并将于20日(周三)同时在封控区和管控区进行核酸筛查。记者Stephen Rancourt将带来更多详细情况。 City officials toldthe press today that medical teams from other cities are helping with the masstesting, and more than 2,000 sample transfer vehicles are being used to speedup the process. Shanghai's daily PCR testing capacity now stands at roughly 5million tubes. 根据今天举行的市疫情防控发布会,外省医疗队正在协助开展核酸筛查,调动超过2000辆检样运输车辆,加速核酸筛查进程。目前上海的核酸检测能力大约为每日500万管。 Shanghai willincrease the number of PCR testing sites to meet rising demand as more industrialcompanies begin resuming operations and production. Three kinds of testingsites -- fixed, convenient and mobile -- will be built or set up across thecity. 随着越来越多的工业企业复工复产,上海将增加核酸检测点的数量,以满足不断攀升的核酸检测需求,并将在全市范围内增设有“固定、便民、流动”特点的采样点。 Wu Qing Vice Mayor of Shanghai 吴清 上海市委常委、常务副市长 The fixed testingsites have already been set up at about 200 local hospitals and medicalinstitutes, while the convenient testing sites resemble streetside newspaperbooths. The mobile sites will be similar to breakfast carts, which can bequickly set up in response to any emergency situation. 固定采样点以全市现有约200个医疗机构为主,便民采样点主要是借鉴"书报亭"等形式设置,流动采样点主要是借鉴"早餐车"的形式,采取包括设置采样方舱,移动采样车等形式提高机动性、流动性,为临时新增采样需求提供快速响应服务。 These additionaltesting sites will be mainly set up in local communities, Metro and busstations, as well as places with good ventilation【通风】 near industrial parks in centralbusiness districts, campuses, supermarkets and drugstores. 据介绍,这些采样点设施将主要设在居民区、地铁口、公交站台,以及CBD园区、学校、大型商超、医药店等周边,人流较多、通风条件较好的场地。 Officials also saidthat there are nearly 20,000 delivery personnel delivering food and other dailynecessities to residents. 市商委还表示,目前已有2万名骑手在岗,为居民提供生活物资配送服务。 Zhou Lan Sh Municipal Commission ofCommerce 周岚 上海市商务委副主任 Starting today,delivery staff are required to scan their real-time health code to do a PCRtest. Shanghai issued an "electronic pass" to each delivery staffthat includes the PCR test report and health code based on the "whitelists" of both courier companies and delivery employees. As their workcertificates, the electronic passes will display the staff's PCR test reportwithin 48 hours and their health code. 从今天开始,在骑手的核酸检测中将采用动态的"随申码"进行身份验证和核酸检测的登记。根据"企业白名单"和"人员白名单"制发配送寄递人员的"电子通行证"。在这张"电子通行证"里展示48小时的核酸检测阴性证明和"健康码"绿码等信息作为配送基地人员上岗的必要条件和通行凭证。 Local authoritiesrequire each delivery driver to do two antigen self-tests a day, followed by aPCR test and another antigen test on the next day. Anyone concealing an antigentest result or working after knowingly being infected with coronavirus willface legal punishment. 政府要求每个骑手每天进行两次抗原检测,第二天再做一次核酸检测和一次抗原检测,隐瞒抗原检测结果或知道自己被感染后仍继续工作都将面临法律惩罚。 2.AUTOMAKERS IN SHANGHAI RESUMEPRODUCTION 上汽集团复工复产压力测试今迎首台下线车 特斯拉超级工厂复工 The ShanghaiAutomotive Industry Corporation or SAIC completed production of its first carunder stress test for work resumption【恢复】 today, and Tesla's giga-factory has also announced itsemployees' are returning to work. Lei Shuran has more. 今日,上海汽车工业总公司(SAIC)已完成复工复产压力测试下的首台车下线,特斯拉超级工厂也正式复工。记者雷舒然将带来更多详细情况。 This black Roewewas the first vehicle to roll off SAIC Lin'gang factory's assembly line duringits stress test for work resumption. The factory has adopted a single-shiftwork system【单班工作制】, and the distance between workers on the assembly line hasbeen increased. Environmental disinfection protocols have also beenimplemented, covering production areas, material storage spaces and livingareas. SAIC has also been working hard to improve the safety and efficiency ofits supply chain and logistics to better support the resumption of production. 这辆黑色荣威,就是上汽在此次压力测试中下线的第一辆车。临港工厂将从今天起采取单班工作制,作业工人们的间距被分得更开,同时对生产区域、物料区域、生活区域进行无死角的环境消杀工作。上汽方面表示,企业正在努力保质保量稳妥推进复工计划。 Chen Peifeng SAIC Lingang Factory 上汽集团临港工厂 整车厂总监 陈培锋 So far we havespoken to nearly 400 suppliers, and achieved in-depth information on theircapacity, stock, and sourcing of raw materials. We are also paying closeattention to the employee and production conditions of sub-suppliers, and offeringthem support for resuming work. In addition we have been contacting governmentdepartments to get permits for interprovincial green channels as soon aspossible. 我们目前已排摸了近400家供应商,并对供应商产能、库存、原材料等进行了全面摸底;同时也密切关注下级供应商的人员动态,生产情况等,尽可能协助支持下级供应商加快流程推进、防疫复产的工作。此外,我们也在对接政府相关部门,争取尽快打通跨省市通行的绿色通道。 The TeslaGigafactory, which is also located in Lin'gang area, has also officiallyresumed operations, with 8,000 employees returning to their positions.Production lines for batteries and motors have reached full capacity, andvehicle assembly is also recovering. 同样坐落于临港的特斯拉超级工厂也正式复工复产,目前已有8000名员工到岗。电池电机模块早上便开始全速生产,整车装配也在逐步恢复。 Song Gang Tesla Gigafactory 宋钢 特斯拉超级工厂生产制造高级总监 We will graduallyincrease our production capacity in the next three to four days, until we reachfull capacity for a single shift. 我们会在接下来三四天内进行产能逐步爬坡 到整体单班满产。 Employees at theTesla plant are taking antigen test every morning and PCR test every evening,and production and office areas are disinfected on a daily basis. 目前,特斯拉厂区内所有员工实行早抗原、晚核酸,生产、办公区域每天进行消毒,严格做好防疫工作。 3.WORLD BANK DOWNGRADES GLOBALGROWTH FORECAST FOR 2022 TO 3.2% 世行下调2022年全球经济增长预期至3.2% The world bankyesterday lowered its annual growth forecast for 2022 by nearly a fullpercentage point, down from 4.1 to 3.2 percent. 昨日,世界银行将2022年全球经济增长预期从1月时预测的4.1%下调至3.2%。 During a conferencecall, World bank president David Malpass said the largest single factor in thereduced forecast was a projected economic contraction of 4.1 percent acrossEurope and central Asia, according to report by Reuters. Other factors behindthe slowdown in growth from January's forecast include higher food and fuelcosts being borne by consumers in developed economies across the world, as wellas Western sanctions【制裁】 on Russian energy, which have driven up the price of oil andgas worldwide. Malpass also stated that the world bank is 'preparing for a continuedcrisis response', and will discuss 'a new 15-month crisis response envelope ofaround 170 billion US dollars to cover from April 2022 through to June 2023'. 据路透社报道,世界银行行长马尔帕斯在电话会议中表示,欧洲和中亚地区今年经济预计将收缩4.1%,这是导致本次全球经济增长预期下调的最大因素。马尔帕斯补充称,造成经济增长较此前的预测放缓的其他因素还包括,全球发达经济体消费者承受的食品和燃料成本上涨以及西方国家针对俄罗斯能源行业实施制裁,进一步推高全球石油和天然气价格。马尔帕斯还表示,世界银行正在“准备应对持续的危机”,并将在未来几周内讨论一项“为期15个月、总额约1700亿美元的计划”,覆盖2022年4月至2023年6月。 #热词加油站 ventilation【通风】 resumption【恢复】 a single-shift work system【单班工作制】 sanctions【制裁】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!