cover of episode 04/14 TOP NEWS|便民门诊药房陆续开业/临时方舱建教室/纽约地铁枪击案

04/14 TOP NEWS|便民门诊药房陆续开业/临时方舱建教室/纽约地铁枪击案

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NEWS ON 04/13 1.DRUGSTORES, HOSPITALS FILL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR RESIDENTS 医院开便民门诊大药房陆续开业****多方打通居民买药路 2.CLASSROOMS OPEN AT TEMPORARY HOSPITAL 临时方舱建教室****学生停课不停学 3.MULTIPLE PEOPLE SHOT IN NYC SUBWAY STATION 美国:开枪33次!纽约地铁枪击案致29人受伤 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.DRUGSTORES, HOSPITALS FILL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR RESIDENTS 医院开便民门诊大药房陆续开业****多方打通居民买药路 Communities have organized volunteer teams to collect information and fill prescriptions for those in need of crucial medications, while drugstores and hospitals are using online consultations to speed up the process. Sun Siqi has more.   在社区端,很多街镇、居委都成立了配药小组,收集居民需求,以解决封控期间居民配药难问题。而在前端,目前更多大药房都在陆续开业,通过线上等途径解居民之急;同时,医院也在克服各种困难开设门诊,让更多人配得到药。记者孙思奇将带来更多详细情况。 At this Zhoupu周浦 Hospital clinic, volunteers carrying bags of social security cards were seen getting drugs for people in their community. 在浦东周浦医院便民门诊部,不时有志愿者拎着一大袋医保卡,帮社区老人配药。 -How many cards have you brought here today? -”Nearly 30 cards.” 今天带了几本医保卡,带过来30本不到点。 The clinic normally only sees patients with eye or dermatological【皮肤病学的】issues,  but its headquarters was ordered to treat coronavirus patients. The clinic has since expanded its service to prescribe medicines for patients with cardiovascular disease【心血管病】 and other illnesses. Drugs for most underlying and chronic diseases can be found here. 周浦医院的这个门诊部,原来只有眼科和皮肤科;在总院成为新冠病人治疗定点医院后,医院便在这里增设了心内科、内分泌科、神经内科等,为居民门诊配药。药品基本能覆盖所有的原发病和慢性病。 Ma Xiaoyun, Chief Physician Ophthalmology Dept., Zhoupu Hospital 马晓昀,周浦医院眼科主任医师 “We will constantly replenish the stock of medications for allergies and asthma.” 我们会根据病人需求不断调整补充用药品种。 More drugstores are also swinging into action. Huashi Pharmacy on Yuyuan Road now accepts online orders. Pharmacists【执药师】 will handle orders online and deliver medicines in bulk to communities. Nearly 90 percent of medications for chronic diseases can be covered by health insurance in the drugstore. 与此同时,越来越多的药店也逐步加入保供队伍。华氏大药房位于愚园路的总店,这段时间坚持开展药品线上销售。两名闭环管理中的执药师以店为家,每天处理大量线上订单。 总店是医保定点药房,可覆盖90%左右的慢性病用药。 Cheng Ruide, Pharmacist Huashi Pharmacy 程瑞德,华氏大药房执药师 “We are busy. We receive between 500 and 700 orders a day. Most medications are for chronic diseases like high blood pressure.” 我们很忙,每天平均下来500到700多单。一般都是慢性病像是高血压药。 Xu Ye, CEO Shanghai Huashi Pharmacy Co. 许晔,上海华氏大药房有限公司,董事长 “We have created WeChat groups and have a 24-hour hotline. We make sure our suppliers deliver medicines to our outlets twice a week.” 我们在周边区域也建立了微信群,公布了24小时电话 。我们可以确保货源没问题,保证一周两次(总仓)配送到门店。 Huashi Pharmacy has 86 outlets open across 13 districts in the city.       为解居民之急,华氏大药房目前已调配人手等资源,争取到86家店开业,分布13个区。 2.CLASSROOMS OPEN AT TEMPORARY HOSPITAL 临时方舱建教室****学生停课不停学 Two classrooms were opened at a temporary hospital on Shilong Road in Xuhui District. A medical team from Shandong Province has already treated more than 1,500 patients at the facility, including some children. Zhang Hong has the story. 截至目前,由山东省援沪医疗队接管的 上海市徐汇区\石龙路方舱医院 已陆续收治1500多名感染者,其中就包括一部分儿童。记者张泓将带来更多详细情况。 In the temporary hospital's classroom, students are taking online lessons. They each have a chair and a desk. There are more than 30 children here. Some parents have been worried about their education. "方舱教室"里,孩子们每人一套课桌椅,正通过电子设备认真听课。这里有30多个孩子。如何确保他们的学习进度,是不少家长一开始担心的问题。 Parent 学生家长 “I contacted medical workers and they were very enthusiastic. And they asked me to give more information about students here.”(我)找到了值班的老师(医务人员),当时就非常热心,然后让我统计一下方舱里面所有的孩子的情况。 Lyv Yongtao, Leader Medical Team from Shandong 吕涌涛,山东省援沪医疗队队长 “Many students read books on their beds, which is tiring. We put some desks inside to give the children a place to study.” 很多学生就躺在床上看书,很累。我们想找个地方摆上课桌,让这些孩子能有一个学习的地方。 The medical team cleaned out and disinfected two storage areas to set up the classrooms. They also applied for internet equipment and 50 desks and chairs from the local government, and recruited volunteer teachers among the patients to provide learning assistance. It took one day to set up the classrooms. 在梳理了孩子们的学习需求之后,医疗队队员将两间物资存放处清理了出来,进行消杀后作为"方舱教室"并向当地政府申请了网络设备和50张课桌椅,同时征集舱内"教师志原者"提供学习帮助。只用了一天时间,"方舱教室"就开课了。 Wang Xiaoyun Director Nursing Department, Medical Team from Shandong 王晓云,山东省援沪医疗队护理部主任、山东大学第二医院护理部副主任 “We found two rooms that were relatively quiet and better lighting. One room is for students in grades 1 to 5 and the other is for older students.” 我们找到两间采光比较好,比较安静的房间作为教室。一组1至5年级低年级,另一组是高年级。 Parent 学生家长 “I am a teacher and I checked the scene here. I think students will be fine.” 因为我自己也是老师,我实地看了一下,里面学习效率是非常高的。 The medical team from Shandong Province has taken over three temporary hospitals in Xuhui District and has treated nearly 3,000 patients so far. 截至目前,山东省援沪医疗队接管了徐汇区的三所方舱医院,已累计收治轻症患者和无症状感染者近3000人。 3.MULTIPLE PEOPLE SHOT IN NYC SUBWAY STATION 美国:开枪33次!纽约地铁枪击案致29人受伤 A gunman wearing a gas mask set off smoke grenades【手榴弹】 and fired a barrage of【一连串的】bullets inside a subway train in Brooklyn during rush-hour on Tuesday, wounding at least 20 people. Police investigators are trying to track down a 62 year-old man named Frank R. James, as he rented a van that is possibly connected to the attack. 在这周二高峰时段,一名戴防毒面具的男子,先是在地铁车厢内投掷了烟雾弹,然后连续开枪,造成至少 20 人受伤。警方调查人员正试图追查一名名叫弗兰克·R·詹姆斯的 62 岁男子,据悉他租用了一辆可能与袭击事件有关的面包车。 New York City agencies are offering a 50,000 US-dollar reward for any information leading to the arrest of the suspect. As of Wednesday morning local time, five gunshot victims were still in critical condition but are expected to survive. In addition to those suffering from gunshot wounds, at least a dozen more people were treated for smoke inhalation and other injuries. The incident occurred during the morning commute at the 36th Street Subway in Brooklyn's Sunset Park neighborhood. New York Governor Kathy Hochul described the attack as "a terrorizing action【恐怖行动】to put fear in the hearts of New Yorkers." 纽约市政府悬赏 50,000 美元,奖励任何对逮捕嫌疑人有价值的信息。 截至当地时间周三上午,五名枪击受害者仍然伤势严重,但基本脱离生命危险。除了枪伤患者人外,至少还有十几人因吸入烟雾和其他原因接受了治疗。 这起事件发生在布鲁克林日落公园街区第 36街地铁站的早上通勤途中。纽约州州长凯西·霍楚尔将这次袭击称为“让纽约人惶恐不安的恐怖行动”。 #热词加油站 1.dermatological /ˌdə:mətə'lɔdʒik,-kəl/【皮肤病学的】 2. pharmacist  /'fɑːməsɪst/ 【执药师】 3.grenades  /ɡri'neid/ 【手榴弹】 4.cardiovascular disease【心血管病】 5.a barrage of 【一连串的】 6.terrorizing action 【恐怖行动】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~