NEWS ON 04/11 1.MARCH CONSUMER INFLATION SLOWED AS PRODUCER PRICES DECLINED 3月CPI同比涨0.7%,促消费空间较大 2.CHINA RENEWS BLUE WARNING FOR SANDSTORMS 中央气象台继续发布沙尘暴蓝色预警,18省份有扬沙浮尘天气 3.CHINA SPEAKS ON ARMS EXPORTS AT U.N. SECURITY COUNCIL MEETING 中方呼吁军事大国停止利用武器出口干涉他国内政 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.MARCH CONSUMER INFLATION SLOWED AS PRODUCER PRICES DECLINED 3月CPI同比涨0.7%,促消费空间较大 China's March consumer inflation【通货膨胀】 continued to ease from the previous month, the National Bureau of Statistics announced today. Producer prices also fell the most since June 2020. Ying Junyi has more. 国家统计局今天(04/11)宣布,3月份的CPI(居民消费价格指数)较上月继续回落,PPI(工业生产者价格指数)也出现了自2020年6月以来的最大跌幅。记者应骏一带来更多报道。 China's consumer price index, a main gauge【指标】 of inflation, rose just 0.7 percent year on year in March, down 0.3 percentage points from the previous month's reading. On a monthly basis, the CPI declined by 0.3 percent, with food prices up 2.4 percent year-on-year, 0.2 percentage points lower than in February. Experts say the mild increase in the CPI resulted from sufficient market supplies of goods, services and major consumer products. From January to March, the CPI increased by 1.3 percent over the same period of last year. CPI是衡量通货膨胀的主要指标。从同比看,3月份CPI上涨仅0.7%,涨幅比上月回落0.3个百分点。从环比看,CPI下降0.3%,降幅比上月收窄0.2个百分点。其中,食品价格同比上涨2.4%,专家表示,CPI的轻微上涨是由于商品、服务和主要消费品的市场供应充足。从季度看,1至3月CPI同比上涨1.3%。 Guo Liyan, Economic Situation Study Office Director of Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research 郭丽岩 中国宏观经济研究院综合形势研究室主任 “从今年一季度CPI运行的这个状态来看,食品是稳定CPI运行的因素。与此同时,服务类价格也是呈现着温和波动的走势,一季度物价继续保持平稳运行的状态,也为全年物价总体稳定奠定了坚实的基础。” “We can tell from the CPI in the first quarter that, food prices are stabilizing the CPI reading. At the same time, service prices also showed a moderate fluctuation【波动】, which was basically consistent with the recovery and an upward trend of direct service sectors and offline consumption. Stable prices in the first quarter laid a solid foundation for the overall stability of prices throughout the year.” Today's official data also showed that China's producer price index, which measures costs for goods at the factory gate, went down 2.5 percent year on year in March, its biggest decline in almost three years. On a month-on-month basis it was flat. 官方数据还表明,3月份PPI(衡量工业企业产品出厂价格的指数)同比下降2.5%。是近三年来的最大降幅。3月份PPI环比持平。 2.*CHINA RENEWS BLUE WARNING FOR SANDSTORMS 中央气象台继续发布沙尘暴蓝色预警,18省份有扬沙浮尘天气 China's national observatory renewed a blue warning for sandstorms this morning in parts of the country for the next 24 hours. Floating sand and dust will sweep across parts of Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Beijing and Liaoning. Now Bei brings us more. 中央气象台今早继续发布沙尘暴蓝色预警,预计到明天早上,新疆、内蒙古、山西、北京、辽宁等18个省区市的部分地区有扬沙或浮尘天气。主播爱新觉罗·贝带来更多报道。 The minimum visibility in Beijing was between 1 and 4 kilometers yesterday. PM10 levels reached a concentration of more than 200 micrograms per cubic meter on Monday afternoon and over 1,000 micrograms as of 8am today. The yellow warning for sandstorms was lifted in Beijing at around 4pm as the storm began to weaken. 昨天(04/10),北京的最低能见度在1至4公里之间。周一下午,PM10浓度超过每立方米200微克,截至今天上午8点,PM10浓度超过每立方米1000微克。随着沙尘暴开始减弱,北京沙尘暴黄色预警于下午4点左右解除。 Du Jia, Chief Meteorologist of Beijing Meteorological Service 杜佳 北京市气象台首席预报员 “傍晚前后随着风力的逐渐减弱,沙尘天气也逐渐减弱,入夜之后能见度有望升高到8公里以上。” “As the wind started to let up late in the afternoon, there was less dust being brought into the city. The visibility is expected to improve to over 8 kilometers at night.” Some of the sand and dust made it way to Liaoning province today. PM10 levels reached over 700 micrograms per cubic meter this morning in Shenyang. 今天上午,部分沙尘进入辽宁省,沈阳的PM10浓度已超过每立方米700微克。 Wang Taiwei, Chief Meteorologist of Liaoning Meteorological Bureau 王太微 辽宁省气象台首席预报员 “这次的扬沙浮尘天气,是受东北冷涡后部的这个偏北气流的影响。偏北气流带来地面的大风天气,使内蒙以及华北地区的沙尘吹到我(辽宁)省。” “This round of dusty weather is affected by the northerly airflow of the Northeast cold vortex【旋涡】. The airflow has also brought strong winds, which blow sand and dust to Liaoning province.” Parts of Heilongjiang province were seriously polluted today due to strong winds, floating sand and dust. PM10 concentrations were at 500 in Harbin and Changchun this morning. The local weather bureau predicts the dusty conditions will continue until tomorrow. 由于强风、浮沙以及沙尘,黑龙江省部分地区受到严重污染。今天上午,哈尔滨和长春的PM10浓度为每立方米500微克。当地气象局预计,沙尘天气将持续到明天。 In the South, Shanghai is also expected to get some floating sand and dust tonight. The local meteorological bureau says there will be moderate to serious pollution from 8pm today to 5am tomorrow. The dusty weather is forecast to end by noon tomorrow. 据预计,今晚南方地区如上海也会出现扬沙浮尘。当地气象局表示,从今晚8点到明早5点,该市将出现中度至严重污染。沙尘天气预计将在明天中午结束。 Wang Xiaohao, Chief Forecaster of Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center 王晓浩 上海市环境监测中心首席预报员 “The sandstorm has hit Yancheng and Huai'an in Jiangsu Province as well as the majority of Anhui Province.The PM10 densityhas reached over 1,000 micrograms per cubic meter there, which will greatly affect Shanghai. The peak PM10 density in Shanghai is expected to reach over 1,000 micrograms per cubic meter.” “现在沙尘暴已经袭击了江苏省的盐城和淮安以及安徽省的大部分地区,可以看到那里的PM10浓度已经超过每立方米1000微克,这将对上海产生很大影响。上海的PM10峰值浓度预计达到每立方米1000微克以上。” The National Meteorological Center says China has experienced eight severe sandstorms this year. Dusty weather was forecast in northern and northwestern regions from tomorrow until Sunday. 中央气象台表示,中国今年已经历八次严重的沙尘暴。预计从明天到周日,北部和西北部地区将持续经历沙尘天气。 3*.CHINA SPEAKS ON ARMS EXPORTS AT U.N. SECURITY COUNCIL MEETING 中方呼吁军事大国停止利用武器出口干涉他国内政 Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations stated at a Security Council meeting yesterday, that major military powers should fulfill their obligations and stop using arms exports to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Zhang Yue brings us more. 昨天(04/10),中国常驻联合国副代表耿爽在安理会会议上表示,军事大国应履行自身国际义务,停止利用武器出口干涉他国内政。记者张乐带来更多报道。 The U.N. Security Council discussed the risks posted by the illicit and unregulated export of weapons and military equipment during an open debate convened by Russia. Geng spoke at the meeting and stressed the obligations of major military powers. 联合国安理会在轮值主席俄罗斯的要求下,举行武器装备出口问题公开辩论会,讨论了非法武器装备出口带来的风险。耿爽在会上发言,强调了军事大国的义务。 Geng Shuang, China's Deputy Permanent Rep. to UN 耿爽 中国常驻联合国副代表 “某个军事大国实行松散的武器出口管理制度,长期向非国家行为体转让军品。2019年该国撤销签署《武器贸易条约》,2022年该国武器出口总额占全球的近40%。该国对外开展核潜艇合作,转让武器级高浓铀。该国背弃在外交公报中所作承诺,挑战他国主权,纵容分裂势力,不断升级军售,凡此种种无一不是在制造对立,输出动荡,推进地缘战略,挑动紧张局势,必须加以抵制。” “One major military power has a lax arms export control system and has been transferring weapons to non-state actors for a long time. In 2019, that nation withdrew from theArms Trade Treaty, while in 2022 its arms exports accounted for 40 percent of the global total, leading the world. The nation has carried out nuclear submarine cooperation with other countries and transferred weapons-grade highly enriched uranium. It has reneged on its commitments in diplomatic communiques, challenged the** sovereignty【主权】** of other countries, conspired with separatist forces and escalated its arms sales. All these actions are creating confrontation, exporting instability, advancing ageo-strategy and stoking tensions, which must be resisted.” The Russian ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia pointed out that the situation in Ukraine clearly shows the West's lack of responsible arms control. He said that their failure to track weapons under international law has led to the flow of weapons into black markets which has the potential to put international peace and security at risk. 俄罗斯代表涅边贾指出,俄乌局势表明西方国家大量提供武器,并且未能履行国际法规定的追踪武器的义务,导致武器流入全球黑市,使国际和平与安全受到威胁。 #热词加油站 inflation/ɪnˈfleɪʃ(ə)n/【通货膨胀】 gauge/ɡeɪdʒ/【指标】 fluctuation /ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃn/【波动】 vortex /ˈvɔːrteks/【旋涡】 sovereignty/ˈsɑːvrənti/【主权】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~