cover of episode 04/12 TOP NEWS丨新国际方舱600多人出院/盒马员工返岗/山姆店负责人下沉一线

04/12 TOP NEWS丨新国际方舱600多人出院/盒马员工返岗/山姆店负责人下沉一线

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NEWS ON 0**4/11 1. SPECIFIC PROCESS FOR DISCHARGING PATIENTS FROM SNIEC FACILITY “应出尽出”,新国际方舱600多人出院 2. MORE DELIVERY STAFF RETURN TO WORK 盒马员工返岗,加入物资供应大军 3. BIG BOX STORES WORKING TO SUPPLY RESIDENTS 联系方式公开!山姆店负责人下沉一线加速保供 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **SPECIFIC PROCESS FOR DISCHARGING PATIENTS FROM SNIEC FACILITY “应出尽出”,新国际方舱600多人出院 Following the more than 700 recovered patients discharged from the Shanghai New International Expo Center makeshift hospital, approximately 600 more were discharged from the treatment center today (April 11). Lei Shuran tells us more about the process. 继700多名新冠康复患者从新国际博览中心方舱医院出院后,今天(4月11日)又约有600多人出院。更多消息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 On the electronic medical record, different colors represent patients' PCR test status. White means positive or untested, light green means one negative result, and dark green means two negative results in 24 hours, meaning the patient meets the primary criteria to be discharged. 电子病历上,不同的颜色代表患者的核酸检测状态。白色表示阳性或未经检测,浅绿色表示一个阴性结果,深绿色表示两个阴性结果(即患者准许出院的主要标准)。 Zhuang Xu Renji Hospital 庄旭,新国际博览中心方舱医院医务组副组长、仁济医院妇产科主治医生 “If the recovered patient's neighborhood meets the standard for in-compound lockdown, staff of their neighborhood will send us a response letting us know. Then we will discharge the patient from the facility.” 如果他(康复者)的街道符合居家健康管理的条件,那么他(街道工作人员)会将这张表反馈给我们。然后我们再对接我们的出院患者,准予他们出院。 Those who temporarily cannot go back home are transferred to a quarantine hotel. As for family members who are admitted to the hospital, children turning negative for coronavirus before their parents can remain with them until the parents test negative as well, and leave the treatment center together. Staff members at the makeshift hospital made hundreds of phone calls in order to make sure that every recovered patient who can return home, does so smoothly. Medical staff have also made preparations for people who might not know which district they belong to. 对于一些因封控或其它原因而暂时无法回到家中的转阴人员,他们将被转运至隔离酒店,而像一些亲子确诊家庭的转阴人员,例如孩子转阴,父母却还没有转阴的情况,如果家长不放心孩子单独出院,也可以选择让孩子继续留在方舱,等父母转阴后再一起出院。为了确保每一位康复人员能被顺利送到所在区和街道,方舱指挥部的每一位工作人员都打了上百个电话。 Wang Siyi Renji Hospital 王思懿, 新国际博览中心方舱医院护理组组员、仁济医院肝脏外科护理组长 “We made labels for them in advance, with names of their districts on them, and put them on the patients. So it will be easier to identify them when they leave the hospital.” 我们可以提前给他们准备好浦东新区、徐汇区这样的一些牌子,这样他们贴在患者身上出院的时候分辨起来就比较方便。 The discharge process ended at 3pm, and medical staff quickly became busy again preparing to receive the next group of patients. A strict **disinfection【消毒】protocol at this facility means that all pillows and bedsheets are disposed of before a new patient can occupy a space vacated by a discharged patient. 截至下午三点,新国际博览中心方舱医院今天出院的600多人,全部完成出院手续。送走了一批康复人员,方舱工作人员又要马不停蹄地为迎接下一批患者的入住而展开新一轮准备工作。而在患者腾出床位后,所有的枕头与床单均已进行了消杀处理。 2. MORE DELIVERY STAFF RETURN TO WORK 盒马员工返岗,加入物资供应大军 Some delivery staff are being permitted to return to work, in an aim to get more people on the road to keep the residents of Shanghai supplied while in lockdown. Lei Shuran has more. 近日,陆续有部分配送小哥已经回到了上海的保供队伍当中,旨在为隔离中的上海居民提供服务。更多消息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 At this Freshippo delivery terminal【终端站】in Putuo District, 20 delivery staff have been allowed to leave their locked down communities to return to work. 今天(4月11日),在普陀区的一个盒马配送站,20名配送小哥重返工作岗位。 Sun Quan Delivery Manager,Freshippo 孙全,盒马我格店配送经理 “Our rule is not to get employees released from places with positive cases. As for communities that are infection free, we will negotiate with neighborhood committees, provide all the documents required, and do our best to get our deliverymen released to join the teams that are delivering supplies.” 标准就是有疫情阳性小区不做"打捞",像正常的(小区),我们通过和居委的协商,需要什么文件,我们给到,尽量把小哥捞出来加入我们保供大军。   So far, more than 300 Freshippo delivery staff have returned to work in Shanghai. More of them are expected to resume working in the coming days. 目前在上海范围内,盒马一共有300多位配送人员返岗。未来,还有更多的配送骑手将走出家门,重返岗位。 3. **BIG BOX STORES WORKING TO SUPPLY RESIDENTS 联系方式公开!山姆店负责人下沉一线加速保供 Some retailers in the city are still working hard to ensure food and daily supplies get to people during the lockdown. Zhang Yue has the story. 为保障市民生活所需,上海的零售商们坚守一线岗位,确保物资供应正常。更多消息,请听张乐带来的报道。 In this big box store in Qingpu District, about 70 staff are busy unloading and sorting food and other supplies. As most stores in the city remain closed, orders here have doubled, and the staff have to work overnight to ensure the supplies get to the people that need them. 在青浦山姆会员店中,大约有70名员工正忙着卸货和分拣食品和其他用品。疫情防控以来,前置仓站点业务暂停,近期线上订单是过去的两倍,为此员工连轴转进行工作,确保物资能够保质保量地抵达。 Tao Weimin Vice President of E-commerce,Qingpu Branch, Sam's Club Shanghai 陶伟民,上海青浦山姆会员店电商副总经理 “From 5 pm to 4 am, my colleagues replenished the supplies. And our delivery teams start working at 5 am.” 下午五点到次日凌晨四点,我们的同事就会去完成备货。然后大概凌晨五点,物流司机就会出发。 And as the number of incoming orders exceeds the store's e-commerce platforms capacity, some of the staff have posted their phone number and Wechat account online, to reach as many people in need as possible. 社区、企业在疫情期间采购体量大增,管理层在和对应的社区联络,把自己的私人电话号码和微信号公开,解决顾客急难愁问题。 Liu Jun Deputy GM, Fresh Food Department,Qingpu Branch, Sam's Club Shanghai 刘骏,上海青浦山姆会员店副总经理 “I have received hundreds of phone calls, and added hundreds of new friends on Wechat. We want to serve as many neighborhoods as possible.” 电话有几百个,然后微信也添加了几百个。多接一个电话,能够多配一个小区。 **Zhi Lichen, ** GM,Qingpu Branch, Sam's Club Shanghai 支黎辰,上海青浦山姆会员店总经理 “We have **tripled【使增至三倍】**our supply of daily goods. We are trying to make sure every community gets what it needs.” 所有的民生商品,我们都是翻了三倍的量。大家都是希望尽最大的努力 去保证每一个家庭、每一个社区的采买需求。 The manager says the store is now responsible for supplying over a hundred communities in the city.         该店负责人表示,目前仅青浦会员店就支撑着上海上百个社区的物资保障与服务。 #热词加油站 disinfection[ˌdɪsɪnˈfɛkʃən]【消毒】 terminal[ˈtɜrmɪn(ə)l]【终端站】 tripled [ˈtrɪp(ə)l]【使增至三倍】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~