cover of episode 04/07 TOP NEWS|上海国家会展中心方舱准备/临时医疗队保障医疗需求/企业助餐独居老扔

04/07 TOP NEWS|上海国家会展中心方舱准备/临时医疗队保障医疗需求/企业助餐独居老扔

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NEWS ON 04/06 1.NATIONAL EXHIBITION & CONVENTION CTR. TO BECOME TEMPORARY HOSPITAL 上海国家会展中心方舱准备 2.TEMPORARY MEDICAL TEAMS WORK TO ENSURE COMMUNITY NEEDS 社区临时医疗队保障居民医疗需求 3.COMMUNITY CANTEENS STRIVE TO FILL SENIORS' BELLIES 老人助餐企业"找食材"很忙 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.NATIONAL EXHIBITION & CONVENTION CTR. TO BECOME TEMPORARY HOSPITAL 上海国家会展中心方舱准备 Shanghai is converting the National Exhibition and Convention Center into a makeshift hospital in order to deal with rising coronavirus infections.  It has a planned capacity of 40,000 beds and is expected to be ready on Friday. Lei Shuran has more. 为应对当前的不断上升的新冠感染人数,上海正将国家会展中心改建成方舱医院,预期在本周五建成,有望提供4万张床位。更多内容,请听记者雷舒然的报道。 Each compartment隔间 in the No.2.2 Hall will hold two beds with nightstands**. Electricians have been laying network cables, and improving lighting and sockets【插座】. This hall will have 6,000 beds. 在2.2号馆,这些已经搭建的每一个小隔间,未来都会放置两张病床和配套的床头柜,与此同时,工作人员正在加紧铺设网线,完善照明设施、电力插座。整个二号馆建成后将提供6000个床位。 Xu Ning China Construction 2nd Engineering Bureau 许宁,中建二局方舱医院工程组组长 “Next, we will start installation of a temporary water supply and beds. Construction of the entire cabin hospital is expected to be complete within three days.” 后续我们还会进行一些临时的供水以及床铺的安装。整个方舱医院的建设预计将三天之内完成。 An IT task force was at the exhibition center today to assist with the installation of computers and 5G network devices that connect to the national CDC【国家疾控中心】's online report platform. 方舱信息化专班于今天抵达上海国家会展中心,来协助组装一台台连接着国家疾控中心网报平台的电脑和5G网络设备。 Lin Jingsheng Ruijin Hospital 林靖生,瑞金医院学科规划与大设施管理处副处长、高级工程师 “The entire system was initially set for a capacity of tens of thousands of people. And after testing at two other cabin hospital venues, we believe it will play a more efficient role here.” 其实整个系统建设当时就是按照万人这么一个级别来进行设置的。那么经过前两个(方舱)场馆的试点之后,我们相信在这个场馆上能够更好的发挥它的作用。 Also today, the special quarantine area for parents and children at the Shanghai New International Expo Center reached full capacity. Students resumed their online classes inside the treatment center as the Qingming holiday ended. Children attended classes with their devices, and exercised with volunteers during their lunch break. A medical team also prepared a handbook about how to prevent injuries. 同样在今天,上海新国际博览中心的亲子模式隔离区也已满员。随着清明假期的结束,学生们在隔离中心内恢复了学校的在线课程。孩子们通过他们的电子设备上课,并在午休时间与志愿者一起锻炼身体。一个医疗小组还准备了一本关于如何预防运动拉伤的手册。 2.TEMPORARY MEDICAL TEAMS WORK TO ENSURE COMMUNITY NEEDS 社区临时医疗队保障居民医疗需求 A team of medical professionals and family doctors are ready to ensure the medical needs of residents are taken care of during the lockdown in the subdistrict of New Town in Yangpu District. 在杨浦区江湾新镇街道封控期间,一支由医疗专业人员和家庭医生组成的临时医疗队已做好准备,以确保满足封控期间居民的医疗需求。 After Puxi was placed in lockdown, neighborhood committee director Xu Qunyu took on another role as medical coordinator****【协调员】 in her community in Yangpu's New Jiangwan Town subdistrict. She contacted nearly 50 residents to determine what they required and whether they had pre-existing conditions. Emergency medical needs, especially individuals requiring hemodialysis****【血透】 or chemotherapy【化疗】, were reported to a special team for the subdistrict. The team collected information from 21 neighborhood committees. Government departments including the public security bureau and pandemic prevention office were then connected so emergencies could be handled during the lockdown period. 浦西封控后,居委会徐主任在杨浦新江湾镇街道担任社区医疗协调员。 她联系了近 50 名居民,以确定他们的医疗物资需求,以及他们是否原来有过什么疾病。有紧急医疗需求,特别是需要血透或化疗的居民,已经报告给了该街道的一个特别医疗小组。该小组收集了来自 21 个居委会的信息。 随后,公安局、防疫办等政府部门相互联通,在封控期间确保及时应对紧急医疗事件。 Fan Huafu, Secretary Party Working Committee, New Jiangwan Town 范华甫,杨浦区新江湾城街道党工委书记 “We worked out a daily schedule from April 1st to April 5th based on the needs of the residents. We built up a medical emergency team that has access to 45 vehicles, 40 of which have been leased and five are cars that belong to staff members.” 我们针对居民需求排出了4月1号到4月5号每一天的排片表。组建了一支45辆车组成的医疗急救队,其中40辆车是通过市场化租赁的还有五辆车是同志的私家车。 The vehicles are stationed at the subdistrict's Cultural Center. Mr. Lu is one of the drivers. 这些车辆驻扎在街道的文化中心。陆师傅是其中一名司机。 Mr. Lu Driver 陆师傅,新江湾城"急救车队"驾驶员 “Everyone should be involved in the fight against the pandemic. I feel like I have to come if I am capable.” 现在等于是全民抗疫,人人参与。自己觉得力所能及就出来做。 The team already helped transport a patient to a hospital 3 kilometers away for hemodialysis. In addition, five family doctors at the community health service center take shifts receiving calls 24 hours a day in case of medical emergencies. 该团队已经帮助将一名患者转运到 3 公里外的医院进行血透。此外,社区卫生服务中心的5名家庭医生将会24小时轮班接听紧急医疗电话应对突发事件。 Dr. Shen Lingda Community Health Center GP 沈凌达,杨浦区新江湾城街道社区卫生服务中心全科医生 “We collect information about patients in advance so that paramedics can quickly report them to doctors.” 我们所能做的就是一个信息收集,让120医生能够尽快提供给急诊就诊医生。 This temporary medical team of 21 medical professionals and five family doctors now serves more than 70,000 residents. 这支由 21 名医疗专业人员和 5 名家庭医生组成的临时医疗队现在正为 70,000 余名居民提供医疗服务。 3.COMMUNITY CANTEENS STRIVE TO FILL SENIORS' BELLIES 老人助餐企业"找食材"很忙 Shanghai's elderly residents, especially those living alone, have been given a lot attention this month with lockdowns taking place around the city. 62 canteen employees have been supplying 8,000 hot meals a day to the elderly as well as medical staff and volunteer workers in the community. The organization runs canteens on several streets in Pudong. 上海的老年人,尤其是独居老人,在近期全市的封控管理过程中受到了许多关怀。 一家老人助餐企业的62名食堂员工每天为社区老人、医务人员和志愿者提供8000份餐食。该企业主要在浦东多条街道经营社区食堂。 The canteen in Hudong sub-district provides 700 seniors with meals every day. Four employees face an extremely heavy workload as 14 people previously did the work. 湖东社区食堂每天为700名老人提供餐食。 这原本之前由 14 人负责的工作,现在对于仅剩下的四名员工来说是一个极其繁重的工作量。 Wang Xian Chef Community Canteen, Hudong Subdistrict 王宪,沪东社区食堂,厨师 “I need to cook the food, pack it, and deliver the meals to the residential compounds. I've been getting up at 5am every day for over 20 days.” 我先是要烧好菜,然后帮忙打一下,还要出去送餐。所以我已经连着20多天了早上5点钟就起来了。 Chen Bing Community Canteen, Hudong Subdistrict 陈兵,管理人员 “I'm the administrative employee of this canteen, and I'm here to help because we don't have enough staff members.” 我虽然是管理人员,但能出来就赶快来帮忙,因为现在人手都很紧张。 Suppliers who were responsible for delivering fresh produce have now also volunteered to help. They are temporarily living in the canteen. 负责运送新鲜农产品的供应商现在也主动站出来帮忙。 他们目前暂时住在食堂。 Zhang Zhigui Volunteer 张治桂,志愿者 “I should come and offer help because seniors cannot go out to eat during the lockdown. Also, I am a Party member.” 现在封控时期,老人出不来了就吃不上饭。所以我们就应该帮帮忙,这是应该做的。再说我也是党员。 62 staff members in the organization make 8,000 hot meals a day, of which more than 4,000 are provided to the elderly. Most of the meals are sent to locked down residential compounds in Pudong. 该企业的 62 名工作人员每天制作 8,000 份热餐,其中4,000 多份提供给老年人。大部分饭菜被送到浦东的封控小区。 Sourcing fresh food has also become a problem due to the recent food shortage amid the pandemic. 由于最近封控期间的食物短缺,采购生鲜蔬菜也成为一个问题。 Lu Xiaofeng, General Manager Shanghai Yuan Yuan Catering Management Co. 鲁小锋,上海缘源餐饮管理有限公司负责人 “We go shopping for fresh vegetables every day and store at least two days' worth.” 我们尽量储备至少两天的蔬菜量。 These meals will be delivered to each apartment complex【公寓大楼】, and the volunteers will then deliver them to the elderly. The community needs to know the needs of each senior. A staff member with the community's residential committee said they have built up a team dedicated to【致力于】** senior living, and each team member is responsible for taking care of the needs of five seniors. 这些饭菜将被送到每栋小区楼,然后由志愿者将它们送到老人手中。 社区需要及时了解每位老年人的需求。 一名社区居委会人员表示,他们已经组建了一支养老服务团队,每1名组员负责照顾5名老人。 #热词加油站 1.compartment  /kəm'pɑːtm(ə)nt/ 【隔间】 2.socket /'sɒkɪt/ 【插座】 3.coordinator /kəʊˈ ɔ:dɪneɪtə/【协调员】 4.hemodialysis /ˌhiːmədaɪ'ælɪsɪs/ 【血透】 5.chemotherapy /ˌkiːmə(ʊ)'θerəpɪ/【化疗】 6.apartment complex【公寓大楼】 7.dedicate to【致力于】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~