NEWS ON 0**3/28** *1.BOAO FORUM FOR ASIA DRAWSOVER 2,000 ATTENDEES* *博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会*正式启幕,约2000名代表参会 2.MORE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS TO LAND IN CHINA AMID RECOVERY 中国经济复苏,更多建筑项目将入驻国内* 3.7 PEOPLE DEAD IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SHOOTING IN NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE *7人死亡!美国田纳西州一小学突发*枪击事件* -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.BOAO FORUM FOR ASIA DRAWSOVER 2,000 ATTENDEES** 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会****正式启幕,约2000名代表参会 The four-day Boao Forum for Asia began today in Boao, Hainan Province with about 2,000 delegates from over 50 countries and regions. 为期四天的博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会,今天(03/28)正式拉开帷幕。来自50多个国家和地区的约2000名嘉宾齐聚海南博鳌,为完善全球治理贡献博鳌方案。 A report released at the conference stated that regional production, trade, investment and financial integration【融合】 and cohesion will continue to develop across Asia, seizing the "Asian moment" for global economic governance this year. The weighted real GDP growth rate of Asia in 2023 was estimated to be 4.5 percent, an increase from 4.2 percent in 2022. Themed "An Uncertain World: Solidarity and Cooperation for Development amid Challenges," the forum will focus on four main topics: development and** inclusiveness**【包容;普惠】, efficiency and security, regional and global, as well as the present and future. 会议报告指出,亚洲区域生产、贸易、投资一体化和金融融合进程将加快,这些举措有助于把握好今年全球经济治理的“亚洲时刻”。亚洲经济体2023年的加权实际GDP增长率预计为4.5%,相比于去年的4.2%将有所提升。今年博鳌亚洲论坛年会主题是“不确定的世界:团结合作迎挑战,开放包容促发展”,将重点围绕“发展与普惠”、“治理与安全”、“区域与全球”、“当下与未来”四大板块议题展开讨论。 2.MORE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS TO LAND IN CHINA AMID RECOVERY 中国经济复苏,更多建筑项目将入驻国内** With China's construction industry recovering, more multinational architecture firmsare becoming increasingly active in local markets. Continuing our seriesThe China Come-back, we spoke to the Founder and Global Principal Designer of Aedas, to find out the world-famous architectural firm's plans for its business here. Ying Junyi has more. 随着中国建筑业的复苏,越来越多的跨国建筑公司在中国市场日渐活跃。今晚《目的地——中国》系列节目采访了Aedas创始人兼其全球首席设计师,以了解这家世界著名建筑公司在中国的业务计划。记者应骏一带来更多报道。 “Since the opening up of the border, I have been able to come from Hong Kong into the mainland four times so far in just two weeks. We're finding a lot of industrial parks required. We do hope that this integration will grow during the course of the opening up and the regrowth of China.” “内地与香港恢复通关后,在短短两周里我已经四次来到内地。我们注意到工业园区的建造需求在增长。随着开放和复苏,我们期盼香港和内地市场进一步融合。” *Keith Griffiths, Founder & Global Principal Designe**r,Aedas 纪达夫,Aedas创始人&全球首席设计师 “I set up Aedas, my architectural company, 40 years ago when I came to Hong Kong. And we've been working out of Hong Kong and expanding into Southeast Asia, the mainland, and indeed into the Middle East, Seattle and to London.” “40年前我来到香港,成立了Aedas。现在,我们已经走出香港,业务覆盖东南亚、内地,乃至中东、西雅图以及伦敦等地区。” The company has achieved solid growth during its nearly 20 years in Shanghai. During the pandemic, its office remained stable, with many of its projects like the Shanghai Jiading Financial Center and the Shanghai International Fortune Centre finished off on time. 公司进驻上海近20年,取得了稳健的发展。疫情期间,Aedas始终保持其上海办事处运营的稳定,并顺利交付了上海嘉定金融中心、上海国际财富中心等项目。 Keith Griffiths, Founder & Global Principal Designer,Aedas 纪达夫,Aedas创始人&全球首席设计师 “For three years, we've been using zoom and various iterations【(计算机)远程软件】** of that type of software across the world. However, that didn't abnegate the problem that we had of face-to-face contact. Because in face-to-face contact, you pick up nuances as the way somebody's thinking, ratherthanjust the speech, ratherthanjust the words.” “过去三年间,我们都通过远程软件进行交流,但有些问题我们还是需要面对面来解决。因为通过面对面的接触,你能感受到不仅是语言和文字,还有自己与他人思维模式的细微差别。” Keith Griffiths, Founder & Global Principal Designer,Aedas 纪达夫,Aedas创始人&全球首席设计师 “Since the opening up of the border, I have been able to come from Hong Kong into the mainland four times so far, in just two weeks. We do hope that this integration will grow during the course of the opening up and the regrowth of China.” “内地与香港恢复通关后,在短短两周里我已经四次来到内地。随着开放和复苏,我们期盼香港和内地市场进一步融合。” Keith Griffiths, Founder & Global Principal Designer,Aedas 纪达夫,Aedas创始人&全球首席设计师 “The architectural industry in China is recovering from quite a heavy downturn. We are seeing signs of its improving. Manufacturers are steaming ahead again. And so we're finding a lot of industrial parks required. We also have the impetus【动力】** given to the tech industry by the government and the growth of chip manufacturers and software. And finally we have the batteries and the electrical cars, which China's got a huge industry now, the biggest in the world.” “我们看到了改善的迹象,中国的建筑行业正在复苏。现在制造业不断增长,我们也观察到工业园区的建造需求在增加。政府在推动科技行业发展,芯片制造和软件行业正在飞速成长。最后,我们还拥有中国的电动车及电池行业,它们的体量领先全球。” China's infrastructure has developed by leaps and bounds over the past decade, resulting in social and economic changes in both rural and urban areas. The company has been an active participant in all that. 过去十年中,中国的基础设施突飞猛进,给农村和城市地区带来了社会和经济变化。Aedas一直积极参与其中。 Keith Griffiths, Founder & Global Principal Designe*r,Aedas 纪达夫,Aedas创始人&全球首席设计师 “We do things from railways to port buildings, infrastructure buildings to mix commercial, industrial, residential, shopping malls. A really good example is HuanggangPort, which is the port crossing between mainland and Hong Kong. And that's an enormous building. And that's actually under construction at the moment and will be finished in about two and half years. We also are involved in three urban renewal projects in Shanghai. By urban renewal, you increase the density, you increase the connectivity with the rest of the city, particularly through new subway stations. And you establish a new part of the city which is stronger than it was before.” “我们的业务涉及铁路、港口建设、基础设施、商住混合、工业建筑、住宅以及购物中心。联通内地和香港的皇岗口岸就是个很好的例子。这是个巨大的建筑,目前正在建造中,预计两年半内完工。我们还参与了三个上海的城市改造项目。通过改造,提升了城市的效能,增加了城市内部的连通性。特别是随着新地铁站的建成,区域与区域之间的联结在加深,城市也实现升级。” Keith Griffiths, Founder & Global Principal Designer,Aedas 纪达夫,创始人&全球首席设计师 “There is going to be an improvement in the architectural industry in China. It's going to start with rebuilding within the industrial sectors particularly, and biomedical as well, and urban planning. We will very cautiously look about which offices we should grow. The Shanghai office has long been a very stable office. We don't particularly want to grow it. I foresee further growth of the Shenzhen office, whilst possibly maintaining the size at the Hong Kong office.” “中国的建筑行业将会有进一步的发展。首先是工业部门的重建,还有生物医学领域的建筑改造和城市规划的建筑项目。未来,我们将非常谨慎地考虑应该扩大哪些办事处。上海办事处的业务常年居于稳定,目前没有扩张计划。我们预计将扩大深圳办事处,而同时尽量保持住香港办事处现有的规模。” 3.7 PEOPLE DEAD IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SHOOTING IN NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE *7人死亡!美国田纳西州一小学突发*枪击事件** In the United States, a shooting at an elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee has left 7 people dead, including 3 children. Lei Shuran has the story. 美国田纳西州纳什维尔市的一所小学发生枪击事件,导致包括3名儿童在内的7人死亡。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 3 children and 3 adults were killed in the incident yesterday, the local police said the shooter was a female, armed with at least two "assault-type" rifles and a handgun, and that she was shot dead by police during their encounter. 3月27日,3名儿童和3名成人在该事件中死亡。当地警方确认,枪手是一名女性,作案时携带了两支攻击性步枪和一把手枪。她在与警察的交手中被击毙。 John Drake,*Nashville Police Chief 德雷克 纳什维尔警察局长 “We have a manifesto【宣言】. We have some writings that we're going over that pertain to this day, the actual incident. We have a map drawn out of how this was all going to take place.” “我们查获了一份作案宣言,我们手头有关于作案日的一些文章,并正在彻查。我们还找到了一份地图,上面写有作案计划。” There was no immediate official word on a possible motive for the gun violence. 目前还没有凶手作案动机的官方消息。 U.S. president Joe Biden has ordered flags be flown at half-staff at the White House and all federal public buildings to pay tribute to the victims of the shooting. Biden said it's heartbreaking, a family's worst nightmare. 美国总统拜登下令白宫和所有联邦大楼降半旗,向此次枪击案的遇难者致哀。拜登表示,这令人心碎,对遇难者家属来说,是一场最可怕的噩梦。 Joe Biden*,*U.S. President 拜登 *美国总统 “We have to do more to stop gun violence. It's ripping our communities apart, ripping the soul of this nation.” “我们必须阻止枪支暴力,这些案件正在撕裂社区、撕裂国家。” According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 128 mass shootings in the United States so far this year, which defines a mass shooting as one in which at least four people are shot, excluding the shooter. Meanwhile, the website's data showed that more than 9,800 people, including hundreds of children and teens, have lost their lives to gun violence in the past three months. 据美国“枪支暴力档案”的数据,今年截至目前,美国已经发生了128起大规模枪击事件。“大规模枪击”指至少有四个除枪手之外的人被枪杀。同时,该网站的数据显示,在过去三个月中,有超过9800人死于枪支暴力,其中包括数百名儿童和青少年。 #热词加油站 integration /ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n/*【融合】 inclusiveness /ˌɪnˈkluːsɪvnəs/*【包容;普惠】 Iteration /ˌɪtəˈreɪʃn/【(计算机)远程软件**】** impetus /ˈɪmpɪtəs/【动力】 manifesto /ˌmænɪˈfestoʊ/【宣言】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~