cover of episode 03/24 TOP NEWS | 商务部回应301调查/美民众抗议Tiktok禁令/欧美资金迁港

03/24 TOP NEWS | 商务部回应301调查/美民众抗议Tiktok禁令/欧美资金迁港

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NEWS ON 03/23 1.CHINA CALLS ON U.S. TO END SECTION 301 TARIFFS 商务部:美方应尽早取消对华加征“301”关税 2.AMERICAN TIKTOK USERS PROTEST BAN PROPOSALS AT CONGRESS 美国:民众集会抗议美国政府和国会对TikTok施压 3.HONG KONG BANKS ARE NOT AWASH IN LIQUIDITY AFTER RECENT BANK CRISES 大量欧美资金迁移香港?专家回应 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHINA CALLS ON U.S. TO END SECTION 301 TARIFFS 商务部:美方应尽早取消对华加征“301”关税 The Ministry of Commerce responded to questions concerning US “Section 301” tariffs【关税】on Chinese imports, the trade deficit **【逆差】*and US government pressure to force TikTok to divest from its parent company during a briefing today. Zhang Hong brings us the details. 针对301调查、中美贸易逆差和TikTok在美被要求出售这三个涉及中美经贸关系的关键问题,商务部今天(03/23)在例行记者会上一一做出回应。记者张泓为我们带来详细报道。 Ministry spokesperson Shu Jueting said government officials are aware of a United States International Trade Commission report that found American importers bore nearly the full cost of tariffs on Chinese imports. The Section 301 tariffs apply to more than 330 billion US dollars worth of goods from China. Shu said China called on the United States government to remove the tariffs as soon as possible as it harms both countries. 商务部新闻发言人束珏婷说,中国政府注意到,在美国国际贸易委员会的一份报告中,美国对华商品征收的所谓“301关税”,成本几乎完全由美国进口商承担。束珏婷表示,美方的措施害人害己,应尽快取消。 Shu Jueting, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce 束珏婷商务部发言人* “美方‘301’关税措施是典型的单边主义和贸易保护做法,严重干扰了中美双边贸易正常开展,破坏了全球产业链供应链稳定。美方应倾听国内各界呼声,尊重世贸组织专家组裁决,尽快取消全部对华加征关税。” “The Section 301 tariffs are a typical trade protectionism move that hindered normal trade between China and the United States and disrupted the stability of the global industrial and supply chain. The United States should listen to voices from various fields in the country, respect the WTO's jurisprudence and remove the additional tariffs on Chinese goods as soon as possible.” Shu added that the increase of the US trade deficit with China was lower than that of its deficit in overall trade. She said China has never deliberately pursued a trade surplus with the United States. Chinese companies imported a considerable amount of agricultural products, automobiles, technological and energy products from the United States based on market demand, which is beneficial to both sides. 束珏婷还表示,美对华的贸易逆差增速明显低于美整体贸易逆差增速。中方从不刻意追求对美贸易顺差。中国企业基于市场需求自美进口大量农产品、汽车、科技、能源石化等产品,这对双方都有好处。 She also responded to news reports saying the US government is considering forcing TikTok to divest from its Chinese parent company ByteDance, or face the possibility of a ban. 针对拜登政府对TikTok发出威胁,要求字节跳动出售其持有的TikTok股份,否则该应用程序将在美国遭到封禁的报道,束珏婷也作出了回应。 Shu Jueting, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce 束珏婷商务部发言人** “如果该消息属实,中方将坚决反对。出售或者剥离TikTok涉及技术出口问题,必须按照中国的法律法规履行行政许可程序,中国政府将依法做出决定。” “If the news reports turn out to be true, China would firmly oppose this course of action. A stake sale or split from the Chinese parent company involves a technology export subject to Chinese laws and regulations for administrative approval. The Chinese government would make a decision in accordance with the law.” Shu also answered questions about the Belt and Road Initiative and attracting foreign investment. 发布会上,束珏婷还就共建“一带一路”、吸引外国投资等问题回答记者提问。 2.AMERICAN TIKTOK USERS PROTEST BAN PROPOSALS AT CONGRESS 美国:民众集会抗议美国政府和国会对TikTok施压 A group of TikTok content creators descended on the US Capitol yesterday to protest congressional calls for a ban on the popular Chinese-owned video-sharing app that is used by more than 150 million Americans. Lei Shuran has the story. 一群TikTok内容创作者昨日(03/22)聚集在美国国会大厦外,抗议美国国会对这款超过1.5亿美国人使用的中国视频分享软件实施禁令。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 The protesters represent a variety of content creators from a variety of industries such as education, business and politics. 抗议者包括来自教育界、商界、政界等多个领域的各种内容创作者。 Jason Linton, TikTok Creator 贾森·林顿 TikTok****内容创造者 “A ban on TikTok will be devastating, to not only my community of parents and people that follow me, but also the millions of other communities that I know TikTok has helped to develop.” “一旦TikTok被禁用,这会毁了我搭建的网络社群,也会毁了TikTok帮助搭建的数以百万计的其它网络社群。” According to TikTok, the app now has 150 million monthly active users in the United States, almost half of the total population of the country. 根据TikTok此前公布的数据,目前该应用程序在美国拥有超过1.5亿月活跃用户,几乎占美国总人口的一半。 The app faces growing pressure in Washington, including calls to ban it by many in Congress, who fear its U.S. user data could fall into the hands of China's government. 华盛顿方近期对该应用程序持续施压,许多国会议员呼吁禁止该应用程序,他们担心其美国用户数据可能会落入中国政府手中。 Some members of the U.S. Congress criticized the government for its discrimination. 美国国会多名议员批评政府此举带有明显的歧视意味。 Jamal Bowman, U.S. Representative 贾迈勒**·鲍曼美国国会众议院议员** “Why the hysteria and the panic and the targeting of TikTok? As we know, Republicans, in particular, have been sounding the alarm, creating red scare around China.” “为什么要针对TikTok制造恐慌?据我们所知,共和党人经常发表此类言论,制造针对中国的恐慌情绪。” At the White House press conference yesterday, a reporter asked the spokesperson to explain this to TikTok users, but she essentially passed the buck**【责任、过失】to lawmakers. 在昨天(03/22)的白宫记者会上,有记者要求发言人就此向TikTok用户解释,发言人却将“球”踢给了国会。 Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary ·皮埃尔美国白宫发言人** “The president needs to do a better job to explain to Americans, explaining to TikTok users why this app represents national security.” “美国总统需要更好地向民众解释,向TikTok用户解释,为什么这个APP涉及国家安全。” TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew will testify before the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee today, where he is expected to respond to the allegations. TikTok首席执行官周受资将于当地时间3月23日出席美国众议院能源和商务委员会听证会,预计将对相关指控作出回击。 3.HONG KONG BANKS ARE NOT AWASH IN LIQUIDITY AFTER RECENT BANK CRISES 大量欧美资金迁移香港?专家回应 There is no data to support reports of large inflows of European and American deposits into Hong Kong banks following the liquidity crises at SVB and Credit Suisse, Yicai Global is reporting, citing bankers and industry experts. 据第一财经报道援引银行家和业内专家的话称,欧美存款涌入香港银行尚待数据佐证。此前市场传言,硅谷银行和瑞信事件导致欧美数千亿美元资金涌入香港。 Yicai's investigation followed a report that more than 200 billion US dollars worth of European and American funds have entered Hong Kong as a result of recent financial market volatility**【波动】. Economists at Yintech Investment Holdings Financial Research Institute were quoted as saying, however, that this is not supported by daily average figures from the Hong Kong Monetary【货币的】Authority. The denial was echoed by two Hong Kong-based account managers at Standard Chartered Bank and HSBC, who told Yicai that offshore inflows are currently not too large. The Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate, which determines lenders' borrowing costs, has actually been rising, indicating that there is little excess liquidity in the market.    第一财经的调查显示,有报告称,由于最近的金融市场波动,超过2,000亿美元的欧美资金流入了香港。然而,银科控股金融研究院的经济学家表示,香港货币当局公布的日均数据并不支持这一说法。香港渣打银行、汇丰银行的两名驻港客户经理也对第一财经记者表示,目前离岸资金流入并不太大。决定贷款成本的短期HIBOR(香港银行同业拆借利率)出现暴涨,说明银行间钱紧,而非资金充裕。 , #热词加油站 tariff/ˈtærɪf/【关税】 deficit /ˈdefɪsɪt/【逆差】 buck /bʌk/【责任、过失】 volatility/ˌvɒləˈtɪləti/【波动】 monetary/ˈmʌnɪtri/【货币的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~