cover of episode 03/23 TOP NEWS | 中俄签署联合声明/中国科技“出海”/俄警告英国援乌贫铀弹

03/23 TOP NEWS | 中俄签署联合声明/中国科技“出海”/俄警告英国援乌贫铀弹

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NEWS ON 03/22 1.XI, PUTIN SIGN JOINT STATEMENT 国家主席习近平和俄罗斯总统普京共同签署联合声明 2.CHINA TECH PROVIDES HIGH GROWTH POTENTIAL TO OVERSEAS COMPANIES 中国科技为海外公司提供发展潜力 3.RUSSIA WARNS U.K. AGAINST PROVIDING DEPLETED URANIUM TO UKRAINE 英官员称将援乌贫铀弹俄方表示谴责** -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.XI, PUTIN SIGN JOINT STATEMENT 中俄元首签署联合声明 President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday signed and released the Joint Statement of the President of the People's Republic of China and the President of the Russian Federation regarding the Pre-2030 Development Plan on Priorities in China-Russia Economic Cooperation. Lei Shuran has more. 当地时间3月21日,国家主席习近平和俄罗斯总统普京共同签署《中华人民共和国主席和俄罗斯联邦总统关于2030年前中俄经济合作重点方向发展规划的联合声明》。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。 In the statement, they pledged to carry out economic cooperation, including increasing trade, improving trade structure, developing e-commerce and finding new areas of cooperation. 在声明中,中华人民共和国和俄罗斯联邦(下称“双方”)承诺推动开展经济合作,包括扩大贸易规模,优化贸易结构,发展电子商务及其他创新合作模式。 Both committed to steadily increasing the proportion of local currency settlements in bilateral**【双方的】trade, investment, and loans to meet market demand. 双方承诺,在双边贸易、投资、贷款和其他经贸往来中适应市场需求稳步提升本币结算比重。 They agreed to strengthen long-term cooperation in the energy sector. 双方同意,加强能源重点领域长期合作。 Xi and Putin called for promoting exchanges and cooperation in technology to ensure high-level development in both countries. 双方呼吁促进技术及创新领域的交流和高质量合作,保障两国技术的高水平发展。 In addition to upgrading industrial cooperation, they also pledged to enhance agricultural cooperation to ensure food security. 除了推动工业合作提质升级,双方还承诺切实提升农业合作水平,保障两国粮食安全。 Xi wrapped up his state visit to Russia and left Moscow this morning to return to China. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko and other senior Russian officials held a grand farewell ceremony for Xi at the airport. 当地时间3月22日上午,国家主席习近平在结束对俄罗斯联邦国事访问后启程回国。离开莫斯科时,俄罗斯副总理切尔内申科等政府高级官员到机场送行,并举行隆重送行仪式。 2.CHINA TECH PROVIDES HIGH GROWTH POTENTIAL TO OVERSEAS COMPANIES 中国科技为海外公司提供发展潜力 China's high-tech industrial products are gaining international popularity despite economic challenges brought about by the pandemic, as overseas companies discover the important ways the technology can help them grow and develop. And of course, that provides significant fuel for China's industrial growth too. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan visited 3 local tech firms and finds out just what they're doing to keep their reputations growing in overseas markets. 疫情下,全球经济发展面临严重挑战,中国的高科技工业产品却正在赢得国际市场的青睐。海外公司发现,中国的高新技术能成为助力企业壮大和发展的重要手段。当然,这也为中国的工业增长提供了重要的驱动力。本台记者张诗旋参观了三家上海本土科技公司,了解他们如何运作提高海外市场声誉。 Handling more than 80% of all international trade in goods, seafreight【海运】routes are the lifeline of the world economy - and ports around the world are its heart. Keeping these hearts beating, are the trucks that move the freight to and from the docks. At this port in Thailand, these self-driving electric trucks have transported almost 235,000 twenty-foot equivalent containers. 海运承担了80%以上的全球贸易,是世界经济的生命线,而世界各地的港口则是世界经济心脏。维持这些心脏持续跳动的,是往返码头运输货物的集装箱卡车。在泰国的一个港口,这些无人驾驶集卡车已经运输了近235,000个标准集装箱。 Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 张诗旋****记者 “While these trucks are running and playing an important role in foreign countries' trade, it's worth remembering they all came from here, this Shanghai-based tech firm, with more than 300 R&D staff, which was just established in 2015.” 虽然这些卡车在外国的贸易中发挥着重要作用,但值得一提的是,它们都来自这家总部位于上海的科技公司。该公司成立于2015年,拥有超过300名研发人员。 The first batch of the company's automated container trucks were exported to Thailand in April, 2020, when many countries around the world were challenged by COVID outbreaks, and so was the supply chain. It wasn't just a matter of putting wheels on trucks - they also had to design the system to run them.   该公司的第一批自动化集卡车于2020年4月出口到泰国。当时,全球许多国家都面临着疫情的挑战,供应链也受到影响。因此这不仅仅是给卡车安装轮子的问题,他们还必须设计控制集卡车运行的系统。 Zhang Rong, President of WestWell 章嵘****西井科技总裁 “因为我们本身来说整体方案也会涉及到一些车辆的提供,所以车辆供应链相关的一些零部件的影响其实是比较大的。从产品的开发角度,尽量使用更多的一些这个AB件,不同的一些备品。然后第二是我们在整个的生产体系和包括整个供货体系角度来说,都选择更多的一些选项,保证相关的一些产品的输出。另外其实我们也开发了大量的远程部署交付工具。系统的升级配置,这些都可以在远程完成。” “Our total solutions include the trucks, so we had to deal with challenges to parts supplies.  Right from the R&D stage, we have prepared as many backup components as possible. We developed a variety of options on the production and supply sides to ensure the export of our products. And we also developed a large number of remote delivery arrangement tools and a system of remote upgrades.” So far, the company has exported its smart truck transport solutions to 120 clients in 16 countries and regions. And the smart China tech is not only on the road - it's also in the air, with cutting-edge developments that go by the name of eVTOL, or Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing. 目前为止,该公司已经向16个国家和地区的120个客户出口了其智能卡车运输解决方案。智能中国科技不仅应用于道路运输,还涉及到航空领域,如尖端科技领域eVTOL,即电动垂直起降飞行器。 Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 张诗旋****记者 “The first time I came here was actually 2 years ago, when I saw only this model made for industrial use. But now there are many eVTOL models, developed during the outbreak in the last year and a half. And the brand new passenger eVTOL is even going to fly in other countries later this year.” “我第一次来这里是两年前,当时我只看到了这个工业用途的飞行器。但是现在出现了许多在过去一年半的疫情期间研发的eVTOL飞行器。全新的载人eVTOL飞行器甚至将于今年晚些时候在其他国家投入飞行。” 3 weeks ago, the tech firm broke the world record with its brand new passenger model, completing the longest fully electric aircraft flight on a single charge, 250.3 kilometers. With more than 95% of its components made domestically, a stable supply chain has been an important part of the company's success.   3周前,上海峰飞航空科技以其全新的载人飞行器打破了世界纪录,该飞行器在单次充电状态下顺利完成250.3公里飞行。飞行器95%以上的部件在国内制造,稳定的供应链是该公司成功的重要原因。 Xie Jia, Senior Vice President of AutoFlight Aviation Technology 谢嘉****峰飞航空科技航空技术公司高级副总裁 “The Yangtze Delta area, I mean actually this capacity for the supply chain has been really helpful. And then because we have lots of small components that we can easily get access from other companies surrounding in this area. We are targeting Europe, Eastern Europe, West Europe and then also US market as well.” “实际上长三角地区强大的供应链的能力很有帮助。我们可以很容易地从周边地区其他公司获得需要的小型零部件。我们的目标市场是欧洲,包括东欧、西欧,以及美国市场。” With continuing work on AI and AR development for Metaverse applications, tech firms have become competitive enough to provide exclusive technologies overseas. In the past two years, SenseTime has applied its technology to Saudi Arabia's biggest cultural and entertainment program, which builds on the Saudi Vision 2030, aiming to establish the entertainment industry as a key component of the national economy. Its exports have also been extended to smart city construction and education in the Middle East country. The changes have meant a transformation for the company as well.   随着元宇宙应用AI和AR开发工作的持续进行,科技公司已经有足够的竞争力向海外提供独家技术。在过去的两年里,商汤科技将其技术应用于沙特阿拉伯最大的文化和娱乐项目,该项目基于沙特2030愿景,旨在将娱乐产业建设为国家经济的重要组成部分。其产品和服务的出口也扩展到了中东国家的智慧城市建设和教育领域。这些变化也给该公司带来了转型。 Li Jianghao, Senior Director of International Business Group, SenseTime 李江浩****商汤科技国际业务高级总监 “Apparently, it is different from what we are doing and what we offer in China market - the culture and language is different, the local ecosystem is different and the way of making business is different. Unlike other typical Chinese companies going abroad in last 2 decades, it is very challenging to sell new technologies like AI to overseas market. Therefore, we have reshaped entire portfolio and propositions to fulfill customers’ need and bring a meaningful solution and true value to our clients.” “显然,这与我们在中国所做的事情和所提供的服务有太大的不同——文化和语言不同,当地的生态系统不同,做生意的方式也不同。与过去20年里中国其他典型的出海公司不同,向海外市场推广人工智能等新技术更具挑战性。因此我们已经重塑了整个产品组合和方案,以满足客户需求,并为我们的客户提供有意义的解决方案和真正的价值。” Just last week, the company announced a collaboration【合作】with a major media group in Thailand to bolster the infrastructural development of that country's first Metaverse platform. And now as the world eases its COVID travel precautions, each of the companies we talked to has plans for expanded international travels and communication to accelerate their footprints abroad. 就在上周,该公司宣布与泰国的一家大型媒体集团合作,加强该国第一个元宇宙平台的基础设施建设。而现在,随着世界各国放宽出行防疫措施,我们所交谈的每家公司都有扩大国际出行和交流的计划,以加速扩大他们在海外的覆盖市场。 3.RUSSIA WARNS U.K. AGAINST PROVIDING DEPLETED URANIUM TO UKRAINE 英官员称将援乌贫铀弹****俄方表示谴责 Russia today accused Britain of triggering “genocide【种族灭绝】” by supplying Ukraine with depleted uranium tank shells. Stephen Rancourt has more. 俄罗斯今天(03/22)对英国向乌克兰提供贫铀坦克炮弹表示谴责,称其将引发“种族灭绝”。记者Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。 The United Kingdom confirmed on Monday that it will send a shipment of ammunition to Ukraine containing depleted uranium. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday accused the UK and what he called "the collective West" of "using every means at their disposal to uphold their** hegemony**【霸权】." 周一(03/20),经证实,英国将向乌克兰运送一批含有贫化铀的弹药。俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫周二(03/21)指责称,英国及其所谓的“西方集体”“利用一切能使用的手段来维护他们的霸权”。 Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister 谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫****俄罗斯外交部长 “If this is true, then they are not only prepared to take risks, but to violate international and humanitarian law.” “如果英国真的向乌克兰提供贫铀弹,他们不仅要准备好承受风险,还将违反国际法和人道主义法。” The UN also expressed alarm over the UK's plans, saying that the international body has long voiced concerns about the consequences of depleted uranium use. 联合国也对英国的计划表示担忧,称联合国长期以来一直对使用贫铀的后果表示关注。 Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General 法尔汉·哈克****联合国秘书长副发言人 “We've seen the concerns we've expressed over the years about any use of depleted uranium given the consequences of such usage.” “多年来,我们对任何贫铀武器的使用都表达了关切,因为这将造成严重后果。” According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, depleted uranium is used in ammunition as it increases a round's ability to penetrate a target's armor plating. 根据国际原子能机构的说法,贫化铀被用于制造弹药,因为它能提高子弹穿透目标装甲的能力。 The use of depleted uranium munitions was previously acknowledged by NATO in a report in the year 2000, with the US-led bloc revealing that it had used some 10 metric tons of the material in Yugoslavia and 300 metric tons in Iraq. The report indicated that the material poses a threat due to its toxicity when in an aerosol form. 北约在2000年的一份报告中承认使用贫铀弹药。以美国为首的集团透露,他们在南斯拉夫使用了约10吨这种材料,在伊拉克使用了约300吨。该报告指出,贫铀弹药处于气溶胶形式时具有毒性,由此构成威胁。 Also on Tuesday, the Polish Defense Minister and US officials attended a ceremony to formally upgrade the US military presence in Poland. There are currently more than 10,000 American troops stationed in Poland, as well as five army garrisons in Germany, one in Belgium and one in Italy. 另外在周二(03/21),波兰国防部长和美国官员出席仪式,正式建立美军在波兰第一个永久驻军基地。目前有超过1万名美军驻扎在波兰,美国在欧洲驻扎的军队还有五个在德国,一个在比利时,一个在意大利。 #热词加油站 bilateral /ˌbaɪˈlætərəl/双方的 seafreight /si: freit/海运 collaboration /kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/合作 genocide /ˈdʒenəsaɪdr/种族灭绝 hegemony/hɪˈdʒeməni; ˈhedʒɪməni/【霸权】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~