cover of episode 03/21 TOP NEWS | 流感高峰已出现拐点/瑞银收购瑞士信贷/涉外营业性演出恢复受理审批

03/21 TOP NEWS | 流感高峰已出现拐点/瑞银收购瑞士信贷/涉外营业性演出恢复受理审批

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NEWS ON 03/20 1.CDC SAYS FLU SEASON PEAKED IN MID MARCH 中疾控:本轮流感3月中旬进入高峰期,部分省份已出现拐点 2.UBS TO TAKE OVER RIVAL BANK CREDIT SUISSE TO CALM TURMOIL 30亿瑞士法郎!瑞银集团将收购瑞士信贷 3.FOREIGN PERFORMERS WELCOME AGAIN TO PERFORM ON CHINA'S STAGES 文化和旅游行政部门将恢复对涉外营业性演出的受理和审批 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.*CDC SAYS FLU SEASON PEAKED IN MID MARCH 中疾控:本轮流感3月中旬进入高峰期,部分省份已出现拐点 The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said peak flu season passed in mid March. Although cases remain high, some provinces have reported a decline in infections. 中国疾控中心表示,此次流感已于3月中旬进入高峰期。虽然目前整体仍处于高位,但部分省份感染人数已有所下降。 This year's major strain is H1N1, a subtype of influenza【流感】 A. Experts say flu outbreaks arrived about 2 months later than usual, which was partly attributed to the COVID-19 outbreak in December and January. After COVID-19 management measures were changed, social activities and international travel began to increase, allowing the flu to spread beginning around the end of February. 今年主要的流感病毒为甲型H1N1流感,是甲型流感的一种亚型。专家表示,此次流感季   与既往正常流感季相比滞后约2个月。这是因为去年12月至今年1月,恰逢新冠病毒爆发,防控新冠的措施同时对防控季节性流感也非常有效。而随着新冠“乙类乙管”的实施,国内外人员流动增加,流感从2月底开始扩散。 2*.UBS TO TAKE OVER RIVAL BANK CREDIT SUISSE TO CALM TURMOIL 30亿瑞士法郎!瑞银集团将收购瑞士信贷 Banking giant UBS on Sunday agreed to buy its troubled rival【竞争对手】 Credit Suisse for almost 3.25 billion US dollars, in a deal orchestrated by the Swiss government to avoid further turmoil in the global banking system. Despite the government's backing, however, UBS shares opened down 14% this morning. Ying Junyi has more. 上周日(3月19日),银行业巨头瑞银集团(UBS,下称“瑞银”)同意以近32.5亿美元的价格收购此前“爆雷”的竞争对手——瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse,下称“瑞信”),该笔交易由瑞士政府精心策划,以避免全球银行业的进一步动荡。尽管有政府的支持,今早瑞银股价开盘仍下跌14%。记者应骏一带来更多报道。 Swiss authorities pushed for UBS to take over its rival after a plan for Credit Suisse to borrow up to 54 billion US dollars failed to reassure investors and the bank's customers. The deal follows the collapse of two mid-size US banks which led to a plunge in the Credit Suisse share price last week. Credit Suisse is among the 30 financialinstitutions known as globally systemically important banks, and Swiss authorities worried about the fallout if it were to fail. 瑞信曾计划借款540亿美元,以提振投资者和银行客户信心。该计划失败后,瑞士当局敦促瑞银接管瑞信。此前,美国两家中型银行倒闭,导致瑞信股价于上周暴跌。瑞信是被称为全球系统重要性银行的30家金融机构之一,瑞士当局担心,如果瑞信倒闭,后果将不堪设想。 Alain Berset, Swiss President 阿兰·贝尔塞 瑞士联邦主席 “The Federal Council is therefore in confidence that, in this difficult situation, the takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS is the best solution for restoring the confidence that has been lacking in the financial market recently, and for best managing the risk to our country and its citizens.” “在这种困难的情况下,瑞士联邦委员会确信,瑞银收购瑞信是最佳解决方案,可以恢复金融市场近期缺乏的信心,更好地控制我们国家和民众的风险。” The Swiss government also issued a guarantee to assume losses up to around nine billion dollars from certain assets over a threshold to reduce any risks for UBS. Following the deal, the US Fed and the central banks of Canada, Britain, Japan, the EU and Switzerland also announced coordinated【协调一致的】 financial moves to improve banks' access to liquidity in the coming week. This includes daily access to a lending facility for banks looking to borrow US dollars if they need them. 瑞士政府还发布声明称将提供担保,承担某些资产超过预设门槛的最高90亿瑞郎的损失,以降低瑞银的风险。协议达成后,美联储和加拿大、英国、日本、欧洲、瑞士央行也宣布了协调一致的金融举措,以改善银行在未来一周内获得的流动性。银行在需要时,可以每天使用央行间的互换额度网路借到美元。 3.*FOREIGN PERFORMERS WELCOME AGAIN TO PERFORM ON CHINA'S STAGES 文化和旅游行政部门将恢复对涉外营业性演出的受理和审批 Starting today, Cultural and Tourism Administration departments around China are once again accepting and approving commercial performances by foreign artists, aiming to revive the country's performing arts market following the pandemic. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan visited a theater and an art center in Shanghai to see how things are going. 自3月20日起,各地的文化和旅游行政部门再次接受和批准外国艺术家的商业演出,旨在重振疫情后中国演艺市场的发展。记者张诗旋参观了上海的一家剧院和一个艺术中心,一起来看看情况如何。 The Shanghai Oriental Art Center has just announced its spring and summer offerings, running through August 8th. Almost 10% are international projects, including the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, one of the best in Russia. It turns out the theaters in China have been staying ready to resume international performances for some time now.   上海东方艺术中心近日发布了春夏演出季,演出季将持续至8月8日,其中,近10%的演出将由海外剧团带来,包括俄罗斯实力最强之一的圣彼得堡爱乐乐团。中国的一众剧院早已做好了恢复国际演出的准备。 Eva Liu, Programming Director, Shanghai Oriental Art Center 刘爱华 上海东方艺术中心节目总监制 “我们一直在做相关的准备,即便是之前没有开放的时候,所有的这些海外联系都是在进行当中的,只是没法说一个明确的结果,现在有这个信号,我们很多项目就可以落实,那么签约、报批这些动作就都可以继续了。他们都是热情非常高的,只是咱们也得一个一个来。” “We stayed prepared even before the resumption【恢复】 was announced. We kept all our overseas contacts going and now with this new signal our projects can go ahead, contract signing and approval applications, that sort of thing. International artists are very enthusiastic about performing in China, and we're setting them up one by one.” The Shanghai Grand Theater has been quick to take advantage of the change, planning some projects for western performers at the end of August. During the international art festival in the second half of the year, the theater is also expected to welcome some new productions from world renowned opera houses, corps de ballet and symphony【交响乐团】 orchestras. 上海大剧院已迅速把握时机,计划在今年8月底为西方表演者们安排一些项目。在下半年的国际艺术节期间,世界知名歌剧院、芭蕾舞团和交响乐团将会带来更大体量新的制作。 Zhang Xiaoding, General Manager, Shanghai Grand Theater 张笑丁 上海大剧院总经理 “我们盼着这一天已经挺久的了,真正的演艺市场的回归日常,其实要从涉外演出也能够开始正常申办算起。所以从这个角度来说,是我们剧院越来越回归日常的一个积极的信号。从去年年底的时候到今年的年初,我们也陆续在和一些海外的经纪公司,包括文艺院团也在接触当中,只是没想到这个信号来得这么早。” “We have been waiting for this day for quite a while now. The real recovery of the performing arts market should start with the resumption of approval for overseas performances, That's a positive signal for us to get back to the real normal. We've been in contact with some overseas agencies and troupes since the end of last year, but we didn't expect this word to come so soon.” Zhang says the theater is now also looking for high-quality new creations. 张笑丁表示,剧院目前也在寻找高质量的新创作。 Zhang Xiaoding, General Manager, Shanghai Grand Theater 张笑丁 上海大剧院总经理 “三年的时间,我觉得现在对于中国的观众来说也是一个消费转型的阶段,这个消费转型其实是说很多中国市民,经过三年的疫情,更多的是去追求精神层面的文化消费的满足感。那么我们就一定要需要靠更好的作品、更精彩的舞台呈现来吸引这些观众,这些依靠的是著名的乐团,著名的歌剧院,还有就是经典的IP,经典的IP对于市场的号召力是一直在的,就是因为这些经典IP被反复地去做新的诠释和呈现,才会吸引到我们当下的观众。” “During the past 3 years, many people in China have changed their spending habits. They're hoping to spend more on spiritually uplifting things. So we have to attract the audience with better material, and that means famous orchestras, opera houses and classic IPs. The classics are still attractive to people here, but they need new presentation and creativity to lure an audience these days.” The return of international performances may indeed further fuel recovery of the local performing arts, but Zhang says, she plans to reserve judgement for the time being, since the number of international performances flocking back to the market now is pretty high, some of their performance fees might be relatively high too. 国际演出的回归或许确实能进一步推动本土表演艺术的复苏。然而,张笑丁表示,她暂时保留意见。因为现在涌入市场的国际演出数量较多,而其中一些国际演出的费用可能也相对较高。 #热词加油站 influenza /ˌɪnfluˈenzə/*【流感 rival /ˈraɪv(ə)l/竞争对手 coordinated /ko,ɔrd'netɪd/协调一致的 resumption /rɪˈzʌmpʃ(ə)n/恢复 symphony /ˈsɪmfəni/【交响乐团】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~