cover of episode 03/18 TOP NEWS丨上海网格化核酸检测/福岛海域强地震/美联储加息

03/18 TOP NEWS丨上海网格化核酸检测/福岛海域强地震/美联储加息

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NEWS ON 0**3/17** 1**. VIRUS SCREENING CONTINUES ACROSS SHANGHAI 风雨无阻!上海网格化核酸筛查** 2**. MAGNITUDE 7.4 EARTHQUAKE NEAR FUKUSHIMA PREFECTURE 福岛县海域发生7.4级强地震 3. U.S. FED RAISES INTEREST RATES FOR 1ST TIME SINCE 2018 *2018年来首次!美联储宣布*加息** -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1**. VIRUS SCREENING CONTINUES ACROSS SHANGHAI 风雨无阻!上海网格化核酸筛查** The city’s massive sweep for coronavirus infections has continued in selected areas despite the rain. Residents in locked down communities are required to stay home for two days and be tested for the virus. Zhang Yue finds out more. 今天天公不作美,下起不小的雨。但上海针对一些重点区域,开启新一轮的网格化核酸筛查。隔离的居民必须居家48小时并进行核酸检测。更多信息,请听张乐带来的报道。 Kangcheng community in Xinzhuang Town, Minhang District is home to around 40,000 people—Shanghai’s biggest apartment compound. At 8am today (March 17), 120 tents and *sunshades【遮阳伞】had already been set up. Residents were queueing in 30 lanes to be tested for the virus. Many had prepared their QR code in advance so that the whole process would go quicker. 闵行区莘庄镇的康城小区约4万个居民,是上海最大的小区。今天(3月17日)早上8点,莘庄镇康城小区内的操场上,120顶帐篷和小白伞早已搭好。居民们在30个采样工位上排队接受核酸检测。由于大多数居民都提前准备好了核酸采样二维码,所以整个流程快速有序。 Zhang Junping Deputy Party Secretary, Kangcheng Residential Community 张军萍,闵行区莘庄镇康城社区党委专职副书记 “Our residential committee has recruited some volunteers to go to the homes of seniors who have difficulty with their smartphone, to help them access the QR code. So, they don’t need to spend more time during the sample collection period.” 居委会通过一些志愿者,上门为这些老年人,提前把二维码准备好,这样现场采集速度就会加快。 To finish within 12 hours, a group of nearly 1,000 medical workers and volunteers were sent to Kangcheng community. However, there is still a labor shortage. Many people said they weren’t upset despite the inconvenience. 这个全上海最大的社区将在12个小时内完成4万人的核酸采样,为此有关方面派出了一支近千人的团队,但仍然人手紧张。因此医务人员无法为老年人提供上门采样服务,好在大家都很理解。 Mr.Qu Resident 瞿先,居民 “My father is in his 80s, and we queued in the fast-track lane. It’s understandable, especially during this special time.” 我父亲80多岁了,我是走的是绿色通道,能体谅,这有什么不能体谅。 People are also being tested in Pujiang Town, Minhang District. A temporary test site was moved to a nearby pavilion to keep out of the rain. More than 500 residents were lined up in groups of ten. 同样,浦江镇召稼楼这个网格化核酸筛查点,一早也迎来了500多位商户和村民。因为下雨,采样工位临时搬进了古镇的长廊内。 2. MAGNITUDE 7.4 EARTHQUAKE NEAR FUKUSHIMA PREFECTURE 福岛县海域发生7.4级强*地震 A magnitude-7.4 earthquake that struck Japan’s northeastern coast near Fukushima prefecture on Wednesday (March 16) night has killed at least 4, and caused extensive damage to transportation networks. Lei Shuran has more. 昨天(3月16日)深夜,日本福岛县附近海域发生里氏7.4级强震。截至目前,该地震已导致4人死亡,交通线路也遭到严重损坏。更多信息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 Art on the walls can be seen shaking and items fell from bookcases in this footage from a Fukushima property on Wednesday as a powerful magnitude 7.4 earthquake jolted Japan’s northeast coast. A Tohoku Shinkansen express train partially derailed between Fukushima and Miyagi due to the quake, no injuries were reported. It even shook buildings as far away as Tokyo where it left hundreds of thousands without power, and **reviving【恢复】**memories of a devastating quake 11 years earlier. 当地居民拍摄的视频显示,屋内家具剧烈晃动,墙壁上和书架上的物品跌落一地。新干线列车在福岛站至白石藏王站之间发生脱轨,部分车厢发生倾斜,所幸没有造成人员伤亡。远离震源地的东京地区震感强烈,造成了周边大面积断电,波及数十万人。这场地震不禁让人回想起2011年的3·11大地震时的恐怖场景。 Wataru Ono 28-Year-old Company Employee “Back then, I mean, the earthquake last night seemed stronger than the 2011 earthquake, but I had this hope that the damage wouldn’t be as bad.” 让我想起了2011年的3·11大地震 我觉得昨晚的震感比那次更强烈但我希望这次的伤亡不要像上次一样严重 Some waves reached shore, but the low-risk tsunami advisory was lifted by this morning. The quake also triggered a fire alarm at a turbine in the crippled【受损的,瘫痪的 Fukushima Daiichi plant, the same facility that was devastated by a magnitude 9 seaquake in 2011, but authorities later said that no abnormalities were found. 此次地震发生后,福岛县和相邻的宫城县沿海曾观测到海啸活动。不过截至目前,低风险海啸警报已被解除。福岛第一核电站在地震后出现火灾警报,但消防部门前往现场后没有发现火情。 Hirokazu Matsuno Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary 松野博一,日本内阁官房长官 “Regarding the damage to the nuclear facilities, it has been reported that the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant and the Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant are showing no abnormalities at this time.” 关于核设施的损坏,福岛第一核电站、福岛第二核电站以及女川核电站的数据目前都没有异常。 At least 107 injuries have been reported as a result of the quake, and more than 2.2 million homes were temporarily without electricity across 14 prefectures, including the Tokyo region. Power was restored for most areas by the morning, except for about 37,000 homes in Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures. Authorities urged the public to watch out for more *seismic【地震相关的activity during the next few days. 据报道,本次地震中有至少107人受伤。同时包括东京地区在内的14个县有超过220万用户停电。除福岛县和宫城县约37,000户家庭外,其余大部分地区的电力在今早也逐渐恢复。日本当局敦促民众在接下来的几天里警惕更多的地震次生灾害。 3. U.S. FED RAISES INTEREST RATES FOR 1ST TIME SINCE 2018 *2018年来首次!美联储宣布*加息* **The U.S. Federal Reserve【美国联邦储备委员会】**yesterday (March 16) raised its benchmark interest rate for the first time since 2018 as it seeks to tame the highest U.S. inflation in four decades. The Fed said it decided to raise the target range for the federal funds rate by a quarter of a percentage point from 0.25 to 0.50 percent. Zhang Yue has the story. 美国联邦储备委员会昨天(3月16日)宣布,为了遏制40年以来最高的通胀水平,联邦基金利率目标区间将上调25个基点,至0.25%到0.5%之间。这也是美联储自2018年12月以来首次加息。更多信息,请听张乐带来的报道。 The Fed said that inflation remains elevated, reflecting supply and demand imbalances related to the pandemic, higher energy prices, and broader price pressures, adding the Ukraine crisis and related events are likely to "create additional upward pressure" on inflation and **weigh on【对...造成重压】**economic activity. The statement also said the central bank’s policymakers expect inflation to remain elevated, ending 2022 at 4.3%, more than double the Fed’s 2% annual target. 美联储在声明中称,当前通胀仍然居高不下的背后是新冠肺炎疫情的大流行、能源价格的上涨以及普遍的价格压力相关的供需失衡。同时,俄乌冲突可能对通胀“造成额外的上行压力”,对经济活动带来巨大压力。同时声明中也提及,美联储预测通胀率将居高不下,到2022年年底将达到4.3%,是其年度通胀率目标2%的2倍。 Jerome Powell US Federal Reserve Chair 鲍威尔,美联储主席 “We’ll be looking at the inflation outlook and making a judgment. Each meeting is a live meeting. And if we conclude that it would be appropriate to raise interest rates more quickly, then we’ll do so.” 我们将持续关注通胀率并调整决定。每一次议息会议都将是富有时效性的。如果我们得出结论,加快加息才是正确的,我们就会那么做。 Most policymakers now see the federal funds rate rising to a range between 1.75% and 2% by the end of 2022, the equivalent of a quarter-percentage-point rate increase at each of the Fed’s six remaining policy meetings this year. The Nasdaq composite【纳斯达克综合指数 yesterday climbed 3.8%, its biggest gain since November 2020.Analysts suggest interest rate hikes from the U.S. Federal Reserve are likely to worsen a global debt crisis. The central banks of Japan and Turkey are expected to start raising interest rates during this week. According to the International Monetary Fund, some 60% of low-income countries are either in debt distress or at high risk of it. The Bank of England is set to hike UK interest rates for a third time in a row today. 美联储联邦公开市场委员会中的大多数成员认为,2022年底联邦基金利率将升至1.75%至 2%之间,相当于美联储今年剩余的六次政策会议中每一次需要加息0.25%。昨日,纳斯达克综合指数攀升3.8%,为2020年11月以来的最大涨幅。相关分析人士表示,美联储加息不仅可能加剧美国债务风险,还可能增加新兴市场和发展中经济体偿还美元的债务成本,从而推高全球债务违约风险。根据国际货币基金组织的数据,目前全球约60%的低收入经济体已经陷入债务困境。不过,美联储宣布加息后,仍可能有多个国家的央行跟进。英国央行在今天晚些时候宣布连续第三次加息25个基点。本周内,日本和土耳其央行,也预计将陆续发布议息决议。 #热词加油站 sunshade[ˈsʌnˌʃeɪd]【遮阳伞】 revive[rɪˈvaɪv]【恢复】 crippled[ˈkrɪp(ə)ld]【受损的,瘫痪的】 seismic [ˈsaɪzmɪk]【地震相关的】 weigh on【对...造成重压】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~