cover of episode 03/17 TOP NEWS|沪上首批抗原自测试剂盒进药房/口罩生产企业开足马力/欧洲多国沙尘暴

03/17 TOP NEWS|沪上首批抗原自测试剂盒进药房/口罩生产企业开足马力/欧洲多国沙尘暴

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NEWS ON 03/16 1.RAPID CORONAVIRUS ANTIGEN TEST KITS IN DRUGSTORES 沪上首批抗原自测试剂盒进药房** 2**.FACTORIES, DISTRIBUTORS WORKING DAY AND NIGHT 沪上口罩生产企业开足马力 3.RED-ORANGE DUST COATS SPAIN 欧洲多国沙尘暴 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.RAPID CORONAVIRUS ANTIGEN TEST KITS IN DRUGSTORES 沪上首批抗原自测试剂盒进药房** Shanghai residents are now able to purchase rapid antigen coronavirus test kits at drugstores. Nanjing Ve’zyme Biotech makes the kits. It’s one of just five companies the National Medical Products Ad-ministration**【国家药监局 has approved to make them.  上海居民现在可以在药店购买新冠抗原自测试剂盒。首批到货的新冠病毒抗原自测试剂盒,为南京诺唯赞公司出品。这是国家药监局批准的仅有的五家公司之一,生产的新冠抗原自测产品。 50 boxes of antigen test kits were on sale at Guod Pharmacy药房 on West Nanjing Road. Each box contains 20 test ’reagents and costs 428 yuan. The pharmacy said kits containing one and five ’reagents would be available soon, as well as test kits produced by other companies. Residents purchasing test kits are required to register their personal information. The National Health Commission said antigen testing is mainly targeted at patients seeking medical treatment who have a fever, people in quarantine or home observation, and residents who need to test for the virus by themselves. The commission added the result cannot be used to prove one’s health when seeing a doctor or entering public areas as the accuracy of one of these kits isn’t high enough. 50盒新冠病毒抗原自测试剂盒在上海南京西路的国大药房正式上架。一盒20人份,售价428元。药房负责人表示,未来单人份、5人份和其他品牌的抗原检测产品将陆续到货上架。市民线下购买时需登记个人信息。国家卫健委表示,抗原自测试剂盒主要针对急需治疗的发烧症状者、隔离或正处于家庭观察期间的人,以及需要自行检测的市民。国家卫健委还表示,由于其中一个试剂盒的准确性不够高,因此无法在就诊或进入公共区域时使用该结果来证明自己的健康状况。 2.FACTORIES, DISTRIBUTORS WORKING DAY AND NIGHT 沪上口罩生产企业开足马力 Mask factories in Shanghai are running 24-7 to ensure sufficient supply, and so are the distributors for hand sanitizers洗手液, test sample vials, and even the QR code scanners. Sun Siqi takes a look. 为确保防疫物资储备充足,沪上口罩生产企业开足马力,实行24小时生产;负责物资分发的单位凌晨加班加点,确保洗手液、测试样品瓶甚至二维码扫描仪等物资及时送到抗疫第一线,共筑疫情防控线。请听孙思奇带来的报道。 In an aseptic无菌的 factory, morning-shift workers are still operating at full capacity. Their shift starts at 7:30 am and ends at 6pm when the night shift begins. The factory produces 1 million disposable masks, another million surgical masks and 600,000 KN95 masks a day. And in a government warehouse stocking pandemic prevention resources, distributors are moving up to 70 percent more masks to their outlets. 在口罩生产的无尘车间,早班的工人还在忙碌。她们从早上7点半,持续生产到晚上六点,然后再由夜班工人来接班,24小时保证产线不停。一箱箱刚下线的口罩被源源不断地打包装箱,确保日产100万只一次性平面口罩,100万只医用口罩,和60万只KN95医用口罩。 在政府收储专用仓库,2500平方米的库房里,整齐堆放着为市、区两级常年储备的医用口罩等防疫物资。近期,提货量比以往增加百分之六十到七十。 Yao Yiting HR Manager, Sengxin Textile Technology 姚祎婷升欣上海纺织品科技有限公司人事部经理 We have plenty of raw materials, we’re running 24 hours a day, we have no problem meeting the government’s stocking needs.我们的原材料准备得非常充足,我们员工也是加班加点24小时生产,所以我们是可以保证,政府的储备量是没有问题的。 The warehouse still has 20 million masks for emergency use. Across the city, hospitals are calling for more testing supplies. 目前,仓库还常备2000万只口罩,保障供应。申城医院对于检测物资的需求量激增。 医护人员 I’m from Ninth Hospital’s Huangpu branch. We need 10,000 vials and matching swabs鼻咽拭子 and bags, and we need 30 crates.我是九院黄浦分院的,我们现在需要1万个单采管,配套的鼻咽拭子和袋子,还需要30个转运箱。 All of Huangpu’s pandemic supplies are provided by the district’s health resource management center, from hand sanitizers and other disinfectants消毒剂】, to sample vials and fridges. The supplies are delivered to any test sites that are too busy to send someone to pick them up. 黄浦区各核酸检测点的物资,从免洗手液等消毒用品到病毒采样管、冷藏箱,都由区卫生健康国资管理中心提供保障。对于因工作量大而无法到现场来领取物资的核酸检测点,中心安排人手,将物资运送到位。 Ji Hui Director, Huangpu Health National Resource Mgnt. Center 季晖黄浦区卫生健康国资管理中心主任 We receive all the orders by 12 am. At 2 am, we finish loading. We deliver from 3 am until 6 am.我们今天(半夜)12点左右,我接到要求全部到中心待命,基本上两点开始配货,三点开始发货,一直忙到早上六点钟左右。 QR code scanners also need to be taken into consideration. New scanners are not charged to full when they come out of the box, so workers in the center make sure they’re all charged up充好电,充满电】 before they go out to the test sites. Huangpu district says it has enough supplies to meet the needs of the current round of mass testing. 二维码扫描仪也是需要考虑的一点。新扫描仪开封时是没有电的,因此工作人员在去检测现场之前必须要确保它们都充满电。黄浦区表示,该区的采样相关物资储备充分,完全可以满足需求。 3.RED-ORANGE DUST COATS SPAIN 欧洲多国沙尘暴 Hot air from the Sahara Desert has swirled席卷 over the Mediterranean Sea on Tuesday, and coated Spain with a reddish-orange dust. The air quality index is at extremely unfavorable levels in the capital city of Madrid and large parts of the southeast coast. 来自撒哈拉沙漠的猛烈沙尘暴于这周三席卷了西班牙多个城市,首都马德里和东南部大部分沿海地区的空气质量降至最差水平。 Many people in Spain awoke to find a layer of red dust covering terraces露台, streets and cars. Spain’s weather service described the dust storm from the Sahara as extraordinary and very intense, adding that it was unclear if it was the worst episode of its kind on record. 许多西班牙民众醒来时发现露台、街道和汽车上都覆盖着一层红色的灰尘。西班牙气象部门称,此次沙尘暴"非同寻常"并且非常严重,并称,目前还不清楚这是否是有记录以来最严重的一次沙尘暴。 Eva Maria Gutierrez Metro cleaner In theory we clean and disinfect, but today the priority is to remove mud, to remove as much mud as possible where people put their hands.理论上我们的任务是清洁和消毒。但今天的首要任务是清除淤泥,尽可能地清洁大家手会接触到的部分。 The wave of hot air has also affected the air quality as far west as Spain’s Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, and in Spain’s Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean. The weather service said the mass of hot air from Africa, which was brought in by a storm that delivered some much-needed rain for drought-hit Spain, also pushed temperatures in some areas up to 20 degrees Celsius. Emergency services in the hardest hit areas recommended that residents use face masks, which are still widely in use from the pandemic, if they go outside, and to avoid outdoor exercise. Spain’s weather service forecast that the dust will continue to accumulate through today and could reach as far north as the Netherlands and northwestern Germany. 热气团还影响了西至位于大西洋的西班牙加那利群岛和地中海西班牙巴利阿里群岛的空气质量。不过,气象部门表示,一场风暴带来了来自非洲的大量热气团,将会给干旱的西班牙带来降雨,部分地区的气温回升至20摄氏度。当地应急部门提醒民众,在空气质量恶劣的地区要尽量减少室外活动,外出时要佩戴口罩。气象部门预计,这股热气团还将裹挟沙尘北上,最远可能延伸到荷兰和德国西北部。 #热词加油站 /'fɑ:məsi/【药房】 2.hand sanitizer【洗手液】 3.aseptic /eɪ'septɪk/【无菌的】 4. disinfectant /ˌdɪsɪnˈfektənt/【消毒剂】 5. charge up 【充好电,充满电】 6.swirl /swɜːl/【席卷】 7. terrace /'tereisis/【露台】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~