cover of episode 03/10 TOP NEWS|上海核酸检测需求激增/上海博物馆博受赠文物展/美国宣布对俄能源禁令

03/10 TOP NEWS|上海核酸检测需求激增/上海博物馆博受赠文物展/美国宣布对俄能源禁令

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NEWS ON 03/09 1.TESTING SITES. &. PCR LABS READY TO HANDLE INCREASING DEMAND 上海有条不紊应对增长核酸检测需求 2.EXIHIBITIONS OF DONATED ARTIFACTS OPENS AT SHANGHAI MUSEUM THIS WEEK 建馆七十周年”****:上海博物馆博受赠文物展 3.OIL PRICES SURGE AS U.S. BANS RUSSIAN ENERGY IMPORTS 美国宣布对俄能源禁令 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.TESTING SITES. &. PCR LABS READY TO HANDLE INCREASING DEMAND 上海有条不紊应对增长核酸检测需求 Nucleic acid testing sites【核酸检测点】 and PCR labs in Shanghai have assigned more personnel to deal with the increasing demand for tests. Zhang Hong brings us the details. 上海的核酸检测点和PCR实验室已指派更多医护人员来应对日益增长的核酸检测需求。更多信息请听张泓带来的报道。 People were seen lining up for nucleic acid tests at Tong Ren Hospital, which is not too far away from Hongqiao Airport and Hongqiao Railway Station. 在靠近虹桥机场和火车站的同仁医院,愿检尽检人员正在有序等待核酸检测。 愿检尽检人员 I need it to catch a flight from Shanghai to Shenzhen. I need it for work. 我要坐飞机从上海飞到深圳去工作。 In the past, people need to get in line twice, one to receive an ID code and the other where their sample was collected. But now, both steps are done at the sample-taking window. The hospital also drew up a new schedule for medical staff. 过去,市民需要排两次队,一次是打印身份条码一次是收集采样。但现在,这两个步骤都在取样窗口完成。院方还为医护人员制定了"巡班"机制。 Lu Qing Nurse, Tong Ren Hospital 陆清,同仁医院核酸检测点护士 We have four groups on a rotation. It’s a considerate arrangement. 前面两组后面两个人我们轮替,这个做得非常合理。 Samples are sent to 24-hour PCR testing labs once every half an hour. Many young technicians volunteered to work the night shift and often work non-stop from 5pm until midnight due to the large number of samples arriving in the evening. 检测点样本每隔半小时被送抵医院PCR实验室,这里24小时灯火通明。由于晚上有大量样本送达,许多年轻技师们仍主动报名,轮流晚班时段上班。最近,晚间样本量有所增加。下午五点进舱的技师,往往要加班工作到24点以后。 Tan Meiyu Clinical Lab, Tong Ren Hospital 谭美玉,同仁医院检验科副主任技师 Sometimes we need to call technicians who are off work to come back to help at midnight so as to ensure test results are returned in a timely manner. 我们有时晚上半夜的时候都会直接叫技术人员应急过来检测,以此确保能及时发出一份完整的核酸报告。 A third-party sample-testing institution is also using its back-up labs for PCR testing. The two labs are both running 24-7 with 60 people working in two shifts to ensure that all samples are examined on the same day they are taken. 第三方核酸检测机构也启用了备用实验室进行PCR测试。2个用于核酸检测的PCR实验室,每天24小时"两班倒",60位技术人员加足马力做到标本"日清"。 Ju Pengcheng Shanghai Labway Clinical laboratory 鞠鹏程,上海兰卫医学检验所股份有限公司专业主管** We test an average of 50,000 to 60,000 tubes each day, it can go as high as 75,000 in one day. Our maximum testing capacity is 100,000 tubes per day. 目前我们日均(检测)是5、6万管左右,最高峰做过7.5万管,最高可达10万管 。 Due to pandemic control protocols**【协定】, the Shanghai History Museum and the Shanghai Sports Museum, both on West Nanjing Road have been temporarily closed. 应疫情防控要求,位于南京西路的上海历史博物馆和上海体育博物馆暂时关闭。 2.EXIHIBITIONS OF DONATED ARTIFACTS OPENS AT SHANGHAI MUSEUM THIS WEEK 建馆七十周年”****:上海博物馆受赠文物展 To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Museum, an exhibition of donated cultural relics titled "Treasure of Prosperity" "盛世芳华"will begin on Thursday. The exhibition features 195 donated pieces of calligraphy, paintings, bronzes, bamboo carvings, coins and seals. Zhang Hong has more. 为了庆祝上海博物馆建馆七十周年,"盛世芳华"上海博物馆受赠文物展将于周四开幕,展览将会展出195件受赠文物包括了书法、绘画、青铜器、竹刻、钱币和印章等各个门类。更多信息请听张泓带来的报道。 One of the highlights is a calligraphy work from renowned Chinese politician and poet Wang Anshi王安石 from the Northern Song Dynasty. Wang created it one year before his death and it represents his temperament【气质】 and shows his importance to cultural history. 其中最引人关注的是北宋著名政治家、诗人王安石的书法作品。王安石在他去世前创作了这幅作品,不仅展现了他的气质,还彰显了王安石对中国历史文化的重要性。 Zhang Dong Deputy Director, Conservation Dept.,SH Museum 张东**,上海博物馆保管部副主任、研究馆员 There are only two works of calligraphy by Wang that we have in our possession and this is one of them. Concerning the size of the piece and the number of Chinese characters, it is a masterpiece and has an unparalleled**【无比的】status in Chinese arts and literature. 流传至今王安石的作品,我们知道的就两件,而这件作品就是其中之一。同时这件作品文字书写的数量、尺幅都是比较大的一件作品,并且在文学意义、历史意义都非常高。 This halberd was made under the supervision of ancient Chinese philosopher Shang Yang商鞅, who laid the framework for the Qin Dynasty to conquer all of China and unite the country for the first time. The ancient weapon is engraved with inscriptions铭文 on both sides. By the end of 2021, the Shanghai Museum had collected artifacts from over 800 individuals and more than 120 organizations. The museum says among its 140,000 pieces, nearly 25% of them were donated. Treasure of Prosperity will run until September 4. 这枚商鞅戟是在商鞅监督下制造的,商鞅为秦朝征服全中国、第一次实现大一统奠定了基础。戟的正反两面刻有铭文。截至2021年底,上博捐赠者人数已超过800位,集体捐赠超过120家。 博物馆表示,在其14万件作品中,近25%都是是捐赠来的。此次展览将持续到9月4日。 3.OIL PRICES SURGE AS U.S. BANS RUSSIAN ENERGY IMPORTS 美国宣布对俄能源禁令 Crude oil prices surged yesterday, as US President Joe Biden announced a ban on Russian oil and other energy imports amid the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Sun Siqi tells us more. 昨天,美国总统乔·拜登正式对俄罗斯能源"下手",宣布在俄罗斯和乌克兰持续冲突期间,禁止从俄进口石油、天然气、煤炭以及其他能源,导致原油价格飙升。更多信息请听孙思奇带来的报道。 The move also bans new US investment in Russia’s energy sector, and prohibits Americans from participating in any foreign investments that flow into the Russian energy sector. The ban came amid strong support from voters and lawmakers. 此举不只禁止美国对俄罗斯能源采购,包括石油、天然气和煤炭,还禁止美国新的针对俄罗斯能源产业的投资,也禁止美国人透过其他国家对俄罗斯能源产业进行投资。这项禁令得到选民和立法者的大力支持。 Joe Biden US President 拜登**,美国总统 We’re banning all imports of Russian oil and gas and energy. This is a move that has strong bipartisan support in Congress.(美国)禁止从俄罗斯进口石油和天然气等能源。这一决定得到了国会两党的坚定支持。 Biden said Americans should be prepared to face further price hikes of gasoline. 拜登表示,美国人应该准备好面对汽油价格的进一步上涨的情况。 Vikas Grover Virginia Resident 格洛夫,**弗吉尼亚州居民 How much higher are you talking about? You know that there has to be a cap to that and there has -- how long are you talking about? Is this is going to be the way of life? This is going to be really hard. Would you be? Would I be getting a higher paycheck? 油价会涨多少?又会涨多久?涨价会不会常态化?生活将非常艰难?你将怎么办?我的工资会涨吗? The United Kingdom has also announced that it would phase out the import of Russian oil and oil products by the end of 2022. EU nations, which receive nearly 40 percent of gas imports and one-quarter of their oil from Russia, instead opted to set a goal of cutting their Russian gas imports by two-thirds. In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree prohibiting the import and export of certain products and raw materials. A list of countries subject to the ban will be released in two days. 英国政府宣布,将在2022年底前停止从俄进口石油及石油产品.欧盟国家,此前一直从俄罗斯获取近40%的天然气进口和四分之一的石油,计划决定对俄天然气需求减少三分之二。作为回击,俄罗斯总统普京签署了一项总统令,禁止特定种类食品和原料的进出口,受禁的国家名单将在两天后发布。 #热词加油站 1.protocols  /'prəʊtəkɒl/【协定】 2.temperament /'temp(ə)rəm(ə)nt/)【气质】 3.unparalleled /ʌn'pærəlɛld/【无比的】 4.inscription /ɪn'skrɪpʃ(ə)n/【铭文】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~