cover of episode 03/04 TOP NEWS丨残疾人体育事业白皮书/全国政协十三届五次会议/洋山特殊综保区

03/04 TOP NEWS丨残疾人体育事业白皮书/全国政协十三届五次会议/洋山特殊综保区

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NEWS ON 0**3/03 1. 2022 BEIJING WINTER PARALYMPICS BEGIN TOMORROW 残疾人体育事业白皮书来了! 2. CHINA’S TOP POLITICAL BODY TO BEGIN ANNUAL SESSION TOMORROW 全国政协十三届五次会议3月4日召开 3. 2ND PHASE OF YANGSHAN SPECIAL BONDED ZONE BEGINS OPERATIONS 洋山特殊综保区顺利封关,监管创新助力产业新发展 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **2022 BEIJING WINTER PARALYMPICS BEGIN TOMORROW 残健融合,残疾人体育事业白皮书颁布! President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Paralymic Winter Games tomorrow evening (March 4) at the National Stadium. A white paper was published by the State Council today (March 3), detailing the progress of China’s parasports. Now Chen Xuan tells us more. 中国国家主席习近平将于明晚(3月4日)出席在国家体育场举行的2022北京冬残奥会开幕式。今天上午(3月3日),国务院新闻办公室发表《中国残疾人体育事业发展和权利保障》白皮书,详细阐明了中国残疾人体育事业发展的众多细节。更多信息请听陈璇的报道。 The White Paper, titled "China’s Parasports: Progress and the Protection of Right", touched on historic moments in the development of China’s parasports and para winter sports programs. China’s performances in parasports events are improving steadily. At the 2018 PyeongChang Paralympics, Chinese athletes won gold in wheelchair curling, the first ever medal and gold at a Winter Paralympics. At last year’s Tokyo Paralymic Games, Team China won 207 medals, 96 of them gold, the fifth consecutive Summer Paralympics where China ranked first in both gold and overall medal counts. From 2016 to 2020, the country sent athletes with disabilities to participate in 160 international sporting events, bringing home a total of 1,114 gold medals. At the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games, a total of 96 athletes from China will take part in 73 events. Winter sports also growing in popularity among people with disabilities across China. As 300 million people have participated in winter sports since 2015, the goal has been to engage people with disabilities in this sports category. **Rehabilitation【恢复,善后】**and fitness services for persons with disabilities keep improving in China. By 2020, more than 10,600 disabled-friendly sports venues were built nationwide, 125,000 instructors were trained, and 434,000 households with people with severe disabilities were provided with home-based rehabilitation and fitness services. 这份名为《中国残疾人体育事业发展和权利保障》的白皮书,对中国残疾人体育事业和冬残奥会的发展具有历史性意义。中国残疾人运动员在重大国际残疾人体育赛事中表现稳步提升。在2018年平昌冬残奥会上,我国残疾人运动员勇夺轮椅冰壶金牌,实现冬季残奥会金牌和奖牌“零的突破”。在去年的东京残奥会上,中国体育代表团取得了96枚金牌、207枚奖牌的佳绩,连续五届残奥会蝉联金牌榜和奖牌榜"双第一";放眼整个"十三五"时期,中国残疾人体育代表团共参加了160项国际赛事,取得了1114枚金牌。在本届北京冬残奥会上,共有96名运动员代表中国参与73个项目的比赛。随着我国残疾人竞技体育水平不断提高,残疾人大众冰雪运动也蓬勃发展。自2015年起,我国连续6年举办"残疾人冰雪运动季",为残疾人参与冰雪运动搭建平台,带动残疾人融入"3亿人参与冰雪运动"。到2020年,全国建成了10,600多个残疾人友好型体育场馆 总共培训了12,5000名指导员,并向43,4000名患有严重残疾的家庭提供了围绕家庭的康复服务和健身服务。 Guo Liqun Spokesperson,China Disabled People's Federation 郭利群, 中国残联新闻发言人 “The country has been promoting transportation with accessible facilities. 3,598 trains nationwide have seats for people with disabilities. We will also try to digitalize these facilities, and help people with disabilities find and use them with greater convenience.” 确保城乡新(改、扩)建道路、建筑物和居住区配套建设无障碍设施。在全国推广应用无障碍化客运车辆;3598组列车 设置了残疾人专座;推动信息化与无障碍环境的深度融合,努力弥合"数字鸿沟",让残疾人共享美好数字生活。 The white paper contends that Beijing’s successful Winter Olympic bid in 2015 proved essential for the growth of winter para sports. Chinese para-athletes will be competing in all six winter sports categories, a significant improvement from the 2 categories they competed in 2015. The number of Chinese national Paralympians grew from less than 50 to close to 1,000. 白皮书指出,2015年北京成功申办冬奥会对冬残奥会的发展有着重要意义。中国的残奥会运动员将参加所有六项冬季运动项目的比赛。相较于2015年参加的两个类别,这一数据有了明显提高。同时,中国残奥会运动员的人数从原来不到50人增加到接近1000人。 Wang Meimei Vice Secretary, China Disabled People's Federation **王梅梅, 中国残联副理事长 ** “Our first goal is to show **tenacity【顽强】and spirit of people with disabilities in China. Though the level of athletic performance of our paralympians is still growing, we trust that we will do our best and win glory for the country.”  一是向世界展示新时代中国残疾人自强不息的精神风貌。虽然冬残奥运动员竞技水平上还处在提升阶段,但我们将学习中国残奥军团精神,勇于超越自我,奋勇争先。二是展示我国冬残奥运动发展成果。第三是争创好成绩,努力为国争光。 For the opening ceremony tomorrow night at the National Stadium, 3 percent of the performers in the 80-minute show have a disability. The final dress rehearsal for the show was last night (March 2). 本届冬残奥会的开幕式将于明晚在国家体育场举行,时长80分钟左右,表演者中有3%的人都患有残疾。昨晚(3月2日)进行了最后一次彩排。 Zhang Yimou Director of Opening Ceremony 张艺谋, 北京2022年冬残奥会开闭幕式总导演 “I’d like to show strong colors that convey powerful emotions that strike hearts【打动人心】. This is the strongest impression one gets when they see a Paralympic Winter Games.” 我们是这样的一种五彩斑斓的感觉,表达出热烈的情感,打动人心的情感来。而这个特点恰巧是残冬奥残疾人运动会最能达到的。 Para cross-country skiier and biathlete Guo Yujie and para ice hockey player Wang Zhidong will be Team China’s flag bearers at the opening ceremony tomorrow night. 残奥越野滑雪和冬季两项女运动员郭雨洁,以及残奥冰球项目男运动员汪之栋将担任本届北京冬残奥会开幕式中国体育代表团旗手。 2. **CHINA’S TOP POLITICAL BODY TO BEGIN ANNUAL SESSION TOMORROW 全国政协十三届五次会议3月4日召开 The fifth session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will open at 3pm tomorrow (March 4) at the Great Hall of the People【人民大会堂】. Apart from an opening meeting and a closing meeting, the 6-day session will feature two plenary meetings and five panel discussions. Song Wenjing has more. 全国政协十三届五次会议将于明天下午(3月4日)3点在北京人民大会堂开幕。本次大会为期6天,除了开闭幕会之外,还将安排两次大会发言和五次小组会议。更多信息请听宋雯婧的报道。 Guo Weimin , spokesperson for the fifth session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee, said China has the confidence, conditions and capabilities to achieve steady, healthy and sustainable economic development this year. Facing the complex and volatile international environment and multiple challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, China’s economy maintained a steady recovery in 2021, suggesting economic fundamentals remain strong in the long term. Guo also said China’s **dynamic zero COVID-19 policy【动态清零政策】**is suited to national conditions, and benefits the world. 全国政协十三届五次会议新闻发言人郭卫民表示,尽管国内经济发展目前面临需求收缩、供给冲击、预期转弱三重压力,外部环境也更趋复杂和不确定,但长期向好的基本面没变,中国有信心、有条件、有能力实现经济平稳、健康、可持续发展。他指出,中国疫情防控"动态清零"政策适合国情,并且能够造福世界。 Guo Weimin Spokesperson, Fifth Session of 13th National Committee of CPPCC 郭卫民, 全国政协十三届五次会议新闻发言人 “China has managed to swiftly bring new infection clusters under control, while ensuring the stable development of society and the economy, as well as guaranteeing people’s livelihoods. Our measures are relatively cost effective and yield good results, reflecting our centered approach and the advantages of the socialist system.” 正是由于中国的防疫政策,我们率先恢复了经济增长,保障了全球产业链和供应链的稳定。下一步我们要密切关注研判国内外疫情形势的发展,努力以更高水平、更小社会成本控制住疫情。 While answering a question about whether China and the United States are vying for a greater say in democracy, Guo said democracy takes many different forms, and is not a patent held by only a few countries. The democratic systems of countries should be chosen independently by their own peoples based on national conditions. 针对国外有评论称"中国正在与美国争夺民主话语权",郭卫民表示,民主的样式是多元的,不是少数国家的专利。在长期发展建设中,中国走出一条全过程人民民主的道路,其中人民政协是发展全过程人民民主的重要制度安排。 Guo Weimin Spokesperson, Fifth Session of 13th National Committee of CPPCC 郭卫民, 全国政协十三届五次会议新闻发言人 “The CPPCC covers eight democratic parties and public figures without party affiliation, the main people’s organizations, 56 ethnic groups and five main religions. This structure ensures all political parties, people’s organizations, ethnic groups, social groups and sectors of societies participate in the discussion of national affairs and promote an extensive and effective people’s democracy.” 全国政协具有广泛的代表性。我们设34个界别,能够有效保障各党派、各团体、各民族、各阶层、各界人士共商国是,推动实现广泛有效的人民民主,彰显了中国式民主的独特优势。 Guo said China’s top political advisory body is aware that "**bottlenecks【限制】still exist in some areas of China’s core technology" and has put forth many "inspiring ideas" to improve, adding that technology innovation is an important issue in the development of the country. 郭卫民指出,全国政协意识到“中国核心技术中某些领域仍存在瓶颈”的问题,并提出了许多“鼓舞人心的想法”来解决这些问题。他还补充到,科技创新是国家发展的一个重要问题。 3. **2ND PHASE OF YANGSHAN SPECIAL BONDED ZONE BEGINS OPERATIONS 洋山特殊综保区顺利封关,监管创新助力产业新发展 The second phase of Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone opened this morning (March 3). Zhang Hong tells us more about the benefits it has to offer companies within the zone. 今天上午(3月3日),洋山特殊综保区(二期)顺利封关运作。更多信息请听张泓的报道。 21,500-US-dollars worth of imported goods arrived at the second phase of Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone this morning. **COMAC【Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd 中国商用飞机有限责任公司】**Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Company, who declared the goods, has two manufacturing bases, one within the bonded area and one outside the area. Officials from Shanghai Customs and Lingang Special Area Administration allow the two bases to enjoy the same beneficial policies. 今天上午,一批价值近2.15万美元的进口货物,向洋山海关申报后顺利放行。申报首单进口货物的上海飞机制作有限公司现有两个生产基地,分别位于洋山特殊综保区"围网"内外。为了让"围网"外的生产基地,同样享受洋山特殊综保区相同的政策红利,在海关总署指导下,上海海关与新片区管委会首创"一司两地"的一体化监管方案。 Yang Li Deputy Chief, Yangshan Customs **杨琍, 洋山海关副关长 ** “In the past, the company would have to go through a lot of processes like declaration and paying taxes. Now as both of its manufacturing bases are treated the same as companies located within the bonded zone, they can benefit from a streamlined declaration process and a tax exemption.” 它原来要可能要申报、应税等等的一系列操作,而(现在)进入区域以后,它可以实施"径予放行",也就是简化的申报,然后实施免税和保税的管理。 The same measure will be applied to more companies in fields like integrated circuit manufacturing and artificial intelligence. 集成电路制作和人工智能等领域的更多公司也将会享受到同样的方案。 Zhang Zhongchao Special Bonded Zone Office, Lingang Special Area 张忠超, 临港新片区管委会特殊综合保税区处四级调研员 “It will set a precedent for the future. We want to work out more measures to offer convenience to trades within Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone. Companies outside the bonded zone in the Lingang Special Area are also expected offered these beneficial policies in the future.” 这是在国内没有的一个先例。像这种探索能够为接下来洋山特殊综合保税区的贸易便利化的举措,外溢到综保区位区外、新片区内的这些相应的重点产业、重点企业提供了一个有益的探索。 Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone is one of the areas under customs supervision with the most revolutionary measures. In 2021, the value of imported and exported goods at the zone exceeded 129 billion yuan (about 20 billion dollar), a 28% increase year-on-year. 洋山特殊综合保税区是海关总署指导下最具创新性探索的区域之一。2021年,该区域进出口货物价值超过1290亿,同比增长28%。 #热词加油站 rehabilitation[ˌrihəˌbɪlɪˈteʃən]【恢复,善后】 tenacity [təˈnæsəti]【顽强】 bottlenecks [ˈbɑt(ə)lˌnek]【限制】 strike hearts【打动人心】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~