cover of episode 03/02 TOP NEWS丨冬残奥会火炬传递/虹桥商务区一周年/中美公报纪念音乐会

03/02 TOP NEWS丨冬残奥会火炬传递/虹桥商务区一周年/中美公报纪念音乐会

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NEWS ON 0**3/01 1. 2022 WINTER PARALYMPIC GAMES TORCH RELAY BEGINS TOMORROW 圣火飞扬,冬残奥火炬传递开启 2. FIRMS IN EMERGING INDUSTRIES SUCCEED AT HONGQIAO CBD 虹桥商务区建设一周年,经济成效显著 3. CONCERT HELD TO COMMEMORATE THE SHANGHAI COMMUNIQUE 以曲为桥,上海开展中美公报纪念音乐会 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **2022 WINTER PARALYMPIC GAMES TORCH RELAY BEGINS TOMORROW 圣火飞扬,冬残奥火炬传递开启 The Paralympic Heritage Flame for the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games was lit yesterday (February 28) in Stoke Mandeville, a village northwest of London that is recognized as the birthplace of the Paralympic Games. The flame will be sent to Beijing, virtually. Zhang Yue has the details. 昨日(2月28日),在残奥会的发源地——英国曼德维尔,举行了2022年北京冬残奥会的火种采集仪式。更多信息请听张乐的报道。 The design of the flame box was inspired from a traditional Chinese bronze ritual vessel called a "Zun". The first two **torchbearers【火炬手】**were two of Britain’s wheelchair curling Paralympic medal winners. Four-time Paralympian Angie Malone lit the flame despite the pouring rain. Various sports officials and para-athletes said they hold high expectations for the Beijing Winter Paralympics. 火种台的创意灵感来自于中国传统青铜礼器“尊”。头两名火炬传递手是两位英国轮椅冰壶残奥会奖牌得主。紧接着,四届残奥会选手安吉·马隆在雨中点燃了火种。官方负责人与残奥会运动员们纷纷表示,他们对本次北京冬残奥会非常期待。 Anna Scott-Marshall British Paralympic Association 马夏尔,英国冬残奥会公关主任 “I think we’ve obviously got a Games under COVID, so we were able to see how the COVID was **mitigated【减轻,缓和】for the Olympic Games, and no one from our Olympic team, Team GB, got COVID during the Games, and they were all able to compete. So that gives us good reassurance that it’s been very managed and very carefully thought about.” 我们对参赛运动员的健康非常放心,所有比赛场馆都已按时完工并完全准备好。我们看到在北京冬奥会上,疫情被控制得非常好。英国队所有队员都没有感染新冠病毒,能够顺利完成比赛。我们对未来比赛的管理及运行都非常放心。 Aileen Neilson Former British Paralympian 尼尔森, 英国前冬残奥运会运动员 “I’m sure all the Chinese audience will thoroughly enjoy all the sports that are being put onshore, and see the hard work paralympic athletes put in. It won everybody’s heart as the non-disabled athletes, and I wish them all the very best.” 我相信这将是一届非常精彩的冬残奥会,相信中国观众将欣赏到非常精彩的比赛,并看到冬残奥会运动员的努力。他们和非残疾运动员一样非常努力,在此我祝愿每一位运动员都取得好成绩。 Tomorrow’s torch relay will continue until March 4th across all three competition zones, Beijing, Yanqing District, and Zhangjiakou. Of the 565 torch bearers 21% are people with disabilities. The flames will be collected from eight spots tomorrow morning(March 2), and gathered at the Temple of Heaven【北京天坛】. 96 athletes representing China will participate in the games. The Chinese paraalpine skiing team has been training hard for the games in Chongli, Hebei province. 明日(3月2日)的火炬接力将持续在三个比赛区(北京、延庆区和张家口)进行,直到3月4日开幕为止。在所有的565名火炬手中,有21%是残疾人。曼德维尔火种以及另外8路火种将汇集成北京冬残奥会官方火种,于明日上午(3月2日)聚集在北京天坛。本次冬残奥会中,将有96名运动员代表中国参加。而中国残疾人高山滑雪队已经在河北省的崇礼区开始了紧锣密鼓的备战。 Wang Xiangping Leader, Chinese Para Alpine Skiing Team 王响平, 中国残疾人高山滑雪队领队 “Our athletes are required to go through 3 hours of training in the morning, and three in the afternoon. It’s a very demanding training schedule.” 训练上午3个小时,下午3个小时。目前应该说是高强度的训练和巩固的过程,这是我们抓的最核心的环节。 The Palalympics, will take place from March 4 to the 13 and is expected to be one of the biggest ever with around 600 athletes from more than 50 countries competing in 78 events. 本届冬残奥会将于3月4日至13日举行。这预计是有史以来规模最大的冬残奥会之一,届时将有来自50多个国家和地区、约600名运动员参加共78个项目的比赛。 2. **FIRMS IN EMERGING INDUSTRIES SUCCEED AT HONGQIAO CBD 虹桥商务区建设一周年,经济成效显著 Thanks to a State Council plan from February 2021, the gross domestic product inside the Hongqiao International Central Business District approached 2.6 trillion yuan (around 411 billion dollar) last year. Sun Siqi takes a closer look at what made last year so successful. 2021年2月,国务院批复《虹桥国际开放枢纽建设总体方案》的文件。经过一年的发展,虹桥国际开放枢纽全域生产总值达到2.6万亿元。更多信息请听孙思奇的报道。 This four-storey office building is preparing to welcome some new tenants【租户,客户】, a firm looking to set up a livestream center. A company that operates online stores for fashion brands like Michael Kors and Levi’s has also moved its headquarters here, trusting that the CBD will attract the necessary talent, and lead them to the growth they seek. 这栋四层办公楼一个多月前刚刚被腾空,不久后将变身为体量达1万多平米的直播中心。一家总部位于虹桥国际中央商务区的上海企业,将帮助诸如迈克·科尔斯和李维斯等多个国际高端品牌通过直播、视觉创意、数字化营销等手段实现新零售落地,促进新增长。 Liu Zhicheng Board Chair, Buy Quickly E-Commerce Co. 刘志成, 上海百秋尚美科技服务集团董事长  “The CBD is a gathering spot for a huge group of talent in fashion and retail. Our best chance to grab them up is by settling here. Bringing a new brand to China once took 3 to 5 years, now we can do it in 6 months.” 虹桥商务区聚集了一大批时尚及零售人才。只有办公在这里,我们才能吸引到这些人才。以前一个品牌进入到中国的市场可能需要三到五年,才能在中国市场真正落地。我们现在用半年时间就可以完成。 A local automaker has set up home base in the business district years ago because they know they want to be closer to their collaborators. 上海本土的造车新势力威马汽车虽然几经搬迁,但始终选择把全球总部放在虹桥国际中央商务区,为的就是充分利用这里的区位优势。 **Sun Zhen, ** GM, Weltmeister Design Center 孙震, 威马汽车设计中心总经理 “To the south, there’s Jiao Tong University. To the north, Tongji University’s automobile institute. There’s University of Science and Technology of China, Zhejiang University and Nanjing University of Science Technology are also relatively close.” 往南有上海交通大学,往北有同济大学汽车学院。附近还有中科大,包括浙江大学、南京理工等等。我们几乎是在同一个交流的核心区域。 Shen Hui Board Chair, Weltmeister 沈晖, 威马汽车董事长 “Most of our suppliers are in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, our distributors are in mostly located in the major cities of the Yangtze Delta. Now that we’re here, we hope to grow with many of our partners in the CBD.” 我们的供应商很多是江浙的,我们的渠道基本上全部覆盖了长三角的地级市。我们来了以后,很多配套合作伙伴也在这里生根发芽,一起发展。 The site **packs quite the economic punch【经济发展强劲】for its size, generating close to 10 percent of the entire economic value of the Yangtze Delta Region. In the past year, tax revenue in the Hongqiao International CBD increased nearly 30 percent compared to 2020 (that is 12 percent higher than the city’s average). Among the 63,000 companies who have already settled in the CBD, almost two third’s of them are in growing industries. These firms benefit more from synergy than those in traditional manufacturing, and officials hope that’s what the CBD will provide. 虹桥国际中央商务区经济发展势头猛烈,以长三角不到2%的区域面积,就贡献了近10%的经济总量。去年全年,该区域税收收入同比增长近三成,比上海全市高了近12个百分点。引进的6万3千多家企业中,新赛道企业数和注册资本占比都超过七成。借助大虹桥大商务、大交通、大会展优势以及产业发展基础,这些新赛道企业正在把触角向长三角、全国乃至全球延伸。 3. **CONCERT HELD TO COMMEMORATE THE SHANGHAI COMMUNIQUE 以曲为桥,上海开展中美公报纪念音乐会 Classic Chinese and American songs were performed at a concert in Shanghai last night (February 28), commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Shanghai Communiqué. The event aimed to remind people of the moment that the half-century of friendship between the two countries began. Zhang Yue was there and tells us more. 昨晚(2月28日),在纪念《中美联合公报》50周年的音乐会上,中美的经典歌曲余音绕梁,不绝于耳。本次举办的纪念音乐会彰显了中美两国半个世纪以来的深厚友谊仍在继续。更多信息请听张乐的报道。 "Jasmine Flower" was performed by Chinese and American students, the song is an **allegory【寓言,寓意】**of spring, its lyrics celebrate white Jasmine blossoms . 中国民歌《茉莉花》在会客厅中响起,由中美学生携手演唱。这首享誉海内外的歌饱含春天的气息,歌词中满载着对纯白茉莉花的赞美之情。 Alice Saufon Li-Arndt Shanghai American School “On a practical level, it is a very easy song for our kids to learn because that’s not a song that they grew up with. But it’s very symbolic of the relationship between the two countries.” 实际上,对于我们的孩子来说,学习演唱这首歌很容易,因为这不是伴随他们长大的歌。但它的确是中美两国关系的重要象征。 America the Beautiful, a song played at the welcome dinner for then US president Richard Nixon when he visited China in 1972 was played by the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra. **Baritone【男中音】**Liao Changyong sang “Redwood” to commemorate the redwood saplings Nixon brought to China as a gift during his groundbreaking visit. 上海爱乐乐团现场还献上了一首《美丽的阿美利加》。这首歌正是当时美国总统理查德·尼克松1972年访华时欢迎晚宴上演奏的曲目。男中音歌唱家廖昌永演唱了一首情怀之作《红杉树》,以纪念当时尼克松带来的访华礼物:红杉树种子。 Sun Hong Chief, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra 孙红, 上海爱乐乐团团长  “The saplings that Nixon brought to Hangzhou are now part of a large forest. Each of the songs played at tonight’s concert is related to the history of the Shanghai Communiqué. These songs are also familiar to both Chinese and Americans, such as Butterfly Lovers and Ode to Joy.” 当年尼克松带来的红杉树,在杭州播下第一颗种子,现在杭州已经有很多了。今晚每个曲目都是跟中美公报发布50年有关的,都是中美人民经常能听到的、通俗一点的,比如《梁祝》、《欢乐颂》等等。 Cultural exchanges between the two countries date back to 1973, when the renowned Philadelphia Orchestra toured to China following Nixon’s visit. The orchestra gave six performances in Beijing and Shanghai, their repertoire included western classics as well as some Chinese pieces, like The Yellow River Piano Concerto. 中美两国间的文化交流可以追溯到1973年,当时著名的美国费城交响乐团紧随尼克松来到了中国。该乐团在北京和上海进行了六场演出,演奏了西方经典以及黄河钢琴协奏曲等中国曲目。 #热词加油站 torchbearer['tɔːtʃˌbeərə]【火炬手】 mitigate [ˈmitiˌɡeɪt]【减轻,缓和】 tenant[ˈtenənt]【租户,客户】 allegory[ˈæləɡəri]【寓言,寓意】 baritone[ˈberɪˌtoʊn]【男中音】 pack the economic punch【经济发展强劲】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~