NEWS ON 0**2/24 1. CHINA CALLS ON ALL PARTIES TO EXERCISE RESTRAINT OVER UKRAINE CRISIS 中方表态:呼吁各方保持克制,避免局势加剧 2. CHINA TO ADVANCE QUALITY HOUSING 稳地价、稳房价、稳预期,中国推进保障性住房供给 3. SHANGHAI TO GIVE EV CHARGING SERVICES A JOLT 新能源汽车又一步,充换电基础设施建设来了! -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **CHINA CALLS ON ALL PARTIES TO EXERCISE RESTRAINT OVER UKRAINE CRISIS 中方表态:呼吁各方保持克制,避免局势加剧 Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying today (February 24) said that China is closely monitoring the latest developments in Ukraine and calls on all parties to **exercise【行使,运用】restraint. Lei Shuran has more. 中国外交部发言人华春莹于今日(2月24日)表示,中方当前正密切关注乌克兰事态的最新进展,并呼吁各方保持克制。 Beijing has called for dialogue to resolve the crisis in Ukraine, while Hua said history had proved that sanctions don’t work and that negotiations would be more effective. The spokesperson also refuted US suggestions that Russia has China’s backing to act. 中方不断呼吁通过对话协商来解决乌克兰危机。华春莹表示,历史证明制裁从来不是解决问题的根本有效途径,通过协商的方式会更加有效。在发布会上,她还否认了“美方暗示俄罗斯有中方背后支持才行动”的言论。 Hua Chunying Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson 华春莹,中国外交部发言人 “As for the US suggestion that Russia has China’s backing to act, I believe Russia will be very unhappy to hear such a statement. I think Russia, a permanent member of the Security Council and an independent power, does not need such support from China or others. I also emphasize that Sino-Russia relations are based on non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-targeting of third parties.” 那么至于美方暗示俄罗斯有中国背后支持才行动,相信俄方会很不高兴听到这种说法。俄罗斯是安理会的常任理事国,是独立自主的大国。我还必须要强调指出中俄关系建立在不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方的基础上。 Hua also added China is not interested in and has no intention of following the Cold War mentality of either friend or foe【非友即敌】. Also today (February 24) , China’s embassy in Ukraine advised local Chinese nationals to stay at home, keep calm and avoid unstable regions. The embassy asked local Chinese to stay indoors away from windows in case of any accidents. It also reminded the Chinese to keep in touch with other Chinese associations in order to help each other and keep a close eye on notices from the embassy. 华春莹还指出,对于那种非友即敌的冷战思维和拼凑所谓的同盟和"小圈子"的做法,中方不感兴趣,也无意效仿。今日(2月24日),中国驻乌克兰大使馆发布公告,建议在乌的中国公民留在家中,保持冷静,尽量避开局势动荡地区。大使馆还建议留在室内,远离窗户,以防发生危险。同时,驻乌克兰使馆也提醒中国公民,要与中国商会保持联系、互相帮助,并密切关注使馆第一时间发布的消息。 2. **CHINA TO ADVANCE QUALITY HOUSING 稳地价、稳房价、稳预期,中国推进保障性住房供给 China’s housing minister pledged today (February 24) to keep the real estate market stable this year and ensure genuine demand for homes is met. Zhang Hong has more. 今日(2月24日),住建部部长于国新办发布会上表示,今年要保持房地产市场平稳运行,大力增加保障性租赁住房供给,努力做到稳地价、稳房价、稳预期。 Officials said China will work to expand the supply of affordable rental housing as part of efforts to resolve housing difficulties. China will have 2.4 million units of government subsidized rental homes available nationwide this year. 住建部表示,中国将致力于扩大保障性租赁住房供应,以解决当前存在的住房困难。今年,中国将在全国范围内提供240万套政府补贴出租房屋。 Wang Menghui, ** Minister of Housing and Urban-rural Development 王蒙徽,住房和城乡建设部部长 “The country will also add another 100,000 public rental houses and renovate 1.2 million houses in rundown areas. We will also accelerate the development of the long-term leasing market. We will promote the renovation of old residential areas by attracting investment, innovative financial support and by adjusting the role of available housing stock.” 新筹集公租房10万套,棚户区改造120万套。同时我们还将加快推进长租房市场建设,通过吸引社会力量参与,创新金融支持方式,促进存量住房用途的调整等措施来推进城镇老旧小区改造。 Officials reiterated that housing should not serve as a tool to stimulate short-term economic growth. The government will issue planning guidance for the market, and take different measures based on the needs of different cities. 住建部强调,我国房地产市场将毫不动摇地坚持"房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的"定位,不把房地产作为短期刺激经济的工具和手段,加强预期引导,因城施策促进房地产业良性循环和健康发展。 Ni Hong Vice Minister of Housing and Urban-rural Development 倪虹,住房和城乡建设部副部长 “The country will continue to eliminate any project delivery risks by some individual property developers due to their debt defaults. Our initial target is to ensure housing delivery. We will protect the legitimate rights and interests of homebuyers, to safeguard social stability.” 坚决有力处置个别房地产企业因债务违约所引发的房地产项目逾期交付风险。这项工作是以"保交楼、保民生、保稳定"为首要目标,以法治化市场化为原则,压实企业主体责任,落实属地政府管理责任,维护社会稳定,维护购房群众合法权益。 In the next step, the Ministry will continue promoting the construction of green and low-carbon buildings and communities. 下一步,住建部将继续推动城乡绿色低碳建设等相关工作。 3. **SHANGHAI TO GIVE EV CHARGING SERVICES A JOLT 新能源汽车又一步,充换电基础设施建设来了! The Shanghai government issued a guideline today to improve charging services for electric vehicles to meet the demand of 1.25 million such vehicles by 2025, especially the need for charging facilities in residential areas. 为进一步支撑新能源汽车发展,上海出台了进一步推动充换电基础设施建设的实施意见。《实施意见》提出,将形成适度超前的城市充电网络,到2025年将满足125万辆以上电动汽车的充电需求。 According to the guideline, Shanghai will build more charging facilities. In response to the shortage of parking spaces in old residential complexes, limited power capacity, low utilization of charging poles and other issues, the city plans to strengthen the **layout【布局】**of facilities, and include **charging poles【充电桩】**in community renovation projects. The document also said charging poles in residential areas will be gradually incorporated into a unified management platform. 根据《实施意见》,上海将建设更多充电设施,来应对针对老旧小区停车位不足、电力容量有限、充电桩利用率低等问题,并加强充换电设施布局统筹协调,将充电桩纳入社区改造项目。同时,此次《意见》还提出,小区内充电桩,通过建设管理企业,未来要逐步纳入平台统一管理,进一步促进设施开放共享。 #热词加油站 exercise[ˈeksərˌsaɪz]【行使,运用】 layout [ˈleɪˌaʊt]【布局】 charging pole【充电桩】 either friend or foe【非友即敌】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~