cover of episode 02/24 TOP NEWS丨内地支援香港/“丰县生育八孩女子”事件情况通报/浦东数字化转型

02/24 TOP NEWS丨内地支援香港/“丰县生育八孩女子”事件情况通报/浦东数字化转型

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NEWS ON 02/23 **1. MAINLAND HELPS HONG KONG AS CORONAVIRUS INFECTIONS SOAR) 内地支援香港抗疫专班24小时运作 已超额完成首批7类物资保供需求 2.MAN ARRESTED FOR ALLEGEDLY ABUSING HIS WIFE 江苏省委省政府调查组发布"丰县生育八孩女子"**事件调查处理情况通报 3.PUDONG ISSUES THREE-YEAR PLAN FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION 浦东发布三年行动方案推进人工智能赋能经济数字化转型 **-----------------**记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. MAINLAND HELPS HONG KONG AS CORONAVIRUS INFECTIONS SOAR 内地支援香港抗疫专班24小时运作 已超额完成首批7类物资保供需求) Construction began on four mobile cabin hospitals )【(流动)方舱医院】for COVID-19 patients yesterday in Hong Kong with the support of the central government. Around 14,000 to 17,000 isolation units will be available when these facilities at Tsing Yi, San Tin, Yuen Long and Hung Shui Kiu open. Zhang Yue has the story. 昨天,中央援建香港的四处方舱医院, 分别在香港青衣、前新田购物城、元朗潭尾和洪水桥开工建设,这四处方舱医院都是临时性社区隔离新冠患者的治疗设施,预计将为香港提供 1.4万至1.7万个隔离单位。更多内容,请听张乐带来的报道。 The mobile hospital) in Tsing Yi will open in about one week. It will capacity for 3,000 COVID-19 patients. 其中青衣方舱医院将于开工后约一周率先交付使用,可安排约3000个隔离单位。 Xie Hui 谢晖 We are collecting materials from all over the country to build facilities and mobilize resources to support the project.我们正在从全国各地调配各种物资,有序组织相关材料的生产和备货,统筹调度各种各样的优势资源来对项目建设提供支撑保障。 The central government has set up a special work group to support Hong Kong’s fight against the coronavirus surge).【急剧上升,激增】 One of their focus areas is medical supplies. The first shipments of N95 face masks and rapid antigen test kits have arrived in Hong Kong. 中央已成立内地支援香港抗疫工作专班。首批物资的重点供给之一就是医疗物资和设备,其中N95口罩、快速抗原检测试剂包已经抵达香港。 He Yaqiong 何亚琼 We guarantee the highest standards of quality. We use the best transportation equipment. All the medical supplies Hong Kong needs on a daily basis can be delivered in the shortest possible time.我们保证按最高标准和质量,使用最好的运输设备,让香港每天所需要的医疗物资第一时间运抵香港。 Shenzhen has opened three water routes to ensure transit of fresh food to Hong Kong. 200 tons of fresh food arrived in Hong Kong to ease the region’s food supply crunch. 为持续保障供港生活物资供应链稳定,深圳开通三条水路运输新通道,首批约200吨生鲜物资已到达香港。 2. MAN ARRESTED FOR ALLEGEDLY ABUSING HIS WIFE 江苏省委省政府调查组发布"丰县生育八孩女子"事件调查处理情况通报 The case of a woman in 丰县, Jiangsu, caught public attention in January after a video of her being chained up in a rural house was posted on social media. Investigators said the victim, Mrs. Yang, is Xiaohuamei小花梅 from Yunnan. Her husband Mr. Dong was arrested on abuse charges. 17 officials have also been punished or are being investigated over the matter. Song Wenjing has more. 1月27日以来,一段女性被锁链拷在破屋里的视频,让"丰县生育八孩女子"事件受到了社会的广泛关注。案件调查组发布该事件调查通报,认定受害人杨某侠即小花梅,其丈夫董某为犯罪嫌疑人、以涉嫌虐待罪被批捕,此外,徐州市17名相关人员被问责和施予惩诫。更多内容,请听宋雯婧带来的报道。 Yang was born in a village in Yunnan Province in 1977 and her childhood name was Xiaohuamei, investigators said after DNA comparisons were completed. She was trafficked) 【被交易的】by Mrs. Sang桑 and Mr. Shi时 in early 1998 from Yunnan to Jiangsu. She escaped several months later. She was trafficked another two times, and began living with Dong in Fengxian in June 1998. Over the years, she gave birth to eight children. Yang was diagnosed with schizophrenia) 【精神分裂症】 and severe gum disease). 【牙龈疾病,牙周病】Dong was arrested yesterday on charges of abuse, as investigators say for years he chained and assaulted her every time she had a seizure.【癫痫】 Sang and Shi were arrested on suspicion of abducting and trafficking women. Six other people suspected of being involved were also subject to criminal coercive measures. Lou Hai娄海, Party chief of Fengxian, has been removed from his post. Yang is currently in hospital, where her oldest son and local officials are helping with her care. Her underage children are being cared for by a team arranged by local officials. 经公安部物证鉴定中心对杨某侠与小花梅母亲遗物、同母异父妹妹、以及多名其他亲属进行DNA比对,认定"丰县生育八孩女子"杨某侠,即云南亚谷村人小花梅。通报称,1998年初,小花梅被桑某妞及其丈夫时某忠合谋从亚谷村带至江苏省东海县。共同生活几个月后,小花梅逃出,后来又被逮住两次。之后自1998年6月起,董某民与之共同生活在丰县。多年来,小花梅已经生育了8个孩子,并被诊断出精神分裂症及严重的牙龈疾病。昨日,丰县人民检察院对犯罪嫌疑人董某民,以涉嫌虐待罪批准逮捕,调查人员表示,每次杨某侠癫痫发作时,董某民都会用铁链锁起她并进行殴打;对嫌疑人桑某妞、时某忠,则以涉嫌拐卖妇女罪批准逮捕。涉案的徐某东等其他6名嫌疑人则被公安机关采取刑事强制措施。此外,报告还通报了徐州市有关党员干部和公职人员失职渎职行为处理情况,其中,丰县县委书记被给予撤销党内职务、政务撤职处分。目前,小花梅的大儿子和当地官员正帮助她在医院接受治疗,她的几个未成年孩子则由当地官员安排的小组进行照顾。 3.PUDONG ISSUES THREE-YEAR PLAN FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION 浦东发布三年行动方案推进人工智能赋能经济数字化转型 Pudong New Area released its three-year plan for the AI empowered digital transformation of the economy. The goal is to build Pudong into a demonstration zone for the application of this technology. Zhang Hong tells us more. 浦东新区今天正式对外发布人工智能赋能经济数字化转型三年行动方案,力争未来两年内,建成国际领先的人工智能技术创新引领地、经济数字化转型发展示范区。更多内容,请听张泓带来的报道。 A hi-tech rice field is one of the typical projects for the economic transformation in Pudong. The smart sensors detect the crops’ growth and whether there are pests. A digital twin of the field)【农田数字孪生技术】enables remote fertilization. 国内首个5G数字水稻种植示范区就是浦东新区数字化转型过程中的典型项目。通过农田数字孪生技术可远程调控水、肥、药,同时其智能感应可以提前探测稻田的生长虫害和生长状况。 Li li 李立 We can know what the crop costs, its output, and how much profit it will generate after it’s planted. The statistics and analysis will be updated at the computer terminal from seed to harvest.种下去那一刻,我就能知道成本、收益和产量。这样的话,跟我的终端进行有效数据链接。现在稻、菜可以从田头的种子开始,通过更新数字分析来持续跟踪。 AI technology is the key to this digital transformation. AI技术是实现数字化转型的关键。 Xu Xiaoshun 徐啸顺 AI technology can learn from the huge amount of data and enhance its accuracy. It can learn and evolve, and be applied in various aspects, including driverless cars, parking assistance, managing product quality and enhancing manufacturing efficiency.如果使用人工智能的方法,我们积累的数据越多,它就可以获得更高的准确率。它可以像人一样不断学习、进化、迭代、掌握它背后的应用,得到更好的质量管控,更好的制造效率提升等。 The three-year plan calls for 23 tasks in sectors including infrastructure, ecology, and AI application. 在《行动方案》中,提出了“23项任务”,包括产业强基工程、生态协同工程、数字跃升工程工程等。 Xia Yuzhong 夏玉忠 We want to promote the construction of smart computer terminals and the metaverse). 【元宇宙】We’ll apply new technologies to more scenarios. We’ll also encourage companies to develop and run trials, 【试行】eventually applying them to the city, the Yangtze Delta Region and even the entire country. 我们也将推进一些智能终端的建设、元宇宙的逐步构建等等,把我们的很多场景放出来,让我们的企业进行研发、进行试点、积累经验,然后进行上海和长三角的试点,甚至推广到全国试点。 By 2023 the AI industry in Pudong is expected to be worth 200 billion yuan. 浦东新区预计到2023年将实现人工智能相关产业规模突破2000亿。 #热词加油站 mobile cabin hospital 【(流动)方舱医院】 surge 【急剧上升,激增】 trafficked【被交易的】 schizophrenia【精神分裂症】 gum disease)【牙龈疾病,牙周病】 seizure 【)癫痫】 digital twin of the field)【农田数字孪生技术】 metaverse【元宇宙】 run trial)【试行】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~