cover of episode 02/16 TOP NEWS 冬奥镁光灯背后的英雄/三星堆青铜大面具/迪拜世博会中国馆快乐过大年

02/16 TOP NEWS 冬奥镁光灯背后的英雄/三星堆青铜大面具/迪拜世博会中国馆快乐过大年

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NEWS ON 02/15 **1. **INTERNATIONAL RESCUE TEAM ON STANDBY AT BEIJING GAMES) 冬奥镁光灯背后的英雄:雪地救援团 **2. **BRONZE MASK FROM SANXINGDUI RUINS ON PUBLIC DISPLAY 三星堆青铜大面具首次正式面向公众展出 3. CULTURAL EVENTS UNVEILED AT DUBAI EXPO TO CELEBRATE CHINESE NEW YEAR 迪拜世博会:沉浸式"感知中国" 中国馆邀世界游客一起"过大年" **-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.INTERNATIONAL RESCUE TEAM ON STANDBY AT BEIJING GAMES 冬奥镁光灯背后的英雄:雪地救援团 While spectators at the Beijing Winter Olympics marvel at【惊叹】the speeds and heights reached by athletes, an international rescue team led by Canadian veteran skier Richard Wyne are on the sidelines ready to act when things go wrong. Here’s Zhang Yue with the story. 在观众们惊叹于冬奥会上运动员们滑出的速度与高度的同时,一支由前加拿大滑雪名将怀恩(Richard Wyne)领军的国际雪地救援队,正时刻侯在场边,以防意外的发生。更多信息请听张乐带来的报道。 Wyne spends almost every day out on the snow, but he is not there as an athlete or a coach. Instead, he leads a team of 9 international rescuers who meet every morning for a briefing and disperse to venues around Zhangjiakou. (冬奥期间)怀恩几乎每天都在雪地里,但他的身份并非运动员或者教练。北京冬奥的雪地救援团队共9人,由怀恩领军。他与团队每天早上都会开简短会议,并分散人手在张家口相关场地。 Wyne 韦恩 Everybody really wants a great Games and competition is so important, safety is paramount【首要的】, but there is a huge amount of risk. Our role is to make sure that any athlete that crashes or potentially gets injured gets the best pre-hospital care in the world. 大家都很想要奉献精彩的比赛,竞争很重要,安全更是首要的,但过程确实存在大量的风险。我们的任务便是确保在发生撞击或有受伤风险的时候,能够在送医前为运动员提供最好的照料。 Wyne has spent 25 years rescuing skiers after avalanches【雪崩】 with his specially trained dogs in Canada. His staff are now on the snow throughout the Olympic events, monitoring potentially dangerous sections on a course like jumps in the moguls events. 在经历雪崩后,怀恩的滑雪救援经验长达25年。救援队成员现正在雪地里,在陡峭的斜坡旁监察危机。 Wyne 韦恩 By having years of practice of working in odd and challenging environments, cold and strange and steep, it gives you a lot of development and the ability to execute those same skills in a field of play for the Olympics. 多年来在复杂和艰难的环境下开展救援工作,包括寒冷、陌生、陡峭的环境,这些都给了我们很大的帮助,能够在冬奥赛场上提供专业救援。 Ahead of the Olympics, Wyne’s company took a large group of Chinese patrollers to New Zealand to run training sessions. With the winter sports industry growing rapidly in China, Wyne said it was crucial to train more rescuers. 在冬奥举办前,怀恩带了大批中国救护员前往新西兰培训,希望滑雪运动在中国日益兴盛之际,也有充足的救护人员与良好的护理概念。 2.BRONZE MASK FROM SANXINGDUI RUINS ON PUBLIC DISPLAY 三星堆青铜大面具首次正式面向公众展出 The largest bronze mask unearthed from the Sanxingdui Ruins site in Sichuan province is now being exhibited at Sanxingdui Museum in Guanghan City. The mask was showcased【展示】 on the Spring Festival TV gala. Zhang Yue tells us more. 此前出差“春晚”的三星堆青铜大面具在位于四川广汉的三星堆博物馆惊艳亮相,与公众正式见面。更多信息请听张乐带来的报道。 The mask is 1.31 meters wide, 71 centimeters high, and weighs about 65 kilograms. It is the best preserved bronze artifact ever found in the ruins of the 3,000-year-old site. 三星堆青铜大面具宽1.31米,高71厘米,重131斤,是目前三星堆遗址出土的形制最为完整的大型青铜面具。 Visitor 现场参观者 It’s eyes are huge and deep. It looks mysterious. 它的眼睛特别大,眼眶特别深邃,带给大家的感觉就像是覆盖了一层很神秘的色彩。  The Sanxingdui ruins were first found in 1929. Numerous artifacts were excavated in two of its pits back in 1986. A new round of digs was launched by the Sichuan Cultural Relics and Archaeology Institute in 2019. The mask was unearthed from Pit 3 in June 2021. 三星堆遗址首次发现于1929年。1986年,在三星堆的2个祭祀坑里,上千件稀世之宝赫然显世。2019年,四川文物考古研究院又发动了新一轮的挖掘工作。2021年,青铜面具于三星堆的3号坑洞内问世。 Lei Yu** **雷雨 **三星堆博物馆馆长 The mask may look a bit weird. However, it’s alloy component and style are similar to artifacts found in the central plains of China. This also proves the Shu civilization, which originated in Sichuan some 3,000 to 5,000 years ago, is a vital part of Chinese civilization. 虽然这件东西看上去有点怪,中原地区不太出这类题材的青铜制品,但是它的铸造技术,包括它的合金成分,跟中原地区几乎是一模一样的。这也证明了我们古蜀文明是中华文明不可分割的一个组成部分。 The Golden Mask Dance performed during the 2022 Spring Festival Gala, expressed the country’s yearning for happiness. On the way to Beijing, the mask was reinforced with a stainless steel stand to maintain its form. Other relics from the Sanxingdui Ruins are also on display at the museum. 在今年的央视春晚舞台上,青铜大面具惊艳亮相。在运送过程中,采用不锈钢钢构支架对大面具进行物理性加固,确保大面具从出发到返回,始终保持原来的状态。三星堆遗址出土的其他文物也会在三星堆博物馆面向公众展出。 3.CULTURAL EVENTS UNVEILED AT DUBAI EXPO TO CELEBRATE CHINESE NEW YEAR 迪拜世博会:沉浸式"感知中国" 中国馆邀世界游客一起"过大年" Some special cultural events celebrating China’s lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, were held at the China Pavilion at the Dubai Expo. Lei Shuran has more. 春节期间,迪拜世博会中国馆举办了一些文化活动来庆祝春节,年味儿十足。更多信息请听雷舒然带来的报道。 One of the highlights is an elephant-related exhibition at the China Pavilion. The exhibition records last year’s 110-day adventure of a herd of 14 wild Asian elephants that wandered across southern China’s Yunnan Province. The herd’s unexpected encounter with the local residents is a moving story of harmonious coexistence between humans and animals, which also demonstrates the great efforts made by China on conservation【保护】. 亮点之一,便是风靡全网的"云南大象旅行团"以图片展的形式"亮相"于世博园内。图片展记录了去年"大象旅行团”的110天冒险之旅,再现了小象和当地居民的不期而遇,以及全民守护大象的美好故事,体现了人与动物和谐共生以及中国在动物保护上付出的努力。 A Palestinian Visitor 阿沙拉夫 生活在约旦的巴勒斯坦人 You know that....reading the stories of the elephants, I watched them on the news, but here you can have a better way to know the story. 我从电视新闻里看到了这群大象的故事,然后又在这里以一种全新的方式感知更多。 Outside the Pavilion, a tree decorated with New Year’s cards, which has a handful of Chinese blessings in it, gave visitors a deeper sense of Chinese culture. The China Pavilion has attracted more than 1 million visitors during the Spring Festival period. Since its opening, the pavilion has held over 30 themed-events. 馆外,一棵寄托新年祝福的"汉字之树"成为广受欢迎的"打卡点",树上挂满了游客写下的心愿祝福,让游客对中国文化有了更深的了解。中国馆的累计接待游客数在春节期间突破百万大关。开馆以来共举办中国馆省、区、市、企业活动以及专题体验活动共31场。 #热词加油站 marvel at【惊叹】 avalanches【雪崩】 paramount【首要的】 showcase 【展示】 conservation 【保护】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~