cover of episode 02/14 TOP NEWS丨闭环泡泡防疫护航/猴子科研记忆研究/外交部回应布林肯不当言论

02/14 TOP NEWS丨闭环泡泡防疫护航/猴子科研记忆研究/外交部回应布林肯不当言论

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NEWS ON 02/14** 1. INSIDETHEOLYMPIC****BUBBLE 北京冬奥会:穿梭“闭环泡泡”外媒记者体验“防疫护航” 2. SCIENTISTSREVEALGEOMETRYOFPRIMATES**’SEQUENTIAL MEMORY 科学家揭秘灵长类动物序列记忆的几何学 3.CHINA F.M. RESPONDS TO REPORTS OF STUDENT ASSAULTED IN S.KOREA 中国外交部:回应美国国务卿布林肯关于“中国侵略”的言论 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.INSIDETHEOLYMPICBUBBLE** 北京冬奥会:穿梭“闭环泡泡”外媒记者体验“防疫护航” The Beijing Winter Olympics have been in full swing for a week now and journalists, athletes and personnel have adjusted to life inside the "bubble". 北京冬奥会已经进行了一周,记者、运动员和工作人员已经适应了“泡泡”中的生活。 In Zhangjiakou, people inside the bubble are staying in hotels at various ski resorts nestled among the mountains. Their daily routine starts with a polymerase chain reaction test, or PCR, in the hotel lobby. Volunteers in full personal protective equipment take a throat swab and the result is loaded onto accreditation cards. Moving from the Zhangjiakou bubble to the Beijing bubble can only be done with specific cars or bright blue buses emblazoned with the Beijing 2022 logo. 在张家口,冬奥村闭环里的人住在群山间各个滑雪场的酒店里。他们的日常工作开始于在酒店大堂进行聚合酶链式反应测试(PCR)。志愿者会身着全套个人防护装备,并做咽拭子检查,检查结果会记录到认证卡上。从张家口到北京的闭环内,只能乘载带有“北京2022” 标志的专用汽车或亮蓝色巴士。 The numerous checks continue at the media center. Temperatures are checked before several volunteers and police officers direct you back to the car. Accreditation cards are scanned again, and volunteers sit at checkpoints to check temperatures. To wind down at the end of the day, cocktails are available at the hotel bar. Bartenders wear a long-sleeved PPE**【长袖个人防护装备 with a pink apron and a hat with a face shield. 媒体中心会继续进行多次核酸检查。 几名志愿者和警察会带你回到车上,上车前需要检查体温,再次扫描认证卡,并且检查站的志愿者会再次检查体温。等到一天快结束,您可以在酒店的酒吧享用鸡尾酒放松一下,调酒师会穿着长袖个人防护装备、粉色围裙和带面罩的帽子。 2.SCIENTISTSREVEALGEOMETRYOFPRIMATES’SEQUENTIAL MEMORY 科学家揭秘灵长类动物序列记忆的几何学 Macaques猿猴, a species of sandy-furred, pink faced monkeys, are one of the primates that are most closely related to humans. To study how they store sequential information and, subsequently, how humans do the same, researcher Wang Liping’s team trained macaques to memorize a spatial sequence. As dots light up on the screen, the animals must reproduce the sequence in a few seconds. During these few seconds, researchers used what they call two-photon calcium imaging**【双光子钙成像】** to record the neural activity in the *pre-frontal cortex **【前额叶皮层of the animals. An animal needs to process both ordinal and spatial info when memorizing a sequence, meaning it needs to remember both the numerical order of the dots and where they are. With data from thousands of neurons, scientists were able to form a geometrical shape几何形状】. Because of the complexity of the data, the space is multi-dimensional. Researchers found the space can be broken down into a series of subspaces that each store a piece of the information. What’s more, these subspaces are all in a circular shape. 猕猴是一种长着沙皮、面色粉红色的猴子,是与人类关系最密切的灵长类动物之一。为了研究人类以及猕猴如何存储序列信息,研究员王立平的团队开展了训练猕猴记住空间序列的项目。当屏幕上的点亮起时,猕猴必须在几秒钟内重现该序列。这几秒钟内,研究人员使用他们所谓的双光子钙成像来记录动物前额叶皮层的神经活动。动物在记忆序列时需要同时处理序数和空间信息,这意味着它需要记住点的数字顺序以及它们的位置。借助数千个神经元的数据,科学家们能够做出几何形状的空间形态。由于数据的复杂性以及空间的多维特征,研究人员发现该空间可以分解为一系列子空间,每个子空间都存储一条信息。更重要的是,这些子空间都是圆形的。 Wang****Liping ** Resear**cher** of Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences Center for Excellence in Brian Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences** 王立平中科院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心研究员* “We found the circle is larger when the animal is processing information for an earlier dot, and the circle gets smaller when it processes a dot later in the sequence, which is similar to humans -- in a complicated sequence, we tend to remember the earlier dots more easily, but start to lose precision when we recall the later ones.” 我们发现,当动物处理最初点的信息时,圆环会变大;而当它在处理序列中出现较晚的点时,圆环会变小,这与人类的记忆次序相似——在复杂的序列中,我们更容易记住较早出现的点,但是我们无法那么准确的回忆后面的点了。 Scientists also found the integration of ordinal and spatial information in the monkeys’ brain occurred in large groups of** neurons****【**神经元】rather than in a single group. These results provide an important perspective on understanding sequence representations in the brain, and can also provide possible advances in machine learning. Next, engineers will further study the process of assembling and extracting sequential information. 科学家们还发现,猕猴大脑里序数和空间信息的整合发生在大群神经元中,而不是单个神经元组中。这些结果为理解大脑中的序列提供了重要的探究视角,也为机器学习领域带来启发。接下来,科研人员将进一步研究记忆组装、提取的动态过程。 **3.CHINA F.M. RESPONDS TO REPORTS OF STUDENT ASSAULTED IN S.KOREA 中国外交部:回应美国国务卿布林肯关于“中国侵略”的言论 Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokes-person Zhao Lijian today(February 14th) responded to U.S. Secretary of State An’tony Blinken’s statement on "Chinese aggression" should be considered a political fabrication, which U.S. authorities often use to try and justify their "China threat theory" in order to pressure Beijing. The spokes-person said China strongly opposed such statements by the United States. 中国外交部发言人赵立坚今天(2月14日)回应美国国务卿布林肯关于“中国侵略”的言论,其应被视为政治捏造,美国当局经常以此为“中国威胁论”给北京施压。外交部发言人表示,中方强烈反对美方的此类表态。 Zhao Lijian Spokesperson, **Chinese Foreign Ministry 赵立坚中国外交部发言人 “The United States talks about the ’Chinese threat’ in order to slander, exert pressure on, and stifle the development of China. Such remarks convincingly prove that the United States is guided by prejudices and Cold War thinking.”美国大谈“中国威胁论”,其目的是抹黑、打压和遏制中国的发展,这充分暴露了美国根深蒂固的冷战思维和意识形态偏见。 #热词加油站  disposable [dɪˈspoʊzəb(ə)l]【可支配的】 long-sleeved [ˈlɔŋslivd] PPE【长袖个人防护装备】 macaque [məˈkæk; məˈkɑːk]【猿猴】 neuron [ˈnjʊərɒn]【神经元】 two-photon calcium imaging【双光子钙成像】 pre-frontal cortex 【前额叶皮层】 geometrical shape【几何形状】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~