cover of episode 01/25 TOP NEWS | 冬奥期间污染防治措施/10位外国人获白玉兰荣誉奖/中国援助汤加

01/25 TOP NEWS | 冬奥期间污染防治措施/10位外国人获白玉兰荣誉奖/中国援助汤加

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直播时间: 每周二-周六 11:30 - 14:30 精选新闻音频+中英文稿放送: 周一到周五下午4:30 NEWS ON 01/24 1. GOVERNMENTS AUTHORIZED TO CLEAR THE AIR DURING WINTER GAMES 减轻空气污染!生态环境部介绍冬奥期间污染防治措施 2. SHANGHAI MAYOR BESTOWS MAGNOLIA GOLD AWARD TO 10 EXPATS 白玉兰荣誉奖揭晓!10位外国人获奖 3. CHINA SHIPS RELIFE SUPPLIES TO TONGA 汤加火山喷发,中国提供持续援助 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. GOVERNMENTS AUTHORIZED TO CLEAR THE AIR DURING WINTER GAMES 减轻空气污染!生态环境部介绍冬奥期间污染防治措施 The Ministry of Ecology and Environment【生态环境部】 said today (January 24) that Beijing will be allowed to introduce temporary restrictions to reduce air pollution during the Winter Olympics, which begin on February 4th. Zhang Hong tells us more. 在生态环境部24日举行的新闻发布会上,新闻发言人刘友宾表示,北京等地可依法依规采取临时性管控措施,减轻冬奥会期间空气污染。 The ministry spokesperson warned that winter weather in northern China is unfavorable to clean air as both Beijing and its neighboring province of Hebei are prone to heavy smog.  刘友宾表示,北京冬奥会、冬残奥会赛期,中国北方地区正值冬春交汇季节,环境气象条件极为不利,北京、河北等地可能出现重污染天气。 Liu Youbin Spokesperson, Ministry of Ecology & Environment 刘友宾,生态环境部新闻发言人 "Local governments have authorization【授权】from the People's Congress to adopt administrative measures to temporarily manage some businesses and vehicles that are heavy polluters during the final preparations and hosting of the Winter Olympics." 北京、河北等省市以人大立法等方式授权地方人民政府,可以在冬奥会筹备和举办期间,依法依规采取必要行政手段,对污染严重、排放量大、经济影响相对较小的企业和车辆采取临时性管控措施。 Local authorities will initiate emergency response plans to cut emissions on days of heavy air pollution during the Games.  冬奥会期间,当预测到可能出现的重污染天气时,各地将及时启动应急预案,降低污染物排放。 Liu Youbin Spokesperson, Ministry of Ecology & Environment 刘友宾,生态环境部新闻发言人 "The measures to reduce emissions will be precise, scientific, and transparent in order to minimize their economic and social impacts. Operations related to people's livelihoods, electricity supply, heating and pandemic prevention should be guaranteed." 各项减排措施要做到精准、科学,并做好信息公开,尽可能减少对经济社会的影响,尤其对涉及民生、能源供应、居民取暖、疫情防控等运行给予充分保障。 The Ministry of Ecology and Environment also said the first compliance cycle of the national emissions trading system was completed. A total of 2,162 companies in the country's carbon market produced an estimated 4.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide【二氧化碳】 emissions last year.  生态环境部还表示,全国碳市场第一个履约周期顺利收官。2021年全国共纳入重点排放单位2162家,二氧化碳排放量约45亿吨。 2. SHANGHAI MAYOR BESTOWS MAGNOLIA GOLD AWARD TO 10 EXPATS 白玉兰荣誉奖揭晓!10位外国人获奖 Ten expats from the United States, UK, Germany, Italy and Japan were presented with a Magnolia【玉兰】 Gold Award by Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng this afternoon (January 24) in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the city. 1月24日下午,来自美国、英国、德国、意大利、日本的10位外籍人士获得2021年上海市“白玉兰荣誉奖”。上海市市长龚正为他们颁授奖章、证书,表彰他们为上海做出的杰出贡献。 The award winners work in a variety of fields including finance, trade, shipping, and education. Zhang Yue was at the ceremony and tells us more. 荣获“白玉兰荣誉奖”的10位外籍人士中,有经贸、金融、航运的经营管理者,也有文化领域的专家学者。 Marie Waxman, distinguished professor of Fudan University's Environmental Science and Engineering Department【复旦大学环境科学与工程系】, delivered a speech on behalf of the recipients. 复旦大学环境科学与工程系特聘教授、英国籍人士玛丽·哈德作为“荣誉奖”获得者代表致辞。 The Briton came to China over a decade ago and is known for her contributions to the city's garbage sorting campaign. 玛丽·哈德定居上海已有十余年,为这座城市的垃圾分类政策做出了重要贡献。 Marie Waxman UK, Distinguished Professor, Fudan Uni. 玛丽·哈德,英国籍人士,复旦大学特聘教授 "I am working on sustainability【可持续性】. Shanghai is not only leading China. Shanghai is got a lot to offer to the rest of the world. The achievement of Shanghai for sorting are head and shoulders above the rest of the world. There is no other city that can compare." 我正在研究垃圾分类政策未来的可持续性。在这方面,上海不仅在引领中国,同时也在为世界作出更多的示范。上海在垃圾分类方面取得的成就十分突出,世界上找不到其他城市能与上海比拟。 Michael Kruppe from Germany, general manager of Shanghai New International Expo Center【上海新国际博览中心】, is another award winner. 上海新国际博览中心有限公司总经理、德国籍人士迈克尔是另一位获奖者。 Under his leadership, the exhibition venue attracts major international events and 10 million visitors every year. This is also helping develop the industry in the Yangtze River Delta【长江三角洲】. 在他的领导下,博览中心举办了许多重要国际活动,每年能够吸引一千万游客参观。同时,这也推动了长江三角洲会展行业的发展。 Michael Kruppe Germany, GM, Shanghai New Int'l Expo Center Company 迈克尔,德国籍人士,上海新国际博览中心有限公司总经理 "We can use the digital tools, we can use online meetings and telephone calls and conferences. But this only works for maybe 10 or 20 percent. The rest must be human conversations between you and me, face to face, especially in our exhibition industry, because we have to exchange on modern technology, on development of industries. Now with 2 or 3 years of experiences, (we know) how to deal with the pandemic." 我们可以使用电子设备,可以进行线上会议或是电话会议。但是这可能仅仅是10%-20%的情况,其他的事项必须通过你与我之间、面对面的交流来完成,特别是我们会展行业。因为我们需要交流现代科技、行业发展相关的信息。现在我们积累了2到3年的经验,知道在疫情下如何应对各种情况。 Jeffery Lehman, Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai, and Jean-Paul Agon, the chairman of L'Oreal Group were named Honorary Citizen of Shanghai, the highest honor expats can receive for their contributions to the city. 上海纽约大学常务副校长雷蒙、欧莱雅集团董事长安巩获“上海市荣誉市民”称号。该称号是外国人为上海作出贡献后能获得的最高荣誉。 Earlier last year, 50 other expats were given a Magnolia Silver Award. More than 1,600 people have won the Magnolia Award since it was established in 1989. 2021年,有其余50位外籍人士荣获2021年“白玉兰纪念奖”。自1989年奖项设立以来,已有逾1600名外籍人士获得该系列奖项。 3. CHINA SHIPS RELIFE SUPPLIES TO TONGA 汤加火山喷发,中国提供持续援助 China shipped 1 million yuan ($158,000) worth of relief supplies to Tonga from Fiji today (January 24). The small pacific islands nation is still struggling to cope with heavy damage from the recent volcanic eruptions and subsequent tsunami. Zhang Yue has more. 1月24日,中国政府从斐济向汤加运输了价值100万元的救济物资。目前,南太平洋岛国汤加正在遭受着火山喷发和接连而来的海啸侵袭,损失惨重。 Most of the relief supplies, including drinking water, food, electric generators and water pumps were provided by the Chinese Embassy in Fiji. The rest were donated by Chinese enterprises operating in Fiji. The supplies are expected to arrive in Tonga by Thursday (January 27). 大部分救援物资通过邻近汤加的中国驻斐济使馆进行筹措,包括饮用水、应急食品、发电机、水泵等。其余物资由在斐济的中资企业捐赠。这批物资预计将于周四抵达汤加。 The Red Cross Society of China【中国红十字会】donated a total of 100,000 US dollars in emergency humanitarian【人道主义的】cash aid to the country last week. 上周,中国红十字会向汤加捐赠了10万美元紧急人道主义现汇援助。 Chinese Foreign Ministry【中国外交部】 spokesperson Zhao Lijian said today (January 24) that China will continue to provide aid to Tonga. 今日(1月24日),中国外交部发言人赵立坚表示,中方将根据灾情与汤方需要,继续为汤方救灾和灾后重建提供援助。 Zhao Lijian Spokesperson, Chinese Foreign Ministry 赵立坚,中国外交部发言人 "China will donate a second batch of relief supplies worth 20 million yuan ($316 million) to Tonga. Second, China will provide Tonga with emergency humanitarian cash assistance." 一是提供第二批价值2000万元人民币的应急救灾物资援助,二是向汤加提供一笔紧急人道主义现汇援助。 Other countries including Japan, Australia and New Zealand have also delivered aid to Tonga. Two New Zealand naval ships were sent to Tonga to provide support yesterday (January 23), carrying fresh water and emergency provisions【供给】. 包括日本、澳大利亚和新西兰在内的其他国家也向汤加提供了援助。昨日(1月23日),两艘新西兰海军救援舰前往汤加,向汤加提供淡水和救援物资。 Over the weekend, Peru declared an environmental emergency as an oil spill caused by freak waves from the volcanic eruption near Tonga reached the coast of the Latin American country. 上周末,秘鲁环境部发表声明,由于发生原油泄露,遭受污染的地区进入环境紧急状态。继汤加发生火山喷发后,秘鲁海岸出现了异常海浪,引发了本次事故。 Peruvians are donating their hair to assist with the cleanup efforts, as hair is believed to soak up spilled oil much faster. 秘鲁民众纷纷献出自己的头发,为油污清理工作贡献一份力量。因为人们认为,头发能更快速地“吸油”。 #热词加油站 authorization[ˌɔːθərəˈzeɪʃn]【授权】 carbon dioxide[ˌkɑːbən daɪˈɒksaɪd]【二氧化碳】 magnolia[mæɡˈnəʊliə]【玉兰】 sustainability[səsˌteɪnəˈbɪlɪti]【可持续性】 humanitarian [hjuˌmænɪˈteriən]【人道主义的】 provisions[prəˈvɪʒ(ə)n]【供给】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~