cover of episode 01/24 TOP NEWS | 老外和人大代谈上海交通/冬奥会火炬传递点位确定/中日虎年迎春展

01/24 TOP NEWS | 老外和人大代谈上海交通/冬奥会火炬传递点位确定/中日虎年迎春展

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每周二至周六11****:30—1430直播放送完整节目**** 每周一至周五16:30精选新闻音频和中英文稿 不见不散哦**** NEWS ON 01/21 1. NEED A RIDE? EXPATS, LAWMAKERS TALK TRANSPORTATION 上海的交通怎么样?听听外国人和人大代表怎么说 2. BEIJING 2022 TORCH RELAY ROUTE ANNOUNCED 冬奥来了!北京冬奥会火炬传递点位确定 3. SH MUSEUM ROADS INTO TEAR OF THE TIGER 虎笑寅年”****,上海博物馆举办中日虎年迎春展 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. NEED A RIDE? EXPATS, LAWMAKERS TALK TRANSPORTATION 上海的交通怎么样?听听外国人和人大代表怎么说 Here's the second installment of our "Question Time for 2022" with a look at some of the most discussed topics at the Shanghai Two Sessions****上海两会. We took to the streets and asked expats about aspects of the city's transportation【交通】 that still bother them. Here's what they had to say. 这是第二期“2022提问时间”,我们将关注一些上海两会讨论最多的话题。我们在路上采访了一些外国人,问问他们这个城市的交通有哪些方面仍然困扰他们。 Shanghai is a big city and getting around the town is an important part of life. Shanghai's transportation system is impressive, moving millions of people around everyday.  上海是一座大城市,在城市里穿梭是生活的重要组成部分。上海的交通系统每天输送数百万人,令人印象深刻。 And in terms of private cars, EVs have become all the rage. I even bought one myself.  说到私家车,电动汽车已经成为风尚。我甚至也给自己买了一辆。 Let's find out what some expats think about getting around the city of Shanghai and see whether they have some suggestions on improvements. 让我们探寻一下外国人怎么看待在上海通勤,看看他们是否有一些改善的建议。 In terms of transport, maybe a lot of more EVs on the street now, charging stations and stuff like that. Do you have any comment on should there be more charging stations or less charging stations? 就交通而言,或许现在的道路上已经有很多电动汽车了,也有充电站等设施。你对增加或减少充电站有什么看法吗? In my opinion, I think EV is the future. So, I would personally love to see more charging stations in fact. 在我看来,电动汽车是未来。所以我个人愿意看到更多的充电站。 I personally would not have a car in Shanghai because I think the subway is so efficient, but I haven't seen any charging posts for electric cars. 我可能不会在上海买汽车,因为我认为地铁效率很高。但是我还没有见过电动汽车的充电桩。 Do you think maybe the subways might close a little bit too early? 你认为地铁结束运营的时间会有点早吗? Some of the subways especially line 2 to airport close at around 10pm. And it would be great if they extend it. 一些地铁线,特别是去机场的2号线,晚上十点就停运了。如果延长运营时间会更好。 Well, now that we've got some input from people on the street. Let's check in with Siqi at the Two Sessions to see what's going on in terms of transportation.  既然我们已经在路上收集到了一些人的意见,让我们联系在两会的记者,看看交通方面正在发生什么。 I got you Stephen, so issue number one, EV charging stations … I know a great person for this. she submitted a suggestion last year on the same issue, let's go to find her. 关于第一个问题,电动汽车充电桩的问题,我知道有一个人可以回答。她是来自上海大学的人大代表,在去年交了一个相同话题的提案。让我们看看她怎么说。 Qin Na Legislator, Shanghai University 秦钠,上海大学人大代表 "Number one, residents have to go through a complicated process to apply for permission to install a charging pole in a residential compound. I suggest newly built residential compounds take this into consideration, and pre-arrange the poles and the space needed. I will keep pushing on this issue because if there are complaints about it year after year, it'll push the government to resolve this." 居民申请在小区安装充电桩,需要经历复杂的程序。我建议新建小区可以考虑这个问题,提前安排充电桩和所需空间。我将持续推进这个议题,因为如果年年都有关于充电桩的抱怨,这个提案将推动政府解决问题。 But that what about the old residential compounds? We have a delegate with social worker from Hongkou, take a listen at what she says. 那么关于老旧小区呢?我们有一位“草根”人大代表,虹口区的社会工作者朱思欢,让我们听听她怎么说。 Zhu Sihuan Legislator, Ouyang Road Subdistrict Administration 朱思欢,欧阳路街道人大代表 "The residential compound asks you to purchase a fixed parking spot before they can agree to install a charging pole for you. But in the old complexes, most people have no fixed parking spots. I suggest communities sign agreements with their residents, and say, yes, we can install the post, but you have to agree to move your car to another spot after charging is done. This has worked in some compounds, and the government should push them forward." 在同意为你安装充电桩之前,小区会要求你购买固定车位。但在很多老小区,大多数人没有固定车位。我建议社区可以和居民签订协议,并且说:“是的,我们可以安装充电桩,但是你需要同意在充完电之后,将你的车移动到其他地方。”这种机制已经在一些小区实行,政府应该推进实施。 And onto issue number 2, pertaining to subway operating hours, I know a delegate that knows some obstacles【障碍】 that lie in this issue, let's go check in with him. 现在说第二个话题,关于地铁运营时间,我知道一位代表了解阻碍这个议题推进的知识,让我们联系他。 Yin Hao Legislator, Changzheng Hospital 殷浩,长征医院人大代表 "Multiple issues have to be considered. First of all, the subway operators have maintenance needs. They also said passengers drop to less than 5% of capacity during extended hours on weekends, except on holidays. This doesn't cover their costs. Given these difficulties, I suggest shopping malls and entertainment venues that are open late provide taxi coupons【优惠券】 in collaboration with ride-share apps. Authorities can also consider shortening the interval of in-demand all-night bus routes." (关于地铁运营时间延长,)很多事情都需要考虑。首先,地铁运营人需要维护地铁。他们也说过,在周末,除了节假日以外,延长时间的乘客数会下降到运营能力的5%一下。这低于运营成本。考虑到这些困难,我建议开门晚的商场和娱乐场所可以与共享交通工具平台合作,提供打车优惠。政府部门也可以考虑缩短必要的通宵公交线的发车间隔时间。 Currently the midnight buses run at 40-minute intervals, which is again not the most convenient. And the idea of improving the midnight public transportation is echoed by Legislator Zhou Yu from Sinopec, here's what she says. 目前,通宵公交的间隔时间为40分钟,这并不是最方便的选择。来自中国石化的人大代表周瑜也提出了改善午夜公共交通的提案。 Zhou Yu Legislator, Sinopec 周瑜,中国石化人大代表 "We could choose a few bus routes or subway lines that traverse Shanghai, like Route 71, and extend their operations overnight." 我们可以选择一些横跨上海的公交线路或地铁线,比如71路公交,来延长它们的运营时间。 Many delegates are also making suggestions on scooters【小型摩托车】, which is again a popular motive transport for the expat community. 许多代表也就摩托车提出了建议,摩托车也是受外国人欢迎的交通工具。 They noticed that some of the people have been charging the scooters in an illegal and unsafe manner. 他们发现一些人的充电方式不合法、不安全。 For example, some of the charging wires fly out of a window to a scooter downstairs outdoors. 例如,一些充电线从窗户出来,连接楼下的电动车。 And some of the residential communities start building these special charging booths for this purpose, and this should also be included in the city's old residential compound renovation projects, and receive financial support. 因此,一些居民区已经开始设置充电桩,这也应该被纳入城市老旧小区改造工程,并且获得财政支持。 2. BEIJING 2022 TORCH RELAY ROUTE ANNOUNCED 冬奥来了!北京冬奥会火炬传递点位确定 Beijing 2022 organizers have unveiled all the landmarks on the route for the upcoming Winter Olympic Torch Relay【冬奥火炬传递】. And Lei Shuran has more. 北京冬奥组委会公布了即将到来的冬奥火炬传递的点位。 Officials of Beijing Organizing Committeefor the 2022 Winter Games【北京冬奥组委会】 said the torch【火炬】 relay would take place from February 2nd to the 4th in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou. 北京冬奥组委副秘书长介绍,北京冬奥会火炬传递将于2月2日至4日,在北京、延庆、张家口三个赛区进行。 The relay will begin at the Beijing Olympic Forest Park【北京奥林匹克森林公园】, featuring about 1,200 torchbearers, of which the oldest is 86 years old, and the youngest is 14 years old. 火炬将在北京奥林匹克森林公园出发,约1200名火炬手参与传递,其中年龄最大的86岁、最小的14岁。 Other than the torchbearers, the relay will also incorporate technologies such as robots and autonomous vehicles. 除此之外,北京冬奥会还将把机器人和自动驾驶等高新技术,融入到火炬传递中。 Zhang Yimou, the chief director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2022 Winter Games, said the opening ceremony will be no longer than 100 minutes, and the goal is to be simple and exciting. 北京冬奥会和冬残奥会开闭幕式总导演张艺谋表示,本届冬奥会的开幕式以“简约、安全、精彩”为创作原则,时长大约100分钟。 Zhang Yimou Director 张艺谋,北京冬奥会开闭幕式总导演 "No more than 3,000 actors will perform at the opening ceremony. Although it's relatively simple, they still need to complete the performance at a big venue. We put the performances into the ceremony, to tell the Chinese story to the world." 我们(开幕式参演人员)大概不到3000人,因为简约,再加上疫情,但是还要完成在这样大的一个场景下的表演,或者说完成它的仪式流程。尤其我们并没有特别设那种专门的板块去表演,而是我们把表演划到仪式当中去,向世界讲好中国故事。 Chang'an Street in downtown Beijing was lit up with red lanterns and Chinese knots last night. 昨夜(1月20日),北京长安街被冬奥主题的大红灯笼和中国结点亮。 UN General Assembly President【联合国大会主席】 Abdulla Shahid confirmed that he will attend the opening ceremony, and also made a solemn appeal for commitment to the Olympic Truce【奥林匹克休战】 during the event. 联合国大会主席阿卜杜拉·沙希德确认出席北京冬奥会开幕式。他在联大全会上郑重呼吁各国在冬奥会期间遵守“奥林匹克休战”传统。 Abdulla Shahid 76th Session of UN General Assembly 阿卜杜拉·沙希德,第76届联合国大会主席 "As president of the General Assembly at its 76th session, I solemnly appeal to all member states to demonstrate their commitment to the Olympic Truce for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022." 作为第76届联合国大会主席,我郑重呼吁联合国所有会员国在北京冬奥会和冬残奥会期间遵守“奥林匹克休战”原则。 The General Assembly adopted a resolution last month to urge UN member states to observe the Olympic Truce from January 27th to March 20th, 2022 -- beginning seven days before the start of the Olympic Winter Games and ending 7 days after the closing of Winter Paralympic Games. 联大于2021年12月2日通过决议,敦促会员国在2022年1月27日至3月20日——北京冬奥会开幕前7日至北京冬残奥会闭幕后7日——遵守“奥林匹克休战”传统。 The Japanese Olympic Committee【日本奥委会】 yesterday announced its delegation to Beijing 2022, 122 athletes will compete in the games, including Yuzuru Hanyu, the two-time Olympic champion figure skater who has ambitions for a third gold medal. 昨日(1月20日),日本奥委会公布了参加冬奥会的代表团名单,122名运动员将参加比赛,其中包括两届奥运会花滑冠军羽生结弦,他将角逐第三块奥运金牌。 3. SH MUSEUM ROADS INTO TEAR OF THE TIGER 虎笑寅年”****,上海博物馆举办中日虎年迎春展 To celebrate the Year of the Tiger and the 50th anniversary of the normalization【正常化】 of China-Japan diplomatic relations, Shanghai Museum is holding an exhibition showing 10 tiger-themed works of art from its collection and some from Kyushu National Museum of Japan【日本九州国立博物馆】. Zhang Hong brings us more. 为迎接壬寅虎年暨中日邦交正常化50周年,上海博物馆联袂日本九州国立博物馆举办“虎笑寅年——中日虎年迎春展”。本次展览共展出10件文物(含线上展品),包括本馆甄选的6件精品文物,以及来自日本九州国立博物馆的4件交流文物。 The gilt carpet weights unearthed in the Western Han Dynasty weigh about 3.6 kilograms. This powerful tiger carpet weight likely belonged to a royal family in ancient China. 西汉鎏金虎镇全器重3600克。这件鎏金虎镇很可能属于中国古代的贵族家庭。 Chu Xin Deputy Director, Exhibition Dept, Shanghai Museum 禇馨,上海博物馆展览部副主任 "In the Western Han Dynasty, these type of carpet weights were common in households. Apart from the tiger, there were also bear or other animals. But this one is quite rare. If you look closely, you'll see a collar with a seashell pattern on its neck. Archaeologists believe it might be a pet-tiger bred by a royal family in the ancient palace." 仔细看的话它的颈部有海贝纹的一个项圈,那么这样的虎镇或者是说像熊或其它动物的镇,在汉代的时候出土的比较多。考古学家认为这些动物是被皇宫的一些贵族所圈养的动物,所以用这样的造型来做席镇在汉代是很流行的。 Liu Sijia Visitor 刘思嘉,参观者 "At the beginning, I thought this carpet weight might oxidize quickly since it was produced in ancient times, but when I finally got to see the color and face of the tiger, I was so amazed by the preservation techniques of our professional experts. It's very meaningful to see this historical artifact." 我本来就想如果它氧化的很厉害的话,有可能已经完全脱色了或有磨损什么的,但是现在看到这个老虎的表情都非常完好,我觉得这样的文物能留存到现在让我们看到是件很有意义的事情。 Other exhibits include this large blue-and-white porcelain【瓷】 dish from Kyushu National Museum of Japan. 其他展品还包括一件来自日本九州国立博物馆的青花虎竹纹大盘。 With a diameter of 40 centimeters, the dish features a huge tiger surrounded by bamboo and rocks. 它的直径约40厘米,盘子中部画有一只大老虎,老虎四周环绕着竹子和岩石。 In Japan, people believe that a tiger should be surrounded by bamboo, which is quite different from Chinese art works. 与中国艺术品不同,在日本,人们认为老虎周围应该环绕着竹子。 Chu Xin Deputy Director, Exhibition Dept, Shanghai Museum 禇馨,上海博物馆展览部副主任 "After Japan learned how to make porcelain in Jingdezhen, they made this dish by themselves in the 19th century. It shows innovation and the influence of Chinese culture." 这件是日本本土自己学习了景德镇的青花工艺之后,在19世纪的时候在志田一个窑口所生产的。所以代表的是日本本土文化的一种创新,但是不管是它老虎的形象也好,还是青花的制作工艺也好,都是受到中国持之以恒的影响。 It is Shanghai Museum's fourth exhibition featuring the Chinese zodiac【中国生肖】 and second consecutive year it cooperated with a museum outside China. 这是上海博物馆第四次举办以生肖为主题的展览,也是其连续第二年与外国博物馆合作举办展览。 Last year, Shanghai Museum partnered with National Museum of Korea to present a special exhibition on the ox. 去年,上海博物馆与韩国国立中央博物馆联手,为观众奉上了牛年生肖文物交流展。 Chen Jie Deputy Director, Shanghai Museum 陈杰,上海博物馆副馆长 "China shared many cultural similarities with Japan and South Korea. So, we hope these zodiac exhibitions further strengthen communication with people elsewhere." 事实上我们可以看出,日本、韩国和中国有很多文化传统的相似性,都属于我们传统的东亚文化圈,所以共同之处很多,通过这样的一个展览也能增进中日两国之间人民文化的相互理解和交流。 The free exhibition will run until February 27th. 此次展览免费对外开放,将持续至2022年2月27日。 Besides, the museum has also unveiled its new cultural products such as pillows, canvas bags, transportation cards, inspired by the tiger image from the venue's key exhibits. 此外,上海博物馆文创中心还从文物中汲取灵感,开发了生肖多功能变形枕、“睡睡平安”帆布包、虎年交通卡等系列文创产品。 #热词加油站 transportation [ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃn]【交通】 obstacle [ˈɒbstəkl]【障碍】 coupon [ˈkuːpɒn]【优惠券】 scooter [ˈskuːtə(r)]【小型摩托车】 torch [tɔːtʃ]【火炬】 normalization [ˌnɔːməlaɪˈzeɪʃən]【正常化】 porcelain [ˈpɔːsəlɪn]【瓷】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟