NEWS ON 01/19 1. SHANGHAI POST TAKES PRECAUTIONS AGAINST OVERSEAS PARCELS 强化防疫措施!上海邮政严防国际邮件传播疫情 2. BEIJING WINTER GAMES COMPETITION SCHEDULE RELEASED 北京2022年冬奥会竞赛日程发布! 3. CHINESE LOGISTICS FIRM BEST EXPRESS RECEIVES NYSE DELISTING NOTICE 股价连续低于标准,百世收到纽交所退市警告 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. SHANGHAI POST TAKES PRECAUTIONS AGAINST OVERSEAS PARCELS 强化防疫措施!上海邮政严防国际邮件传播疫情 The Shanghai Post Administration has recently improved its coronavirus control measures to avoid transmission via overseas parcels. Song Wenjing has the story. 近日,上海邮政部门强化疫情防控措施,坚决防止疫情通过国际寄递渠道传播扩散。 At Shanghai Post Office, employees wearing protective gear were disinfecting【消毒】 a vehicle with overseas packages, which had been earlier disinfected at Pudong airport. 在上海邮政国际邮件互换局,身着防疫服的工作人员正对装有进口邮件的邮车进行消毒。而此前,进口邮件在抵达浦东机场后的第一时间,已进行过专业消毒。 After the vehicle was disinfected, the parcels were unloaded in an isolated area and kept in a warehouse【仓库】 for at least 48 hours. 在车辆消毒完毕后,所有邮件会在隔离区内进行封闭式卸货,之后还要在此静置至少48小时。 Some packages need to be disinfected again and stored for another 24 hours before being sent onward to other provinces. 外省市转关邮件则还要消杀、静置24小时后才发往下一站。 Chen Xin General Manager of Int'I Service, Shanghai Delivery Dept., China Post 陈新,中国邮政集团公司上海市寄递事业部国际业务分公司总经理 “Shanghai Post will implement pandemic protocols for employees and parcels. We will also improve on-site inspections and management measures to prevent the transmission of virus through overseas packages. ”上海邮政将进一步落实“人”、“物”同防的工作,加强现场检查和运行中的管控,确保寄递环节国际邮件的安全。 All employees handling overseas packages have been fully vaccinated, and are tested for the coronavirus every two days. 目前,处理进口邮件的作业人员均已接种新冠疫苗,并且每2天开展1次核酸检测。 2. BEIJING WINTER GAMES COMPETITION SCHEDULE RELEASED 北京2022年冬奥会竞赛日程发布! The Organizing Committee for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games【北京2022冬奥会组委会】 released the schedule of events yesterday, following the approval of the International Olympic Committee【国际奥委会】. The Games include seven sports, 15 disciplines and 109 medal events. Lei Shuran has more. 经国际奥委会批准,北京2022年冬奥会竞赛日程终版昨天(1月18日)发布。本届冬奥会共设7个大项、15个分项和109个小项。 A curling mixed doubles round robin match【冰壶混合双人项目循环赛】 will be the very first event of the Games. It starts on February 2nd, two days before the opening ceremony. The match will feature China versus Switzerland. 根据赛程,冰壶混合双人项目循环赛将于2月2日,也就是开幕式的前两天,率先开赛。在首轮比赛中,中国队将对阵瑞士队。 Six gold medals will be awarded on February 5th, with the winner of the women's cross-country skiathlon【越野滑雪女子双追逐赛】 taking home the first gold medal of the Beijing Olympics. 2月5日将产生6枚金牌,本届冬奥会的首枚金牌将在越野滑雪女子双追逐赛中决出。 The final gold medal will be awarded to the winner of the women's 30k cross country mass start free【越野滑雪女子30公里集体出发项目】, which takes place on February 20th. 2月20日下午开赛的越野滑雪女子30公里集体出发项目,将产生本届冬奥会的最后一枚金牌。 The closing ceremony takes place that night at the National Stadium. 当晚,北京冬奥会将在鸟巢举行闭幕式。 The Winter Olympic and Paralympic Village【冬奥村(冬残奥村)】 are now in a bubble. Some 5,000 workers and volunteers moved into the village. 北京冬奥村冬残奥村已正式启动闭环管理,大约5000名工作人员、志愿者等,会陆续进村闭环工作。 The Beijing Olympic Village will officially open to athletes on January 27th. 1月27日,北京冬奥村将正式开村,迎接参赛的运动员。 The Chinese Embassy in the United States【中国驻美国大使馆】 and the Beijing Organizing Committee held a press conference yesterday. 昨日(1月18日),中国驻美国大使馆举办北京冬奥会媒体吹风会。 Jing Quan, Minister of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, said the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics will play a very important role in promoting exchanges and relations between China and the United States. 中国驻美国大使馆公使井泉表示,即将举行的北京冬奥会将促进中美两国人文交流和两国关系发展。 Yang Shu, an official of the Beijing Organizing Committee, told reporters how they are working to guard against COVID-19 at the Winter Games. 北京冬奥组委对外联络部副部长杨舒,对于在冬奥会期间,中国将如何应对新冠肺炎疫情的挑战进行了说明。 Yang also said that 300 million people across China have now tried at least one winter sport, which will be the Beijing Winter Olympics' biggest legacy【遗产】. 杨舒说,中国将以举办冬奥会为契机,实现“带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”的愿景,这是将北京冬奥会给予世界冰雪运动和奥林匹克运动最为重要的馈赠之一。 3. CHINESE LOGISTICS FIRM BEST EXPRESS RECEIVES NYSE DELISTING NOTICE 股价连续低于标准,百世收到纽交所退市警告 The New York Stock Exchange【纽约证券交易所】 has notified Best【百世集团】, a Chinese supply chain solutions and logistics【物流】 services provider, that it was not in compliance【遵从】 with applicable price criteria in the NYSE's continued listing standards, as its share price has fallen below 1 US dollar for more than 30 trading days in a row. 纽约证券交易所向百世集团发出信函,称百世因为平均收盘价连续30个交易日低于1美元,不符合纽交所持续上市标准中适用的价格标准。 The firm said today that the notification does not affect Best's business operations, and it now has 6 months to get its stock back over the 1 US dollar level during the so-called Cure Period. 百世集团回应称,公司在收到通知后有6个月的时间调整,直至重新符合最低股价要求,该通知不影响其正常经营。 Founded in 2007, Hangzhou-based Best went public in New York in 2017. 2007年,百世集团在杭州成立,2017年在纽约证券交易所上市。 The company's losses widened 1.7 percent in the third quarter of 2021, with a 1.5 percent decline in revenue. 2021年第三季度,百世集团亏损扩大了1.7%,收入下降了1.5%。 #热词加油站 disinfect [ˌdɪsɪnˈfekt]【消毒】 warehouse [ˈwerˌhaʊs]【仓库】 legacy [ˈleɡəsi]【遗产】 logistics [ləˈdʒɪstɪks]【物流】 compliance [kəmˈplaɪəns]【遵从】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~