NEWS ON 01/17 1. PRESIDENT XI JINPING’S VIRTUAL ADDRESS OPENS WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM 达沃斯论坛线上揭幕,习主席发表主题演讲 2.** 2022 SPRING FESTIVAL TRAVEL PEAK BEGINS** 春运开启!首日客流平稳 3. COVAX DELIVERS 1 BLN COVID-19 VACCINES TO COUNTRIES IN NEED 已分发10亿剂疫苗!世卫组织持续推动“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划” -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. PRESIDENT XI JINPING’S VIRTUAL ADDRESS OPENS WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM 达沃斯论坛线上揭幕,习主席发表主题演讲 The 2022 World Economic Forum went into virtual** session****【会议】today (January 17), with an address from Chinese President Xi Jinping via video link from Beijing. President Xi told the economic and business leaders that "countries around the world should uphold****【支持,维护】true multilateralism," and "remove barriers, not erect walls." The President said "We should open up, not close off. We should seek integration, not decoupling. This is the way to build an open world economy." 今日(1月17日),2022世界经济论坛于线上召开,中国国家主席习近平在北京出席该论坛视频会议。习主席表示,“世界各国要坚持真正的多边主义,坚持拆墙而不筑墙、开放而不隔绝、融合而不脱钩,推动构建开放型世界经济,推动经济全球化朝着更加开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的方向发展,让世界经济活力充分迸发出来。” The Davos Agenda 2022 virtual event will run until Friday, with heads of state and government, CEOs and other leaders discussing the critical challenges facing the world today and presenting their ideas on how to address them. This is President Xi’s third time to speak at the forum as a head of state. In a special address to the event via video link in January last year, Xi championed【支持,拥护】multilateralism in resolving the problems confronting the world after the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic. The President also attended the Davos event in 2017 in Switzerland, where he delivered a keynote speech【主题演讲】promoting economic globalization and warning against protectionism. 2022达沃斯线上论坛将持续到周五。在此期间,各国元首和政府首脑、首席执行官和其他领导人将讨论当今世界正面临的严峻挑战,并就如何应对这些挑战提出看法。这也是习近平主席作为国家领导人第三次在此论坛中发表讲话。去年1月的视频演讲中,习近平主席倡导多边主义,并希望通过多边主义来解决后疫情时代世界面临的问题。同时,习近平主席还出席了2017年于瑞士举行的达沃斯活动,并发表了推动经济全球化与反对保护主义的主题演讲。 2. 2022 SPRING FESTIVAL TRAVEL PEAK BEGINS 春运开启!首日客流平稳 The 2022 Spring Festival travel peak began today (January 17) and will last the next 40 days. Transport authorities expect a greater number of travelers this season than 2021. Many opted to leave earlier in expectation of quarantine requirements at their destination. Sun Siqi brings us more. 2022年春运高峰从今天开始,并将持续40天。交通当局预计本季旅客人数将超过2021年的春运旅客数。许多人选择提前离开,尽管预料到在目的地有检疫隔离的要求。 Nationwide, an estimated 1.2 billion trips will be made, up 35.6 percent from last year’s 40-day travel peak. About 23 percent of these trips will be by train. At Shanghai Railway Station, many travelers were departing despite quarantine requirements at home. 在全国范围内,预计将进行12亿次旅行,比去年40天的旅行高峰期增加35.6%。这些旅行中约有23%的旅行将以火车为出行方式。在上海火车站,许多旅客不顾家中的检疫要求而回程。 返乡旅客 “I’ve been out for a whole year, I’d like to go home. I’m fine with quarantine.” 我已经离开了整整一年,我想回家。我对隔离很好。因为上学在外面待了一年了,所以我想回家。我觉得隔离对于我来说还好吧,我可以提前回去隔离。 On the first day of the travel peak, only 170,000 departures were made from Shanghai’s railway stations. Station managers said many had already left. 出行高峰首日,上海火车站仅发车17万人次。车站管理人员说,很多人已经提前离开了。 Deng Yi,** Manager on Duty Shanghai Railway Station 邓毅,铁路上海站值班站长 “We noticed passengers are more spread out throughout the peak, with a smaller daily average. When they come back, however, there could be much bigger crowds.” 我们注意到乘客在整个春节高峰期间客流还是相对散的,日均值较小,而客流主要集中在春节返程期间。 Shanghai Railway Station expects 9 million departures, up 66 percent from last year. An estimated 50 million train trips will be made across the Yangtze Delta Region. At Hongqiao Airport, China Eastern Airlines had 20 percent fewer flights and passengers compared to the same time last year as a result of emerging cases in some parts of the country. 上海火车站预计发车人数将达到900万人次,比去年增长66%。预计长三角地区将有5000万趟火车出行。在虹桥机场,由于部分地区出现新冠新病例,中国东方航空公司的航班和乘客数量比去年同期减少了 20%。 Xu Shengxin, Deputy GM Hongqiao Customer Service Center,China Eastern 徐晟欣,东航虹桥旅客服务中心副总经理 “Pandemic requirements are changing daily, and different cities ask for different things.” 各地防疫形势时时刻刻都在变,变化非常快,而且各地的政策也有不尽相同的地方。 Airlines expect the majority of travelers to fly between January 25th and 29th. Transport authorities said they are checking on violations【违规】where a bus driver picks up additional passengers outside the terminal. All passengers are required to purchase a ticket with their residential ID and board at the terminal, where their baggage is scanned and health codes checked. 14 of 20 passengers on a bus bound for Baoying in Jiangsu Province didn’t have proper tickets. The driver was fined earlier today for picking up 4 passengers from the street. 航空公司预计大多数旅客将在 1 月 25 日至 29 日之间出行。交通当局表示,他们正在检查巴士司机在航站楼外接载其他乘客的违规行为。所有乘客都必须使用居民身份证购买机票,并且在航站楼登机时,需要扫描行李并检查健康码。开往江苏省宝应的公交车上,20名乘客中有14名没有正规的车票。司机今天早些时候因从街上另接4名乘客而被罚款。 Wang Xufeng, Law Enforcement Team Shanghai Transportation Commission 王旭峰,上海市交通委执法总队、新闻发言人 “It’s a violation of the Anti-Terrorism Law【反恐法】, so bus operators will face fines between 100,000 and 500,000 yuan(roughly between 15,000 and 80,000 dollar).” 这违反了《反恐法》,一旦查实未履行实名制查验的行为,我们将对经营者按照处以十万到五十万元的罚款。 In Beijing, a Capitol Airport spokesperson said close to 3.8 million departures and arrivals are expected this travel season. Travelers arriving in the capital are required to present a negative nucleic acid test result within 48 hours and a green health code. 北京首都机场发言人表示,预计本旅游旺季将有近380万人次出入境。抵达首都的旅客必须在48小时内出示阴性核酸检测结果和绿色健康码 3. COVAX DELIVERS 1 BLN COVID-19 VACCINES TO COUNTRIES IN NEED 已分发10亿剂疫苗!世卫组织持续推动**“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”** The World Health Organization said yesterday that a total of 1 billion vaccines have been delivered to 144 countries and regions in the world through COVAX【新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划】, an international COVID-19 vaccine initiative launched by the WHO. 昨天(1月16日)世界卫生组织宣布,已通过"新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划"向全球144个国家和地区分发10亿剂新冠疫苗。 Two Chinese vaccines, Sinopharm【中国国药】and Sinovac【科兴】, account for nearly 20 percent of the vaccines delivered through COVAX. The COVAX initiative aims to provide innovative and equitable**【公正的】**access to COVID-19 diagnostics, treatments and vaccines. The initiative is the largest vaccine procurement and supply operation in history. 在分发的疫苗中,中国国药和科兴疫苗的交付量达到近五分之一。“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”是历史上规模最大的疫苗采购与分发行动,旨在通过创新与公平的途径提供新冠肺炎疫情的诊断、治疗、疫苗分发服务。 #热词加油站 session [ˈseʃ(ə)n]【会议】 uphold [ʌpˈhoʊld]【支持,维护】 violation [ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]【违规】 champion [ˈtʃæmpiən]【支持,拥护】 equitable[ˈekwɪtəb(ə)l]【公正的】 pharmaceutical [ˌfɑrməˈsutɪk(ə)l]【制药的】 keynote speech【主题演讲】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~