cover of episode 01/11 TOP NEWS丨上海助力冬奥/德约科维奇签证门/年味满申城

01/11 TOP NEWS丨上海助力冬奥/德约科维奇签证门/年味满申城

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NEWS ON 01/10 1. SHANGHAI HELPS WITH BEIJING WINTER GAMES上海助力北京冬奥会2. RESIDENTS PREPARE FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR*年味满申城,转眼春节到!3. DJOKOVIC’S AUSTRALIAN VISA CANCELLATION OVERTURNED反转来了? 德约科维奇能否参加澳网仍是未知数* -----------------转 · 评 · 赞 ----------------- SHANGHAI HELPS WITH BEIJING WINTER GAMES 上海助力北京冬奥会 The Beijing Winter Olympics will include some Shanghai flair as athletes from the city will compete for glory against the world’s best, while other Shanghai residents quietly take part behind the scenes. 北京冬奥会脚步日益临近,上海始终在为冬奥会贡献自己的力量。除了派出运动员、裁判员等直接参与冬奥之外,上海市民也在用行动默默支持冰雪运动。 Shanghai sports officials said today that over 30 judges, technical officials and medical personnel from Shanghai are expected to play their part during the Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Four athletes from Shanghai are training as members of China’s bobsleigh team【中国雪车国家队】. 根据赛事安排,上海预计会有30多名裁判、技术官员、科学医疗保障人员等直接参与冬奥会和冬残奥会。上海还有4名运动员正在参与国家雪车集训队的训练。  Su Qingming, Shanghai Administration of Sports 苏清明/上海市体育局备战办冬季项目组组长 “Ying Qing will compete in women’s monobob【女子单人雪车】or two-woman bobsleigh. Shao Yijun, Liu Wei and Zhen Heng will compete in the two-man and four-man bobsleigh events.”应清是女子单人雪车或者女子双人雪车,邵奕俊、刘蔚和甄恒参加男子双人雪车、男子四人雪车。 Shanghai Minting Corporation has produced the Olympic medals【奥运奖牌】. And more than 1,200 woolen【绒线】flower bouquets【花束】that will be presented to athletes are being knitted by people in Shanghai. Sports authorities say over 30 winter sports events have been organized in the city and the association wants to encourage more residents to try winter sports. 此外,上海造币有限公司历时16个月,生产北京冬奥会和冬残奥会奖牌,冬奥会颁奖用的1200多束绒耀之花也是由上海提供。从北京冬奥会倒计时100天起,上海安排了30多项活动赛事,带动更多市民参与冰雪运动。 Yan Jiadong, Chairman Shanghai Ice & Snow Sports Association 严家栋 上海市冰雪运动协会会长 “We want to use the Winter Olympics as an opportunity to attract 1 million visits to winter sports venues.”以迎接北京冬奥会为契机,我们计划带动百万人次嬉冰玩雪。 An estimated 2.8 million people in Shanghai tried a sport played on snow or ice last year, 800,000 more than 2020. 据统计,去年(2021)共有约280万人次参与冰雪运动,较2020年增加40%。 RESIDENTS PREPARE FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR 年味满城,转眼春节到! As the Year of the Tiger approaches, a number of tiger-related decorations are selling well in advance of the holiday. The tiger is a traditional symbol of good luck and vigor**【元气】**in Chinese culture. 农历虎年即将到来,各式“虎”饰品成了抢手年货。在中国传统文化中,“虎” 代表着幸运和奋发向上的精神。 At Chenghuang Temple in Shanghai, many came to shop for Chinese New Year decorations over the weekend, such as tiger dolls and hangings挂件】, as well as tiger lanterns. 周末,上海的城隍庙游人如织。许多人都来采买年货,装饰新春。不论是虎头虎脑的玩偶、挂件还是老虎灯笼都是很受欢迎。 **OWNER/**店主 People are buying traditional handicrafts like these tiger decorations. 像那些龙狮虎(装饰)比较传统一点的布艺的,大家特别喜欢。 In shopping malls, jewelry, pendants and ornaments with tiger elements are also popular. A retail salesperson said that a single counter can sell dozens of pieces a day. 在一些商场,带有“虎”元素的珠宝首饰也备受青睐。一位零售业者表示,单单一个柜台每天就能销售几十件饰品。 **Resident/市民 “I would like to buy tiger pendants in the hope that my family will be safe and sound during the Year of the Tiger.”虎年很吉祥,也会买点平安扣让他们(家人)平平安安的。 Suburban【郊区的】trips have become the first choice for many families in Shanghai for the New Year holiday. On Chongming Island, many B&B【民宿】operators said that all of their rooms were already booked for the Spring Festival. 郊区游也是许多上海家庭的春节度假首选。在崇明岛,许多民宿店家都表示春节房房源已然告罄。 Chen Xiaoli, Chongming B&B Operator 陈小丽/**崇明区久居民宿管家 “Our rooms are only available on the first day of the New Year holiday, all the other time slots were booked two or three months in advance.”寒假的话我们都是已经订满了。过年的话现在只有初一有房间了,提前两三个月都已经订了。 Peng Jian, Chongming B&B Operator  彭践 / 崇明区海岛人家民宿主人 “Our 33 rooms are fully booked, mostly for family trips. ”33个房间全部预订满了。大部分以家庭出游、大家庭为主。 Some B&B operators are also trying to offer more activities to attract guests, such as setting up sports zones, or inviting traditional culinary artisans to make Chongming rice cakes in their kitchens. 为了吸引客人,一些民宿店家还尝试推出各类特色活动。比如开辟运动区,或是邀请一些制作传统美食的匠人到民宿为客人烹制崇明糕。 DJOKOVIC’S AUSTRALIAN VISA CANCELLATION OVERTURNED 反转来了? 德约科维奇能否参加澳网仍是未知数 Tennis star Novak Djokovic can remain in Australia to play in the Australian Open after the Federal Court overturned the government’s decision to cancel his visa. Djokovic had his visa canceled last week when Australian border officials【边检】at Melbourne Airport ruled that he did Not meet the criteria to be allowed into the country. 今天(1月10日)澳大利亚联邦法庭裁定,撤销澳大利亚政府取消德约科维奇签证的决定。网球巨星德约科维奇被获准入境,为澳网做准备。据报道,德约科维奇于上周,在墨尔本机场,因不符合入境防疫要求而被澳方边检通知取消签证。 After four nights in an Australian immigration detention hotel, Djokovic got his day in court today in a deportation hearing. The Australian government today claimed that Australia had announced the vaccination requirements in advance, but the Australian Open chief said the information was confusing. 今天上午(1月10日),德约科维奇前往法庭出席听证会。此前,他已经在澳洲移民署辖下的隔离旅店度过了四晚。澳大利亚政府今天声称早已明确告知了最新防疫要求,而澳网方面则表示得到的信息相当混乱。 Scott Morrison Australian Prime Minister 莫里森/澳大利亚总理 “But in relation to the government, our government, the Federal Government’s advice to Tennis Australia, that was set out very clearly in November. And I read the extract from this very podium. It could not be more clear.”联邦政府在去年11月就已经告知澳网方面相关(防疫)政策。这是再清楚不过的事。 Craig Tiley, Director Australian Open Tournament 泰利/澳网赛事总监 “Well, we’re not going to lay the blame on【归咎于】anyone. All I can say that primarily because there’s much conflict and information, much contradictory information the whole time. Every single week we were talking to Home Affairs.”我不想指责任何人。但我们收到的信息有太多的冲突和矛盾。我们每周都在和内政部保持联系。 Federal Circuit Court Judge Anthony Kelly based the ruling on the fact that the government’s decision to cancel Djokovic’s visa after his arrival in Melbourne last Wednesday was given with insufficient notice. Kelly ordered the release of Djokovic from detention no more than 30 minutes after the ruling. Djokovic had his visa canceled after arriving at Melbourne airport last week when Australian border officials ruled that he didn’t meet the criteria for an exemption to an entry requirement that mandates all non-Australian citizens be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Djokovic’s mother said that the conditions in the isolation hotel are worse than a prison. 联邦巡回法庭法官认为撤销德约科维奇签证的程序不正确,因此裁决撤销令无效。澳大利亚政府必须在裁决做出的半小时内,解除对德约科维奇的拘留。上周,德约科维奇抵达墨尔本机场后被告知,因未能按澳方防疫要求提供新冠疫苗接种证明,而支持他入境签证的"医学豁免"也无正当理由,因此他的签证被撤销,并随后被转移到这家收容难民的旅店暂住。德约科维奇的母亲控诉,隔离旅店的条件连监狱都不如。 Dijana Djokovic, Djokovic’s Mother 迪亚娜/德约科维奇的母亲 Even in a real prison, prisoners get three meals a day, and they are also let out for a walk, and he can’t even do that. He is just staring at some wall. There is no real window.犯人们还可以出去散散步。但德约科维奇却做不到,他只能看着墙壁。房间里连扇真正的窗户都没有。 Despite the tennis star’s successful appeal, it remains unclear if he would be permitted to defend his title at the upcoming Australian Open. 虽然德约科维奇已经“重获自由”,但由于澳政府仍保留将其驱逐的权利,这位世界冠军是否能够成功卫冕还是一个未知数。 #热词加油站# bobsleigh /ˈbɒbsleɪ/【雪车】(双人项目使用) monobob【雪车】(单人项目使用) Olympic medals【奥运奖牌】 woolen /‘wʊlɪn/【毛线的】 bouquets /buˈkeɪ/【花束】 vigor /ˈvɪgə/【元气】 hanging /ˈhæŋɪŋ/【挂件】 Suburban /səˈbɜːbən/【郊区的】 B&B【民宿】 border officials【边检】 lay the blame on【归咎于】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放精品大咖访谈 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~