Mindfulness Meditation Podcast

The Rubin Museum of Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Eac


Total: 453

Theme: Balance Artwork: Pair of Cymbals; Mongolia; 18th–19th century; metal alloy, silk; Rubin Museu

Theme: Balance Artwork: Manjushri Namasangiti; Tibet; 19th century; metal alloy; Rubin Museum of Art

Theme: BalanceArtwork: Buddha Vajradhara; Nepal; 14th century; gilt copper alloy with inlays of semi

Theme: Balance Artwork: Pelden Lhamo Dusolma; Bhutan; 19th century; pigments on cloth; Rubin Museum

Theme: Reimagine Artwork: Vajravarahi; Tibet; 19th century; embroidery on silk; Rubin Museum of Art;

Theme: Reimagine Artwork: Red Avalokiteshvara; Tibet; 19th century; pigments on cloth; Rubin Museum

Theme: Reimagine Artwork: Buddha Shakyamuni; Swat; 8th century; bronze; Rubin Museum of Art; C2006.7

Theme: Reimagine Artwork: Padmasambhava (Following A Set Of The Great Adepts Designed By Situ Panche

Theme: ReawakenArtwork: Pratisara, One of the Five Protector Goddesses; Central Tibet, possibly Dens

Theme: Reawaken Artwork: Green Tara; Tibet; 13th century; brass with inlays of silver; Rubin Museum

Theme: Reawaken Artwork: Sherab Chamma, “Loving Mother Of Wisdom”; Tibet; 19th century; pigments on

Theme: Reawaken Artwork: Tibetan Shrine Cabinet (Chosham); New York, New York; 2012-2013; Wood, pigm

Theme: Love Artwork: Maitreya (or Buddha Shakyamuni); Tibet; 14th century; brass with copper alloy,

Theme: Love Artwork: Five-prong Bell & Dorje Set; Probable Urga or Dolonor (Mongolia); ca. late

Theme: Love Artwork: Yogini Nairatmya; Tibet; 17th century; gilt copper alloy, gems, and pigment; gi

Theme: Love Artwork: Buddha Shakyamuni; Northwestern Nepal, Khasa Malls rule; 13th -14th century; Gl

Theme: Love Artwork: Buddha Ratnasambhava, Central Tibet, 13th century, Brass with traces of pigment

Theme: New Beginnings Artwork: Shezad Dawood (b. 1974, London); Wrathful Activity, Fierce Energy; 20

Theme: New BeginningsArtwork: Ganesha; India, Madhya Pradesh; 11th century; sandstone; Rubin Museum

Theme: New BeginningsArtwork: Hand-held Drum (Damaru); Tibet; date unknown; human bone, semi-preciou