cover of episode In My Skin

In My Skin

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《切肤之痛》是一部小成本的英剧,在刚刚落幕的BAFTA上荣获最佳剧集、最佳剧本,可谓当之无愧。这部剧由威尔士编剧、演员凯丽·卢安林根据自己在威尔士长大的经历写就。16岁少女Bethan的家有点特殊,母亲患有严重的双向情感障碍,父亲是酒鬼,对母亲常常拳打脚踢。但对这一切,Bethan都极力向同学好友隐瞒……灰色的少女成长录,有点像《伦敦生活》遇见《鱼缸》。本期含重大剧透,请慎重收听。Spoiler Alert! In My Skin is a coming-of-age story about a Welsh girl Bethan as she explores the mirth and misery of an unusual girlhood - her mother has bipolar disorder and her dad is an abusive alcoholic. This show stole my heart with its second season. I talk about its creator Kayleigh Lleweylln, how her talent reminds me of Phoebe Waller-bridge, and how she pulls heart and soul into this show which is based on her upbringing. I was crying my eyes out watching the tragedy unfolding for Bathan, but also was so touched by how she manages to fight back and build her own life. Its leading actor Gabrielle Creevy is going to have her time in the near future - mark my words!And cannot wait for Kayleigh's future works.MusicIn My Skin (Music from the BBC programme) by Nick Forster / Oli JulianReferencesPodcast - Griefcast ep 9Podcast - Cascade Talks with 'In My Skin' writer, Kayleigh LlewellynBFI interview - Kayleigh Llewellyn: How I made it as TV screenwriterMy telegram channel @MinchesterReview