cover of episode 383: Net Worth Of $1.8M - Mining for Millions

383: Net Worth Of $1.8M - Mining for Millions

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Millionaires Unveiled

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jay Matteson
Zach: 我坚信理财规划的重要性,将个人财务视为一项持续经营的业务至关重要。从14岁开始,我就开始投资Roth IRA,并一直坚持最大限度地投入。积极偿还债务,例如抵押贷款,可以带来财务自由和安心。设定明确的财务目标并制定计划,包括短期、中期和长期目标。我将个人理财视为一项生意,所有财务决策都基于长期的财务成功。 我目前拥有超过180万美元的净资产,其中大部分投资于税收优惠账户,例如401k和Roth IRA。我的目标是在45岁时拥有300万美元以上的投资资产(不包括房产),以便能够提前退休或减少工作量。 我积极偿还抵押贷款,并在一年多前就已还清。虽然这可能意味着我错过了投资这些资金的机会,但我认为财务上的安心感和灵活性更重要。 我的职业生涯始于矿业,这是一个高薪且稳定的行业。我从环境科学专业毕业,并从事矿山恢复和关闭工作,这项工作具有挑战性且多样化。我热爱我的工作,但我也希望将来能够减少工作量,拥有更多的时间陪伴家人。 Jay Matteson: 本期节目邀请到Zach,一位在矿业工作的百万富翁,分享他的理财经验和职业规划。Zach的理财策略包括尽早投资、持续投资税收优惠账户、积极还清债务、设定明确的财务目标以及将个人理财视为一项生意。Zach还分享了他从环境科学专业毕业后进入矿业工作的职业道路,以及他对矿业未来发展前景的看法。

Deep Dive

Zach discusses his early start in investing at age 14, his consistent contributions to tax-advantaged accounts, and his journey to financial independence.
  • Started contributing to a Roth IRA at 14
  • Consistently maxed out contributions since getting a full-time job
  • Aggressively paid off mortgage to achieve financial freedom

Shownotes Transcript


Zach is in his early 30's. He works in the mining industry and has a net worth of over $1.8 million, with a significant portion in tax-advantaged accounts. He started contributing to a Roth IRA at the age of 14 and has been maxing out his contributions ever since. Zachary has aggressively paid off his home mortgage and now owns his home outright. He has a goal of reaching $3 million in invested assets outside of his primary residence by the age of 45. Zachary emphasizes the importance of being intentional with money and treating personal finances like a business.


*Start investing early and contribute consistently to tax-advantaged accounts like a Roth IRA. *Aggressively pay off debt, such as a mortgage, to achieve financial freedom and peace of mind. *Set clear financial goals and create a plan to achieve them, considering short-term, mid-term, and long-term needs. *Be intentional with money and treat personal finances like a business, making decisions based on long-term financial success. *Consider opportunities in industries like mining, which offer good careers and salaries, and are essential for the global economy.

Sound Bites

"Start investing early and contribute consistently." "Aggressively pay off debt for financial freedom." "Set clear financial goals and create a plan."