Everybody doesn't have an MBA from Wharton, right? Everyone doesn't go on to accomplish the things that you accomplish. And I like to think that it was that determination not to give up and to keep going. I have done over $25 billion of transactions in mergers and acquisitions in the insurance industry.
So I have worked and I've sold one company to Warren Buffett. I have been blessed by taking many insurance companies public. I go from homeless shelter to ringing the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange. I know that my life is a result of not believing in any limits of any of your circumstances.
Welcome to Mick Unplugged, where we ignite potential and fuel purpose. Get ready for raw insights, bold moves, and game-changing conversations. Buckle up. Here's Mick.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another exciting episode of Make Unplugged. And today we have an extraordinary guest who is an author, business executive, financial advisor, and founder of Grace Capital Global. Her inspiring journey from homelessness to millionaire status, combined with her passion for conquering the world's mountains, makes her story truly remarkable. Please help me welcome the resilient, the accomplished, the inspirational, the motivating,
Ms. Grace Vandercruz. Queen Grace, how are you doing today?
Oh, King, I'm doing great. I am so pleased to be here. Thank you for what you're doing in the universe. No, thank you so much. I mean, you know, there's so much in so many places I want to go with you and your story, but I want to start with kind of what I led into in the intro from homelessness to millionaire status. Walk us through that journey a little bit. Like, how did Queen Grace get to Queen Grace status?
Interesting. And, you know, there is an African proverb that I love, and it says, wherever the stream flows, it never forgets its source. And I am standing on the giant shoulders of my grandmother, Hager Delft, who had nine biological children in a small country in South America, Guyana. But in spite of her limited resources, she and my granddad had room in their hearts to adopt five young sisters who lost their moms.
So my grandmother raised 14 children. And as a result, I'm one of 52 grandchildren. Yes. Family reunions are crazy. But as we speak here today, Mike, I can assure you that I was her favorite. See, I knew I was my grandmother's favorite because she had
I had very little schooling and she told me that she learned to read and write from reading the King James Version of the Bible. She would hold my hands, look in my eyes and say, "Grace, you have lengthened my years and you have blessed my eyesight." And so I felt love from a very early age and her most treasured words to me were, "Believe beyond your limits."
I could not appreciate what believe beyond your limits mean. But as I live life, I go from homeless shelter to ringing the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange. As I sit on five corporate boards and I run an advisory firm advising on mergers and acquisitions,
I know that my life is a result of not believing in any limits of any of your circumstances. My grandmother believed that you could not plan your goals, vision and dreams looking at your current circumstances.
that your current circumstances cannot contain the human potential buried within you. And so I'm grateful for her presence. I bring and honor her indomitable spirit wherever I am. So I think we have to begin there. I could not bring justice to my life without beginning and honoring her.
But going to my story of being homeless, I've been very blessed by having parents who focused on education. They were immigrant parents that came to the United States. I was 14 years old. I went to Tilden High School in Brooklyn, New York. And Tilden High School is the same high school where both Al Sharpton and Larry King went to.
And so I assimilated, adjusted into Tilden High School. But what was amazing for me was my first day of high school, they tested me. And after a day long of taking all kinds of tests, the counselor came out of reviewing the results. And she said, look, I recommend you major in either one of two things.
either accounting or Spanish. So I was puzzled by both of them because very little, I didn't do any of the work, any of the testing in Spanish, number one, but I knew some Spanish. But accounting, I didn't know what accounting was. So I took accounting. I was always attracted to complex learning and I had an enormous intellectual curiosity. So I took accounting.
And Mike, it was easy as breathing for me in high school. I love accounting. I just excelled. And the head of my accounting at Pace University, the accounting department was also an adjunct professor at Pace University in New York City. So I went to Pace University.
And so here I was pursuing my dreams and I was commuting back and forth from Manhattan Pace University to Brooklyn, New York, where my apartment with my family. Now, just to give you a bit of background, more of my family. I'm second oldest of seven. So when my parents came to the United States, they brought a family of nine.
And they came with big visions and dreams. And because my mom had such a big family with my grandmother and all the cousins and uncles, we had a lot of support when we arrived in the United States because many of them were already here. And we were like the last of the remaining key family members to come. So there we were in Brooklyn. Everyone was pursuing their education.
And between my second and third year, I'm going back and forth as a student, I came home in the summer on June 5th. And I looked as I turned my street to get to my apartment. I saw the amount, the level of chaos I never knew existed. Fire trucks, fire police, smoke, everything. And as I got closer,
The reality set in. I saw the shocking scene that that chaos came from the place that I live. I met my mom outside. She was she helped some of my siblings hands. And I'm like, what's going on? What's going on? And she said very calmly, can't you see we had a fire?
And as the evening rolled on, the reality of that day set in that every single piece of clothing item, memories that we consider near and dear were up in flames. And when my dad arrived, he heard all of the suggestions that everyone had for us, which was the Salvation Army, the Red Cross.
family and friends, they said, "Look, you're a family of nine. Why don't you split up into twos and threes until you get yourself together? Then you come back as a family." But my late dad who was standing there and he always reminded us that the saddest day of his life was when he was orphaned at the age of eight and he was separated from his two brothers.
And he said that was the saddest and most difficult and painful time of him, the separation. And he said, there is no way we are going to separate. So in the midst of the ashes, there he was resolute that as a family, we will stay together. And the only place in New York City that we can sought refuge as a family of nine and be together was a New York City homeless shelter.
So a day that began with me literally skipping to school, taking summer classes, ended with me walking into a homeless shelter with my other family members. And I distinctly remembered that my mom had asked me to go back and see what I can salvage from the fire.
And it shocked me that what wasn't destroyed by fire was destroyed by water, was destroyed by smoke. And I could salvage very little. And whatever I salvaged fit in a 13-gallon trash bag with lots of room to spare. So there we were, walking into home and shelter. That's so touching. So amazing.
I mean, you know, and to know that that was the start and the catalyst, you know, like on the podcast, we talk about your because and finding your because and using your because to fuel you. Right. That thing that's deeper than your why. I'd have to think that at that moment in time, Grace, you started really understanding and connecting with your because. Right. Yes.
Yes. You know, what's amazing about tragedies that hit us suddenly is that in the midst of the ashes, there's a gift.
And we just have to find it. And the gift is within us. The gift is what we believe in ourselves. The gift is not the fire so much outside of us, but the fire within. What did this ignite within me? And what it ignited was the fact that my grandmother's words of believe beyond your limits, that while I was in that homeless shelter, that shelter was not within me.
There was nothing in that shelter that resonated with me. I knew instinctively that this was a temporary position.
And what I also knew is that the superpower I had in my hand was that I was pursuing a college degree and my education was going to be the bridge out of poverty. It was going to be the bridge out of the homeless shelter and the bridge to a much brighter future.
So what I did was I went to my campus and I asked them to take that I should take the maximum amount of course load I can possibly take for my fall semester so that I can spend the least amount of time in the shelter and the most amount of time in an environment that fostered that growth and fostered my goals, visions and my dreams. And so that's what I did. Wow.
So one of the things I always remind everyone, you know, when I go to high schools and I go to women's shelter and I go to people, you know, we are all looking for the next level. We're all looking for the next best version of ourselves. And we're all looking to see how can a situation that's
that is almost seems designed to bury me. How can I resurrect myself in a brand new positive light because of the situation? And one of the things I always remind them is that in your situation is a gift.
And the gift is that it allows you to look around and see what resonates and doesn't resonate with me. And for me, just about everything in that situation did not resonate with me.
I knew my grandmother's words that says, look beyond your circumstances and your limits and believe in yourself and believe in the greatness and the masterpiece that God has designed in your life. Just look into that. So when I looked into that, I saw that the gift this gave me was almost like a jolting motivation, right?
to double down and triple down on my education and what I could do. And when I look back at the arc of my life, what is the most important?
amazing and fascinating thing is that not only did I meet my goals and meet my visions, I exceeded them. And I exceeded them in a way that even my grandmother and my mom and my parents could not possibly imagine. And this is why I wake up with a
smile on my face in a celebration every day because I said, look, if I've come from where I've come from to be standing where I am, my goodness, I can't imagine what my next day is gonna be like, what my next moment is gonna be like, because we're living in a field of possibilities and dreams.
And I'm just here to encourage everyone, look beyond your current circumstances. You're going to get to your goal. You know, I feel...
That motivation and inspiration that I told the listeners and viewers that you were going to bring. I mean, you're hitting it all right there, Queen Grace. And you hit on education. And, you know, I know Queen Grace isn't going to brag, but, you know, everybody doesn't have an MBA from Wharton. Right. Everyone doesn't go on to accomplish the things that you accomplish. And I like to think that it was that determination not to give up and to keep going.
Right. Because even when even when the tides turn to the positive, we still are going to get faced with obstacles and challenges. Right. The path to success is never easy. And so I'd love for you to talk to the listeners and viewers about that. Just the importance of continuing to strive when challenges are going to come. And then if you have an example of what you had to overcome when the tide did turn. Right. What is that like for you?
Sure. So while everyone doesn't have to, doesn't have an education from the Wharton Business School, I know that a lot of
listeners, hearing the sound of my voice, probably have a PhD in life and in common sense. You've got a PhD in hard knocks. You've got a PhD in blood, sweat, and tears. You know what it is to work and thrive and have circumstances that no one would believe that you have to know where do I get my next step? Where do I find the energy to move on?
And King Mike, I'm here to tell you that one of the things I've learned is by climbing mountains. I'm a mountaineer and I've climbed over 25 mountain peaks on three continents, including Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Europe. I climbed Everest, not once but twice, to Camp One. So I've done some mountain climbing. And one of the things I've
I know about life. It's like climbing a mountain. It seems impossible. You are stepping on what seems impossible on a daily basis. And one of the things mountaineers do is that you know that you have a lot of plans and you plan it with precision and you have a team, but you have to be prepared at being disrupted at each and every step.
Yes, yes, you make your steps, but you can be disrupted. And one of the themes that I bring to my life is what I learned climbing Kilimanjaro. The guides would say to us all the time, poli poli. Poli poli is Swahili for step by step. But the deeper meaning is plan your steps carefully. Take your steps with precision.
and by all means, keep stepping. You see, the guides knew that when storms and avalanches and illness and death comes on a mountain,
It can shake you to the core. It can detour your steps. But there's no way you can get from the base to the summit if you don't poli-poli your way through life. I'm here to encourage you to poli-poli, to step and step and step and step because your next best version of yourself is in your next step.
And many times, if you look at the overall picture, you're going to faint. You're going to be overwhelmed with the magnitude of the gold.
It's not about that. It's to focus on your next step. And by all means, make your next step the very best step. That's amazing. That's like I'm going to have to take that and put that into my vernacular, like the Swahili word for next step. Keep stepping like that's amazing and so profound in everything that you do. And so now I want you to be able to brag a little bit more because I know it's not in you to brag.
Grace Global Capital. It's powerful. I'd love for you to tell the listeners and viewers a little bit about what it is that you're doing, the magnitude of what it means. Because again, just like everyone doesn't go to Wharton, everyone doesn't have a global capital management firm either. And you're amazing at that.
Oh, that's wonderful. So because I know that I live a life of miracles, Grace Global Capital is an example of living it every day. So I have done over $25 billion of transactions in mergers and acquisitions in the insurance industry. And basically, simplistically, what that means is
is that there are many insurance companies in the United States. Many of them are looking to grow, and the fastest way for them to grow is to combine themselves with another company to get that growth.
So I have worked and I've sold one company to Warren Buffett. I have been blessed by taking many insurance companies public and work with them. And one of the reasons I tell my clients all the time I'm the proudest advisor to them is because I'm not just another investment banker coming in to advise them.
I'm a person that understands what it's like to live without insurance.
I come in as a proud advisor advocating for their products, knowing that insurance is one of the key ways to not only build wealth, but to lift a generation out of poverty. It is a key financial pillar. So I'm a proud advocate for the insurance industry because I believe in families staying together healthy and safe.
I believe that we're here to be generational breakers. We are not going to carry any legacy that is negative or poverty-ridden into our future, that we're going to be the first millionaires, billionaires, and trillionaires in our societies. And because we are so important in what we do in the world,
Insurance is pivotal to that. So in addition to helping insurance companies, I also started working on developing masterclasses for financial literacy and financial empowerment. And I have written a book called Homeless to Millionaires, Six Financial Pillars to Uplift Your Financial Abundance.
And I wrote this in honor of my grandmother. I wrote it as if she was sitting next to me. I wanted something very simple, non-intimidating, step-by-step.
Poli Poli in climbing your financial abundance journey. And not only did I write the book, but I have hours of masterclasses, video classes where I share story after story, lessons after lessons, tool after tool to help you uplift to your financial abundance.
You know what I'm going to do, Queen Grace, and this just hit me and everybody that's listening to my podcast knows I've never done this before. So you can go research it. This will be the first time I've done this. I want to purchase 20 copies of the book and I want to purchase them for the first 20 listeners or viewers.
That message me financial abundance. If you message me financial abundance and I don't care, you can message me if you have my email, if you follow me on Instagram, follow me on LinkedIn, message me financial abundance. The first 20 people I am going to give you, I'm going to buy the 20, but I'm going to give them to the listeners because this is so important.
This book is game changing because it literally does give you step by step with things that you need to do. And here's what here's what I'm going to tell people is you all know me. I don't believe that you can have a blueprint for everything. Right. You're going to face challenges and you're going to go through the six pillars that the Queen Grace gives you. And you're going to say, oh, well, I can't do that. Well, she did. And you're going to get the pillar number three and in step three and say, oh, well, I can't do that.
But she did. And so she's literally giving you step by step the things that you need to start incorporating. And it doesn't happen overnight. And I think that's where people get misguided is because they want instant results. They want things to happen in 30 days, 60 days. It doesn't happen that way, but it's going to happen in your time. Most importantly, it's going to happen on time. So again, the first 20 people that messaged me, financial abundance, and I don't care where you messaged me.
You will get a book from me, from Grace. How about that, Queen Grace? Oh, that is fantastic. This is a gift that they will cherish. This gift will be understood by your children, your grandchildren. You know, the next generation is cross-generational. And I think this book is life-changing.
and generational changing book. It is a groundbreaking book and the first of its kind to really give you the most simplest. There's 140 resources in the book. And so, I mean, I...
spoke into my book. I literally, because I was a lot of traveling, I do, and I recorded my book and I spoke into my book as if you were right there next to me because I knew all the questions I was getting from various community groups that I shared my story with. And I wanted my legacy to be that I lifted as I climbed.
that I helped as many people along the way, that I did not take this knowledge from Wall Street and knowing how wealth is built and live with it and die with it. I wanted to share it. There's a reason why I'm blessed. I'm blessed to be a blessing. And King Mike, you're the same way. And thank you for your generosity. And I know your listeners are just blessing you with gratitude and thanks.
Absolutely. Absolutely.
Queen Grace, we could do this all day. I think we're going to have to do this again because there's so many other places that we need to go. And there's so many other questions that I want to be able to ask and let you open up. So if you're okay with it, we're going to do part two at another time for the listeners. Fantastic. I can't wait for part two. And until we meet again, you can always get more information in the course with WWA.org.
www.masterclass.com. There we go. And I'll have links to that in the show notes for everyone. I'll also be posting this on social. Everyone do me a huge favor and follow Grace on Instagram, on all of her social handles, LinkedIn. Again, those links will be here for you, but give her a follow. It's well worth it. And also don't forget the book.
First 20 people, financial abundance. I've got you covered. Queen Grace, thank you so much for your time. You are amazing and it's truly been enlightening for me today. King Mike, it's been my pleasure. Thank you so much. You got it. And for the listeners and viewers, remember your because is your superpower. Go unleash it.
Thank you for tuning in to Mic Unplugged. Keep pushing your limits, embracing your purpose, and chasing greatness. Until next time, stay unstoppable.