Michael Singer Podcast

Join the New York Times bestselling author of The Untethered Soul, The Surrender Experiment, and Liv


Total: 76

The findings of modern science and the deep spiritual teachings are moving closer and closer togethe

Love is not something found outside but an internal energy that flows through your heart when you ar

Consciousness is eternal, infinite, and the fundamental essence of life. You become lost by focusing

Psychology focuses on understanding and managing the mind’s learned patterns, emotional strugg

Your life is the fleeting moments between your birth and death. During this time, true fulfillment d

The mind is a powerful tool that is crucial for both spiritual growth and living everyday life. Howe

Spirituality is about recognizing that you are a conscious being, separate from your thoughts, emoti

Seeking external solutions to make up for internal issues leads to endless struggles and suffering.

Life’s events are not personal; they are shaped by the force of cause and effect. Countless past cau

Life’s events are not personal; they are shaped by the force of cause and effect. Countless past cau

There are two very different approaches to achieving a beautiful, love-filled life. The first is ext

Spiritual growth involves realizing that our lower self is the ego-driven construct that arises from

Consciousness is the fundamental essence of your being, distinct from the physical and psychological

Society is focused on setting external goals for career, relationships, and wealth, but this does no

All of life’s experiences are manifestations of energy at one level or another. By viewing challenge

Life can be lived at varying levels, though most people are trapped in the cycles of seeking desires

Acceptance and surrender are key spiritual principles that focus on embracing reality as it is and u

Why do people experience so many problems in life? If you look objectively, you will see that proble

Transcendence is the state of fully experiencing life while maintaining inner peace, regardless of c

Living in the present moment frees you from the burden of past experiences and anxieties about the f